Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lot's of Barley, But Still No Jesus

There have always been fringe groups in Armstrongism that take things to the extreme.  Whether it be intense law keeping or pretending to be Jews. As more and more COG's seem to be watering down Sabbath keeping (as they should) these fringe groups intrench themselves deeper into legalistic mumbo-jumbo that has no relevance.

With the ongoing dissolution of Armstrongism over the last several decades these fringe groups seek to be more Jewish than most Jews are. Apostle Malm is one of those people and has gathered a small group of equally legalistic devotees that pay the law more diligence than they do Jesus Christ.

Apostle Malm bases many of his beliefs around a small group of COG members in Israel who spend countless hours traveling all around Israel seeking to be the first to see the new moon or to find a miniscule piece of barley that is growing in a field. Thousands of miles are driven. Numerous trails are climbed up hills and mountains to be the first to declare that the new moon festival can be started.

One of these small fringe groups has a web site up where they log their travels around Israel looking for barley grain and new moon sightings.  You can read countless entries in their blog/site with no mention of Jesus anywhere.  Legalistic mumbo-jumbo - yes, Jesus - no.

Like any good Armstrongite they apparently know all there is to know about doing this.  Even the real Jews don't know as much as these people.

Today we visited all the areas around the Old City and the Mount of Olives. We expected to find the barley in the flowering stage, and we were not disappointed. Of course, the barley and oats that were growing adjacent to the walls and very stony surfaces had prematurely died. Often, you can see plants in such areas that have just barely cleared the boot with the head and then the plant dies. Remember, color alone does not determine aviv. Unfortunately, many folks who live in this day and age do not have an awareness of such things and can be misinformed. This is why we have endeavored in the past reports over the years to elaborate on such things. They are all there on the website for anyone who has an interest to view them.

All the biblical aspects of the start of the year have been present during our inspections. The least prepared was the barley itself. However, by Wavesheaf Day, there will be abundant fields ready to harvest by biblical standards. That is one of the most important reasons why, as inspectors, we need to understand the growth and maturing process with its timing for barley. It is not a whimsical thing, but a clearly defined science. In the upcoming summary to this year’s inspections, we are going to put together a very detailed report on the entire process.

We put on 350 km and enjoyed the drive through this beautiful agricultural treasure in Israel. We travel to the same locations to inspect the volunteer barley year after year. It has taken many years of relentless driving to find these locations.

All this time wasted looking for gran and no time used to even examine the smallest aspect of what Jesus was trying to get across.  Apparently law and legalism trumps and continues to reign supreme in Armstrongism.

You can read of thier exploits here:  Abib Report 2012

Official LCG Spokesperson Knows More Than Rod Meredith

Prophet Robert Thiel, self proclaimed end-time prophetic authority, official spokesman for the Living Church of God and Rod Meredith's official mouthpiece has given 11 "proofs" on why his book is one of the most important books on earth today and should be required reading for all COG members, especially LCG members.

Prophet Thiel has an intense dislike for the current President of the United States and has also trained up his son with the same opinion, as you will see further below.

The Prophet has this to say about his predictions he has made in his book about President Obama:

1.  2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect teaches that the U.S. dollar will ultimately be worthless with another currency (with European involvement and/or control) taking its place in the world (see Chapters 7-8 and Appendix B).  And Barack Obama has helped move the US dollar in this direction.
2. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warns that U.S. President Obama will encourage the rise of a European power to the ultimate peril of the U.S.A. (Chapter 8).  And he has done so, with both money and political pressure.
3. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warns that the USA will continue to greatly increase its debt (Chapter 8).  And US President Obama has so far increased US debt by about $5trillion.
4. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warned that, “Because of domestic economic concerns and international pressures, Barack Obama is shifting priorities away from defense spending… This will help lead to the destruction of the United States, when the Europeans are ready and the U.S.A. is not” (Chapter 8, p. 147).  This is something Barack Obama has done repeatedly.
5. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warns (through quoting Habakkuk 2:7) that foreign creditors “will rise up suddenly” against the USA (Chapter 8, pp. 131-132, 148).
6. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warns that Barack Obama will cause people to err and not discourage, but instead encourage, biblical sin (Chapter 8, pp. 130,148).  This has happened repeatedly (e.g. DOMA).
7. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warns that Barack Obama will help enable the rise of a multi-national leader of an Islamic confederation, like an Imam, that the Bible refers to as the King of the South (Chapter 8, p. 132).  The Obama Administration’s encouragement of the Muslim Brotherhood and its actions in Libya are two ways this has been fulfilled.
8. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warns that China may end up with at least part of Australia (pp. 323, 367).  By persuading Australia to accept US Marines in Darwin (Australia), the Chinese have suggested that they may militarily attack Australia (see also Chinese Upset Enough About USA in Australia that its Hinting About Militarily Hitting Australia).
9. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warns (through quoting Habakkuk 2:7) that foreign creditors “will rise up suddenly” against the USA (Chapter 8, pp. 131-132, 148).  The US government credit worthiness has been downgraded by US and foreign rating agencies–this is setting the USA up.
10. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warns that because some will partially rely on a Shi’ite prophecy that Iran has indicated points to Barack Obama, they should NOT rely on that “Imam Mahdi” and may do so to their peril  (see Chapter 8, pp. 132-135).
Chapter 8 of 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect is titled Barack Obama, Islam, and the End of America.
The reason that this post states at least ten, is there is another one that is related to number 4, which is sufficiently specific to be its own:
11. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect warns that there will likely be gaps in the U.S. G.P.S. system and this may require the U.S. military to rely on the upcoming European Galileo system (essentially an upgraded and European developed version of G.P.S) to meet that gap (Chapter 5, pp. 84-85).  This has now been agreed to by the Obama Administration.
It has always been a mystery to me as to why Armstrongite ministers and  prophets have to deliver their messages with numerous numbered points.  Apparently the more points you have the more impressed we are supposed to be.

His son, who is out of school this week celebrating Easter, has produced a video detailing the magnificence of Prophet Thiel's predictions and observations about President Obama.

Our son Brian was off school this week, so he and I put together a brief video (no teleprompter, etc. of course) titled 2012 – Ten Fulfilled Barack Obama Prophecies at YouTube.  You can click here to watch: 2012 – Ten Fulfilled Barack Obama Prophecies.

Prophet Thiel also wants you to know that even without the President fulfilling his (Thiel's) predictions, that prophecy continues to march forward according to the time line he (Thiel) has set. Apparently we should all be groveling at the feet of Prophet Thiel because he claims to know more about prophecy that Rod Meredith does.  Prophet Thiel feels his prophetic utterances are straight out of the Bible and do NOT fail like Rod Meredeth's has. His predictions are so correct that these events will align with HIS predictions instead of his predictions aligning with world events.

Of course, world events have also aligned with other predictions in the book without Barack Obama involvement.  Currently, world events have aligned with at least 21 predictions in 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect, and more will happen in 2012.  And since the focus of  2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect is what happens after 2012, more world events will align with many more biblically-understood predictions in the book.

Prophet Thiel also wants you to know that his predictions are so perfect that it is vital that you BUY his book. Screw those free booklets from Rod Meredith, the real truth lies in Thiel's book that puts money in his pocket. Mammon continues to reign supreme in Armstrongism.

If you have not already gotten 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect, this may be a good time to consider doing so if you have genuine interest in better understanding end time biblical prophecy as well as to better understand how Satan has a plan to deceive most of humanity through his “prophets” and other leaders.

Whip out those wallets!  Biblical truth can only be obtained with money through the Church of God.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Van Robison on "Living on Church Welfare"

Living on Church Welfare

It has long been my opinion that church pastors such as Herbert W. and many thousands of others, live on church welfare, or at least did before they passed from this life.  Somehow it does not seem right that those who lead others live from tithes and donations, while real men work for a living and support their own families.  I can never forget a Friday night Bible study in Pasadena, when as was the custom, one of the members with a very large family, sent forward a question about paying "3rd tithe", when he had a very large family and had a hard time feeding his clan of nine children, wife and himself on his wages.  Garner Ted in his cold-hearted reply to that question stated that "if you have to starve to death, you pay the 3rd tithe."  That was a real revelation about the character of GTA.  Of course GTA didn't really "work" for a living, but lived from the financial sacrifices of the doctrinally indoctrinated.

There are many who think they are "called", "anointed" and "appointed" by God or Jesus Christ to "pastor" others and as a consequence they believe they have a "right" to your pocketbook, not based upon anything taught by Jesus, but certain comments made by Paul or those who put words in the mouth of Paul.  Jesus actually said to His disciples "freely you have received freely give" and I take that to mean, don't go out and merchandise the name of Jesus Christ for your own welfare.  Of course the world of churches would not even exist without the false tithes and offerings, which are the means to a free lunch for life for the "pastors" and often much more than just food on the table, but luxuries, perks and financial benefits of living the life of kings and queens in the earth for many.

One "pastor" I sent an email to some years ago had the retort that "tithing" was the means that Jesus established to "preach the Gospel to the world."  Naturally that is the excuse they all have.  It is much easier to respect those who work for a living than those who live on donations, tithes and offerings.  Governments of men are really no different than man-made religions, because those who work for government live from "tithes" (taxes) as do preachers and think it is perfectly a moral right.  Does it not seem strange that those who demand your money, are the very ones who control your thinking and think they have a "right" to rule over your life?  Many who work for government in all of its myriad forms also think they have a "right" based upon certain verses in the Bible, such as Romans 13.  Of course many in government are also "Christians" and their rule book is the "Bible" as they interpret it.  "Obey the rulers" is rubber stamped into the minds of millions and etched in stone in the thinking of many the world over.

If there were no FEAR, it is doubtful that humans would see things as they do.  In the church world, many also think they will be financially "blessed" if they pay tithes, keep the Saturday Sabbath and so forth.  Most people who think this way have tunnel vision, because the world has many who are financially well off who do not go to church, pay tithes or bow to "pastors."  In fact there are no doubt many millionaires and even billionaires who are most likely atheist, or who do not go to church, pay tithes or otherwise pretend that their wealth has anything to do with "sowing a seed" into any preachers ministry.    Many church goers have a two fold sense about tithing and "Biblical" law keeping.  On one hand there is the belief that if one "obeys" the rules of tithing and keeping the Sabbath or going to church, they will be "blessed" and the reverse side of the coin, is the FEAR that to not do so is to incur curses.  I have no personal doubt that God does not micro-manage the lives of anyone.  You simply reap what you sow and if you are smart and able to financially prosper in this world, then it is not the consequence of "tithing", but of sound business or financial decisions.

One man I read about some years ago and who worked for some mega-church group, donated $200,000 over a period of time and wound up bankrupt.  Naturally he became bitter when he came to his senses about the whole idea of "sowing a seed and reaping a harvest."  Guess who reaped the harvest?  There are those who will swear that they were financially blessed as a result of "sowing a seed" or some similar act, but I would suggest that it is purely coincidental and had nothing to do with sending some preacher a check.  Some will say they received an unexpected check from some insurance company or some other similar situation and tag that to something they did to "serve God."    It is really amazing how so many church goers connect their dots in life.

Living on church welfare is in my opinion a disgrace and a deception to those who are taken advantage of by the slick salesmen who stand in pulpits, grinding out their own private "Gospel."  On one website I know of, the preacher who is a former "Senior Pastor" of a major church group, but who resigned to be a "Father" to young pastors to bring "revival", pronounces a "blessing" on those who tithe.  And he even has a "2nd blessing" on tithe payers.  That is ridiculous as if this man could pronounce a "supernatural" blessing upon people who send him donations, while he lives on church welfare.

Real men work for a living and support their own families.

Van Robison