There Is a Lack of Love Within Too Many COGs
By Wes White
Suppose you lived during the founding of Jamestown in 1607 and you suffered from hypertension (high blood pressure). You were basically screwed because back then the medical professionals had no cure for this disease. In fact, they didn’t know this disease existed.
The invention of the sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) by Scipione Riva-Rocci in 1896 was perhaps the greatest breakthrough in diagnosis of this disease. The development of oral diuretics in the 1950s was perhaps the biggest breakthrough in the treatment of this disease.
In medicine, accurate diagnosis and correct treatment are both required in order to cure a disease. One without the other will not allow for beating the illness.
It’s the same in religion. If a church suffers from a sin and doesn’t know it, then all the cures listed in the Bible are not going to enable these Christians to overcome that sin. That group must first understand they are suffering from the illness.
The malignant disorder of mistreating people is still rampant among many Armstrong COGs. This contagion is still as epidemic today as it was at any time since the creation of Armstrongism in 1933.
And this religious pathology is not going to go away as long as the leaders and the brethren refuse to recognize there is a problem. Like any medical disease, it is only after recognition of a sin that removal of the sin can begin. Again, you’ve got to have both diagnosis and treatment.
The Bible can help Christians who need to do better in their treatment of others. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5, 6, and 7) is the perfect antidote for the spiritual malady of lacking proper love for others. But this cure is no good if the afflicted church doesn’t understand that it has an illness.
Your bathroom medicine cabinet can be filled with the wonderful drug Lisinopril. But it does your hypertension no good if you don’t know that you need this medicine. After all, how can you know to pop one of these pills into your mouth every morning if you have not been properly diagnosed?
This is the problem in so many of the Armstrong COGs today. The very Bibles that sit on their laps during church services every Sabbath have the perfect cure for what ails them, but they have no idea they are infected.
And infected they are!
In addition to the typical maladies that bedevil Armstrongite churches (headline theology, setting or implying dates of Jesus’ return, racist beliefs against interracial marriage & interracial dating, 2nd & 3rd tithes, church eras, judging another’s heart, love of revenge, authoritarian church government, end-time apostleship, humiliation thru marking & disfellowshipping, harsh D&R administration, one true church, condemnation of non-Sabbath keeping Christians, banning members from voting, anti-doctor/anti-medicine/anti-science teachings), many COG people also suffer from either possessing insufficient love for others or a total lack of love for others.
We see this particular Armstrong illness demonstrated in the following ways:
n Inability or unwillingness to resolve conflict;
n Showing interest and loyalty only to those who are in their own organization;
n Imputing motives;
n Falsely accusing others;
n Name-calling of those they disagree with;
n Unwillingness to tolerate even the most minor of doctrines differences;
n Refusal to acknowledge the sins or errors of their leaders;
n Undo loyalty to fellow elders within a ministerial brotherhood;
n Denial of any responsibility to help those in need in their communities.
And it gets worse.
Alongside of their inability to recognize their lack-of-love illness, many of these folks work from the faulty premise that, the more biblical knowledge of certain doctrines you have, the more morality you possess. They then assume the converse must be true which is that, the less biblical knowledge of certain doctrines you have, the more immorality you possess. These Christians don’t understand that atheists and agnostics can indeed possess honesty, kindness -- AND LOVE! Further, these misguided Christians don’t understand that people who are irreligious can actually live their lives being more in line with the loving precepts of the Sermon on the Mount than many Christians!
History has shown us that understanding truths like the Sabbath and unclean meats is no antidote to the affliction of lacking love. The hard-headed Pharisees were the perfect example of this principle. Like the Pharisees, love-lacking Armstrongites seem to have this problem within their very DNA.
A COG leader once confessed to me that his church needed more of Matthew 5, 6, and 7. At the time, he was trying to place emphasis on these Gospel chapters in his sermons. That was several years ago. Today, I am convinced he has not succeeded in that mission. And I fear he has given up on the whole idea. Lack of love may very well be too deeply embedded within the DNA of that congregation.
For those of us with faith, it becomes more and more incumbent on us that we pray daily for those who claim the name of Jesus, but fail to have love for their fellow man. Those of us who follow Jesus and embrace God’s Law have a responsibility to reach out to the spiritually ill – even those with the very disease that inspired them to run us off or write us off.
As one who has had to overcome the disease of lacking love, I can speak about it candidly in the same way that a recovering alcoholic can speak of the disease of being addicted to liquor. I don’t bring up the subject to condemn others. I am discussing it only because I want my brothers and sisters in Christ to know that they can overcome it. But you can’t overcome it until you have admitted you have a problem.
And just because your church organization refuses to overcome this sin, it doesn’t mean you as an individual can’t. If a Christian has this problem, his first step is to admit that there needs to be more love within himself and the COGs. Only then can he truly follow the admonition, “Come out of her my people,” and have healing. And it is only then that Jesus will be able to truly say, “By this will all know that you are mine. That you have love for one another.”
Make yourself a committee of one which has been tasked with the job of promoting Christian love for all other people.
Wes White is president of the Ronald L. Dart Evangelistic Association (, a Sabbath-keeping Christian ministry which preaches the Gospel of Jesus thru the works of the late Ron Dart.
Nice posting Wes
Wes White he is a Professor if I were to compare his Teachings to those of Pack, Weinland or Flurry. These Fake Philadelphians.
Sing to the tune "What the World Needs Now" - Jackie DeShannon 1965
What the COG needs now is love, sweet love...
It's one of many things that there's just too little of.
What the COG needs now is love, sweet love,
No not just for some ...but for everyone.
Lord, we don't need another doctrine,
There are doctrines and ideas enough to mime
There are apostles and leaders enough to cross,...
Enough to last ...till the end of time.
What the COG needs now is love, sweet love
It's one of many things that there's just too little of
What the COG needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.
Lord, we don't need another pastor general
The Bible and its words are enough to grow
There are truths and the Spirit enough to shine
Oh listen, lord, if you want to know.
What the COG needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the COG needs now is love, sweet love,
No, not just for some but for everyone.
No, not just for some, oh, but just for everyone.
Ronald Dart was one of the most reputable of the former adherents to Armstrongism. That's not meant as an endorsement of his teachings. I just respected him as a person. He was sincere as far as I can tell. I was too while I was still enmeshed in the whole thing.
Go help the poor, widows, people in a nursing home, etc. AND make sure they are not WCG and offshoot members. Go help your neighbor, Salvation Army food kitchen, etc. They will not bite, but if they do you will die of rabies and be in the Kingdom.
The top leaders, two witnesses, prophets, apostles all claim to teach HWA's truth, yet they cannot get along with each other. Is that love for the brethren? They all are wanting to be top dog and everyone else to be the lap dog, licking their butts.
Years ago I wrote a letter to an older member of the Church of God 7th Day with questions concerning HWA. If I recall, he said that the issue between the church and HWA was not so much doctrinal but personality. HWA couldn't be led. He had to have things his way. The reason why there are so many splinters is not based on theological views, though that might be the excuse given, it is really people wanting to be the boss. While HWA was slowly dying, how many of the top leaders were thinking about how they would refurbish his office for their own use or what changes they would make in personnel or policies? Quite a few believed that they were the anointed successor to HWA. RCM would tell us in first year Bible about the years he spent at the side of HWA. He was so important to the work and was number three in the Church. When he and others didn't get the top job, they left to form their own group and used some minor theological issue to justify it. They were not seeking truth . . . but power . . . position . . . and control. And why not, they were just following the lead of their mentor. If you don't get what you want, condemn the organization as you start your new one. Imagine what HQ would have looked like if any of the other top dogs got the top spot. Imagine what the organizational chart would look like if RCM or Stanley Rader or GTA had succeeded HWA. The group photo of the board of trustees in the next edition of the Envoy would look quite different. Interesting to speculate about.
"And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration." Acts 6:1

thayers definition of the greek word what translates to the english word "ministration" in the context of the topic of the Scripture:
"the ministration of those who render to others the offices of Christian affection especially those who help meet need by either collecting or distributing of charities."
notice what subsequently happens two chapters later in the book of Acts: "...And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles." Acts 8:1
i believe there was a correlation between the stiffnecked tendency of having been lacking in love in that era (not just in the neglecting of widows, but in the bias against gentiles, for example) and the rise in persecution of the cog, not to mention the diminishing of the miracles: indeed: God beheld, God punished; God allowed...
and in the book of Daniel 11 He allows persecution again during the end time; and why? that the cogs might be refined, purged of they tendency to be cold hearted, self righteous, lukewarm in charity...
c f ben yochanan
The first time I saw and heard Ron Dart was in 1971, about September. He came to my church (Vancouver Canada). In his sermon, referring to the predictions for January 1972, he said, "It looks like these things are not going to happen." I thought that was quite brave of him; other ministers had just stopped talking about the subject.
Years ago, before everything imploded, I used to work for the landscape department at the Pasadena campus. Ron was the only minister who would walk by and acknowledge you and strike up a conversation. The rest of the ministry would walk by with their asses so tightly clenched that they were oblivious to everyone beneath their assumed status.
once we realize that not everyone AT Church is IN the Church all of that will make sense.
I don't care whether people love me or not. I do not believe that that's the problem in HWAs church splinters. All I care about is people not harming me by respecting my rights. What's in peoples hearts is between them and God, but if people respect my right to life, liberty, my property rights, my right to freedom of expression, my right to choose my own beliefs, my right to be free from abuse, my right to privacy, my right to be left alone etc, I' m satisfied.
Not surprising, rights are taboo in these splinters.
You mention "overcoming an insufficiency of love".
This is an interesting perspective - almost as if you are "forcing" yourself to become "loving". As if it is something you have to "work" to do. Oh, man, I've GOT to be more loving. It's something I "have to do".
Is that really what love is? Is love something that you just "do" or "keep" - like a ritual? Like "keeping" a Sabbath or keeping a Holy Day? Ok, I have to love someone today, so there's your hug and your "love you" and I'm good. I loved you. Now leave me alone? That's not love - that's the imitation of love. If love is something you have to willfully HAVE to do, then all you're doing is acting. That's not loving.
Love is genuine, love is real. Love is something that happens when you have overwhelming concern and emotion for someone or something. Love is something that one does not force themselves to do, because all that is is a charade and an act. Love should not be an exhausting experience. Love should be a natural manifestation of the nature of God in a person towards another.
This is a culture issue within the COG's. The COG's have been taught to only "love" those like them. To only "love" those who do what they do. To only "love" those who they're "approved" to love. The general world around them? They're "cut off". They're "unconverted". They're "satan's world". They're disobedient sinners who ignore God and the Law and are not worthy of friendships. In the COG culture, setting one's self apart from the world has morphed into turning one's self into a cold, calloused, person, where they can't wait to "just get away from the world" every year at the Feast. This kind of attitude doesn't favor the development of love. It only enhances separatist, elite, prideful, and judgemental behaviors.
Wes is right that it has to be personal. It has to be an "initiative of one". But would that entail a complete break in church culture? Wes said
"Make yourself a committee of one which has been tasked with the job of promoting Christian love for all other people. "
And therein is an answer. Break church culture. Love for ALL other people. When one puts LOVE first - and realizes that love is the fulfillment of the law, which every other commandment hangs on - then there's progress. Too many in the COG's have love hanging on law, when the law hangs on love. The church culture has to change, and as wes said, it starts with one.
"Love" is understood by Jews as a verb, not a noun. "Love your neighbor" and "Husband, love your wives" are not commands concerning your feelings; but your actions. Treat them in a loving way, even if they are not lovable and you don't have much affection for them. Perhaps in time your heart will catch up with your actions, meanwhile you are doing good. I too don't care much how people feel about me, just treat me right.
" The rest of the ministry would walk by with their asses so tightly clenched that they were oblivious to everyone beneath their assumed status."
There is a video out there of the Feast of Tabernacles in 1972 in Mt. Pocono. Everyone is outside, just milling about, doing their thing. And two people walked by, rapidly, ignoring everybody, talking to each other - in their own world. You knew not to bother these "ministers" - like they would talk to you anyway. You'd know their "assumed status" without even knowing who they were.
Imagine the most business-like, corporate-minded, money-centered, tight-lipped, bad-tempered, judgemental, egotistical, self-centered autocrat you've ever encountered. Put this person in a suit, and give him a bible to carry around. Now tell him he has unlimited authority. Then put him in a place where people believe that authority. And if anyone disputes the way he does things, tell him "I've got your back". That was about 40 to 60 years ago.
Now imagine a person raised in the church emulating his parents - the business-like, corporate-minded, money-centered, tight-lipped, bad-tempered, judgemental, egotistical, self-centered autocrat you'd ever encountered. Now you've got (not in all cases) today's ministers running these little splinter groups. Problem is, they're worse - because this is the only way they've ever known. They weren't molded that way. They were BORN in that environment.
I dispute the notion of overcoming love anyway. But, regardless - If I go with your analogy - You can't start "overcoming" the infection of "lovelessness" until you separate yourself from the mosquito that keeps injecting the virus!!
SHT advocates the emotional meaning of "love." I realized a long time ago that I could not possibly love everybody in that sense. Some people just grate on me, and I can't fake affection for them. Some lie, cheat, and steal, and I can't get over my disapproval.
It is much more honest to follow the Jewish meaning as described by Anon 4:45. Our next-door neighbor is one person who grates on my nerves. My wife and I do not let our dislike show up in the way we treat her. If she needs a ride to the repair shop to pick up her car, I take her. We give her vegetables from our garden and fish from my fishing trips. We don't sit on her porch and visit, but if she comes over to, say, use the phone when hers isn't working, we offer her a beer while she makes the call and chat with her afterwards.
The two commandments of secular (lower case) christianity sum up the principle:
1. Never take up more than one parking space.
2. Always be kind to drunks.
The commandments are worded facetiously but intended seriously. They imply broadly (1) we should not arrogate unto ourselves more than a fair share of society's privileges and the earth's resources, and (2) we should remember that (like ourselves) everybody fouls up sometimes and deserves to be given a little slack.
Retired Prof said, "My wife and I do not let our dislike show up in the way we treat her. If she needs a ride to the repair shop to pick up her car, I take her. We give her vegetables from our garden and fish..."
Man, you're faking it. You're being a fraud. Why even bother? You are being dishonest with her and with yourselves.
Personally, I wouldn't want anybody to help me that was doing it only for show or thinking they were winning brownie points with God or following some pretense of a secular rule. I prefer honest relationships. thankyouverymuch!
"We dislike you, we can't stand you and we're not going to tell or show you that but here, have a beer." NO thank you.
There's a lack of love EVERYWHERE in this ol' world of ours. Not just in the COG groups.
Retired Prof -
Yes, I agree. And that's my point - you can't force it. If you don't love someone, you don't love someone. Period. People grate on your nerves. It happens. No one should have to fake any affection for that kind of person. That's precisely my point.
If people try to "overcome" a love deficiency, they may feel like they have to fake it to overcome it. You can't. It's not going to happen. It shouldn't happen. That's not honest. That's not true to you OR the other person. Eventually, all the "grating on the nerves" that have been held in are going to come out and when it does, it won't be pretty.
This is why I postulated that you cannot "overcome" a love deficiency by your own effort. It has to be from the heart. You can't force it.
And we all know the COG church culture is all about force.
That's what has to change.
Here we go again, deflecting the topic away from church accountability. We are not talking about the world here, we are talking about the Churches of God who claim to be the perfect embodiment of 1st century true Christianity. Most COG's pointedly make that claim as they abuse and mistreat members.
Anon @ 12:11, thanks for the feedback. You grate on me.
Retired Prof
You're welcome and I figured that was a possibility.
Thank you for the direct and honest reply my friend.
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