Wednesday, September 12, 2018

COG Hurricane Shield Collapses As Satan Attacks East Coast Feast Sites With Hurricane

The Time-Worn, Hurricane-Reversing, Feast-Saving Hurricane Shield that in decades past was rumored to turn hurricanes around and back to sea, saving a few thousand dedicated Church of God Feast-goers from certain destruction, appears to be losing steam!

The latest Hurricane to encounter the Shield, Hurricane Florence (which, of course, in all concern and seriousness, we hope people in danger and in harm's way actually DO take seriously and evacuate from NOW - this one's a biggie!!!), which could be one of the most damaging and destructive Hurricanes in many decades, threatening hundreds of thousands of people along the North Carolina And South Carolina coastline - timed of course to coincide with the Fall Holy Day Season, is buffing against the shield, which appears to be struggling to deflect this Hurricane. What then, has weakened the infamous Church of God Hurricane Shield? 

It has been rumored that the state of one of the Churches of God are to blame.

The Church of God which activated their Famed Hurricane Shield of Fasting and Prayer seems to have become "lukewarm" and "stale" - and the presiding Evangelist's ho-hum call for the fast seems to have weakened the Hurricane Shield.

The Chief Engineer of the Shield yelled to the Home Office "Captain! We're giving her all we've got! She can't take much more of this!" 

The Presiding evangelist responded "Well, you're doing the best you can, nothing much more we can do."

The other Churches of God clearly mocked the failing Shield, stating it proves they were never the Church of God anyway. 

None of the Churches of God seemed to show any concern or pledge any help, to the best of our knowledge, to the many hundreds of thousands of people on the coast. When asked why, one pompous COG said "They're under the devil's punishment, we can't interfere with God's Judgement." 

The Hurricane Shield in past times was claimed to have caused reversals, loops, stalls, dissipation, and other weakening phenomena in decades past. Another shield, the Tornado Fizzler, has been rumored to do the same, causing tornadoes to split, dip, rise, dissipate, hop, and jump over Church member's homes - while smashing and crushing non-church members' homes just doors down. 


Instead of showing concern and helping those who are suffering from the effects of Natural Disaster, the Churches of God have historically used such events to boost their own bias that they are the only bearers of Protection from the wrath of the weather. Perhaps, some will act and think differently with Florence - and embrace the opportunity to help those in need, doing the right thing, by assisting, helping, giving, and rebuilding those who need a loving hand. 

submitted by SHT

LCG 2018 Dress Code vs COG 1960 (The Good Old Days)

Above is a picture from 1960 of the Feast of Tabernacles in Big Sandy.  
How dare those men be seen in short sleeve shirts or not wearing a tie!  
Open neck collars, GHASTLY DAYS! 
Women with exposed arms! Lord have mercy!

Yet, the legalistic lords and masters of Living Church of God are demanding that men and women dress according to THEIR expectations.

General Guidelines: In most modern cultures, coats, collared shirts, ties and nice slacks are considered appropriate attire for men on special occasions. This may vary in tropical climates, yet, in all climates there is a distinction between what is appropriate and what is not. 1 Timothy 2:9–10 explains that ladies should dress “in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.” This does not include the trendy and immodest apparel that is commonplace for many women in our society today: short, tight, form-fitting dresses, necklines displaying cleavage, bare shoulders, backless dresses, belly-baring tops, etc. Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17) and recapture true values so we can be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14–16). This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth!
photo: SHT

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Philadelphia Church of God's Gerald Flurry Now Claims To Be "Shiloh" And Cannot Be Overturned

First, we had Joseph Smith claiming that Independence, Missouri would be the site of the New Jerusalem where Jesus would return to.  Then we had David C Pack claiming that Jesus was returning to Wadsworth, Ohio when he returns for the THIRD time BEFORE he goes to Jerusalem.  Now we have Gerald Flurry claiming that he is Shiloh, the new Jerusalem, cannot be overturned till Jesus returns.

Can the idiots that run the various Churches of God get any dumber?

Exit and Support has this:
September 1, 2018 
So Flurry is claiming to be Jewish of the tribe of Judah. Because of Judah in Genesis chapter 49, it was prophesied that the "sceptre shall not depart from Judah." Flurry must also believe he is Shiloh. Shiloh means "whose right it is." The throne of David was to be "overturned, overturned, overturned, and shall be no more (overturned), until he comes (Shiloh) whose right it is." From Ezekiel 21:27. That means from King David's Jerusalem, overturned to Northern Ireland, overturned to Scotland, overturned to London England, and will be no more overturned until Shiloh overturns it to Jerusalem again. But something is wrong because if Flurry hallucinates that he is Shiloh, he has instead overturned it to Edmond, USA. 
So he must hallucinate he is Jesus "the anointed" aka Shiloh, whose right it is, forever and ever. And Jerusalem must now be Edmond, USA. But that is the wrong place. And he did not ride a cherub through the clouds, in his majesty, through the heavens, to our rescue either. 
Time for Philadelphians to get back to the reality of their bibles to program their minds as to the knowledge of God, instead of allowing Flurry to program their minds with his hallucinations to enrich himself thereby. Time all COG mentally deceived realized that a burnt offering would be a crisp $100 note burnt round the edges including portions of the serial number, before offering it. My wife has been burnt monetary wise by Flurry's PCG who promised in writing (we kept the letter) to provide a receipt for honest auditing purposes for monies contributed, but did not, which was poor stewardship on their part. Highly questionable we think. Two years went by, we complained, and they tried to foist the blame on us for not complaining earlier. We thought the loot vanished into the ether. We then realized it had effectively disappeared into the ether. No more of our loot materialized into Flurry's PCG "ether." 
Whenever we paid tithes to COG churches [offshoots], God did not rebuke the devourer in our fruit trees as promised in Malachi 3:11. This is the test for whether or not tithing is being placed in the wrong hands and/or the "ether." So none of them preach that taboo, obviously. Our cups didn't overflow either. Flurry's did! --Peter Holt.