Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It Was All Greek!

Quite a few COG members got into the Sacred Names business when the Worldwide Church of God imploded.  On previous COG boards the rhetoric got quit hot at times with sacred name believers get all indignant with those that refused to follow along.

The best line above is the "PS."

"What I am doing is opening the door so that others can follow me and get the Gospel in""

WN 7/5/76

Above you see a clipping from a WN article where Herbert Armstrong says he is the "pioneer" going into countries and "opening doors" for the Gospel to go in.  He also states that by opening these doors he does not need to be the one to complete the job, but others may come later to do that job.

Various splinter personality cults that self-appointed Church of God leaders formed due to their narcissistic vanity, have used this quote to legitimize their apostate ministries.  Herbert Armstrong, if he were alive, would take these snivelling little men and wipe the floor with them due to their arrogance.  During HWA's lifetime, numerous men broke off and claimed to be doing a final work.  Just one word from HWA criticizing them immediately made the ministries of these men weak and impotent.  Even though a few people would naturally follow these men, the vast majority of church members ignored them.

So it remains today with every one of the modern day groups out there, not a single one of them have made any impact upon the world.  They have not gone into foreign countries and met with world leaders. They are actually unknown.  They have no gospel message that offers hope for anyone.  Usually, it is a message of gloom, death and damnation.  Who needs that in a world of nasty politics, terrorism and other life-altering issues.

These little man/boys play church like a bunch of bullies, just like they learned to be from their spiritual daddy, HWA.

Herbert Armstrong, who would say in one-moment that others would follow him with the gospel and in another claim that NO ONE could do the work that he was doing.  God only worked through him and only spoke through him.  This bold arrogance is what makes today's man/boy splinter personality group leaders such epic failures.

The other main issue the narcissistic leaders all face is the claim they all trot out at some point in the future the entire universe would be under their power.  They learned this from HWA, Meredith and others.

Anyone who has been a part of the Church of God for a few years will certainly know the story of another person that sought to rule the universe and was cast down.  That same arrogance is what feeds the so-called ministries of various COG leaders today.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Remembering Spokesmen Club: The Attack Speech

(This is not angry. Hang tight, and read on.) 

How many men who were in Club in the Worldwide Church of God remember the infamous Attack Speech. The Speech where podiums were hurled (really!), water was thrown, fists were pounded, high voices went low, and veins bulged. 

For those who were never a part of club, this was the speech assignment where you were supposed to get up there and get MAD. I mean, BOILING MAD. RAGE!!!!!!

You had to make a "Furious" frontal attack! Don't swerve right or left - BAM! Onslaught! Begin intensely and CRESCENDO to an EXPLOSION! Make those Jowels flap! Swing those arms wide! Knock over lamps! 

Go down the warpath! Denounce it! LET LOOSE, you were told to do it! Discharge volley after volley! Let that spit fly! Be RIGHTEOUSLY indignant! That's it, picture Armstrong up on that podium! See him bounce up and down on that chair! Watch that head vibrate like an off-balance washing machine! There you go! BAM! Eyes are bulging! CRESCENDO IT until it ECHOES! MAKE THOSE PEOPLE FEAR WITH THE POWER OF YOUR DEEP MANLY VOICE!!! Wait, sorry. You're not preaching at the Feast of Tabernacles. This is just club. Right. 

That's it. Pulse quicken! Breath short! Face turns red! YELL! SCREAM!  ATTACK! CRESCENDO! BLAMMO! WHAMMO! There goes the LECTERN! Don't pay attention to that wayward lectern. KEEP IT UP! FOCUS! PASSION! BLAST! 

Here's the rest of us. Internally. If not really. 

submitted by SHT