This presentation provides background information on the church organization that calls itself the “Living Church of God”. The presentation has information about its origins and history, their claims and practices, its doctrines, as well as its leadership and organizational characteristics. The purpose of this presentation is to give the viewers the facts and evidence they need, so that they are well informed about this organization and to demonstrate to you the viewer, beyond a reasonable doubt, the truth - that this organization and its leaders do not, in fact, represent the original beliefs, teachings and practices of Jesus Christ, the original apostles and the Church of God in the New Testament.
LCG and Armstrongism are heretical because they are preaching another Jesus, a different spirit, and a different gospel; and they explicitly deny the fundamental and essential doctrines of the Christian faith as evidenced and taught from the Holy Bible (2 Corinthians 11:3-4

In hope, love and outgoing concern, I pray to the LORD Father in Heaven that He would grant that a clear testimony will emerge from the information discussed in this presentation to all who are seeking "the Truth", to all who are in the Body of Christ, and that it will be a blessing to all who are in any of the Armstrong splinter groups or anyone who may be contemplating joining any of the Armstrong splinter groups. I also hope and pray that the information provided will be edifying to people everywhere, but especially to those who are members of the Living Church of God (LCG).
Lastly, I love LCG and pray that God will use the information discussed in this presentation to open the eyes, minds, and hearts of the LCG ministry and laity, and cause them to work towards theological reform which would bring their beliefs, teachings and practices into harmony with the Holy Scriptures. If LCG continues refusing the clear testimony of the Holy Bible, then may God draw people out of LCG and the other groups and into a saving relationship and knowledge of Jesus Christ and His true sound doctrine; and I ask this in His Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christs' name. Amen. If you would like to engage in Christ-centered dialogue about the content of this video, you may contact me through my Website page. The link can be found on my channel. Take Care and God Bless.
"A membership of 8000"
No way, more like 800!
Herbert W. Armstrong's Original Church
Radio Church of God / Worldwide Church of God
Garner Ted Armstrong's wicked little Rebel Groups
Church of Ted, International & Intercontinental Church of Ted
Joseph Tkach, Jr.'s Sunday-keeping Apostate Church
Grace Communion International
Roderick C. Meredith's Splinter Groups
Global Church of Rod & Living Church of Rod
The Largest Splinter Group (now split)
United Church of God, an International Association & Church of God, a Worldwide Association
Invisible Church that Lacks Vision and Does Nothing
David Hulme's United Church of God, an International Community
The SATANIC Imposter Cults of the Raging False Prophets
Gerald Flurry's Philadelphia Church of Flurry
David Pack's Restored Church of Pack
More False Prophets
Ronald Weinland's Church of Weinland--Preparing for the Kingdom of Weinland
Bob Thiel's Continuing Church of Thiel
Some Little Things
Norbert Link's Church of the Eternal Link
Alton Billingsley's Church of Billingsley: Faithful Flock
The Smallest Stuff
Norman Edwards' Nothing, Zip, Zero, Doughnut
All Christian denominations are some blend of truth and error that its members feel comfortable with. This phenomena is discernable at both an individual and group level.
Those finding fault with other groups are also guilty of this, so beware their claim of being the One True Church.
Numbering the LCG at 8000 was old data and may have been close back in that RCM heyday..
But today, no way man, they'd be struggling to show 800 paid-up hard core groupies!
Actually, the latest official figures are approximately 11,300.
Cowardice is a sin.
I hope that LCG prospers well and grows. However, as long as they continue in their western civilization corresponds with fathers of the faithful rhetoric well then they are still missing it.
God existed before any western or eastern civilization and He has no respect of persons or civilizations. Abraham came from Ur, and he lived and dwelt among strangers. They can't conceive of doing anything like that. THey don't know what it's like being a minority.
@8:37 You forgot COGWAd!
Anon 3:19:00 PM PST
11,300 members is much higher than I would have thought.
That might make them one of the biggest Armstrong groups around.
And I would like to know previous years figures to see if that is upward or decline.
That is still a large amount of tithe payers. But it at least guarantees salaries for the ministry.
Be most interesting to look at all the membership numbers of the various groups.
11,300 members implies that they are allowing "worldly" people into their church.
It's one way to survive.
Oh, and ACOGs and original WCG have never, ever been known to inflate their own numbers, have they? Why that would be bearing false witness, wouldn't it?
Even the ones who swell their numbers by claiming numerous Africans?
Where were these official figures published, and when?
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