Friday, May 31, 2024

Carnal Minded Church Members

Remember these fun times with Herbert bellowing with spittle flying and fists hitting the desk?

You can watch the complete video here: 


Anonymous said...

.....with a vehement countenance.....

Anonymous said...

He was such a nasty vile little man! Its no wonder COG7 kicked him out for his rebellious attitude.

Anonymous said...

Just because he said it, doesn't make it true. A certain percentage just invited that authoritarian voice right in, and the rest is history. Assimilated by the Borg!

Anonymous said...

HWA's level of narcissism and just out of control self exaltation was really beyond the pale. He truly thought that everything he said or proclaimed was divine. Funny, how when you read about the true biblical figures many were described as being meek and humble individuals upon human interactions. That NEVER applied to HWA or his wannabe frauds like Flurry or Pack. What is really sad is the destruction he caused in so many lives including many of his own family. If he had to get up at 4 am every day & work a difficult job he might have been a little more humble.

Anonymous said...

When we get right down to it did this alleged apostle who made great claims ha ve any good thing or respectful thing in his behaviour.? I’ve decided no, not one good thing at all

Anonymous said...

In reading of the early 1980's Kessler letter, it mentioned HWA's incest during his early ministry but also something labeled as " more recent self confessed perversities" that HWA had partaked in. I had thought it might be his flog log but was told it was something that it was probably worse than that. Also interesting that Kessler mentioned how Kevin Dean was giving him trouble in his attempts to call attention to the corruption, considering how he is now wearing an orange jump suit. One thing I still have a hard time understanding is how he mentioned Ray Wright's embezzlement & misuse of funds not once but twice and yet United made him a minister? We all are sinners and need forgiveness but it seems too many of the Worldwide spinoffs leadership seem to practice a different level of forgiveness for their own than they do for a lay member. It seems once Kessler and others such as David Robinson pulled back the curtains, it was a wonder Worldwide prospered for as long as it did. It seemed as is if looking back, Worldwide(Flurry & Pack also) really never seemed to take heed to Christ's warning about harming or causing offense or the millstone around the neck. I guess money & absolute power is very intoxicating.

Anonymous said...

Haven't you heard, 7:07? People give their leaders a pass, so long as they stick to the approved agenda.

It's like we used to say about the rock n roll. So what if the band uses drugs, i like them for their music, not what they do in their personal lives. Problem is, a philosophy is much more dangerous than music!

Anonymous said...

Herbert made the carnal mistake of believing his own hubris, although in his defence what happened to him is not dissimilar to what happened to many pioneers of Hollywood A listers.They became victims of their own hubris. Believed their own hype to extraordinary levels and thus destroying what made them successful in the first place.

Before the invention of the moving camera and the development of the entire system of 20th century entertainment the only ones who would fall victim to such hubris would have been European Royalty, Aristocracy and vastly rich businessmen.

The irony of Herbert's life is he became influenced and molded, as much by his own religious fame, as the very world he started out warning people about.
His life is a warning to Christans for as much as what he was capable of building but also what then ultimately unravelled so quickly after his odd death.