Monday, March 4, 2024

UCG Says When It Comes To Hypocrisy In The Church It Is Best To Put On Blinders And Ignore It

Those wild and fun boys in Cincinnati have an article up on Hypocrisy in the Church by Len Martin. This is pretty interesting considering the church that published this had some of the biggest hypocrites the church has ever seen when they backstabbed the Mother Church in order to save their incomes.

Martin writes:

I came into the Church as a child, and in my 50-plus years of being in the Church, I have observed many things that made me shake my head and wonder what people were thinking. 
I recall a couple of occasions when I was a teenager, when my friends and I would observe people in church doing things they shouldn’t be doing, or behaving in ways we knew were not right. As time went on, several of my friends began commenting about those other people, calling them hypocrites. Eventually, most of my friends left the Church and the reason some of them gave was, “They’re all a bunch of hypocrites!”

He goes on to talk about how the church area he was in brought in unconverted worldly basketball players to play on the church team with the stipulation that they had to attend church services every week. Boys, being boys, did it begrudgingly and then partied hearty on Friday nights and Saturdays after church. Such heathens! 

Martin relates his mother's response when he complained bout the hypocrisy:

I remember talking to my mother about the hypocrisy of it all and what to do about it. My mother’s advice was simply this, “You need to be like a race horse with blinders, so you can keep your focus on eternal life in the Kingdom of God.” Horses wear blinders (also called blinkers) to restrict their field of vision and keep their attention focused straight ahead, blocking out any distractions around them.

He continues:

As it relates to Christians, a hypocrite denotes a person who has the outward show of having virtuous character, being morally pure or exercising religious beliefs or principles, when the person really does not. The Greek word translated “hypocrite” can literally mean, “an actor under an assumed character (stage player)” and occurs 20 times in the New Testament. In 17 of those occurrences the word is used by Jesus Christ to rebuke the scribes and Pharisees. 
In Matthew 6, with each instruction Jesus gave regarding charitable giving, prayer and fasting, He instructed us to not be like the hypocrites (Matthew 6:1-2, 5, 16). It’s worth noting that the Greek words translated “they have their reward,” signify a receipt in full. In other words, they have their entire reward and there is no other reward awaiting them. 
The greatest number of occurrences of “hypocrite” in a single passage can be found in Matthew 23. In this chapter, Jesus declares woes upon the scribes and Pharisees seven times, calling them hypocrites (Matthew 23:13-29). A woe is a declaration of grief or indignation. 
In all 20 instances of the word “hypocrite” or “hypocrites” used in the New Testament to label a person or group, it was always Jesus speaking. Does this tell us anything?

He then warns that sometimes what you think is hypocrisy, is not.

When we see what we believe is hypocrisy, we feel that something is wrong, or not fair. But just because we see what appears to be hypocrisy does not mean it really is because we do not know the heart of the person. The Apostle Paul, in several of his letters to the various churches, asked the brethren to imitate God. “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children” (Ephesians 5:1). “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). 
Being in the Church does not make us perfect, so we all struggle in our efforts to be like Christ and we still sin (Romans 3:23). We might observe what we believe to be hypocrisy, but we don’t see that person at home in private, praying to God, repenting of their sins and asking forgiveness. When repentance is genuine, God promises to forgive (1 John 1:9). If we are not careful, we might wrongly label someone a “hypocrite” when they are genuinely striving daily to be like Christ and simply fall short.

So brethren, don't let the hypocrites in the church cause you to leave., after all, your leaders are not perfect so cut them a break.

Being in the Church does not make us perfect, so we all struggle in our efforts to be like Christ and we still sin (Romans 3:23). We might observe what we believe to be hypocrisy, but we don’t see that person at home in private, praying to God, repenting of their sins and asking forgiveness. When repentance is genuine, God promises to forgive (1 John 1:9). If we are not careful, we might wrongly label someone a “hypocrite” when they are genuinely striving daily to be like Christ and simply fall short.

Then, thumping his chest he lets everyone know that he is the only ONE from his entire church basketball team still left in the church. 

From the basketball team I played on as a teen, I am the only one still in the Church today. All the rest are gone, even the coach, eventually quitting the Church “because of hypocrisy.” Unfortunately, they couldn’t get past the hypocrisy they saw, and were not patient enough to wait for others to grow or allow God to work it out. It was not easy because it did not seem fair, and they ultimately gave up on the Church.

Be like Len and put on your blinders and don't look at what other people do. Ignore them and they will just go away or God will spank them later for you. Rest assured.

Like wearing horse blinders, we must keep our eyes focused straight ahead at the goal of eternal life in the Kingdom of God. Do not look at how other people behave, then use it as an excuse to quit running your race! Yes, it is hard at times, but many things in life require us to do hard things.

Earlier in this article, we read Jesus’ instructions regarding charitable giving, prayer and fasting and His statement that the hypocrites “have their reward” (Matthew 7:1-2, 5, 16). There is no other reward that awaits them.

Fight the good fight and remain loyal to the United Church of God, God's one true church. 



Anonymous said...

The hypocrites of this blog mock ucg for publishing an article on hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind an imperfect church so much if it weren't for certain local ministers who emphasise that (a) this is the one true church and we're the only ones who have the truth; and (b) don't question the church, its doctrines, or its ministry.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering. Is Len Martin related to Ken Martin who was a Worldwide & later UCG minister in Alabama & Georgia back in the day?

Anonymous said...

“Then Jesus told him, “I entered this world to render judgment—to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.” Some Pharisees who were standing nearby heard him and asked, “Are you saying we’re blind?” “If you were blind, you wouldn’t be guilty,” Jesus replied. “But you remain guilty because you claim you can see.”
‭‭John‬ ‭9‬:‭39‬-‭41‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Putting on blinders… I’m 100 percent certain that’s not what Jesus Christ meant.

Ignore the fruit, keep on following the system, don’t worry about my Words. Cling to false teachings and heresies that give you a false sense of security. I only came to save a few anyway. Ignore my miracles of abundance. (All sarcasm)

Anonymous said...

Why does this Len guy want "us regular" folk to look the other way when stuff happens...but if the "hierarchy" "above" you sees YOU doing something out of order, then that ministerial minder does NOT look the other way when he pulls you aside to "correct" you? 

Len won't want us correcting teens smoking in church, or if one of them sits in the back seat snuggling with a member's daughter. He won't want us skipping tithes to H.Q., or singing Pink Floyd for special music, or being employed as a police officer, or voting, or passing out Trump or Biden campaign pamphlets at pot-luck? (he won't even want us questioning why we call it pot "luck" when we are told to not believe in pagan "luck")...

How does Len stop toddlers throwing crayons in the aisle during floor-blanket-sleepy-time church sermons if the advice is "to look the other way"? How does Len stop some goon in church from ogling at Len's wife at a bikini beach outing, or keep the guy from asking her out on dates?

I was a young WCG single during the Reagan era 1980s and I visited a downstate sabbath service sometimes to fellowship and/or date another single adult lady there in that area, but her minister one day stops me in the aisle and growls, "...and YOU'VE been seeing too much of Ms. __________" Why didn't that guy "look the other way"?

If anyone in UCG votes for Trump or Biden, will Cincinnatti H.Q. "look the other way"? Did UCG want STEVEN ALLWINE to "look the other way" when he began to blame his wife Amy for "reasons" causing him to shoot & kill her?

I wish I could publicly name my most recent COG & wonder why that minister wanted me to "overlook some errors" of his & his underling, while the guy would not overlook errors he found at his previous past COG.

If Len sees a drunk driver leaving a tavern & swerving his vehicle on the road near a marching band city parade, does he call 911, or "look the other way"?

Anonymous said...

Members don't leave the church because of hypocrisy on the part of other members. They leave because of hypocrisy on the part of the leaders. That's one of the big factors that's killed Armstrongism.

Anonymous said...

I recently watched a Jehovah's Witness dissident video where the speaker complained about his church putting blinders on members minds so that they don't question or perceive the church's faulty doctrines. Christ many times instructed His followers to "watch," meaning to constantly be monitoring themselves and their environment. This is the opposite of blinders. Martin's use of blinders is misleading.

As far as I'm concerned, his claim that a person who is constantly misbehaving at church might be converted and striving to be a good Christian is rubbish. He's gaslighting members. Rather I choose to believe Christ's "you shall know them by their fruits." Martin needs to tell his church crazies to repent rather than whitewashing them or harassing members in passing moral judgement.

Tonto said...

I dont know of one, no not one, of those "RINGER", basketball players , that almost every church area that had a team , would include on their roster, who "stayed with the faith".

Frankly, it was just a way for a congregation to CHEAT by adding on non church talent. What a farce!

Anonymous said...

Frankly, it seems like people might as well leave the UCG over all the hypocrites in it or else the godless fake ministers in the UCG will just expel them anyway to satisfy all the malicious hypocrites in the UCG. Either way, the normal people are out and the wicked hypocrites are in.

Anonymous said...

Who says that the UCG is God's one and only true church? After the UCG-COGWA split in 2010, maybe what was left of the UCG was handed over to Satan to have.

Anonymous said...

When I stopped attending WWCG services decades ago, the holy Spirit communicated that I had "joined a gang" to explain my experiences in that church. This is a big contrast to those who believe that they are members of the one true church.
Besides, the true church is a spiritual organism rather than a certain denomination.

Anonymous said...

None of the corpses, er, corps (corporations) who say they are God's Church.......are God's Church.

Anonymous said...

How many UCGs are there now? UCG, UCGia, etc., why did they all stomp off from each other if they too were supposed to "look the other way" before splintering off of the "mother UCG" due to stuff each splinter doesn't tolerate from the other splinter(s)?

Anonymous said...

The various different WCG splinter group leaders do not believe each other, and cannot stand each other, and cannot get along with each other. They each know that they are all a bunch of phonies.

So, why should the little members have to believe, or be able to stand, or get along with, all the little phony members?

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that we must not wear blinders. We will recognize them by their fruits. I thought the point about "hypocrites" only being identified by Christ in the Bible was interesting. Maybe this is due to the term hypocrite originates in the greek and has the meanings "an actor" or a pretender or dissembler...which is far worse than someone out of weakness not meeting the standard they believe in AND much hard to determine but Christ knows.

A hypocrite seems to believe the rules don't apply to them so while they may put on a front they don't believe they need to adhere to it. The ministry can fall into this group at times due in part to the hierarchy that separates people into different levels that creates in some a belief that the same rules don't apply to them as to laymembers.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the old WCG went through periods about as wise as a gang of the Sweathogs from Welcome Back Kotter

featuring Pastor Arnold Horshack or Deacon Principal Mr. Woodman

Anonymous said...
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Burn Notice said...

There shouldn't even be any ACOG splinters! One is as bad as the other, with the smugness, self-righteousness, and put downs and hatred leveled at one another to "prove" which one is the chosen or ordained successor. Trying to find the correct one is an exercise not unlike comparison-shopping for diarrhea! Don't any of the leaders realize that each splinter has 97-99.9% the same beliefs as the next one???

No power, no credibility, either! All of them are burned. If God had a message to be delivered and heard, He'd need to use a totally new, fresh group that didn't have the track record of failures associated with the Armstrong movement. Once Mr. Potato Head died with the most toys, it was already over. Commission not accomplished due to terminal failure! How can people not see or realize this??? Either something happened causing the mission to abort, or it never was what we were told it was in the first place!

Anonymous said...

But UCG forming from WCG is applauded but any leaving UCG is condemned.

Truth said...

Your always going to have hypocrisy regardless of the church you attend, HWA splinters or otherwise. That's not justifying the words of Len Martin, it's just a fact we all have to deal with when it comes to others in this life.

Anonymous said...

okay but why don't we at least start somewhere by dismantling Len Martin's useless bologna