Friday, October 14, 2016

Dead Pool

One of Herbert Armstrong's biggest trophies when he was buying land in Pasadena was when he acquired the Hulett C Merritt Estate.  Merritt was a multimillionaire by the time he was 18.

Merritt’s father had discovered the Mesabi Iron Range in Minnesota. Young Hulett spent a year in a cast with an injured hip but graduated at the head of 800 students at a business college. He started selling real estate in Duluth, his hometown. By 18, he was a multimillionaire, having developed Texas City, in Texas, and owning a large interest in iron mines and railroads. Pasadena History: Remembering Hulett C Merritt
Merritt's house was ahead of its time when he built it.  He had a pool installed underground to the left of the house.

That pool ended up being part of the Frontier Room, which was a student lounge for many years.  The pool was also where many hundreds Ambassador students and church members were baptized.

Now it has been put to better use.  Now the living dead can use it for their caskets in the latest American Horror Story: Hotel on FX.

Quite a fitting epitaph for a dying church.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Feast Tour of LCG Homes of the Elite

An LCG source has been busy.  Here are the homes of some of the elite of the Living Church of God.      Lil'Jimmy and Peter Nathan have the largest homes.  Gaylyn Bonjour is a nondescript older home, not what one would except for the man who doubly blessed the greatest COG leader in human history...sorry Dave.

Most of the homes are located in Mint Hill and Matthews, North Carolina.

Dick Ames

Gaylyn Bonjour

Wyatt Ciesielka

Gary Ehman

Ken Frank

Mike Germano 

Mario Hernandez

Jim Meredith

Rod Meredith

Peter Nathan 

Dexter Wakefield 

Doug Winnail  condo 

Missing is Gerald Weston's new home.

Now that the Feast has been moved to Charlottee, this might be a good time to organize a bus tour of the Living Church of God elite.  That was always popular in Pasadena.