Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wade Mohammed Cox Prophetic Timeline Starting in 2024

If you thought the batshit crazy prophets of the Church of God could not get any crazier, then check out Wade Mohammad Cox.

Besides dreaming up idiotic reasons as to why the Koran and Mohammad are central to Church of God beliefs, this dingy guy sinks further into the depths of prediction addiction.  Mohammad Cox, like James Malm, Bob Thiel and the rest of the false prophets of Armstrongism is doomed to failure.   Cox is about as dumb as Neville Stevens was when he made these same kind of outlandish predictions. Neville Sevens has faded into complete oblivion just like Mohammad Cox will.

The Restoration Begins
After the Feast of Tabernacles in 2024 the lands are then reorganised to allocate for the Treble Harvest of 2025.  The early harvest for Passover 2025 which is the Barley Harvest in the Northern Hemisphere is prepared. The food system is planned for and the world gets back under the Laws of God and the plenty that follows keeping those laws.

In the year 2025 the Treble Harvest will occur for the declaration of the Jubilee year from Atonement 2026 to Atonement 2027 when all nations and lands will be restored.

From 2025 there will never again be years where the servants of God under the Messiah will ever see hunger except where they wilfully disobey God.  No nation will be in want except where they failed to send their servants to Jerusalem at Tabernacles and failed to keep the Sabbaths, New Moons and Feasts and Holy Days of God.  The Islam of God will be the one true faith of the One True God and the false systems of Hadithic Islam and pseudo-Christianity and all false religion will be stamped out.

The system at Jerusalem will commence the healing of the nations and the regrowth of sea life from the rivers of Jerusalem from under the Temple Mount and the city and the trees planted along the rivers.

The Sabbath Year of 2026 will see the Nations come to be reorganised with the Jubilee year commence at Atonement 2026 and continue to Atonement 2027.

From Tabernacles 2027 the Laws of God will see the nations allocated their inheritance by tribes and nations under the supervision of the elect in both the spiritual host and the earthly priesthood. This is in effect the beginning of the Restoration of Ezekiel’s Temple and is run and controlled under the priesthood of Melchisdek at Jerusalem and all around the world.

After the Feast of Tabernacles 2027 preparation will begin for the Millennial Harvest at Passover 2028 (see The Golden Jubilee (No. 300)).

The rest of the world that is left alive will keep the Laws of God for the next thousand years or twenty Jubilees. At the end of the thousand years of his imprisonment Satan will be released again and the last war of the end will occur.   That will be for the short period from 3023-3024 before the Treble harvest of 3025 and the Sabbath and Jubilee years of 3026 and 3027. 

In 3027 the Second Resurrection of the Dead will occur and the world will be resurrected to the Second Resurrection of the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B). The hundred years of the Second Resurrection of the Dead will occur from 3028 to 3127.                       

In 3127 the entire judgment will be completed and those that refuse to repent will be allowed to die and their bodies will be cremated in the Lake of Fire.

All those who have succeeded and found acceptable to God will be translated into Spirit beings and join the Heavenly Host as the City of God (No. 180).  

God will then come to the earth with the heavenly Jerusalem, the mother of us all, and we will rule the universe. Our tasks then can only be guessed at as we see through a glass darkly in our human forms.  The Wars of Amalek Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God

Dingy Wade Cox and his tiny band of followers looking forward to destroying the earth

With so many end time prophets, guru's and leaders of the church that foolishly believe themselves to God's spokesman in this end times, it is hard to pick and choose which one should be followed.  Even though every single on of then have been exposed as lairs, they still keep regurgitating appalling predictions and end time scenarios.

This takes us to our old buddy Wade Cox. One of his latest predictions has his band of loony followers destroying the earth. He gets all heated up with orgasmic desire to wipe the people of the "isles" of the face of the earth.  Why do so many of these end time "profit's" of God get their rocks off with death and destruction? They get all squirrelly at the prospect of seeing people die and the world destroyed.

The Temple is being cleansed now on a  continual basis. Those of us that made it to this point are to be congratulated. We have shown the characteristics of spiritual discernment and loyalty and the ability to stand for the faith. It is those people who comprise the Church of God that stand before the throne of grace in honour and approved of God through the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (cf. No. 294 ibid).
The Sequence of the War
Over the period of the War of the Last Days we will virtually destroy the earth. The text says that fire will rain down on the people of the isles who are dwelling carelessly. This refers to the coastlands or isles far off. It is not just referring to the islands in the eastern Mediterranean. 
We might thus deduce that we will see nuclear or laser wars or both, or indeed comets.

The Final Push! Place of Safety in YOUR Generation...

submitted by SHT

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

HWA's Reasoning of How To Know the WCG Had "The Truth"

In the Good News Magazine of January 1985, HWA decided to tackle the question of how one in the Church is to know they had "The Truth". He wrote:
Some time ago a man, who knew little or nothing about the truth that the living God is proclaiming to the world through us, asked:

"How can you know that you are any nearer right than anybody else? You say the whole world is deceived. You say the churches are wrong on many points of doctrine, but that you have the TRUTH. You say they are human, and have been deceived. It's human to err.

"But are you not also human? Are you not also fallible? How can you be sure you are any nearer right than any of the others?"
From there, he decided to give his own response of how, and why, his church knew he had the "TRUTH". Yes, all Capital letters.
I want to give our readers the clear, plain, understandable answer to those questions! I want to EXPLAIN, so plainly you can really comprehend it, HOW and WHY we know we have the TRUTH! 
I want to make clear how YOU may know what is the TRUTH, while this whole world is deceived and in utter darkness. I want to tell you HOW you may be SURE!
First, are we not also human? Yes, indeed! We can make mistakes, too! We, too, could be in error on this, that or the other point. But we do not need to be!
Alright, Herbert. So how can we be sure? First, it's not a matter, he says, of how smart you are.
A man may say: "Who does this Herbert W. Armstrong think he is? Is he any smarter than all these great theologians — these noted preachers and heads of great religious denominations?" 
The answer is NO — it is not a matter of intellectual capacity.
We are all human. We are all fallible. I have been wrong. I have made mistakes. The same is true of all those God is using in HIS WORK. 
That is the very first thing that we do recognize. That is the starting point in the search for truth. That is one reason why we do have the truth, in the midst of a very deceived world. I wish every religious leader would adopt this approach.

Because Herbert was human, fallible, has been wrong, and has made mistakes, this makes him different from all the others who were human, fallible, have been wrong, and have made mistakes. He fails to realize, or admit, that the entire movement of all of Christianity is full of entire denominations that believe that somewhere down the road, human, fallible, mistake-making people have gone down a different road. Hence the thousands of different denominations of Christianity.

God says, "PROVE all things." That means you are fallible. That means all the "great" men are fallible! ALL are human. ALL can be wrong — and nearly all are. The whole world is DECEIVED (Rev. 12:9). That means its religious leaders and churches are deceived!
Alright, let's break this down. Because God said "Prove" all things, you are fallible. Which means all the "great" men are fallible. Meaning, they can mike mistakes. He then says because the great men are human - then, they can all be wrong. Then states nearly all are, because the whole world is deceived - meaning because the whole world is deceived, it's religious leaders and churches are deceived.But somehow, he doesn't explain here at all how he is different from OTHER religious leaders and churches! He tries to:
   The very recognition of that fact is the beginning of right knowledge. We do recognize it — and that we ourselves could be wrong. That is the first step toward coming out of the fog of error and deception, starting toward truth.  
It is not a matter of who has the greater intellect. A man may have the highest IQ in the world, and in his intellectual VANITY refuse to admit he could be wrong — reject all correction — and thus embrace error and deception.
Here, he says that BECAUSE he recognizes that they - the Worldwide Church of God - COULD be wrong -that this differentiates them from any other church. That it doesn't matter who has the greater intellect - but the fact that they could admit they could be wrong and accept "correction". But did they?
   The second step, if you would know TRUTH, is to be willing to admit being deceived, or in error, and to reject it and accept truth. Ask yourself: "Am I really willing to confess error — to admit I'm wrong — when proved — and reject it? Am I willing to accept truth new to me — when proved — even though unpopular — even though it cuts me off from my family, friends, associates or club members — even though everything in my selfish and vain nature rebels against it? Am I willing to act on it — OBEY the truth — no matter what the cost?" 
Ah, yes! Perhaps now you are beginning to see why "all these great theologians — these noted preachers — these heads of religious denominations" could be in error.
In the 60+ Years of the Radio and the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert Armstrong:
  • They continually uttered the 3 to 5 year timeline of the return of Jesus Christ as imminent. 
  • They continually uttered false speculation and/or prophecy, only to alter it to another false speculation and/or prophecy. 
  • They continually extorted 10 to 30 percent of income from members under the threat of damnation. 
  • They continually used such income for mammon and the purchase and accumulation of earthly treasures. 
  • They continually disfellowshipped individuals for trivial reasons outside of the biblical authority. 
  • They, while accumulating funds for the Building Fund, perpetuated fear and falsehoods of the Place of Safety and the Tribulation to increase funds to complete their material ambitions. 
  • They propagated an incorrect and dis-proven theory of British Israel-ism to differentiate themselves from other religion. 
  • They continually, until the very end of Armstrong, convinced children and teens in the Church they would be pioneers in the whole new World Tomorrow that was supposed to happen 40+ years ago and forward. 
  • They continually covered up, lied, and ignored crimes and felonies within their congregations, knowingly enabling abusers to continue their abuse. 
What did they change?
  • Pentecost. 
  • Divorce and Remarriage Policies. 
  • Makeup. 
  • Internal Policies. 
  • Select Doctrines not impacting The Bottom Line.
They then used those few changes to convince the brethren that their "ability to change" was proof that they had "The Truth". Herbert continued, saying:
Did you ever know a person of great intellectual powers who did not have the kind of VANITY that shrinks from confessing he has been WRONG — and has misled others? To find and live the TRUTH requires a HUMBLED mind.

These are the first TWO points in which one who has come to the TRUTH differs from those still steeped in deception and error.

Can you be SURE that we have the TRUTH, when we, too, as the critic argued, are fallible, with minds that are not perfect? Yes, you can be SURE!
It's pretty rich Herbert claimed he had a "humbled mind". This from a man who would disfellowship and fire nearly anyone who would dare challenge him, or threaten the stability of his financial empire. Remember, it took after he died for any change to happen within the Church. It would never have happened under Herbert's watch - right or wrong.
The greatest, ablest intellect in the world is still HUMAN — still fallible — still imperfect. Those who are deceived and steeped in error have simply not stopped to realize their own imperfections — their proneness to error. They assume, in their egotism, that whatever they believe is TRUE. And they are UNWILLING to humble themselves and confess their wrongs.
Pot, meet kettle! Herbert continues:
I can tell you how I started, 55 years ago, out of the darkness and into the light. And it is the basically sound and SURE way for you, or any other, to start.

First, I had to know whether there is a real BASIS for truth. Is there an INFALLIBLE AUTHORITY? In other words, does GOD exist? Is the all-wise — all-knowing — all-perfect GOD a reality? And if so, has He communicated basic TRUTH to mankind?
Herbert continued stating that everyone was to have faith in another Protestant leader's human assumption. That God offered proof of fulfilled prophecies. That God has the proof of answered prayer - while claiming few experience that.

He says it's because HE, Herbert, found proof of God in science. That HE, Herbert, found proof in the facts of matter. That HE, Herbert, found facts in reason and in the Bible. That HE, Herbert, found the Bible as the source of authoritive revelation from God to man - and HE, Herbert, found proof by irrefutable proofs. Herbert had a firm basis of faith. HERBERT had an infallible authority.


But this was not enough. Herbert said Herbert had the SOURCE of truth. But HE, Herbert, could not understand the Bible. And most scientists, Herbert said, or educators, or theologians, understood it. Herbert said a great mind and a superior intellect can't understand the spiritual revelation from God, because pure physical brain can't comprehend it. Only the Spirit can comprehend it. And only by receiving the Spirit can you understand it.

Until Herbert Armstrong came on the scene to be the ONLY ONE who got God's Spirit and could understand it.

That is precisely WHY, up until 55 years ago, I could not understand the Bible. That is why nearly all of the truly GREAT minds of world leaders cannot understand this TRUTH! It is not a matter of degree of intellect.
   So, in order to really perceive the deceptions that have BLINDED this world, once we have recognized our own fallibility and proneness to error — once we have become WILLING to admit it when proved wrong, and to accept TRUTH — the next step is to receive God's gift of His Holy Spirit. And the CONDITIONS to this are: 1) REPENTANCE, and 2) FAITH in Christ as personal Savior.
Repentance is toward GOD. Sin is against GOD. We may harm or injure people — but we SIN against GOD. Sin is the transgression of GOD'S LAW. Sin is rebellion against GOD. It has cut us off from God.

To repent means to be so HUMBLED, so broken up about the colossal crime of rebelling against the HOLY GOD — so abhorrent of our own rebellious, deceitful, vain, selfish SELVES — that in real contrition we turn to God for mercy and CHANGE of mind and attitude, now desiring to CHANGE OUR WAYS — to be obedient to GOD'S LAW.

Very few know what repentance really is. Then, through FAITH in Christ as Savior, we may be reconciled to God, and His PROMISE is that we shall then receive HIS HOLY SPIRIT.
Yes, it was Herbert ALONE who was given THE TRUTH, because God only gave Herbert the Holy Spirit, so Herbert says. God opened Herbert's mind. Herbert had to be willing. Herbert had to confess wrongs and embrace truths. Herbert now was the only one who understood everything properly. God was only opening Herbert's mind. Herbert was the only one being led. Herbert was the only one who corrected, turned, and proclaimed. Not one other theologian ever did, Herbert said.
But God had humbled me. He brought me to repentance and faith. And He opened my mind to His TRUTH by the gift of His Holy Spirit.

But I had to be willing, continuously, to confess being wrong, and to embrace truths constantly NEW to me.

That process has been going on, now, for 55 years.

As I studied a portion of the Bible, I could now understand it. But I had to walk in the "light" as God opened my mind to see. Regardless of the cost in the esteem of men, or in countering opposition and persecution, I had constantly to BE WILLING to follow GOD and not man.

It is a matter of WILLINGNESS — not of superior and lofty minds. It is a matter of being LED by GOD'S SPIRIT into His ways that are so CONTRARY to this world's established customs, not of personal human powers.

WHAT CHURCH do you know that has ever publicly confessed that its teaching and practice has been WRONG, and has CORRECTED IT, to conform to the Bible? What great, lauded and mighty churchman or religious leader has ever made such a public confession, turned from his nonbiblical ways and, despite persecution and ridicule, PROCLAIMED THE TRUTH?
Yes, Herbert was the only undeceived one. Herbert was the only one who could be humbled. Who surrendered unconditionally to God "And his Law".
These lauded, lofty "greats" of this world could become undeceived and have their eyes opened to God's truth — IF THEY WOULD BE HUMBLED, REPENT AND SURRENDER UNCONDITIONALLY TO ALMIGHTY GOD AND HIS LAW! 
But if you would know what GOD says of these "great and eminent" religious leaders of the great denominations, read God's PROPHECIES describing these very leaders of OUR OWN 20TH CENTURY, in Jeremiah 23; Ezekiel 34; Ezekiel 22, especially verses 21-31, referring to British and United States peoples and their religious leaders NOW, at the time leading directly to "God's WRATH" — the time of the last PLAGUES, just prior to, and at, the Second Coming of Christ!
Herbert was the ONLY one who submitted to God. No one else.
Yes, we CAN KNOW, if willing to know, whether we are right or wrong. It is not a matter of superior intellect, but of SUBMISSION TO GOD.
So what is the conclusion? That the only way you can know that they have THE TRUTH is to believe GOD was only working through Herbert Armstrong, because God forced Herbert into submission, and plunged Herbert to do it all - and that that can easily be proved.
But the conclusion of the whole question is this: I did not start this Work of my own accord at all. It is the very last thing I would have wanted, in my days of carnality, to do. IT IS GOD'S DOING!

By circumstances, God forced me to submission. The living CHRIST so manipulated events and the force of circumstance that He literally PLUNGED me into His Work. It is not my work — it is THE VERY WORK OF GOD.
And THIS can be easily proved, to those willing to know the TRUTH!p

The Bible has a different answer.
"Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will knowb]" data-mce-style="line-height: 0;">[b] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” (John 14). 
It was never about Herbert. It was never about trusting in Herbert or Herbert's submission or Herbert's theology. Jesus said HE is the Way, and HE IS THE TRUTH, and He is the life. The only way one knows if one has "THE TRUTH" is if they are IN JESUS CHRIST, not following the man Herbert Armstrong. You don't know Jesus by following Herbert Armstrong, or any man. You know Jesus by knowing Jesus, and by knowing Jesus, you know the Father. It is not dependent, and never has been dependent, on the proven lies, distortions, false prophecies, material greed, idolatry, worldly businesses of Armstrongism who have burdened and oppressed good-hearted people under an obsolete law that pointed to Christ who had not yet come. Herbert's bastardizing of the Law - along with all those who follow Herbert's path - should know that Jesus is the way, and Jesus is the truth. And Jesus is both the resurrection and the life. Something all of the personalities of Armstrongism who bastardize the Law and burden and oppress people are absolutely blind to.

submitted by SHT

A Personal Note:

There may be some here on Banned who know Karen Fuessel Diehl, the mom of my two boys, Jeff and Chris Diehl.  I just returned from time with the boys, grandkids and Karen in South Carolina. Karen has been diagnosed with 4th Stage  Glioblastoma. She currently is having difficulty with expressing herself with the correct words etc and cannot write or read words. All symptomatic of this type of brain cancer. Karen and I spent some quality time talking on this recent visit. She is undergoing daily chemo and radiation treatments for the next six weeks.  She is woman of great personal faith and has as good an attitude as one can have in such a situation.  

If you wish to keep updated , please feel free to email me at .  Karen is unable to talk on the phone or read cards and respond at this time.  

Sincere thanks to all who have been so kind to date.  She deserves all the love and consideration due her for her life well lived in her faith.  Thank you Gary for this venue to inform those who may know and love her but would not know of her situation without my access to this site. 
