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Two of the vilest men from the past are standing in front. Two vermin who betrayed tens of thousands of church members in order to keep their salaries.
The leaders believed that they could dictate to God when Christ would return. That's how tyrannical they were. Several billion people have been born since 1975. These and other potential first fruits didn't matter to them. So heartless. They richly deserve the lake of fire.
I never figured out how McNair got his hair like that so perfectly.
It's like a Beehive. But not as tall. ;)
McNair was one of the biggest narcissists in Pasadena. He walked with his nose in the air all the time and ignored those beneath his self-assumed high status in the church. He is as arrogant and narcissistic as Bob Thiel, as sad as that sounds. If HWA ever had a blind Yes Man, McNair was it. His first wife Leona knew exactly what kind of man he was. Thankfully she won her lawsuit against him, Meredith and the church for smearing her name.
My parent in the PCG keeps saying next year he/she may be going to the Place of Safety. I don't know if this is a new thing PCG is pushing or if it's a carrot that is always dangled, year in and year out.
Child of a PCGer on August 24, 2018 at 5:01 AM said...“My parent in the PCG keeps saying next year he/she may be going to the Place of Safety. I don't know if this is a new thing PCG is pushing or if it's a carrot that is always dangled, year in and year out.”
It is a carrot that is always dangled, year in and year out, decade after decade.
6:45 is right. Although it seems the time span of the claim is shortening in par with the expiry date of its leader.
There is also increased deceptive teachings regarding "inside focus" like the teaching on their kaaba stone. Or the competition in titles assigned to its leader. Increasing disconnect with reality as understood by sane people.
I remember that picture. It was Advanced Public Speaking and they were testing us to see if we could go exactly 1hour and 15 minutes for a sermon.
I recognize Raymond McNair, but some of the others I can't remember or don't know. Can someone identify the others? Is that William Stenger I see fourth from the left?
Looks like Tkach, Raymond McNair, in front, Mike Feasell second from left on top row, John Halford ? second from the right on top row. Anyone recognize the rest?
I remember McNair asked me back in the 1980's if I owned a "Video Tape Machine", I said do you mean a VCR and he said well that's what some people call it. I laughed myself to tears. lol
. Pause. 1 John 1:1
. Pause. 1 John 1:1
Did Advanced Public Speaking have the following grade points?
1. Times sermon included "Certainly, Behooves, Incumbent, Inculcate, Eternal"
2. Lectern Body Language (Assertive, authoritative, commanding, relaxed)
3. Repetition of scriptures (1 John 1:1
4. How Straight is your tie? (Cause it makes you look silly yelling with a crooked tie)
5. You must grab the lectern with two hands no matter how wide the lectern is, making it look like you're always trying to power-lift the whole thing (this a rule? lol)
Tongue in cheek comment, obviously :)
Why do they look like a bunch of mobsters?
There is a co-worker article in there when HWA had to pushback on Raymond McNair's Jaguar and Cashmere overcoat.
The Jaguar was needed for the meeting of "important people", and the overcoat was purchased with American money not British money (that was one of the problems), and since it was purchased with his American money, it was nobody's business what he does with it. His position justified the need of the Jaguar for the meeting of important people. HWA complained it was a "used 3 year old Jaguar" in the letter.
Do you think that some of these men were at this event ONLY because they felt that they were expected to be there? Perhaps they had to pretend to be interested and excited. Maybe they were there to keep an eye on the other guy, protect your back.
As my Dad would say, "I wouldn't ask any of these guys to hold my wallet while I went to the restroom".
You're right 10.09 AM. They look like Tony Soprano henchmen or villains from Mod Squad.
In picture, front row Dick Ames, Raymond McNair, ?, Mike Feazel, maybe Tkach, Bill Stengel, John Halford and Bernel Michel
Judging by the stop watches, this very fine Kodak moment was probably captured at the annual college track meet.
Oh, the sheer liberalism in 1980! Apparently ministers were permitted to have beards, sideburns were allowed to migrate beyond mid-ear, and hair spray had made it into the medicine chests of ministerial bathrooms.
Petra, by 1980, should have spent the previous 5 years in the church’s rear-view mirror.
Dave Albert, Weazel, Stenger, Bernel Michel, John Halford, David Wainright, Dick Ames next to Raymond McNair who used to tell people to remember their name by picturing what the name would look like......(Dick Ames?) what absurdity
This picture is from the Bricket Wood campus. It is from the College Sports Day in 1971.
Hey, the guy on the far right . . . didn't I see him hanging on a meathook in the back of a refrigerated truck in the movie, The Goodfellas? It took two days to thaw him out before they could do the autopsy.
This is off topic, But I saw Petra in concert at Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee back in 1983.
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