Wednesday, June 13, 2012

E W King Upset at CNN, FOX, Romney and Mormons

Poor false prophet EW King is upset at CNN and Fox News because they refuse to acknowledge his awesomeness.  King is upset with Mitt Romney and the Mormons.  King feels his message about Mormonism is important to broadcast around the world.  CNN and Fox are not impressed. King is upset that Mormonism for a long period of time believed in the story that blacks originated with the curse of Cain.

Now while most see the true Worldwide Church of God as a cult and full of “hyper religious” people they have no problem with voting for a man that believes that people received “dark skin” because of their sins. To the Mormons black people became black because of God’s curse. Also, Indians became dark skinned because God cursed them.
Look at what the Mormon bible states regarding this issue:
“..wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.” [Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 5:21]

Um, HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOO!  Look at the decades that Armstrong taught this! Look at the decades Rod Meredith, Waterhouse and Blackwell taught this.  This was a standard belief in Armstrongism for many decades, both overtly and covertly.  I would recommend to EW King that he had better clean his own house before he starts spitting at others.

EW goes on to write:

Now how sick is that? Yet people who claim to be true Christians will vote for a man that believes such a heresy? Again, it is truly amazing just how blind the pagan Christian world has become. People have been studying corrupt doctrine for ages. Only the true Church of God is teaching “sound doctrine”.
Are you for real?  Sound doctrine?  Armstrongism and the Worldwide Church of God have left a path of destruction in it's wake.  Dead bodies literally litter the path because of sick doctrines and heretical teachings.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

False Prophet Ron Weinland Declares Fast This Week For 63,000 New Incoming Members

Mike is reporting on False Prophet Ronald Weinland: Don't Drink the Flavor Aid Served by False Prophets
that  Ron Weinland has declared a fast this coming week for all those in his shrinking cult to fast and pray for the 63,000 true COGgers out there that will soon join his cult, some of whom are more important than present COGPKG members.   Mike has more information abut the trial taking place this week as the defense now presents their case on Ronnie's behalf.

During slow moments in the trial, Ron must have done some ruminating.   He decided to call a fast for this coming week, during which PKG comes together in a solemn assembly on any day of their choosing during the next week to pray for the 63000 from the scattering who are to join PKG. Which is even better than the 3000 or so that he’s long prophesied will join PKG before Christ returns.  Which he then said wouldn’t happen before Christ returned in May.

Ron went back to old literature in support of his day of the Lord equaling one year.  His booklet “Time Has Run Out” has a chart showing HWA’s trumpets 1 through 6 happening in one year.  And perhaps he mined Strong’s Dictionary to support his claim that the word “before” in Joel 2:31 does not mean “prior to” but means “in the presence of”.

He talked about prideful lay members who derive status from mundane jobs such as putting out the cookies or greeting people at the door.  And warned that some in the 63000 would surpass PKG members and cautioned them not to be jealous.   Trust me, Ron — that won’t be a problem.