After listeing to two 1 1/2 hours sermons on the same day.
Photo: SHT
Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up to date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind the scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable.
This is what I feel like when I listen to one of Bitter Bob Thiel's videos.
This was me, without a diaper bag on my shoulder after having to listen to Gerald Waterhouse, Rod Meredith or one of Herbert Armstrongs countless Two Trees sermons.
High days or no high days, the Jews will all be slain:
when Pilate asked the Jews if Christ were their king and they replied, “We have no king but Caesar.” And bear in mind that Christ was in Jerusalem when he said, “But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay [them] before me,” which is where the Jews have built a homeland today.
Who would not have Christ reign over them? See John 19:15
If you didn't like services you were never converted. So quit your whining. You never belonged there and were never called. You were fake Christians. Sinners. Children of the devil. Good luck in the lake of fire, you lying fakers.
LOL! I knew this would be the reaction when I posted this. People like this are not truthful to themselves if they claim to sit there for 2 mind and butt-numbing hours listening to some of the most boring preachers on earth.
Seriously, WHO in their right mind found anything beneficial from a 4 hour Gerald Waterhouse sermon, particularly now that we know not a single thing he said has ever come to pass.
Who can seriously say they found Rod Meredith's endless bellowing about gays and sex, week after week, month after month, year after year, spiritually rewarding?
How can anyone find Dave Pack, Ron Weinland and Gerald Flurry's endless prophecies to be spiritually rewarding when every single thing they have predicted has failed to come about?
Who in their right mind can listen to self-appointed buffoons like Bob Thiel and James Malm screech endlessly about the law and visions of Fatima?
None of this guys ever preach about grace, mercy, justice, and Jesus. Not a single damn one of them!
10:42, T-lof is our way of opting out just in case somehow HWA’s scam ends up being “the truth”. Cause if that really happens, it would mean that God is actually Satan. (He’s not!) But, just in case, about 5 minutes of pain, and everything gets set right. Back to star dust!
What you call “converted” is in reality brainwshed, PTSD, or Stockholm Syndrome. You should pray, and ask God if He would actually use an incestuous megalomaniac to restore truth and accurately interpret and present prophecy. You may be surprised at the answer!
Memories, why was the Afternoon sermon on the LGD service always the worst.
To our ministerial guest at 10:02 PM, if I was neither called nor converted, I won't be going to the lake of fire. It's amazing that a minister doesn't know this.
@ 11:58 PM, what I always hated were the reminders given at the LGD morning service. "The Holy Day ends at sundown. God expects you to be at the afternoon service. He also expects you to stay at the site until sundown. God has placed His protection here, so if you start your drive home before sunset, He may let you get into a nasty accident. Have a great Feast day!"
Because most were out of 2T and were not looking forward to going back to reality!
Double services require a "DOUBLE SHOT OF WHISKEY" at lunch break!
One can listen to thousands of these sermons and at the end of the day still be morally confused. This has to be by design.
Thankfully one church service was enough for me. The fact I had to drive 2 hours to the nearest congregation and sit thru 2 hours of mind-numbing boredom and then drive 2 hours back home. I'll never get that Saturday back.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......................w a few BB's as well=descriptive response to
those HD "messages"...T'was all about CONTROL esp that time when HWA made everybody sit through an additional 2 hour tirade because he was offended by a member closing up his bible thinking that FINALLY that clown was gonna shut up!
In all those years in that 'spiritual prison" I don't recall "off hand" a single "Service"
where I left inspired, uplifted, encouraged, etc. Usually more DIScouraged, angry, confused,
and bewildered. Maybe I just had a "bad attitude?" if so then I guess I was "inspired" by all that "rich spiritual (BS) food" we were fed. I know I'm not the only one either.
Hey!! We were all like the proverbial mushrooms. Kept in the dark fed LOTS of "fertilizer".
1. Good afternoon to all of you.
2. Beautiful Weather out there today. (Or rainy, or windy, or cloudy, or Feasty)
3. Add the word "Certainly", "Incumbent", or "Behooves". Use intonation.
4. Drink water. Adjust microphone if needed. Look for a rogue sleeper out there.
5. Shuffle paper. Look left, then right. Grab on to lectern with both hands.
6. Introduction. Scan audience. Eye a yawner.
7. First round of twenty scriptures.
8. Drink water.
10. Second round of twenty scriptures.
12. Third round of twenty scriptures. Hit podium or yell like HWA to wake up sleepers.
14. Correction/Rebuke/Root of the Story
15. In Conclusion, Brethren
16. Ramble on for fifteen minutes more because you can.
17. Add two hours if you're Waterhouse.
18. Second, and final, In Conclusion.
19. Shuffle papers, say something unintelligible to Song Leader, exit.
20. Talk to somebody important and avoid singing final hymn.
"preach about grace, mercy, justice, and Jesus" - good stuff from the Old Testament - Jesus condemned the religious elite of His day for ignoring these.
For those of us who go by the Bible, it is important to know all of it, not selected doctrines.
Some OT commands are implied, like giving to the poor, because the OT instructions did not need amplifying.
I feel we focused too much on what the Protestants were not doing instead of following the Bible as a whole.
BTW - if I ever have a dream that appears to come from God, I would take Gideon's approach and ask for a double miracle.
Anon 10:02 PM, you are a judgemental prick and that is proof you were never "converted". See you in hell ASSHOLE!
Bawahaha, you are so hilarious.
Anon 10:02

Your celebrations of the new moon and the sabbath day, and your special days for fasting - even your most pious meeting- are all SINFUL and FALSE. I want nothing more to do with them.
I hate all your festivals and sacrifices. I cannot stand the sight of them!
Love God
Isaiah 1:11-14
Ahh is -sht a ex wcg minister ?
Ron Dart did. I liked his preaching. I miss him.
1 and a half hours? Many in RCG were over 3 hours...and that was before the mandatory bible study
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