Sunday, May 26, 2024

"...these people are from the Worldwide Church of God. Leave them alone".


Samuel Kitchen writes:

We had felt the Worldwide Church of God was an organization that fell into the hands of apostates, and so we called ourselves members of the Church of God instead.
But we soon found out the question raised would be "which Church of God?" And "Are you a separate group?"
We didn't feel we were a separate "Church of God group", as we were just a family who were members of the Worldwide Church of God (under Mr. Armstrong) who were holding fast to God's truth. So we began to use the identity, given to us by Christ, given through the apostle.
People soon realized we were not supporters of TKACH or the apostates that had abused the name, who had been using it to gain assets of the Church.
Before we began publicly using the name Worldwide Church of God, we had a little incident.
After the feast in South Dakota we were heading home, and soon we found ourselves at a hotel, surrounded by military and government personnel.
The night before we had seen the military doing maneuvers in Sioux City, and had to make detours to get to a hotel for the night.
As we ate breakfast, the lobby was filled with apparent military and government personnel. One of the people there, was heard telling the others "these people are from the Worldwide Church of God. Leave them alone".
I heard the same woman tell the others in line at the buffet, "not these people".
We were kind of shaken. If we hadn't been members of the Worldwide Church of God, what would have happened?!?!? We had felt that an angel was informing these people not to mess with us on our way home.
So when I hear people mock and attack me for saying the Worldwide Church of God exists. If that woman wasn't an angel, we were already considered by the government as members of this Church.
If she was an angel, then what she said was even more important. We hadn't used "Worldwide Church of God" in publications or posts. We had been using "Church of God".
So we began to use it.
Now, after my parents and grandmother's death, and my brother's separation, I have one little brother who is with me. My personal family is small.
But realize this brethren, the Worldwide Church of God is my spiritual family. And that is what I am focusing on.
Nothing else matters. The family of God is priority. God added me to the Body of Christ. And so I desire to see my family reunited someday. I think Christ is not slack concerning His promises. Those promises are sure.
And so we began looking into all these groups, at people who were members of the Worldwide Church of God.
Aaron Dean, the assistant to Mr Armstrong, seems to be in a pickle, just like the rest of us have been. He is attending a group, which has kept him separated from the Worldwide Church of God. He is among a group of separated people from the Worldwide Church of God.
The only way we could exist as the Worldwide Church of God, was to be outside of these groups, otherwise we were some other church. Jesus Christ pulled us out and showed us this.
Out of all the ministry, Mr. Dean has NOT sought any kind of power, position, or control. He has been humble, kind, good hearted, and hospitable.
I have been in contact with him since 2012.
I'm just looking at the ministry who were ordained in the Worldwide Church of God, from the perspective of someone outside of these groups. From the perspective of someone who is a member of the Worldwide Church of God.
Aaron Dean, has a different spirit than the others. When I look at Victor Kubik, and what he says, it's totally different. When I look at Meredith, pack, Flurry, and the others who were there in the Church under Mr. Armstrong, they have demon spirits ruling them. I do not perceive that with Mr. Dean.
So now what? I'm just a member of the Worldwide Church of God. What happened to the ministry? They seemed to have either died, or are now seen joined with ANOTHER CHURCH.  
Those joined with ANOTHER CHURCH seem to believe the Worldwide Church of God is just an organization, and believe that the spiritual Church of God is now organizing into their newer group.
But the Philadelphia candlestick has not been destroyed.
Just because THEY ARE NOT organized as the Worldwide Church of God, does not negate the evidence it does exist without them.
And it's humbling to think that time spent being organized as another church was all in vain, if they cannot now organize as the Worldwide Church of God.
I believe perhaps being organized temporarily while waiting on God, is a good thing. Gerald Waterhouse seemed to have thought that about the UCG in 1995.
But when the UCG comes out, through Victor Kubik, saying the purpose of starting the UCG was to constrain "one man rule" from being established and concentrated to one man, then something was deceptive.
Someone was told a lie.
And when ministers of the UCG start voicing their disagreement with the government of God as it was established through Herbert W Armstrong the apostle of Jesus Christ, that is something of great concern.
So I see Aaron Dean, as a minister who did well, and perhaps there are more men who did well, as they held fast in whatever group they landed, but now unable to organize as the Worldwide Church of God without a catalyst, without someone standing up and taking the hits and raising the alarm.
We need to realize the dangers, those of us who are SEPARATED have armed against us. Satan seems to keep us separated and divided.
If you notice Revelation 12, a remnant is divided off because Satan's wrath can reach THEM. He cannot reach the Worldwide Church of God who goes into a place of safety.
So that's what I'm focusing on brethren.
I'd rather bleed for my family to make it, than to see all of you not escape what is coming because I wanted a life of my own. So realize brethren what is coming. And realize that being divided, is of Satan, and being separated from the Worldwide Church of God has been only used to destroy the Church.


Anonymous said...

If we didn't know what we know about Armstrongism, this would be heartbreaking. Actually, it still is. This guy is our fellow victim, just in a different way. It is a shame to watch such a sincere person go through this.

Anonymous said...

“Aaron Dean, has a different spirit than the others. When I look at Victor Kubik, and what he says, it's totally different. When I look at Meredith, pack, Flurry, and the others who were there in the Church under Mr. Armstrong, they have demon spirits ruling them. I do not perceive that with Mr. Dean.” -- Samuel Kitchen

Samuel Kitchen is definitely onto something here.

Gerald Flurry, David Pack, Roderick Meredith, Victor Kubik, and so many others, really do have demons behind them and their heretical behavior.

Thank you, Sam, for telling me what I already know.

G.D said...

All churches of God follow a false doctrine introduced by HWA, to keep the Feasts of Leviticus 23. The law of Moses (handwriting of ordinances- 2 Chron 33:8), was nailed to the cross (Col 2:14-17)and is not a requirement for the New Testament church.

DennisCDiehl said...

It's a miracle!

Stormtrooper: Let me see your identification.

Sam Kekitchen: You don’t need to see his identification.

Stormtrooper: We don’t need to see his identification.

Sam Kekitchen: These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.

Stormtrooper: These aren’t the droids we’re looking for.

Sam Kekitchen: He can go about his business.

Stormtrooper: You can go about your business.

Sam KeKitchen: Move along.

Anonymous said...

I’m wondering if Mr. Dean has ever publicly responded to Samuel Kitchen’s statements. Has anyone heard?

Anonymous said...

I see a restraining order in the making......

Anonymous said...

Dean's silence is deafening.

Anonymous said...

There are only 12 apostles of Jesus Christ - Rev 21:14. They are Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James, and Paul.

RSK said...

You forgot Matthias.

Anonymous said...

An apostle is one who is sent. There is no evidence Jesus sent Matthias. He was "only" numbered with the apostles. Barnabas was an apostle - Acts 14:14 - but he was apparently an apostle of someone else, sent by someone else, not by Jesus Christ. Your wife sends you out to take some garbage to the dump. You are then the apostle of your wife. Come to think of it there are millions of apostles all sent by somebody for some purpose.

Byker Bob said...

My garbage man was sent to pick up my trash. The difference between him and the chief spreaders of Armstrongism is that Herbie and his heirs unapparent were sent to deliver garbage.