Sunday, June 26, 2022

Dave Pack: Cancel Your Thursday Lunch Plans!!!!!!


Cancel Your Thursday Lunch Plans


After only nine blissful days of silence from RCG’s Inept Prophet, David C. Pack was back to further cement his certainty regarding Tammuz 1, which is barreling down on all of us this week. Yes, that includes you.


The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 379)

David C. Pack

June 25, 2022


@ 06:53 But there is no possible way biblically, no possible way that the month of Tammuz was not the month God always had in His crosshairs in the year He chose to carry out His plan. It’s impossible…It is not possible, write it in your notes. It is not possible that “the Month” the Bible talks about is anything other than the fourth month and Tammuz which is about 96 hours away.


@ 18:34 I believe that [Tammuz 1] no less certainly than I believe the seventh day is the Sabbath. That is not one whit stronger belief to me than what we just discovered or that tithing is ten percent or that the Feast is commanded or uh the the the Law is in effect. Those are no more certain to me than understanding this Month.


The only weeping going on during Tammuz 2022 will be on the third floor inside The Restored Church of God. Outside, there may be weeps of laughter, but I am really starting to feel bad for Dave.


@ 19:14 Now, if I’m gonna get rid of the Mystery of God and make this plain, I was never in a position to be able to say that with absolute bold emphasis. It cannot be any other month. You can go home tonight and put your head on your pillow and rest absolutely secure at with that knowledge.


If there was no written record of what Dave has already said, you just might believe him this time. Who else can speak with so much inductive reasoning and supposition as a prophetic foundation?


@ 36:45 And God had, I guess, just hold this until the very end. And you’re left to wonder, “What an amazing coincidence. Mr. Pack has been preaching for over 2,400 days and only in the last day or so did it all gel. And he came and laid it out. Oh boy, idn’t it nice it was right on time?” You’re left to wonder is that a coincidence? Or to sit there and let goose bumps develop on your goose bumps because it wouldn’t be a coincidence.


The word “coincidence” always gave me the same reaction as the word “metric” when Dave uttered it from the table: my gag reflex would kick in. Coincidence has been a cornerstone of Dave’s theories going back years. Is it a coincidence that I have dozens of quotes of him using a coincidence as a biblical proof? Coincidence? I trow not.


Nobody is getting goosebumps in RCG. Maybe douche-chills from hearing more prophetic fingernails on a chalkboard. But that’s not the same thing. 


Actually, all the members in the Headquarters Main Hall Meat-Locker are getting goosebumps. But the shawls and gloves are not due to the excitement over the message.


Dave had his two “assistants” prep the Tammuz Cooking Class so he can explain everything with glass and pepper.


@ 52:13 On Tammuz 1: Christ arrives on a Wednesday night with the Mountain City and the little book that Elijah eats before sounding and prophesying again, including to all kings. All right. An imprecation goes forth. That’s all that’s all at the beginning of the month. If you wanna call this Day 1…13 ½ days starts at dawn…Elijah calls out at dawn…the Gospel is preached to the whole world…animals change…Christ in this 14 days is The Branch growing up out of His place unto the ancient David…every human being who has ever lived is reached by the saints…and somewhere in there, three particularly evil shepherds are cut off at some point…


He must be the only one who doesn’t know how awkward it all looks:


He then goes on to explain the rest of this jam-packed month, however, the other events are not yet worth mentioning until Day 1 is proven to be true. If ANYTHING biblical manifests on Tammuz 1, I promise to update this article to include the remaining plan.


Look, I am no prophet nor am I a psychic. However, here is what I know will happen regarding Tammuz 1: Either the day before or the day after, Dave will have a wonderful announcement how something has become “more clear, more perfect” than ever. The entire month of Tammuz will be declared “still a valid way to look” at the current teachings. “Everything is fine. Nothing has changed. We’re still right on track.” Baloney.


@ 1:06:52 I wanna say something and I won’t apologize for it. Dudn’t make me great, it makes God great. But I have explained more about prophecy in my lifetime and in the last 2/3 of a decade than any ten prophets and ten apostles combined and doubled who were ever privileged to know.


Only if history proves it to be true.


@1:07:42 But Elijah has come first. Period.


If God backs him up.


@ 1:13:19 Because if it doesn’t happen this Wednesday, that’s exactly what’s gonna happen. If that happened, I would just play the tape of this message. I’d just sit in the back of the hall and play the tape and reveal the exact same mystery plain again. There’d be no point in saying it again, nothing’s gonna change. The Bible won’t change in a year. This picture won’t change in a year.


There is no way on God’s green earth that Dave will be able to keep his mouth shut for any significant length of time. Never mind, a whole year. That will not and cannot happen. Again, I am no prophet and I am no psychic, but Dave just loves the attention way too much. This “picture” will absolutely and certainly change.


I say: AMEN to the Kingdom of God coming this week. AMEN!




This latest string of failed dates is sadly not a personal best for Dave. He already received his blue ribbon back in 2020:


  • Jesus Christ returns at sunrise on the Sabbath of January 11, 2020
  • Jesus Christ returns at sunrise on the Sabbath of January 18, 2020
  • Jesus Christ returns at sunrise on the Sabbath of January 25, 2020
  • Jesus Christ returns at sunrise on the Sabbath of February 1, 2020
  • Jesus Christ returns at sunrise on the Sabbath of February 8, 2020

·      Jesus Christ returns on Friday, February 14, 2020 (Valentine’s Day) 

It did not end here for 2020, by the way.


RCG’s Inept Prophet has been proving himself wrong since 2013 (Elul)*. It’s a pretty safe bet he’ll be wrong again this week. 

Dammit. I just used inductive reasoning.

Marc Cebrian

Living Church of God: Why Are People Still Asking About Tassels, Women Being Barred For Church Certain Number of Days When Giving Birth, And Other Old Covenant Teachings?

When listening to the entire weekly post from Gerald Weston to Living Church of God faithful he discusses how they just finished a Council of Elders meeting in Charlotte. I was struck by the fact that they as a church still do not understand the Old Covenant and New Covenant differences and because of that they still have members AND ministers asking why they do not have to do certain Old Covenant teachings. Remember the real reason, this is the Church of God, it picks and chooses what it wants to do.

A reader here also noted the same issue:

You should listen to the whole message. Gerald's Council of Elders is still getting into disputes about whether or not LCG members should wear tassels, and whether new mothers are required to observe the differing quarantine periods given after boys or girls are born. How can we expect these men to deal with challenges like pandemic viruses and economic dislocation when they are stuck on some of the milkiest milk of the New Covenant? From Weston's comments it's clear that LCG "leaders" don't understand EITHER the old Armstrongist application of the New Covenant OR its actual Biblical application.

Gerald Weston Reenforces Difference Between Disfellowhipping and Marking

An LCG source sent the following to me regarding LCG's renewed focus on disfellowshipping and marking. The Church of God has always used these as a weapon to instill fear in members that if this ever happens to them then they will be entirely cut off from God and will go through the tribulation, losing their salvation, and any chance of ever being a god or goddess in the world tomorrow ruling over planets.

Is Weston warning his followers to be ready for a new round of disfellowshipments and markings? After all, we are in troubling times and the end is near as trouble makers in the church are seeking to cause members to lose their salvation. Or, so we are led to believe.

Thought this may interest you and others. Gerald Weston tries to put a soft "marking" on anyone that causes "disruption", even when they are "nice"! We all know that causing "disruption" could be applied to pretty much anything they want (they already accuse people of causing "division" who don't do exactly what they are told). Obviously this soft marking strategy is a tactic to control the flow of information to members - they might learn that their pastors acted like an overlord.