Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Lego Helping To Prepare The Way to Petra

Lego Moc Facebook

Just in time for Days of Unleavened Bread or Feast of Tabernacles gift giving!
Woo Hoo!

Get your children excited about their soon-coming adventures in Petra where they will have to endure 3 1/2 years of the Great Bwana Bob Theil bouncing and flailing as he trains them to be gods and goddesses! What a fun time for all!

Petra Marriott 

Lego understands how significant the Great Bwana Bob Thiel is in church history and will soon be making a Lego version of the Petra Marriott so that children can replicate the soon-to-be sacred dwelling place of the Great Bwana Bob. Even though they will all be living in dirt-filled caves along with their parents, they will be in awe of the Great Bwana living in the 5-Star resort as maids keep him in the lifestyle he thinks he deserves since he is God's ONLY true prophet leading the ONLY true church.


Monday, March 18, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Says Dave Pack Is Not Converted And Does Not Have The Truth

Our favorite crackpot prophet is back tooting his little itty-bitty horn after intensely suffering due to God recently spanking him by sending a tornado to tear off the roof of his mind-boggling world headquarters letting in a deluge of rain that has made his analog phones inoperable. This intense persecution has not slowed down our amazing self-appointed false prophet from checking this blog and others to find out the latest news he is not privy to.

After reading about Christophe Binette’s departure from the Restored Church of God and then RCG's hypocritical response where they accused Binette of leaving the "body of Christ" the Great Bwana Bob has a few choice words to say. According to the greatest prophet the earth has ever witnessed walking its green hills, the truth cannot be found in the Restored Church of God but can ONLY be found in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. No one on this entire earth is more converted than the Great Bwana Bob Muzungu Thiel, not even Dave Pack.

No, leaving RCG is not leaving the "body of Christ." I personally have long doubted Davd Pack's conversion. Plus he has proven himself to be an inaccurate and false apostle.

The truth now only resides in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. 

That said, yes, God has revealed vital truths to the most faithful Philadelphian remnant of the Church of God, but that is not RCG

The Great Bwana Bob Mzungu expects us all to forget how Rod Meredith questioned his conversion due to the demands and false teachings he was trying to foster on the Living Church of God. The Great Bwana's rank rebellion against the government of the Living Church of God was blatant to all LCG members. Thats why they all just look at the Great Bwana now and laugh. 

PCG: “Christ could have sinned.” and “the Father could have been alone for eternity.”

The Philadelphia Church of God continues to plumb the depths of doctrinal heresy that forever cements them in Church of God history as a genuine anti-Christian cult. There is nothing godly or Christian about Flurryism. 

Check this story out that was posted on Exit and Support Network:

Mark Hyde Gives Blasphemous Singles Bible Study:
March 17, 2024 
PCG (just like WCG did) always gives a sermon about Christ before Passover, but it’s a Christ they really don’t know. 
A dragged out and mind numbing 1 hour and 18 minute singles Bible Study was given by Mark Hyde on March 16 about “Evaluating your God Family Focus.” Below are a few notes I took from this blasphemous sermon. 
“Herbert Armstrong represented God the Father to us (when he was alive), but now “Gerald Flurry represents God the Father.” 
We are here to become God and expand His family.” 
Hyde went over much of Isaiah 53 ( a prophecy about Jesus) but ignorantly he claimed that when God saw His Son crucified that “there was great risk in that” because “Christ could have sinned.” and “the Father could have been alone for eternity.” But it was “worth the risk so that we would have a chance at eternal life.” 
What absolute blasphemy! Refer to Jesus Two Natures which proves Jesus was fully God and fully man and never could have sinned. He willingly took the sins of the whole world upon Himself and endured the cross for the joy that was set before him. (Hebrews 12:2) 
Going on, some of the other things Hyde said: 
“How much do you think about building the God family?” 
He talked about living a life of sacrifice spiritually and physically, or we “will get our minds on ourselves.” 
He emphasized more than once how God gave up everything for us and what a risk it was. 
He said those who have their mind on the “God Family Vision” will “fight to avoid sin.” He said Christ sweated blood “to keep from sinning.” And, “Would we we fight like that?” 
Quoted from John 1:1. Hyde said, 
“They (God and Jesus) were two Beings but it was almost like they were one because they were so focused.” (Refer to: The Two Natures of Jesus which shows Jesus was very God and very man.) 
“We need to have that kind of unity.” “That requires prayer and study and fasting.” 
He ended by quoting various verses on unity, even quoting HWA. 
“We can’t be unified this way on our own, we can’t combat sin on our own.” 
He told how on “Feb 4, 1984 HWA gave a sermon on unity” (after he put the church “back on track”). At that time HWA proclaimed, “There is going to be unity in the church!” “We must not let unity be destroyed by another spirit.
Hyde tied that in with submitting to “God’s government” which is “the love of God in action.” He said, “God must be really excited when we come together to support the Work.” 
He said, 
“Do your relationships with one another reflect more of an unconverted high school approach? Or do they reflect the converted approach filled with their Father’s God Family Vision?” 
“If we’re all brutally honest, we see where Satan is trying to spin us into the first approach…” 
“Gossip and backbiting are things we need to avoid; jealousy and envy.” 
“Let’s get our minds on God’s Work and off self.” “Let’s give our lives to the God Family Vision and yearn for a family as God does.” 
One who has their focus on the God Family Vision lives a life of sacrifice.” “They will be motivated to fight like Christ to avoid sin. To go to the Father and ask for help.” 
One can’t help but become outraged when listening to a sermon like this, seeing how they are rejecting the finished work of Christ on the cross of Calvary. ESN has shown on their site that eternal life is a free gift and all our sins have been forgiven once and for all. The tragedy is that PCG ministers are teaching these lies to their youth. –Critiqued by AJW