Saturday, May 11, 2013

David C Pack Is A Liar! So Says Former RCG Church Administration Employee

I pick on the "Christ Knock's" folks a lot here.  However a reader here sent me this video which is a response by Michael Venish against Dave Packs outrageous lies in his publications and web site. Since he is a proven liar in this case then what else has he lied about?  Dennis also has brought out many of Dave's lies. Why do people continue to follow the liars in charge of the various COG's?

Michael Venish used to work in the Restored Church of God Church Administration Department.  He knows first hand the lies and deception that Dave uses to grease his members up for more money.

Venish writes:

The leader of The Restored Church of God David C Pack, claims he has not disfellowshipped one person world wide in the thirteen years of his church/organizations existence. He published a letter in magazine format, to dispel the supposed lies and false statements about him on the internet to exonerate himself.

Venish also includes this description of Dave Pack:

Profile of the Sociopath
  • Glibness and Superficial Charm 
  • Manipulative and Conning 
  • They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims. 
  • Grandiose Sense of Self 
  • Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." 
  • Pathological Lying 
  • Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

Then in the comments below the video there were these gems:

I too was a member of RCG and quit attending right before  you were disfellowshipped. I had written a letter to Mr. Pack about his intentions to borrow money from banks to build his multi-million dollar Ohio Campus and housing compound. He did"t like to be criticized, so he publicly berated me. I reminded him of Proverbs 22:7, the borrower is a slave to the lender. Enslaving the brethren or not, he always gets his way. What's RCG policy, "Pack's way or the highway"? 

The truth always sets us free. Mr. pack is creating bondage and people do not see it. In their eyes, everyone outside their "church" is lost. Christ came for that very reason and mentioned of the leavening of the pharisees. His followers are unstable in their reasoning.

Secret Photo of COG Members Flocking To Restored Church of God

Every time I read Dave Pack writing about his superfantabulous Restored Church of God 
this is what I picture. 

Reminder: Jesus Returns May 19th!

Please remember to mark your calendar for next Sunday, May 19th, for the return of Jesus Christ.  That is the day that imprisoned felon Ron (Weinerdude) Weinland has set for the return of Jesus Christ.

We are going to have a BBQ that day to celebrate His return.  Some grilled baby-back ribs just might do the trick that day.

What are your plans?  How are you going to celebrate this momentous day?

Gerald Flurry Youth Indoctrination Camp: Boys Taught Leadership Skills While Girls Were Relegated to Cooking and Crafts

In April of this year the Philadelphia Church of God held a summer camp in the Philippines for PCG children.

While I am sure this was a fun time for many involved, as most summer camps are regardless of which church runs it, these kids got a special dose of what it is to be an Armstrongite.

They started the day of by watching a video of HWA at an old SEP camp that was made possible by millions of dollars in tithe money.  The kids in the Philippines slept in tents.

They got to watch the white kids enjoying well groomed landscaping, dorms with heat and electricity, dining halls, commissaries, ski boats, canoes, rifle ranges, archery, canoe tips, etc.  Did I mention these kids got tents?

Trying to relive the glory days with kids who have no idea who in the hell Herbert Armstrong was or why a 27 year old video is relevant in 2013 just shows how pathetic Flurryism is.

Upon arrival, two boy dorms set up their tents and two girl dorms laid their bags down in their air-conditioned tents. Camp director John Macdonald started the first day with an afternoon lecture in which he showed clips of the World Tomorrow program with Herbert W. Armstrong that included the Worldwide Church of God’s Summer Educational Program. The first day also included the “talking stick” activity, in which staff and campers introduce themselves. 2G camper Ma. Sylvia Estelle Ramos said that the exercise in public speaking challenged the nervous campers, especially the first-timers.

So what was the focus of this summer camp?  It was PERFECTION!  Be ye PERFECT!

Perfect men and boys are LEADERS and perfect women and girls are made to be wives who cook and do crafts - apparently girls and women who think and who might be leaders is not possible or godly.

Along with Mr. Macdonald, 17 other full-time and five part-time staff members emphasized the 2013 camp theme: “Focus on Perfection.” Campers were encouraged to think deeply and strive for God’s level of perfection. That training concept carried through classes on speech, vision and goal-setting, budgeting, health and nutrition, etiquette, and dance. Other classes included leadership and song-leading for boys and womanhood and baking and crafts for girls. (at least the girls got air conditioning along with this training!)

While I know that cultural differences between the Philippines and the U.S. is vast, it is still sad to see women in the COG treated like mindless chattel created to serve the LEADERS.

New Blog Poll Added

To the right of this page under the nation’s flags is a new poll that I have been asked to start. This first one starts with God's most highly favored man, who runs the world’s most incredible Church of God ever to exist in human history, that publishes the most astounding booklets, and produces the most mind-boggling video broadcasts ever. All of this occurs in the City of Wadsworth, Ohio. This is now the city that God now highly favors above all other cities in the world.

Dave Pack predicted in a sermon recently that three prominent Church of God leaders would all die on the same day later this year. Even though he recalled the sermons tapes immediately, word spread like wildfire. After these three well known Church of God leaders die, Dave says that all the membership of these three churches will come immediately to the Restored Church of God.

 So, the question is: 

 Will you soon be joining Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God?