Tuesday, May 12, 2020

CGI’s Bill Watson is losing it over the Coronavirus Pandemic

Y'all gon' make me lose my mind 
Up in here, up in here 
Y'all gon' make me go all out 
Up in here, up in here 
Y'all gon' make me act a fool 
Up in here, up in here 
Y'all gon' make me lose my cool


CGI’s Bill Watson is losing it over the Coronavirus Pandemic. In his latest segment on “Biblical News and Commentary, Pastor Watson brings us a Coronavirus Special Report. In the almost 55-minute-long “report,” the pastor rejoices that we are finally experiencing a restoration of our freedoms (being able to play golf, go to a restaurant or hit the beauty shop).

He goes on to say that he wants to share with us some observations and information related to the pandemic and promote some critical thinking and investigation on our part. Unfortunately, everything that follows is taken from extreme right-wing websites that are fond of liberal-bashing conspiracy theories.

He begins his broadside on the pandemic by asking, “When did this begin?” According to the pastor, the origins of our current predicament can be traced to a 2015 grant of almost four million dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology by the Obama Administration. His source for this information? – Libertyplanet.com, a right-wing media outlet that claims to be fighting back against liberal media.

From there, Mr. Watson showcases a Fox News program that featured Neil Cavuto interviewing Peter Navarro (Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy in the Trump Administration). In the interview, Navarro claims that China spawned the virus, hid it and profited from it. The clear implication of both pieces being that the virus originated in the Wuhan lab.

To further support this train of thought, Watson quotes yet another right-wing news source, The Epoch Times (“truth and tradition”). It is asserted that five million Chinese citizens seeded the world with the virus. Watson then returns to Navarro, who goes on to assert that China has embarked on a policy of “Four Kills.” He explains this as China: 1) declaring war, 2) hiding the virus, 3) hoarding PPE, and 4) profiteering from sales of PPE.

After presenting this “evidence” to his audience, Pastor Watson suggests that China’s activities were knowing and premeditated. He then goes on to speculate if this whole thing might not turn out to be a military operation. Watson says that it really doesn’t matter if this was purposeful or accidental – it has created a real crisis. And, according to him, China never lets a good crisis go to waste!

It may seem a bit disjointed to my readers, but Watson then jumps to the Catholic Church’s support of Globalism. He cites a Breitbart article that takes Pope Francis to task for having the audacity to decry human exploitation of nature! The aim of all this Catholic interference? The formation of a new world order! And, just for good measure, he implies that Jeffrey Sachs and George Soros are helping all of this along. The implication is clear – those nasty Globalists are seeking to advance their own agenda and thwart the good Nationalists (as personified by Trump).

He goes on to suggest that there might be more to this pandemic than meets the eye. Watson alludes to sinister motivations lurking in the shadows without formally naming them. He points to the economic slowdown, and the efforts by some to keep things closed through the U.S. Presidential election in November. He implies that nefarious forces are at work to curtail our freedoms and liberties. Watson goes on to allege that the World Health Organization was complicit in China’s Coronavirus deception.

And, finally, Mr. Watson asserts that the virus is really not as deadly as the mainstream media make it out to be. As proof of this assertion, he offers a video of some remarks by Dr Dan Erickson (the owner of an urgent care clinic business). Never mind that this doctor has been challenged for his flawed methodology. Never mind that the remarks appeared on Banned.video which hosts right-wing nut, Alex Jones.

Unfortunately, for Pastor Watson, the Coronavirus Pandemic is just another piece of the great contest between wicked Globalists and righteous Nationalists. He sees dark conspiracies lurking in the shadows, and the fulfillment of Christ’s prophecies recorded in the 24th chapter of Matthew. For him, this is not a global health crisis – it is an attempt to establish a new world order. He urges Christians to be fearless in the face of these threats and implies that they will be protected. In this connection, it is interesting to note that Mr. Watson’s congregation began congregating again this past Sabbath.

Is it just me or is this stuff getting crazier and crazier by the day? I think Bill might benefit from a dose of NBC, ABC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times. A little fake news might improve his perspective – what do you think?

Miller Jones

Monday, May 11, 2020

London Tabloid Quotes PCG as Source on Prophecy

A London tabloid that leans heavily conservative is quoting the Philadelphia Church of God, again, as a source for prophecy.  Even more hilarious is that they quote Fred Dattalo as a Bible Scholar!  Since when has the Church of God had a Bible scholar in its midst? Dattallo is no more a scholar on the Bible than Bob Thiel is.

The sad thing is that PCG and other COG members will look upon this as getting the gospel out as a warning.  It's not. It's not more than Biblical junk prophecy. Or, in layman's terms, spiritual terrorism.

In 2005, Bible scholar Fred Dattolo published an article in ‘The Trumpet’ where he claimed “the galloping hoofbeats of the four horses are getting ever louder and closer,” stating that a future pandemic was all that was needed to set free the final Horseman, who would spread a disease to a quarter of the world.
He said: “The four horsemen are depicted in the Book of Revelation Chapter 6 as the first four of seven seals.
“These seals are benchmarks of end-time events leading up to and including the return of Jesus Christ.
“John witnessed these vivid events in a vision sent by God the Father to Jesus Christ, who gave it to an angel to reveal to John – Revelation 1:1.
"Then John, as he was instructed, recorded what he saw in brilliant prophetic imagery.”
With the coronavirus pandemic currently causing global panic, Mr Dattolo’s claims have come back into the spotlight, with some bizarrely stating it proves COVID-19 is in fact a sign of the End Times.
One Twitter user said: “The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse representing war, famine, pestilence and death as depicted in the Bible on Revelation 6:2-8 are most likely causing this coronavirus worldwide. 
“We don’t see them but we can feel their wrath everywhere.”
Another added: “What if the coronavirus pandemic is one of the Four Horsemen?
“This virus is the pale horse and Horseman.”
And a third outright claimed: “The Four Horsemen of the Bible are currently active.”
According to the Book of Revelation, there are still three more seals to be broken before the Second Coming. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

When Ministers Defend Failed Church of God Prophets

We have all watched over the decades as one prophet after another said one whopper after another and yet here we are, 2020 and not one single thing any of them has ever said has come true. That sadly has never stopped the current crop of liars masquerading as God's most important men here on earth today. The very fact they self-appointed themselves should have been the first clue, but the endless stream of outright lies by these men should have caused every minister in their little group to walk out the door and leave them as they called them the apostate liars they are.  But no.  It rarely happens. Instead, these weak emasculated men DEFEND the liars they are employed by.

Case in point, Ed Winkfield from the Restored Church of God. Never has the church had such an epic failure when it comes to prophesy than Dave Pack.  Well, except for Bob Thiel, Ron Weinland, and Gerald Flurry.  These are all stories for another time.  Back to Dave and Winkfield.

Winkfield wrote an article for the faithful in the RCG regarding prophecy, Putting Prophecy In Perspective.  In it, he writes:
The recent pursuit of prophetic understanding has reshaped our view of the scriptures and revealed more of God’s mind on what a Christian’s priorities should be.
Daniel was close to God and trusted that he would continue to receive understanding. Thus, he may have been shocked when he learned from the angel that there was only so much of the future he could know.
Near the end of his book, Daniel recorded multiple visions. Upon their completion, he was told to “shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end,” and at that time—not a moment sooner—“knowledge shall be increased” (12:4). Still thinking he would be an exception and allowed to know prior what others could not, Daniel inquired in verse 8, “O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?” The angel’s answer in verse 9 told Daniel he would not fully understand the meaning of the visions.
Despite being one of the greatest servants of God to ever live, Daniel was only allowed to know so much. He would not be permitted to understand the entirety of the very things he was recording.
Yet we have been permitted to understand these things. The recent increase in the knowledge of prophecy is actually the fulfillment of prophecy—an irrefutable sign that we are at the time of the end. By revealing prophecies in Daniel, God is doing what He said He would do.
As the Author of prophecy—history written in advance—God foretells major events before they happen: “…new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them” (Isa. 42:9). He continues: “…I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done…” (46:9-10). As “His servants,” we among all people on Earth are uniquely qualified to learn and understand what God says “must shortly come to pass” (Rev. 1:1). 
Here we go with the Daniel excuse that current false prophets love to utter to prove their legitimacy.  These men claim that because Daniel had things withheld form till the end times, that they and they alone know what those hidden things are.

Winkfield believes that the current prophecies of Dave are unprecedented in these modern times as the world spirals out of control in front of Dave's eyes
The urgency of our times has forced the entire Church to learn—over a brief period—prophecy at a level in the past taught only to its leadership over the course of many years in Ambassador College and ministerial conferences. As a “workman” or laborer striving to rightly divide the word of truth (II Tim. 2:15), you have likely studied harder and longer than you ever have. The sheer volume and complexity of information forced you to pour over your sermon notes, puzzle over the timing of events, and ponder the prophecy tools provided. But it has all been worth it as long-standing mysteries are being revealed.
Never has the church seen such a tremendous outpouring of prophetic revelations in church histry as it has today, even the already disproved prophecies of the church ( pre-1986, of course) pales in comparison to today's revelations.

The problem, according to Winkfield, is that prophecy prior to today was incomplete. It needed Dave to come along and set things straight.
The study of prophecy is an extremely rewarding pursuit yet one that can leave you feeling incomplete. Think about it. Despite all the Church has learned in recent years, and even over decades, nagging questions remain. The more we know, the more we want to know—leaving us unable to be completely satisfied. Paul knew this.
Paul also said we know and prophesy “in part.” This phrase is most crucial to recognize—and accept.
The phrase itself is not mysterious. It means a division or share of something whole. The same Greek word, rendered “piece” in Luke 24:42, was used to show Christ was given a part of a fish to eat after His resurrection. Interestingly, the root word for “part” is tied to an allotment, which is “a portion of something given.”
The apostle completes his thought by saying, “when that which is perfect [whole or complete] is come, then that which is in part shall be done away” (I Cor. 13:10).
What was Paul’s point? Prophetic knowledge comes in parts or sections. It is doled out by a loving God in allotments. This is the lesson with which Daniel had to come to grips. Paul’s use of “we” in verse 9 shows that this principle applies not just to individuals, but to the Church collectively. God gives knowledge of prophecy to His chief servants in portions, who then preach it to the Church. Come to grips with God’s process. 
According to Winkfield God dishes out "allotments" to his one true prophet that supersedes all other previous prophecies. Here a little, there a little.  that is why when Dave erases previous sermons or pulls them out of circulation it is because he has received a new allotment of understanding. this sadly leads to confusion in the RCG and members become disillusioned.  It is always the member's fault of getting caught up in church prophets lies, and never the liar himself. It's their fault they believed him in the first place.
Some in God’s Church over the years have gotten excited about prophecy, but mistakenly gone a step further and built their entire faith on the Church’s current level of prophetic understanding. When God inevitably gives another allotment of prophecy, leading to an update in our belief in how things will occur, their entire foundation is shaken. Occasionally it is shaken to the point of causing doubt and they go spiraling out of the Church. Instead of revelation being a blessing, it becomes a stumbling block. This should not be.
Notice the next things Winkfield says.  It is a new excuse when propecehs do no tocme tp pas and the prophet has to make a new revelation. God has not "perfected" his revelation. Any changes that coem later are the result of God "perfecting" the previous revelations.
Only after the prophesied event is “perfect,” meaning it occurred, will we have full knowledge of the event. Read that sentence again. Anyone expecting to have a complete and total understanding of a prophetic event prior to its fulfillment is doomed to fail! Do not allow partial knowledge of prophecy to needlessly frustrate you. Imagine if Daniel got into a bad attitude after the angel told him he could not know it all.
Apparently, everything Dave utters is incomplete and therefore members should NOT take them entirely as the final word. This gives Winkfield and others the excuse to excuse the failed lies of Dave.
Children are known for their insatiable curiosity. While they may not fully understand their world, they do not give up trying to comprehend. Understanding prophecy sparks curiosity in all of us. We are naturally eager to learn and to know details of what the future will bring. We may ponder: How long do we have until the end? What will Christ look like when He returns to His Temple? What is that army that surrounds Jerusalem? What exactly does “exousia” feel like? The questions go on.
Like children, we must continually seek to understand. However, as we slowly learned during our transition from childhood into adulthood, the accumulation of knowledge has its limits. No human being can know everything. (Except for Dave) As the famous saying goes, “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.” As we mature, we learn that the amount of information in our world far outstrips our ability to contain it. The Bible does not even include everything Christ did (John 21:25). Paul’s child/man analogy thus is a fitting one for understanding prophecy.
While God requires us to have a suitable grasp of prophetic knowledge for salvation, He does not reveal all there is to know. The pursuit of prophetic understanding builds our faith and keeps us yearning for more—yet we should not allow the quest for this knowledge to consume our thinking to the point of being unbalanced.
Ya think?  Pass that on to Dave.  If anyone is unbalanced in the church right now, it is Dave.
This is where maturity comes in. We must pursue and understand events to come in a proper way. As we have been told, it does us no good to know everything about prophecy—specifically the Kingdom of God and how it will come—if we do not do the things that it takes to be in that Kingdom.
Since when has the Church of God ever truly "do the things" of the kingdom to come? Do they really think the way the Churches of God are run today is an example of what the kingdom of God will like?  Seriously? Heaven help us if it is.
The Word of God is compared to a mirror (Jms. 1:23). While peering into it for prophetic understanding, we, like Paul, can recognize certain elements. But, because the knowledge is partial, we cannot see every detail. Does it mean the details are not there? You get the point.
Paul said he would eventually “know even as also I am known,” meaning he would someday comprehend with such crystal clarity that it would be like seeing himself face to face the way others perceive him—exactly as he is, with the utmost detail. His understanding will be full, just as ours will ultimately be. In the meantime, we must settle with the fact that our knowledge is limited.
Understanding of prophecy comes from God. Though great servants of the past—even in the 20th-century Philadelphian era—could not grasp the fullness and detail of all we are learning, (till Dave, of course) this is not an insult to them. They were no less God’s servants than Daniel, who, along with Noah and Job, was one of the greatest servants who ever lived (Ezek. 14:20). Our prophetic understanding is not a function of our greatness or superiority. Instead, it is an end-time signal and revelation of things set to occur in our lifetimes.
The ability of Dave to make prophecies with each of his new revelations
First, the amazing ability to speak all languages, whether of men or angels, is reduced to noise if one does not display the love of God (vs. 1).
Then notice this, “And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge…” (vs. 2).
Stop. Recognize that this ability would change everything. This power would allow us to fully understand all that we have studied in recent years. With it, we could effortlessly page through Scripture and fully interpret all prophecy ever written. We would know, in crystal-clear detail, everything to come. That would be amazing!
Yet Paul concludes this enviable scenario by stating that even if he understood all prophecy in perfect detail “and have not charity, I am nothing” (vs. 2). Prophetic understanding at its highest level—with an ability to understand all mysteries and possess all knowledge—yet without the love of God—leaves us void.
God unequivocally gave us His perspective on prophecy. The spiritual gifts and abilities discussed in detail in the previous chapter, even in their greatest manifestations, are inferior to displaying the love of God.
Because Dave is filled with so much love, it i ok if hsi proepches fail, becasue ofthat love.
Paul expounds on charity in I Corinthians 13:4-8 by laying out its 16 traits, which then brings us back to the beginning: “Charity never fails: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part” (vs. 8-9).
God is a Being whose thoughts and ways are vastly above our own (Isa. 55:8-9). He, for His own reasons, has decided to reveal prophetic truth at the speed and method of His choosing. It is almost certainly because the events are to soon occur. Also, the effort required to keep up over the last several years has changed you—probably more than you know. This process has sharpened your study skills and helped you build the stamina necessary to do more. Our responsibility as mature Christians is to supplement this prophetic diet with other aspects of Christian living.
Our pastor general, Mr. David Pack, who has written and preached more about the subjects of prophecy and Christian living than anyone, tied both together: “Ultimately…every sermon on Christian living has a prophecy element in it, because your goal is to be part of the Kingdom of God—and that’s all about and the centerpiece of prophecy.” He also stated, “So every time you work on yourself, every time you’re seeking to grow and become more like Jesus Christ…being ready to be a judge to help people all over the world…that’s the ultimate essence of prophecy.”
RCG member's salvation is tied up entirely by its use of the RCG web site. Their eternal life is at stake if they fail to sue the materials provided.
Supplementing our prophetic diet is easier than ever with all the tools available on our website and in our library of materials. Is it more work? Yes, it is. But what could be more rewarding? Eternal life is at stake.
We have long understood that prophecies “fail” (I Cor. 13:8), meaning these events will eventually come to pass and will never happen again. Prophecy has a shelf life. Love, however, never fails. Because God is love (I John 4:8), charity is therefore eternal. It, along with faith and hope, will always be relevant. 
Love.  The Restored Church of God is based upon it!   Tell that to the marriages and families split apart by Dave.
It is a privilege to understand prophesied events. To avoid being on the wrong side of them, however, we must not focus solely on the accumulation of this precious knowledge.
Remain patient and balanced in your approach to prophecy; grow in faith, hope and love. And—most importantly—“live the Book.” 
It is too bad RCG members are so preoccupied with prophecy when every single sermon given by Dave is supposedly filled with new prophetic truth. Just how many times now has Jesus been prophecied to return to Wardsworth and he is still no there. Unless he is shopping at the Giant Eagle and we just done know it yet.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Fifth Trumpet Has Sounded! Many Will Now Commit Suicide....WUT?

The Church of God Baloney Factory

As any good Church of God leader knows, it is always wise to take advantage of any current problem in the world to bolster our "prophetic" utterances. The Church of God has been doing this for 8 decades now.  So many crazy prophecies have been uttered over the decades by self-appointed men that it is impossible to keep track of them all any more.

Even in 2020, we have an endless supply of crazy men who say some of the most idiotic stuff imaginable.  That brings us to Wade Cox, the self-appointed leader of the so-called "Christian" Churches of God. This harlot daughter of Armstrongism is being run by a leader that thrives on conspiracy theories and end-times junk prediction-addiction.

According to Cox, we are in the time of the 5th Seal of Revelation, all thanks to COVID-19. The craziness this baloney factory dishes out is below:
This pope, the Red Black, is supposedly the Last Pope and is referred to in Malachy's prophecy as Peter the Roman. However, this pope was not canonically elected and hence his reign may be invalid, but for the present he is doing all that is required for this last officer of the system of the Whore. We are in the last days and the Beast and little horn will emerge under the blue beret or turban of the UN in this last empire of Satan.
The Fifth Trumpet has already been opened with this Corona Virus and in this war men will seek to die but will not be able to do so and hence many suicides will emerge. The part played in the development of the Globalist system by the Billionaires and the UN and WHO with China and the release from Wuhan in end September 2019, although denied by the Chinese and the WHO and the agents of the Globalists, will nevertheless be acted on.  A French athlete went to Wuhan in October and became sick there and was later tested positive for the Corona Virus. It will escalate and the Sixth Trumpet will emerge and destroy one third of the world and then a further quarter in the pestilence and then result in the destruction of the entire UN and Globalist Beast System by Christ and the Host.  The Rabbinical, Sardis and Laodicean systems (cf. Rev, chapter 3) will be smashed and scattered along with the Hillel Calendar (No. 195C) and Ditheist (076B) systems. 

Philadelphia Church of God Continues To Segregate Its Black Members

For many decades the Church of God had strict policies on segregating African American church members from the rest of the church.  From sending them to certain Feast sites to forbidding them dating other church members.  Racial purity of the white race needed to be kept secure.

While many church areas had fully integrated churches, dating across the racial definitions was still usually prohibited. Even in Pasadena, situated in the midst of liberal Los Angeles, the church still strictly controlled interracial dating up into the mid to late 70's.

Today, the two main groups that strictly enforce this is the Restored Church of God with Dave Pack's edicts and the Philadelphia Church of God and Gerald Flurry's perverse edicts.

Imagine their surprise if they make it to the kingdom and find Jesus is not as lily white as they thought.