Sunday, May 12, 2024

Bob Thiel Sinks to A New Low


Holy Batman, what the hell did I just watch? The Great Bwana to Africa and the occasional 100 Caucaisians has decided that he needs to release a bunch of YouTube "shorts" as a witnessing tool to the world.

These have to be the most pathetic things I have ever watched! He can't even read his own scripts properly. From talking too fast to long pauses as he forgets where he is in the script, and more.

Is he not embarrassed by this?

Has he no shame?

YouTube "shorts" currently can't be embedded so look for them here, particularly these two:

The dumbest thing Dibar Apartian ever said was to Bob Thiel

How can any Church of God member ever trust what a church leader says when this kind of idiocy is bantered about?

"Some have questioned whether or not Dr. Meredith could have ever held the mantle, because of his character issues. Well, he may have. Like A.N. Dugger, if Dr. Meredith had the mantle he lost it. And he would have lost it no later than December 2011.

Another possibility is that the late evangelist Dibar Apartian had it. Dibar Apartian was originally not certain if he should follow Dr. Meredith into the old Global Church of God, but finally did. Over the years, Dibar Apartian kept telling me to get Dr. Meredith and the other LCG evangelists to correct their mistakes. On October 16, 2008, at the Feast of Tabernacles in Evian, France in 2008, Dibar Apartian specifically told me that he suspected that I "was the one," meaning the one to lead the work and possess the mantle in the end—and that came from Dibar Apartian, not me--he provided further confirmation of that in 2009 and 2010. Dibar Apartian also had major problems with LCG and started to be more vocal about them before his death in 2010. His urging of me to do what I did, could have been the transferring of the mantle, but I am not certain.

It is also possible that Aaron Dean had it before me. He was Herbert W. Armstrong top advisor until he died and tried to dissuade Joseph Tkach from apostasy. If so, the actual mantle would have passed to Bob Thiel no later than he was anointed to receive a double-portion of God's Spirit

Has the church ever had a bigger liar than what it currently has in Bob Thiel? Even the gargantuan lies of Dave Pack pale in comparison to the bosh Thiel regularly pumps out.


Aaron Dean Needs To Repent So God Can THRUST Him Into His Rightful Postion

This is so ludicrous it doesn't need commentary: 

People are getting uptight because I am mentioning more and more Mr. Aaron Dean in relation to the Worldwide Church of God.
Some are saying, that I'm trying to force him to take the leadership role or push him into it.
I'm not.
God is going to thrust the man He wants into the spotlight.
But for all of you who haven't made up your mind whether the truth that was given us through Mr. Herbert W Armstrong has any value to hold fast to, let me say something.
When you find yourself in the Great Tribulation....Maybe the name Aaron Dean will mean something, maybe it won't.
I think you are going to find, that when these organizations ARE DESTROYED by Europe, and you are wondering where God's people went...there won't be any more chains on the ministry locking them to all these groups.
So I am emphasizing support of the ministry when they repent. Those who I am warning, are the Laodicean brethren who may not make it to the Place of Safety. So with this warning I am confident Mr. Aaron Dean will do what Christ wants him to do. And whether or not Mr. Dean or someone else is there, you needed the reminder. Samuel Kitchen