Friday, August 24, 2018

Richard Ames' Bible - Revised Armstrongism Version - 1980 Envoy

And church members think this is normal.

One of the first things I did when leaving Armstrongism was to get a new Bible with no wide margins and was not a Moffitt, Scofield, Orginal King James or had a dispensational bent.

With most of the markings that the church instructed members to use in the Bible, it was little more than highlighting proof texts to confirm preconceived notions as to what certain scriptures were supposed to mean.

Picture ht: SHT

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Pam Dewey: Strange Brew Video

Pam Dewey has had a website up for many years chronicling the various religious groups in America as well as the Church of God movement.  She has also been tackling many of the myths in American lore and history. Her Myth America site seeks to "Dispell MythInformation and MythPerceptions about American history.

Here is her latest video production:

You can continue to part 2 & 3 on her YouTube channel:  Meet Myth America

The Petra Countdown

ht: SHT