Friday, September 13, 2013

David C. Pack's 'god' Spoke To Him and Said He Was Special and that October 4 Would Be His Last Announcement

David C Pack's god came to him in another nightmare over a year ago and tole him he and his cult had been "reserved as an end time remnant."  Where have we heard THAT before?????????  That is all any of us who were apart of or are still involved in Armstrongism have heard.  We were special and called out. We were a small flock preserved by God in the end times for a special purpose.  HWA's god spoke that same thing to him just as Dave's god has spoke the same thing to him.

The difference now is that Dave's god said that Dave and his group are soooooooooooooooo special that they are "hidden" in hte midst of the other COG's.  ROTFLMAO!

Remanent of GRACE??????????????????  GRACE???????????????  Um, I don't think so!  You don't even know who Jesus is so how can you know about grace?  Of course Dave is not talking about REAL grace so he has to "ritualized" it away.

The first element involves an Old Testament account in I Kings 19. More than a year ago I learned that God had “reserved” (the word He chose) an end-time “remnant” (again, His word) of His people who were as hidden to those in His Church as the faithful 7,000 in Israel were to Elijah in I Kings 19:18. It was in Romans 11:3-5 that the apostle Paul referenced this New Testament “remnant according to grace”—meaning they were of spiritual Israel, the Church. It was just as obvious through simple study that the remnant of two chapters earlier in Romans 9:27-29 could only be describing those of physical Israel—the surviving descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel that were coming out of captivity. I covered details about God’s remnant in a series of seven sermons late last summer.

Dave now has Set October 4 as his final announcement.  Who wants to place bets that Davey will be back soon after that "spiritualizing" away his latest epic failure?
In early November, I began to learn how God would bring the spiritual remnant back to His Church. This announcement adds more that those who are serious about the prophecy must know. Two vital points will be covered this time, and four more in what will likely be the final announcement, now scheduled for October 4. Realize that what follows is little more than the bare bones of what can be known about verses cited and the Hebrew words that God chose to convey His meaning.

David C. Pack: God's Word Says I Am A Liar

Dave is back with the second of his last three missives to the gullible sheeple in his cult.  Those are the only one who half way believe his bullshit.  The rest of the COG's are doing nothing but laugh at him.

The lying false prophet writes:

If you read last week’s announcement you know we hold no doubt that God’s prophecy in Haggai and Zechariah is still very much “on.” This announcement explains additional expansive elements of the Haggai/Zechariah prophecy that none of us had yet understood. In fact, what you will read this week and next time may help you understand why more time was needed for us to prepare for God’s fulfillment of the prophecy. This included understanding more of what was going to happen. As mentioned in previous announcements, this one will open your eyes to things God has long intended to do with His end-time Church and Work.

God’s Word is crystal clear!

God's word is crystal clear that David C. Pack is a liar and a false prophet.  The Haggai and Zechariah prophecies" have NOTHING to do with Dave Pack. 

Rod Meredith on The Signs of the Times - 13 Years Later

Rod Meredith wrote the following in his, "I wish I had thought of this magazine..." Tomorrow's World:

Jesus Christ told the religious leaders of His day, "Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times" (Matthew 16:3).

So it is today.
Yes, so it is today, 13 years AFTER he wrote this article.  64 Years along the road where he has been spouting this same silliness day in and day out.

Many professing ministers of Jesus Christ are highly educated in the technicalities of theological jargon, Semitic languages and biblical literature. They are often very intelligent men, but in the theological seminaries they are seldom taught about the REAL God of the Bible who intervenes in human affairs, who guides the overall destiny of major nations and who will soon RULE this earth with a "rod of iron" (Revelation 19:15). 

Many professing ministers of Jesus Christ  are poorly educated in the technicalities of theological jargon, Semantic languages and biblical literature.  They are often highly intelligent men, but have been trained in the biased "theological" schools of the Church of God where they are seldom taught real biblical studies that delve into myth and metaphor and its meanings.  They are seldom taught about the God who intervenes daily in peoples lives without having to spank them for every indiscretion or beat them to death with his "rod of iron."

Yet all around us the signs of the END of this present civilization are beginning to appear. The God of creation is beginning to intervene in the weather and in bringing about major earthquakes as Jesus predicted (Matthew 24:7). The specific indications of the coming massive DISEASE EPIDEMICS are becoming more and more ominous, as you can discover in our booklet Who Controls the Weather? which will be sent to you absolutely FREE upon your request. 
For over 70 some years this is the same plodding argument spit out in magazine articles, booklets, TV programs and co-worker letters.  God is soooooooooooooo pissed that he takes great pleasure whipping up tornadoes that destroy lives and property.  Rod's god gets really excited when he can cause major quakes that kill thousands at a time.  Rod's god particularly likes to use tsunami's where he can obliterate tens of thousands of pagans in one quick swipe.

As some of us in this Work have been predicting for decades, a European Empire is indeed coming together. It will be dominated by a rearmed and revitalized Germany, as we stated long before this became obvious to the news media. It will also be mightily influenced by the great "mother church" described in Revelation 17. In fact, this European Empire will probably not take its final form until a great religious leader arises in Europe to bring it about. 
Yes Sir Rod!  Germany is rising up!  Get ready for those invading Germanic hoards that will set up concentration camps in this country, take the young virile men and nubile women off to Europe to be slaves, torture Americans with glee by hanging us on meat hooks and tying us to the bumpers of four jeeps as they take off in four different directions so they can rip us to shreds.  I remember as a youth hearing that bullshit from you!  What kind of sick mind dwells on this kind of stuff day in and day out?

Meanwhile tens of millions of "mainstream" Protestants have lost their spiritual foundations. They are all mixed up. Many now fully approve of homosexuality and even same-sex "marriages." Most of these mainstream "Christians" have "no problem" with fornication, young couples living together before marriage, "occasional" lying and cheating and the continuing murder of millions of unborn children.
Woo Hoo!  Its SEX time again.  Not a letter, article or broadcast goes by with out sex being brought into the equation.  Rampaging gays out to steal your children and embarrass you by getting married and staying together longer than many of the COG members have.  How can we forget about the fornicating youth in the Church of God, including those in your own family who sowed their wild oats before they got married.  What about the on going lying and cheating that ministers/members of your own church do on a daily basis?

The coming religious leader in Europe will quickly fill the now-apparent void in morality, and will appear to be unique in having the courage to "stem the tide" of immorality sweeping the entire western world. Many leaders of the ecumenical movement will "leap into the arms" of this charismatic figure. For he—they will think—will be the "one" to bring ALL of professing Christianity together again. He will be the one to bring about Christian unity at last! 
The new Pope so far has set a better example on what Christian charity is than you or the LCG has ever done.  You should be ashamed!  Won't it be embarrassing if the Pope actually did unify all Christians together while the remaining few thousand of Church of God members are splintered  into 700+ splinter groups all claiming they have the truth and everyone else are liars.  You had better get your own house in ordered before you condemn others!

Meanwhile, the spiritual and moral deterioration of the United States and British descended peoples will continue unabated. Our national prestige and power will keep on diminishing—unless there is a profound national REPENTANCE for sin to a degree unprecedented in modern times! In all honesty, do any of you see that kind of national repentance, humiliation and FASTING before the God of heaven coming about in the foreseeable future? 

In all honesty have we ever seen you and your church humbling yourselves and praying for and fasting for the nation? Have you sacrificed your lives to bring about change?  Your own church is a cesspool of of spiritual and moral deterioration.  When have you and your church got off your rear ends and took care of the homeless, held the hands of drug addicts and alcoholics?  When have you set down to eat with prostitutes and gays?  When have you carried on a loving relationship with other Christians outside of your group?  Many Christians talk about being the hands of Jesus in a hurting world by bringing forth the Kingdom into this world one person at a time.  From you we hear death and damnation as you say, "screw them all, they are sinful filth,  God will take care of them later."

Kitchen Family Says 9-11 Happened Because of YOUR Sins and YOUR Rejection of HWA

The holy triumvirate of HWA worship, the Kitchen family-Daddy, Timmy Jr and Sammy, say that 9-11 happened because of YOUR sins!  Dirty, filthy, pagan, sinners caused three thousand people to be killed because of sinfulness and the rejection of God's Holy Apostle HWA.

Their continued slobberfest over all things HWA is pissing off a lot of people on various Facebook pages.  They pulled this silliness some time back on other news groups and people left in droves.  In their arrogance and self-righteousness they cannot see they are doing anything wrong.  In their eyes the truly evil people are those that discredit HWA and Gerald Waterhouse.

We need to understand what God says about this day. 9/11 was a result or an effect from some cause. Leviticus 26 explains the cause, and how these curses are being enacted and by whom. What a tragedy this day represents. All those innocent lives were taken as result from OUR sins. My brother(Timothy Kitchen Jr) might post an article that was created by the news department of Ambassador College on this subject. Let us remember the cause of this great tragedy that befell the United States, and in doing so, let us change our ways according to what God(the Bible) says and let us stand on a strong foundation instead of thin ice.

The Kitchen's also think that if you dislike Herb and the church then you are rebelling against "the Creator" and will suffer great plagues as their god spanks you.

So, the bottom line is that the Called out ones will do as God says to do, and, will not fear men! Remember Rev 3:11-13, and Rev 2:10. Those that are called that fear men and dying over Fear of the Eternal are not Worthy of Christ and will have to be martyred to strengthen their Love of Christ. Those that hate God's word, and people and Work are on the wrong side and will suffer the plagues that go along with their rebellion against their Creator, as, in the end, "Everyone" will get corrected, it's just a matter of when and how you will be corrected by God Almighty. The More you show your Love to God and follow the Narrow Way (Matt 7:13-23), the more you will be persecuted and called "Religious Fanatics" and the Moore Christ will Love you and protect you as this unfolds. . As for these people that try to use this fear to terrorize you into worshiping the Beast and the Great Whore read Romans 3:9-19 and, many "MANY" other scriptures). Matt 16:25 says "For whoever seeks to save his (or her) life will lose it, and whoever loses his (or her) life fo My (Christ's) sake will find it).

The Kitchens are so off the wall that they think FEMA and others tried to recruit them to infiltrate churches  and blogs in order to destroy them.

There is a conspiracy (that word that hiders of the Truth hate) of some in the “Inter Faith” FEMA Continuity of Government “COG” movement to infiltrate churches, groups sabotage, and take over these churches and groups, web sites, blogs, etc. You would call them wild conspiracy theories , but, My family and I were recruited by their secret government leaders for this purpose. We flatly refused (as we Obey Christ, not, man) and are exposing those doing it. This may be how this group got off track. Well, maybe it should get back on track.

Their "I Love Gerald Waterhouse" Facebook page is here.

Their  "Holding Fast to Herbert" Facebook page is here.

Their "Herbert Can Do No Wrong" Facebook page is here.

Their "Elijah Herb" Facebook page is here.

Their "Bible Fallacies" Facebook page is here.

Their "Christ Was Too Lazy For 1,900 To Preserve His Word" Facebook page is here.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ron Weinland: Through the Ordination of My Crazy Wife the Curse of Eve Has Been Lifted

Ron Weinland, aka Weinerdude, the imprisoned Church of God leader and false prophet, has released another missive about the roll of women in his cult.

Ron had some time ago, raised his loony wife to the position of #2 of the Two Witless Witnesses.  Laura is now on par with the position of Weinerdude in the church.  She was to hold this prophetic office in the end times.

What these too crazy idiots failed to realize or foresee, was that Ron would soon be sitting in jail for a prophetic three and one half years for tax evasion.  After years of spending money on trips to Vegas, furs and diamonds, the IRS finally caught up with Ron.  Loony Laura and equally weird Audra were raised up to carry on Weinerdude's ministry.

It appears that some men in Weinerdude's cult are having an issue with Witless Witness Laura and Money Manipulator Audra telling them what to do.  After gallivanting around Europe this summer where they were not exactly received warmly, Ron has had to correct his dwindling flock.

He writes:

God has revealed that now and on into the Millennium, the “basic” structure for family will still be the husband as the head of the wife. Yet even now, God has already begun to reveal that His structure of government in the family is “fully spiritual,” and it is to be administered spiritually. Ordination of women magnifies the true administration of how God’s government is to work (function) within the Church and within the family. The structure for government in the Church is by ordination, and it is to always be administered spiritually. Within the Church, there is an order of structure for the “administration” of God’s ways. Most are familiar with that structure as it currently begins with an elder, then evangelist, prophet, and then an apostle.
Every time a false prophet in Armstrongism has a prophetic failure it has to be "spiritualized" away.  While it did not happen "literally," it happened "spiritually."

Did you know that when an ordination happens it changes the way the Holy Spirit works in the church and in the family?

God’s people are coming to more clearly “see” that the administration of God’s ways (government, laws, etc.) are spiritual in how they are to be practiced and lived within the Church and within the family. Ordination also reveals the way (or flow) of how God’s spirit can (and does) change the order of God’s government, not only in the Church, but also in a family. An individual who is ordained from a sr. elder to an evangelist affects the way (the flow, the order) of how God’s spirit works (administers God’s ways) within the Church. Any other raise in ordination does likewise. The same is true in a family. If a wife in a family is ordained to an elder (and the husband is not), this affects the way – the flow – the order – of how God’s spirit works (administers God’s ways) within the family. 

In the very near future, sermons will be given and booklets written that expound upon this principle, just as such has happened in times past utilizing the guidelines given by Paul to husbands and wives.
Through Weinerdude himself, the "curse" of Eve has now been lifted.

Through the 53rd Truth, in which God revealed how that women could now be ordained into the ministry of His Church, God has also more fully opened “the way” for the removal of the curse that has been upon women from the beginning. This great truth alone reveals so much more about “the spirit” of marriage that will produce a much closer relationship within families and with God throughout the Millennium.