Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Tithing Lie and the Ridiculousness of the Pharisees


One thing the Church of God is good at is fleecing its members for money by claiming everyone must tithe 10%. Then, on top of that, 2nd tithe, excess 2nd tithe, 3rd tithe, a tithe of the tithe, special offerings, building funds, and co-worker appeal letters. The real gospel of the church is money.

Tithing has been a lie that has taken over the church for decades. Even the new splinter groups who had a chance to do things right still incorporated tithing into their belief systems. Who could blame them though, how else were these ministers going to maintain their privileged lifestyles? UCG and Global/LCG were particularly good at this as they started collecting tithe money from their "soon-to-be" followers secretly and putting it in the bank in order to have a steady income once they jumped ship from the mother church as they claimed apostasy.

This is an excerpt from Tithing - You're Doing It Wrong on the As Berans Did site. (You can read the full article there.)

Tithing was not 10%. It was one-in-ten.


What is the difference, you ask? Let me xplain.

Originally,  ancient Israel was an agrarian society. All that means is most of the nation's wealth was generated in a field somewhere. That is why you will only see tithes of the farm, field, orchard, or flock. That is why you hear of the Pharisees tithing of mint, anise, and cumin (DEU. 14: 22). Note: the church leaders tithed. You will not find a verse where tithes came from money. Or fish, for that matter. You can turn a tithe into money in order to make it easier to transport, but it was not money originally. (Does your Minister accept tomatoes?)

Some did have "income" as we understand it, because there were tradesmen and specialists in that agrarian society. Somebody had to cut stone and build houses and smith bronze and craft the clay and fletch arrows, and etc. That tent aint gonna weave itself! Yet, you never see a verse commanding them to tithe on their pay. It is implied that money income was donated, but it is never directly commanded that money income was tithed. Some forms of income simply were not tithed upon.

So, we are back to tithing on farm, field, orchard, or flock. Here, the one-in-ten system becomes necessary. To explain how the one-in-ten tithing system worked, let us imagine some shepherds.

Once a year, the shepherds would all gather in their area to have their flocks counted. We were reminded by Miller Jones in the comments on this post that it wasn't the whole flock that was counted, but the increase of the flock. An important point to mention! (No one tithes on everything they currently own, but the new income. Or else tithing would guarantee poverty.) For the count, the new sheep were caused to pass under a rod. Every tenth sheep was given.

(LEV. 27: 32) And concerning the tithe of the herd or the flock, of whatever passes under the rod, the tenth one shall be holy to the Lord.

Let's say for example there is a poor shepherd who has three new sheep.

Under a one-in-ten system: This poor shepherd brings his three sheep to be counted. There is no tenth sheep to give, so he ends up giving nothing at all.

Under a system of 10%: He would have to cut three-tenths of one sheep and hand it over. That leaves him with two and seven-tenths sheep.

Let's say for example there is a more successful shepherd with twenty-nine new sheep.

Under a one-in-ten system: This shepherd brings his twenty-nine sheep to be counted. As the tenth passes under the rod, he hands it over. As the twentieth passes under the rod, he surrenders it over as well. Since there is no thirtieth sheep, nothing further is taken from him.

Under a system of 10%: He would have to surrender two whole sheep, then cut nine-tenths of a third sheep and hand it over. That leaves him with twenty six and one-tenth sheep.

Do you see the difference?

Let's do what is un-biblical and turn this tithe example into one of money. I only do this because so many people think of tithing in terms of money income, although that "biblical" idea is not in the Bible anywhere.

Ten percent of $19.98 is $1.99. One-in-ten of $19.98 is $1.00.

Ten percent of $983.75 is $98.37. One-in-ten of $983.75 is $98.00.

Same starting amounts, different tithe. The two systems are similar but not the same.

There is a tangible difference between 10% and one-in-ten. What is that poor shepherd supposed to do with that seven-tenths of a sheep, exactly? Plus, with one-in-ten you never have to round up.

If you understand how tithing really worked, it makes the ridiculousness of the Pharisees even greater. They didn't just weigh their herbs and spices then hand over 10%. No. If they were doing it as expected, then they had to count it all out and give one out of every ten. Talk about strain at a gnat and swallow a camel! Doing all of that fastidious counting, but missing the law of love almost completely.

The law of love in Armstrongism has always been missing. Fastidious lawkeeping has always reigned supreme. 

The church has never relied upon sound doctrine but upon the wild ravings of mad men leading it. They turned their itching ears away from the truth decades ago and that's why we are stuck with such fools as Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Ron Wenland, and Gerald Flurry.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

When a Family Member "Marks" A Sibling, Does God Care?


Only in COGland do you hear someone "marking" a family member after apparently disfellowshipping them from their own church. Herbert did it to Ted. Now Samuel Kitchen has marked his own brother, which in the long run is nothing more than empty words that carry no weight either by man or by God. This is especially true since Samuel is not ordained and has no power. He is like Bob Thiel, self-appointed to a position that God has no part in. Herbert Armstrong would never approve of this situation.

I do not seek self glory. The Worldwide Church of God is the Church of God, with Jesus Christ as its Head. 
This work I've been involved with these last 19 years, is something I didn't choose. I was led and thrown into this work, and it's been about serving the people of God, and warning of spiritual dangers Christ has shown me, and to encourage you to Hold Fast and endure this great falling away, and to NOT develop a wrong attitude towards the ministry of Christ. 
Mr. Aaron Dean, is an ordained minister of the Worldwide Church of God. He is attending another church at the moment, but he is holding fast with what he knows. 
What I feel Jesus Christ is leading me to do, is direct your attention to the ministry of the Worldwide Church of God as they "come out of her" and return to the ministry of the Worldwide Church of God. 

Samuel is like Bob Thiel and Dave Pack. All of them are expecting COG ministers from hundreds and hundreds of splinter groups to suddenly see the light and return to the one true faith, in this case, the stolen entity that claims to be the Worldwide Church of God. The idea that the old WCG will be resurrected, in all of its filthy glory has been a long-held belief by many since HWA died. Some of the diehard faithful used to gather at his grave waiting for him to be resurrected on January 16 every year so he could restore the church and Ambassador College back to the glory days and complete a final work We have seen how well that has worked for Dave Pack and Bob Thiel. It is going to be no better for Samuel.

I am not an ordained man. I am a nobody. I'm not grabbing for power or position or money. And so that's why I focus on what God has built and what I feel Christ is doing. The ordained ministry is cut off unable to operate as the men of the Worldwide Church of God. 

Every minister in a splinter group lost their ordination status the second they apostatized from the mother church when they threw their self-righteous little hissy fits. That ordination was only valid in the WCG. It did not transfer over. Sadly, they had the example of their dear departed leader who left the Church of God 7th Day to start his own group and then immediately set about discrediting COG7. Splinter ministers did the exact same thing. Speaking ill of their mother church, its leaders, and of ministers leading other COG groups. They still do it to this very day.

So right now, we brethren, have the archived sermons and teachings materials of Christ's apostle and those who were with him at that time, to pastor us. 
But our work, will be stopped by the rising of the United States of Europe, the beast system coming out of Europe. It will be an attempt to destroy the ministerial function of the archives, in order to say there is no Worldwide Church of God. 

Ho hum. Same old broken record skipping in the exact same place. Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Wienland, Alton Billignsly, and many others all believe that their amazing works will be stopped. 

Mr. Dean, probably isn't very comfortable with me bringing his name up. But it's not up to him. And it's not up to me. But I will direct people to Christ's ministers, and ask for everyone to support them RETURNING to the Worldwide Church of God. 

Aaron Dean is not and will never lead some glorious restoration of a morally and spiritually bankrupt church that destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of people over 8 decades. 

So if I were to die brethren, support the men of the ministry as they return. I'm a nobody. I don't want the chief seat. 

Satan is apparently so pissed at Samuel right now that he is trying to strike him down. This is grandiose delusions just like Bob Thiel has. Actually, it is plain and simply a lie. 

I just had to publicly mark my twin brother, because of division he caused within the Church of God. That hurts me, because I felt we were united. This was not an attempt to grab control. 

I am sure his brother could care less as this carries absolutely no weight with God.  

So that's why I write this brethren. The ministry when restored, needs to be respected and honored. And no matter what happens to me, show them that honor as they return to God's Church. 

Samuel isn't a minister so the "marking" is invalid.

I'm not talking about Ron Stephens and his illegitimate Church, or any other. That's why I point to Aaron Dean. He is a man who was there with Mr. Armstrong and who it seems does not have another spirit that is hostile. He is just with another church, and so all I can do is prepare you all to support the ministry as they exit other groups, and as they get behind Aaron Dean. 

People in the COG are not going to follow Aaron Dean any more than they followed Bob Thiel.

I'm sorry Mr. Dean, of I am causing trouble for you, but this must be said. If I die in this fight, I want this battle to be not in vain, but for the edification of the Worldwide Church of God. 
This is not about me. It's about God's Church and God's Truth. 

How many times have we heard this since the Great Rebellion of 1996? Everyone has the "truth" and everyone is running the "one true church". All of these blabbering idiots have made a mockery of God's truths and especially of Christ, 

May God bless you men of the ministry and stir a fire under you all so that Christ may accomplish in you His Work. We brethren need you to be here. The final phase of God's Work and Church is coming speedily upon us. 
In Jesus Christ's name,
Samuel W Kitchen

It is time for the rotting corpse of the old Worldwide Church of God and its hundreds of harlot daughters to be buried. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Bob Thiel's African Members Would Rather Starve Than Accept Food From A Muslim Or Pentecostal


Many of the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu's followers in Africa are currently suffering from drought conditions and hunger. He has promised to send them money to help alleviate the situation.

Notice though how proud his representatives in Africa are of this following comment.

Another problem is that last season brethren did not harvest well because of cyclone
The encouraging news is that though the Muslims and Pentecostal churches are distributing food to their members every month but our members are not shaken to join them but are still following the true gospel

Sadly, the so-called "gospel" they think they are following as the truth is anything but the truth.