Adrian Davis: Vance & Jeff Need to Repent Before Passover!
Lonnie Hendrix
This past Sabbath (March 2), CGI Canada Pastor Adrian Davis preached a sermon titled “From the Beginning (Part 2).” Now, as with anything posted online by the Burlington congregation, the message appeared on the right-wing platform known as Rumble. Likewise, the Medina, Ohio congregation has adopted the same platform for their messaging. “Why have these two congregations adopted this particular forum?” you ask. Because of pushback they received from CGI headquarters about their right-wing political messaging and anti-public health stance during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, folks like Vance Stinson and Jeff Reed made clear to the folks in both places that they were endangering the larger church’s continued access to the YouTube platform to present their version of the Gospel message. “Why?” Because YouTube has a policy against posting false or misleading information on their platform!
In addition to their sermons, CGI Burlington has also posted a political discussion each week on Rumble. They call it “Keeping Watch,” and it usually consists of Pastors Adrian Davis, Murray Palmatier, and Deacon Jan Kowalczyk talking about current events from a conservative, Armstrongist perspective (especially events in the United States, Canada, and Europe). Folks who love Republicans, Capitalists, and isolationists and hate Democrats, Socialists, and Internationalists would probably appreciate this programming. Indeed, if you like Fox News, you’ll probably love this program.
Returning to the sermon, which is the focus of this post, Pastor Davis is not so subtly pushing back against those folks in CGI leadership who have “sowed the seeds of betrayal” by not supporting and appreciating their messaging. Indeed, Pastor Davis gives CGI a grade of a (C-) for their failure to proclaim the “truth” about things like vaccines and having the audacity to criticize their political messaging.
Pastor Davis main theme is that Jesus and Peter confronted strife and controversy by giving context to what was currently happening – telling the story “From the beginning.” For him, this means being faithful to the Torah and the Prophets. You see, unlike most Christians, Armstrongites believe that Christians are still bound by many of the tenets of the Old Covenant. Indeed, they don’t like the term “New Covenant” very much. They like to think of it as an updated or revised version of the old one! Instead of viewing the contents of Torah and the Prophets as pointing to Jesus Christ and his work, they believe that Christians should be actively applying those commandments, principles, and predictions to themselves in the here and now! For Davis, the prophets of the Old Testament and the covenant which God made with Israel and Judah were really intended for the Church and the English-speaking peoples of the world. In fact, he likens the Christian perspective on the Old Testament to a child discovering that things don’t disappear or cease to exist when they can’t see them (what’s known as object permanence). For Davis, the message is the same one that was delivered to the Israelites of old – all of that political stuff is part of the “true” Gospel.
In this way, Davis can be in a state of open defiance and rebellion against those traitors within CGI leadership while professing his allegiance to the truth of the Bible. In other words, Pastor Davis has a clear message for folks like Vance Stinson and Jeff Reed: Repent of your betrayal of folks like him, Murray Palmatier, Bill Watson, and their supporters. His real message is to the folks within CGI leadership who have opposed his messaging. Davis doesn’t see how these folks could partake of the Passover with a clear conscience. For him, John’s first epistle was meant for folks like Vance and Jeff! “How can you truly love your brother while you are opposing him at every turn?” he wonders. For Davis, these hateful/sinful folks need to get with the program and let go of their resentment of the folks like him who are standing in the light! If you’re like me, you’re probably thinking: “Man, is this guy full of himself or what?”
In my books, it's Lonnie Hendrix that needs to repent before Passover.
I could never understand why so many COG ministers think they are god's gift to the world when it comes to politics, world events, and issues in society. They can't manage their own churches, which 9 times out of 10 have been cesspools of immortality, and have been epic failures in prophecy, so why do they think we need to listen to them when it comes to politics?
FoxNews is last decade, Lonnie. They're still trying to woo viewers back.
I am not familiar with Rumble. And I am not interested. I have listened occasionally to Fox. I prefer to gather my news from a wide variety of sources.
I expect more and more of the Armstrong 'press' will gradually move over to the 'conservative' or right wing media in search for an audience. And as such their 'messages' will become more extreme, to fit the listeners. Like everyone else it is 'revenue' they are after. As their prophetic world crumbles, politics is a more reliable source of income. And they will accordingly shape their version of the Gospel to fit the rhetoric. Nothing new under the sun.
RSK said...
FoxNews is last decade, Lonnie. They're still trying to woo viewers back.
Conservatives dumped Fox News a couple years ago and they are struggling to draw them back in, so it makes sense that Armstrongites rely upon it for news. They all tend to be a few steps behind society. Die-hard conservatives use Rumble for the latest.
I noticed that Medina has removed their material from Rumble (Bill Watson has appeared on Canada's Keeping Watch program - which is still there). Interesting development! Could it be that CGI's leadership confronted Bill about his posting on Rumble? Could it be that he was in danger of losing any affiliation with CGI if he continued to defy them on Rumble? I don't know the answers to those questions - just thinking out loud!
"You see, unlike most Christians, Armstrongites believe that Christians are still bound by many of the tenets of the Old Covenant."
Instead of using "God's law" you use the term "old covenant", which is a useful tactic when you are trying to persuade people that God's law is of no value to the "christian". You have been deceived and are spreading your deception on to all who will listen to you.
5.50 Exactly. There's laws of physics, laws of chemistry and moral laws as well. I strongly believe that those who majored in science at school have a big advantage over those who didn't. The theory and practical work drives home the idea of natural law. It's harder to deceive these people with the notion that reality is what ever you want it to me. I couldn't help notice that Margaret Thatcher majored in chemistry as a student.
Little narrow-minded people focus their attention on little things, on other people around them, and on their immediate physical surroundings and temporal things. But big broad-minded people focus their attention on big things, on the big picture of God's awesome purpose and "plan" in the long run, in creating man on the earth, in the "on-going creation process" of the molding and shaping of God's holy, righteous, perfect, character in humans, until we are finally finished in the making, a spiritual creation, composed of spirit essence like the Father and Christ are. We as humans, are only partially made, not yet a completed creation.
Monday, March 4, 2024 at 5:50:00 AM PST,
I have NEVER stated that God's Law is of no value for Christians. I believe and teach that Christians are responsible for doing their very best (with the help of the Holy Spirit) to obey God's Law as Christ summarized it during his ministry - to love God with our whole beings, and to love each other as ourselves. This is an integral part of the NEW Covenant and is the evidence that we have truly accepted Christ as our Savior. What Christians are NOT responsible for is observing the tenets of the OLD Covenant which God made with the Israelites. Even so, I believe and have always taught that both the Law and Prophets point to Jesus of Nazareth and his work and provide valuable insights into him and his work. Indeed, the only Scriptures available to the first Christians was the Hebrew Bible (or what we now refer to as the Old Testament). Your statement misrepresents my views and attempts to deceive folks about them.
Actually, YouTube has a policy against posting any information that management disagrees with.
"... to love God with our whole beings, and to love each other as ourselves."
If you love God, why would you not keep His Feasts? They are celebrations ordained by Him for His people.
I think you confuse the law and the covenant. The covenant is simply an agreement about the law.
The old covenant was purely physical. Physical blessings for physical obedience.
The new covenant is much better. I elevates the law (yes, the same law referenced in the old covenant) to a higher plane, spiritual obedience, obeying the spirit of the law, not just the letter. The reward for that is eternal life, something not found in the old covenant.
So, your argument falls apart by your attempt to qualify the commandments as simply "love", which each person can define for themselves. "I love God so much" while celebrating christmas, for example.
I think you are a very confused person.
Monday, March 4, 2024 at 2:27:00 PM PST,
No confusion here. Herbert Armstrong was simply WRONG about his interpretation of a Christian's proper relationship to Torah. Torah was an iteration of God's Law for a particular people, place, and time. It too was based on the Law of Love (which, according to Jesus) was the ULTIMATE expression of God's Law (Will and intent). If you follow those two commandments (which Christ pulled from Torah), you will not need a list of dos and don'ts. You are right about the New Covenant being so much better and elevating the Law to its spiritual and universal application, but eternal life is NOT a reward for anything - it is the GIFT of God (which is based on what Christ did for us).
By the way, the Armstrong Churches of God modify and cherry pick Torah. They do NOT observe the festivals in the manner prescribed by Torah. Indeed, they ignore or reject a great many of the commandments found therein. I suggest a deep dive into Torah and the Gospel according to Matthew (especially the Sermon on the Mount).
Oh wow.
And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
Mat 19:16-17
Eternal life is a reward. You have to do something. A gift is given without you not necessarily having to do anything.
The commandments are a list of dos and don'ts and they are not just the "two".
Not everything HWA taught was wrong but there was error. I don't think he ever ate unleavened bread for only 7 days from the beginning of the 14th to the beginning of the 21st - Ex 12:18
Maybe "reward" isn't the best word I could have used as it could give some the impression that salvation is earned. Rewards are not always something we earn. Sometimes it is a gift, awarded for being faithful and true, or helping someone in a difficult situation.
And no, HWA was not wrong concerning the believers relationship to the Torah.
Excellent point 6:51. There IS something we must do in order to receive eternal life. Starting with repenting of sin (the violation of God's law), which God makes possible by opening our eyes to The Truth.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (ESV) If you kept God's Law/commandments perfectly, you would receive eternal life; but there is only one person who has ever done that: Jesus of Nazareth! ALL of the rest of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23
According to the Gospel of John, Jesus said: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6, ESV
Paul wrote to the saints of Galatia: "we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified." (Galatians 2:16, ESV
Check the Greek: the Greek word for "free" is not in Romans 6:23
Of course eternal life is a gift. It is also a reward.
And apart from Jesus Christ you'll go nowhere, will not be justified, not be sanctified, not be reconciled to the Father, not be forgiven of sin, no matter how much "works of the law" are done.
It seems some are unable to put the scriptures together to come up with the truth.
And yet the reward/gift is free.
“God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:8-10 NLT
Anonymous Anonymous said...
And yet the reward/gift is free.
It is not free, it is freely offered, to those called by the Father. Paul is writing to those called out by the Father, not to the world. Those that repent and are baptized will receive the reward of eternal life. At some point in time everyone will be called, but as of now it is only a relative few.
"Paul wrote to the saints of Galatia: "we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified." (Galatians 2:16, ESV
The works of the law are the absolute minimum requirement for mankind. We are all obligated to obey the law perfectly. If we fail to do so, the law calls for our death.
We have all failed miserably, but Jesus came and did it perfectly. He was unjustifiably put to death. He will use His death to pay the penalty for us, IF we repent and are baptized and receive the Holy Spirit which will help us live according to the law. (this is what is meant by "dead to the law", as far as the law is concerned we have died, so the penalty is paid)
The Father chooses whom He will, we go to Jesus and He covers us.
Those in the world cannot make sense of this.
“We are all obligated to obey the law perfectly.“
You keep the law perfectly? Do tell which laws you keep perfectly.
Maybe you should back up and read 6:09 AM PST again.
Real conservatives don’t watch Fox anymore
CGI Medina never stopped broadcasting on You Tube. They just put it out on both. Sewing dissension in any Church, wether you are a member or not, is a sin.
"Real conservatives" sounds an awful lot like "true Christians." The charge of sowing dissension is one of the standard arguments which the ACOGs employ against anyone who dares to criticize them! The real source of discord is ego, self-interest, and false witness!
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