The Church of God Baloney Factory
As any good Church of God leader knows, it is always wise to take advantage of any current problem in the world to bolster our "prophetic" utterances. The Church of God has been doing this for 8 decades now. So many crazy prophecies have been uttered over the decades by self-appointed men that it is impossible to keep track of them all any more.
Even in 2020, we have an endless supply of crazy men who say some of the most idiotic stuff imaginable. That brings us to Wade Cox, the self-appointed leader of the so-called "Christian" Churches of God. This harlot daughter of Armstrongism is being run by a leader that thrives on conspiracy theories and end-times junk prediction-addiction.
According to Cox, we are in the time of the 5th Seal of Revelation, all thanks to COVID-19. The craziness this baloney factory dishes out is below:
This pope, the Red Black, is supposedly the Last Pope and is referred to in Malachy's prophecy as Peter the Roman. However, this pope was not canonically elected and hence his reign may be invalid, but for the present he is doing all that is required for this last officer of the system of the Whore. We are in the last days and the Beast and little horn will emerge under the blue beret or turban of the UN in this last empire of Satan.
The Fifth Trumpet has already been opened with this Corona Virus and in this war men will seek to die but will not be able to do so and hence many suicides will emerge. The part played in the development of the Globalist system by the Billionaires and the UN and WHO with China and the release from Wuhan in end September 2019, although denied by the Chinese and the WHO and the agents of the Globalists, will nevertheless be acted on. A French athlete went to Wuhan in October and became sick there and was later tested positive for the Corona Virus. It will escalate and the Sixth Trumpet will emerge and destroy one third of the world and then a further quarter in the pestilence and then result in the destruction of the entire UN and Globalist Beast System by Christ and the Host. The Rabbinical, Sardis and Laodicean systems (cf. Rev, chapter 3) will be smashed and scattered along with the Hillel Calendar (No. 195C) and Ditheist (076B) systems.
Absolutely ridiculous!
Make no mistake about it, Covid 19 is horrific, but it is nowhere near the epic level proportions described throughout the writings of St. John the Revelator. Frankly, we could use a heck of a lot more of that globalist spirit in which Presidents Carter, Reagan, Busch I, Clinton, Busch II, and Obama believed and vigorously participated to get us through this thing, and it is very disappointing that come November we are limited to choosing between two sexual predators who are running for president. But, it's not the end of the world, and the events we see around us have nothing to do with Armstrongism.
We've just hit another rough patch, and generally there are upticks in suicide when people become hopeless.
David Koresh already pre-empted this flow of events. He announced that we were in the time of the Fifth Seal back in Waco. David Koresh proclaimed himself to be the Lamb of God and only he is worthy to open the Seals. So the Sixth Seal will not be opened until David Koresh is resurrected and opens this Seal himself. Koresh believed that after Waco "the remaining faithful must wait a little while before themselves being killed, which would set off the Sixth Seal, a time of cataclysm, earthquakes, and celestial disorder." Watch out, Millerites!
No Place of Safety for you.
The Sixth Seal is bad news for Millerites everywhere, including the Armstrongist branch. Keep in mind that David Koresh accurately predicted the Fifth Seal events - unlike the failed Armstrongist prophets.
These predictions make the Star Wars and Matrix alternate reality seem tame.
Twisting the news into something that fits into your agenda is something Armstrongism has been doing since its inception.
"God has it all planned out!"
"I speak for God!"
"Now support me, send me your tithes!"
Trump's modus operandi is to destroy the character of his opponent - to make them at least as bad as he is. He is smart enough to know that is the only way someone of his character has a snow ball's chance in hell of prevailing. If you dirty up your opponent enough or discredit him/her in the eyes of others, he/she becomes more manageable.
Have you looked at Tara Reade's accusations and history? It is clear that her story has changed and grown in the retelling over the years. It is also clear that she wanted Bernie to be the nominee of her party. But, for the sake of argument, let's say that her accusation against Biden has merit. How does one accusation of this nature in a career spanning decades stack up against Trump's numerous accusations and admissions to conduct of this nature compare?
No, if character is going to be an important factor in the upcoming election, there is clearly only one choice - Biden. And, to your other point, Biden is clearly in the company of the other globalists you mentioned.
Could care less. Gone fishing!
Near_Earth_Object said...
David Koresh already pre-empted this flow of events. He announced that we were in the time of the Fifth Seal back in Waco. David Koresh proclaimed himself to be the Lamb of God and only he is worthy to open the Seals. So the Sixth Seal will not be opened until David Koresh is resurrected and opens this Seal himself..."
The Sixth Seal is bad news for Millerites everywhere, including the Armstrongist branch. Keep in mind that David Koresh accurately predicted the Fifth Seal events - unlike the failed Armstrongist prophets."
Forgive me if I am missing something NEO, but you have seemed to praised David Koresh in the past for already this or that. So you are a Koresh groupie? Do you believe what you just said above or are you simply referring to it for some reason? What is your affiliation if I might ask?
Asking for a friend...
My statements are tongue-in-cheek. Koresh was just another Millerite hack. Armstrongist "prophets" need to recognize that they are in the same category as Virgil Howell. He might have been even a little better than they are - at least in honesty.
Sorry to be misleading. The blog medium has no accommodation for facial expression and voice. I need to make my satire more obvious, perhaps.
Im getting tired of trumpets always being the instrument.
Cant there be the seven last banjos , or seven last bagpipes? Hey, Id even settle for the seven last gazoo !
Tonto is "getting tired of trumpets always being the instrument." Agreed. I move we find a substitute.
And what's with all those seals? Walruses are much more impressive, if we consider nothing but their size. However, I go for porpoises. Unlike walruses, they are full of grace, which in symbolic use could be capitalized: Grace. Besides, think of how much oratory and ink have been expended on the question of divine porpoises, misspelled. The image would provide a mother lode of text for quote miners to sort through in search of nuggets to redefine the End Times. To further that agenda, one of the two trees needs to bear cherries for would-be prophets to pick.
Thanks NEO. I was genuinely worried about you! :)
Retired Prof... For years I thought Amazing Grace was about a loose woman!
I certainly hope you are right about Joe Biden. My gut instinct is that he would most certainly have been thoroughly vetted prior to his very successful vice presidency, but you never know. Tara Reade may not have aged well, but thirty years ago, she was was a very beautiful woman.
Also, on some of the news websites, there are polls which have obviously been put together by pro-Trump forces. In order to participate, or even to know the results of the poll, you must supply your email address, and as I found from one of my addresses, you then get spammed with right wing fake news propaganda. However, on Saturday morning, I took a chance, "burned" another of my email addresses, voted "No!" on whether the president deserves a second term, and then was able to read the comments made by participants in the poll. While the poll itself showed that 80% of the participants were in favor of four more years, the vast majority of the comments were extremely negative. Put into "Banned" perspective, it was as if there had been a referendum on what kind of pastor general or Apostle HWA had been! The comments logged on the poll were every bit as severe! A consensus, distilling it all down, was that Trump was the worst, most incompetent @$$h0l€ of a president in the entire history of the republic. And, of course there was the occasional comment similar to what the Kitchens post here, or nck (sorry, nck buddy, that is an area in which we disagree!). I was amazed that the comments had not been censored, but perhaps that was covered by the rules under which the poll was attached to the news items.
I also have great concerns that President Trump may attempt to suspend the elections. He has stated himself in the past that if he loses, or is somehow removed, it could lead to Civil War. I doubt that that is true. However, if a bunch of pro-Trump rebels need to be rounded up by the FBI or the National Guard for trying to seize power in the aftermath of the elections, that would be a small price to pay to keep the system working per all of our founding documents. It wouldn't be the first time the feds had to corral militia types.
Anyway, correction can frequently be painful. Hopefully, we are on the dawn of correction!
So you're saying that those Russian doctors just happened to fall out windows to their deaths?
For those who consider Vernon Howell just another Millerite hack, please consider that if Garner Ted Armstrong had figured out the "sinful Messiah" angle 50 years ago, he had enough charisma and intelligence that he just might have stolen HWA's empire out from underneath him.
Some version of this may eventually be how David Christ explains away his many failed RCG prophecies.
That is interesting info about the pole and associated commentary. As you know, my concern is institutional in nature. I think Trump has damaged many of our most cherished institutions, and I share your concerns about his reluctance to leave the White House. At any rate, I hope that if Biden is elected he will govern in the center-left lane (wild swings from one extreme to the other are not good for the country either). I am hopeful too that his election will temper some of the harshness of our political discourse. Nevertheless, like you, I recognize that correction can be painful (and probably will be).
I must have been thinking about my stepfather's ancestry (he was Polish). Anyway, the poll results were interesting!
@ The Painful Truth
Slow down wait for me, I got my fishing rod!
Agreed, Lonnie.
The right wing propaganda stuff has already firebombed my second ancient and expendable email address.
Joe Biden became the front-runner because the mainstream progressive base showed just slightly greater preference for his left of center approach than for Bernie's total socialist approach. AOC appears to have approached Biden and seems willing to work with him with certain notable caveats. There is even talk of Joe Biden selecting Michelle Obama as his running mate. There are those who consider Barack Obama as having been the greatest president ever, and Michelle is his Hillary.
Rush has always stated that liberal women will not reject a candidate based on past sexual innuendo, so long as that candidate embraces and furthers their agenda. I believe there is a modicum of truth to that, but it is unknown what effect the allegations would have on independent or swing voters needed by either party to elect their candidate. Plus, if the Libertarians siphon off enough votes, most likely that would work in Trump's favor. We're not going to see a Libertarian president. Third party candidates are generally relegated to the roll of spoiler.
I agree that radical swings do not work best in our national interests. Worse than ever, we need a middle of the road president who can work with both parties. Working with both parties covers both large segments of the population, and therefore does the best possible job of representing the majority of Americans. It might even depolarize us, and help us to rejoin the rest of the world as a full partner rather than being a hermit kingdom looking only to right wing needs.
1:46 ~ In researching matters related to David Koresh, I've encountered materials from Dr. James Tabor that seem to favorably regard Koresh's understanding of the seals.
Having said that, I had picked up on the fact early in the process that NEO was indulging in satire/sarcasm. After all, it's similar in pattern to what we apply to all of the "prophets" from our own little group of Millerites.
As far as GTA goes, the only way he might have come into greater prominence would be if he had continued with HWA until HWA died, and then received the mantle and the blessing. It would have been limited to a Franklin Graham scale, but would have been a larger portion than GTA managed to seize based on his own.
BykerBob and Miller Jones, does the fact that Bernie has had the primary nomination stolen from him TWICE bother you. Does the end justify the means? Besides, it won't be Biden. It will be Trump versus Hillary round 2.
Anonymous 5/10 @ 4:01,
Bernie is a self-labeled socialist. He represents a too radical swing to the left. So, no, it doesn't bother me that a majority of voters in the Democratic primaries decided to deny him the nomination. Although Trump would love to have Hillary round 2, I don't see that being in the cards.
But Miller Jones, the cards are not picked by the voters. They are chosen and dealt by the Establishment. You didn't have a choice then, and you don't have a choice now. Hillary will be the nominee!
I'm a prophet!
No, maybe they don't vote in America anyway.
Can hardly wait to have Joe 'dementia' Biden as America's next president.
If NEO tries to establish connections between Koresh and COG one more time, I will threaten to establish real and indisputable ties between the founder of Rock and Roll, Richard Wayne Penniman and Millerism, as sure as a-wop-bop-a-loo-bop-a-lop-bam-boom, influenced The Beatles, The Stones, David Bowie an entire generaton and the future of mankind.
It’ll be Trump v Clinton 2 if she’s chosen by Biden as VP.
It’ll be Trump v Clinton 2 if she’s chosen by Biden as VP.
If Biden chooses Hillary as his VP this summer, we will quickly hear about how Biden has become moody and even suicidal, and he will commit Arkancide before the Inauguration, possibly before the election.
It's difficult to tell what may play out in the liberal camp. I had thought that with the election of Barack Obama, the torch had passed to the next generation more or less permanently, and then in 2016, it reverted back to the boomers.
All of the people being mentioned in this discussion are in the primary risk group for coronavirus. Of course, if Joe and Benghazi are elected, and both become ill with Covid 19 and subsequently pass away, that would leave Nancy Pelosi in the drivers seat according to the rules of ascension. She's older than both of them. Biden would gain much in choosing a younger running mate. Michelle Obama is 56 years old. Playing for the conservatives, Mike Pence is 60. Mrs. Obama would bring numerous advantages to presumptive nominee Biden. AOC would most likely bring in the disgruntled Bernie base of supporters, and is younger than the Covid target group. However, she is seen as a negative (too extreme, too young and inexperienced) by a large percentage of voters.
The point is, much can happen within the coming months leading to November, much of it not good. The death toll was still climbing when the decision was made to open up, and experts expect it to spike as people attempt to "normalize". China and South Korea, two nations where it was thought to be under control, are once again seeing new cases. Sincere hopes that nobody here at Banned still believes the pandemic to be a hoax, and that everyone is diligent in taking appropriate precautions!
Wade Cox wrote: "...We are in the last days and the Beast and little horn will emerge under the blue beret or turban of the UN in this last empire of Satan.
And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
The Fifth Trumpet has already been opened with this Corona Virus..."
This is probably stupid to ask, but here it comes: when did the first four Trumps occur, and where is all of the ecological damage on earth that was supposed to have happened?
Another question: just who is the beast? Wade does not know.
It appears that Wade Cox is a believer in that MMM (Mickey Mouse Millennium) and expects "another Jesus" to return soon to reign on earth.
Nevertheless, Wade says we are in the last days? What last days? Last days of what.
Wade talks about the last empire of Satan, but how can that be? Satan goes into some pit for 1,000 years, and Satan does have another empire to come.
Rev 20:7
8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom [is] as the sand of the sea.
We know Rome is the 6th empire/head of the beast! What is the 7th head? It's Gog, and Satan is deeply involved with it when that vile, evil, thing exits the pit AFTER the end of Wade Cox's (& xcog's hirelings') MMM!
So, how can Satan's "last empire" be anytime soon? I am not holding my breath, but, oh, that 5th Trumpet has in no way sounded, but...
...Time will tell.
My crystal ball tells me Biden will pick Kamala Harris as his running mate. Then dementia and an acknowledgement of sexual misconduct will be the "public shelter" to withdraw from his presedential run which would also cover his ass from questions of corruption with Ukraine and China. The MSM will begin to back a Hillary bid because she beat Trump in the popular vote and with the possibility of nationwide mail-in voting it would be much easier to steal the vote this time. So you will have Hillary and Harris or another female as your democrat ticket. Any issues with Hillary's past will be seen as misogyny or election interference, something the democrats have impeached Trump for recently.
I suspect what will happen is that covid 19 is going to greatly diminish in the next month (thankfully). It will prove to have been overblown (certainly from the models). Trump will correctly point out that the democrat governors and democrat establishment hurt the economy beyond that which was reasonable (going to a park, kayaking in a lake, etc.) He will speak about how he braced against their disregard for the health of the economy and opened the economy up against their cries. He will point out that they are short-sighted and fearful and that boldness and confidence is how we must proceed. The democrats will sound like ninnies trying to blame Trump for additional deaths when he can easily point to the actions and statements of Governor Cuomo and Mayor DeBlasio, of February Fauci and February Pelosi. There are few inspiring arguments the democrats have for their position. Perhaps the Trump hatred will prevail for them in the end. But, even now, the democrats look like the party that tries to scare people and people are recognizing this more. The Dems are in a tough position and their only hope is for Covid 19 to get worse and the economy to stay down. But, the populace recognizes this necessity for the democrats and that is bad optics for the dems. We will see, but with an upturn in the economy with a diminishment of covid and I cannot see how trump will not be re-elected.
I hope you are right about the recovery, Jim. Unfortunately, there are an abundance of very exhaustive charts regarding new cases of infection, and Covid19 deaths, prepared not by biased media, but by health departments and scientists. In key areas, the trends are upward, others are being carefully watched, and some are as yet neutral (neither rising or falling). A week ago, El Presidente stated that we'd probably see 70,000 deaths by the time this is over, and we are now at 80,000 and climbing.
Your analysis was good, but you may have missed a couple factors. Deflation, and the global economy. For the economy to grow, 1) The integrity of prices and profit margins must be retained, and 2) There must be a market for our exports. That is to say, there must be demand, and the transactions which meet that demand must be profitable. Even if there had been no pandemic, the crash of oil prices would be imposing deflationary pressures on the global economy. There are countries whose only national asset is oil. Without their normal income stream, these countries will become unstable. Domestically, the oil glut has all but gutted our shale oil industry. It will take years for certain parts of Texas to recover, as an example.
That's just for openers. Some businesses, restaurants, restaurant chains, and select department stores are permanently gone. Farmers have been dumping milk, killing off their livestock, and and not planting this season's crops. The Ag industry is in trouble on a grand scale.. Tourism will be dead for years. Treatment of Covid 19 has not been profitable for hospitals by any means. Many of them are insolvent.
The Feds are figuratively printing money in the hopes of adding liquidity to the economy.
Politics have nothing to do with these events. Once the virus struck, most of what we now see happening was inevitable. But, it is an American tradition that when conditions appear bad, blame is assigned by the voters and they vote against the incumbents. Zerubbabel could probably run against Donald Trump and win.
BB, AOC is too young to be Prez (35). So, she could not really be VP.
Jim wrote:
BB, AOC is too young to be Prez (35). So, she could not really be VP.
AOC will turn 35 on October 13, 2024. The Inauguration is on January 20, 2025. She's eligible to serve as President if she wins the election in November 2024.
There is and will continue to be a demand for U.S. products. I do think it is good that we are looking to be able to provide for our own needs though. That is an element on which Trump can inspire. Whatever you think of him, globalism has its problems particularly when limiting your domestic manufacturing sectors. This doesn't mean that you can't import goods, but you must maintain the means for ramping up if necessary all manufacturing sectors domestically. The dems don't believe in that and it will hurt them. I'm glad Trump had already encouraged increased manufacturing before Covid. We have more means right now because of it.
The pope should definitely call himself the Red Black. Its much more in line with the Palpatine vibe.
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