Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Ron Weinland Says He Never Went To Prison...He just went on a....

Ron Weinland meets his "camp" mate


Ron apparently believes he was on a 3 1/2 year campout!

Even though it is well documented in court proceedings, by the Ron Weinland Blog, this blog and other sites that he is a convicted felon, he apparently believes his followers are dumb enough to he was on a campout.

Excogger says:
February 9, 2018 at 17:21
Ron did NOT go to prison!
In his last published sermon he admits he had been, for a period of three years, on a “campout”.
Yes, Ron was another happy camper on an extended vacation, it would appear.

Give me strength!!!!  From False Prophet Ron Weinland

Why is it that COG members will hear these men lie through their teeth daily, in and day out, and yet they sit there week after week believing the vomit that flows out of their mouths.  Do COG members still feel the need to be "special" and "called out" from the world and need this continued mental reinforcement?  The entire church knows that HWA uttered hundreds of failed prophecies.  They know Rod Meredith, Dean Blackwell, Herman Hoeh, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Gerald Waterhouse, Bob Thiel, James Malm and many, many others did it and still do it.  And still, they sit.

Is Dave Pack Still Unable To Pay Most Of His Ministers

From Exit and Support:
February 12, 2018
This [Restored Church of God Destroyed My Marriage] is a sad story, repeated too often. Personally, I am grateful that my husband in RCG continues to support us. His understanding of "common" is less strict than what I have read on your site.
I know that most of the RCG ministry works without pay, just being compensated for expenses. So, it is not a mystery who gets the money [Pack]. They teach that the End is near, so why bother saving? I also know they believe that they are not looking for Jesus to return, rather they believe that Elijah is coming to "rule the world" for a time.
Also, a top minister in RCG works full time to "correct" Pack's false prophecies on their computers. That way, no one without a hard copy will know how wrong he is! --[name withheld]
It is well known that Dave imagines that "all things in common"include members money, which he believes belongs to his god, and therefore since he is God's only representative on earth today, all of their money belongs to him.

Apparently, Dave is so cheap he has a mostly volunteer ministry.  Other than paying some of their expenses, Dave is keeping all of the money for himself.

In May of 2016, Exit and Support reported that Dave could not afford to pay his ministers:

May 23, 2016
Dave Pack is pressed for money, as he still is not paying lower ministers for their full time work. At most, he is paying half pay. Many ministers are working for no pay. I do know that he has lost a big chunk of members by now claiming to be the "Elijah." Anyone, who takes time to check out HWA, especially if they followed him, just won't buy it. --Impacted by RCG
This should not be considered something new.  The Church of God has a great track record in doing this to its ministers over the decades.  As tens of millions of dollars were poured into the Pasadena campus for buildings, grounds and AICF, the ministery struggled to be paid at times.  HWA and the top echelon of the church never suffered during those financial crisis's, but everyone else sure did.

Also, notice the last paragraph in the top quote.  Dave has spent the last several years posting one sermon after another about his scenario for the end times and the return of his "jesus" for the second and third time.  Those sermons contained one outlandish teaching and prophecy after another.  When the mockery of these teachings reached a crescendo, he abruptly pulled all 130 some sermon transcripts offline.  Now he has to pay someone to come in and clean up his mess.