Friday, March 8, 2024

How Dare You Ask A Minister A Question!


Why is it that the Church of God ministry and its leaders have always been so afraid of questions? If one dared to ask a question about doctrine, church issues, or the Bible, the spittle would start flying, faces would turn red with veins popping as they angrily shut you down. How DARE YOU question God's anointed! How DARE YOU!

How many times did you witness Herbert pounding his desk as he bellowed at the members? Remember red-faced Rod Meredith with his veins popping in his forehead yelling at members?

One thing I have always done at the church I attend when leading new member classes is to tell people to question. Just because a minister says something, does not mean you have to agree with it. It is not necessary to always have the answer and just when you think you have the answer another question should arise. That's the only way a person grows mentally or spiritually.

Armstrongism has always despised questions. Sure, they would allow questions at Bible Study services, but if a question was too deep or too close to the power structure, it was either mocked or placed in the "we will get to this later" pile. Most of the time mocking and ridiculing was the route to go. Humiliate people in front of others and they will never question again. Lesson learned.

I am an [elderly] man who was disfellowshipped from the Worldwide Church of God in 1974. My problem with the WCG ministry (or their problem with me) was that I refused to simply accept what they taught as if their words came directly from God’s lips. They tired (and were often seriously offended) by my constant questions, to the point where one day they simply asked (forced) me to leave the WCG. 
Since then, (except for a hiatus of some twenty years), I have tried to keep abreast of the many changes and upheavals of the WCG and its many offshoots. Although I have had no affiliation with any of these groups, I have over the past fifty years tried to engage several of the ministry (about 12-14) in a discussion of their more egregious teachings. Not one of these men would honestly consider my concerns, let alone discuss them with me. They have collectively, for many years now, simply chosen to ignore my queries so that I no longer even try to reach out to them. 
The anger and contempt I once had for the ministry has been replaced by feelings of disappointment and sorrow. And yet, no matter how wrong-headed I consider many of these men to be, I have chosen to believe that somewhere in their hearts and minds, some (perhaps even most) of them truly believe they are doing God and their members a service. Exit and Support Network

Thursday, March 7, 2024

LCG: We are the Watchman...


Why is it that all of the Churches of God have to picture themselves as special and called out from all the rest of the COG's? Each splinter group is better than the other and doing a mightier work.

There is nothing unique about LCG claiming to be The Watchman. Our favorite crackpot prophet, the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel claims he is. Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry claim they are. Ron Wienland claims he and his dingy wife are. Alton Billingsley imagines himself as the guy. COGWA and UCG think they are. David Hulme is so insignificant now that no one cares what he is anymore... is he dead or still alive? And. then there is the Living Church of God...sigh.

Notice how perturbed Winnail is by the fact that most Christians promote Jesus as coming to save sinners. Ghastly Days! LCG can't have their Jesus doing such an effeminate thing! They expect to judge the world in the millennium when they are gods and goddesses, ruling with rods of iron, with Rod Meredith and Herbert Armstrong sitting at the right-hand side of Jesus Christ.

The Church as a Watchman: Many churches feel their mission is to tell the world that God loves everyone, and that Jesus came to save sinners. However, Jesus told His disciples to be alert and watch for specific events that will mark the approaching end of the age and His imminent return (Matthew 24:42–44). Those events will include religious deception and persecution, spreading violence and war, numerous catastrophes, and selfishness and personal pursuits of pleasure (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; 2 Timothy 3:1–5). Jesus also said the last days would be like the days of Noah and the time of Sodom and Gomorrah (Matthew 24:37–39; Luke 17:26–30). As the world appears to spin out of control, Jesus said unless He returns, human beings would self-destruct (Matthew 24:21–22). Just as God sent prophets to warn the ancient nations of Israel and Judah, God has commissioned His Church to be a watchman and warn the Israelite nations and the world of the dangers ahead and to preach the good news of the coming Kingdom of God (Ezekiel 3:17–18 and 33:1–6; Mark 16:15). Let’s stay focused on this important mission.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Meet the Living Church of God Video by Mario Espinoza


This presentation provides background information on the church organization that calls itself the “Living Church of God”. The presentation has information about its origins and history, their claims and practices, its doctrines, as well as its leadership and organizational characteristics. The purpose of this presentation is to give the viewers the facts and evidence they need, so that they are well informed about this organization and to demonstrate to you the viewer, beyond a reasonable doubt, the truth - that this organization and its leaders do not, in fact, represent the original beliefs, teachings and practices of Jesus Christ, the original apostles and the Church of God in the New Testament.

LCG and Armstrongism are heretical because they are preaching another Jesus, a different spirit, and a different gospel; and they explicitly deny the fundamental and essential doctrines of the Christian faith as evidenced and taught from the Holy Bible (2 Corinthians 11:3-4; Galatians 1:6-9; Romans 16:17-18; 2 Thessalonians 3:13-15).

In hope, love and outgoing concern, I pray to the LORD Father in Heaven that He would grant that a clear testimony will emerge from the information discussed in this presentation to all who are seeking "the Truth", to all who are in the Body of Christ, and that it will be a blessing to all who are in any of the Armstrong splinter groups or anyone who may be contemplating joining any of the Armstrong splinter groups. I also hope and pray that the information provided will be edifying to people everywhere, but especially to those who are members of the Living Church of God (LCG).

Lastly, I love LCG and pray that God will use the information discussed in this presentation to open the eyes, minds, and hearts of the LCG ministry and laity, and cause them to work towards theological reform which would bring their beliefs, teachings and practices into harmony with the Holy Scriptures. If LCG continues refusing the clear testimony of the Holy Bible, then may God draw people out of LCG and the other groups and into a saving relationship and knowledge of Jesus Christ and His true sound doctrine; and I ask this in His Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christs' name. Amen. If you would like to engage in Christ-centered dialogue about the content of this video, you may contact me through my Website page. The link can be found on my channel. Take Care and God Bless.