Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why Does The COG HATE Doing Good For Others?

James, on the Painful Truth blog, has a letter up from a reader discussing Mother Teresa accompanied by a great picture which is above.  I have always  been fascinated by Armstrongism's hatred of this woman.  That hatred ran deeper than the fact that she was a Catholic.  I think the problem really was is that the ministry was horrendously embarrassed that here was a little poor woman doing a great work while they, rich and increased with goods were doing nothing for anyone.  I can see why they were embarrassed!

...I was the recipient of a long discourse relating to mother Teresa (MT), where he expounded how FALSE the faith of MT actually was - - Now, this is NOT original, since I remember discussions in world-wide about how MT’s faith would NOT be accepted by God, since she was a daughter of the Babylon Whore, the Catholic church. So, apparently giving up your life for the service of the poor is somehow “not acceptable to God”, even though the bible says “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

Read the letter here.

Living in Fear With the Living Church of God

Living Church of God has an article up by Charles Knowlton that I assume was meant to be encouraging to LCG members, but instead just blatantly exposes the fear based belief system that it is.

It's about Knowlton's family during the great depression and how they were despised by neighbors in the community.  Knowlton says those same times are soon to be upon us. In other words, prepared to live in fear.

The peaceful town we lived in had become a place of fear. The reason: we were the subject of jealously and hatred was because my father had one of the few jobs in town. People were suspicious of each other and there was some violence. The situation called for self-preservation. This was the beginning of the Great Depression, which was to last for nearly a decade and would dramatically change our country. During the ensuing years the U.S. was to take a giant step backward when it came to personal behavior, family unity and an honest interest in self-preservation. The interesting thing is, that piece of history is going to be repeated in many of our lifetimes by troubles on the horizon, described by the Bible as the Great Tribulation and the great Day of the Lord.

In typical COG fashion it is all about wars, famine, pestilence and earthquakes and how they are increasing with rapid pace in this end times. Then it's about our neighbors turning us over to the authorities because we are sabbath keepers. True Christians (i.e. LCG members only) will be despised and hated because of their beliefs.  Because this is going to happen to LCG members, it will also happen to the rest of the world. 

The Bible reveals this in Matthew 24, in what is called the Olivet Prophecy. Christ gave this prophecy to His disciples, and explained it to them in detail. He talked about the events of the end time—wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. These will happen over time and become very intense. Jesus states, “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My Name’s sake” (v. 9). He goes on to explain the effect this will have on human relationships: “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of may will grow cold” (v. 12). Now if this is going to happen to future disciples of Christ, it is going to happen to everyone. The Bible has many references to the coming tribulation and what it will be like—and why.

Then it's food shortages, war and the end of the world.  So uplifting!  So grace filled.  It warms my heart! 

In Daniel 12:1 we see one of these references: “At that time shall Michael stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered.” There are other references in the Old and New Testaments about a time when everyone is going to experience the hardships of a world in trouble: food shortage, war and ultimately the end of civilization.

Never fear!  Jesus is coming back to spank the world into submission.  Nothing about a loving shepherd coming back for his lost sheep.  Nothing about redemption and unconditional grace. Nope!  Jesus is just some lackey that is a small part of the puzzle that LCGers and COGers have to put up with in order to make their god love them more than others.

However, the Bible also promises a Deliverer (Romans 11:26-27). Jesus Christ will return and not only redeem the remnants of Israel’s descendants (including the English speaking peoples) but will straighten the whole world out (Revelation 19:14-16; Revelation 21:3-5). Jesus Christ and His disciples referred to this time as “the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33; Mark 1:14; Luke 4:43; John 3:5; Acts 14:22).
Be assured though, if you are good COGer and "living in the world though not part of the world," you will be able to see the problems coming upon the world and you will prepare yourself.  You will be doing all kinds of things in order for God to save your sorry ass.

If a person is alert and not too deeply engaged in this present evil society, they might see that distress and upheaval are coming. Many live in denial, and choose not to acknowledge that hard times will become worse times, but one thing is certain from the Bible: it is going to require more to survive than protecting your money and carrying a shotgun (Matthew 24:22).
Next,  Knowlton eagerly reminds you on how 2/3rds of humanity will be destroyed for their unfaithfulness.  A small remnant will be left after suffering horribly for three and half years from famine, disease, plagues, concentration camps.

In Ezekiel chapter 5, the prophet describes how one third of the modern descendants of ancient Israel will die of the troubles, one third will be affected by war, and one third will be scattered—and that God would bring these calamities as part of His wrath on their disobedience. The Great Depression never came close, but it left us with a glimpse of things to come.

Another Church of God article that discusses nothing about Jesus.  Nothing about what he is supposed to have accomplished.  Nothing about finding ones "rest" in him and not having to live in fear anymore.  Nothing about unconditional out-flowing grace. Nothing about living water. Nope.  Jesus is only used in this article as an inconvenient prop.

Is that the kind of god that appeals to you?  Do you even want to know it?  I've seen it first hand and it left me empty.  Armstrongism's god is a god of fear.

So, until they find Jesus, they want you to know that they and they alone have the only answer you need. Don't worry about that Jesus dude, he is inconsequential to the bigger picture. Salvation is only through the Living Church of God and it alone knows the way.  Order it's books and save your life.

If you would like to know more about how to truly prepare, order our free booklet Armageddon and Beyond and Revelation: the Mystery Unveiled! Do not delay—your future depends on understanding God’s plan for the times just ahead.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Aaron Dean on "The Sign"

"...we do have a respect for HWA that was often missing by some who have left."
(talk abut taking the knife and sticking it in COGWA's ribs and twisting it!)

You all know that I believe what I was taught by HWA. I helped write his books and was trained in all his schools, 12 years of Imperial, 4 years of Ambassador and 12 years with him. I treasure the time I spent with him and the many lessons in faith. He made me promise to help prepare the bride and continue the work. I have hoped and prayed every day that this world would end and have tried to encourage brethren. My greatest fear is that Christ would tell me that I buried my talent and didn'd contnue to do what he taught me to do. 

While there is no Question that God used HWA powerfully in building the endtime church and reaching the world, he himself told me we should keep on with all the energy and power we can give. If we do not fellowship or help one another, how can we grow spiritually?  If we don't have a cause greater than ourselves to give to, how will God judge us?  I asked HWA in his final weeks if we should stop preaching the Gospel when he died. He said "no" because there was no place in scripture that said when he died that the work was over. (Remember, he picked the telecastor's that would replace him - something he wouldn't have done if it 'was over.)  He knew there would be a falling away. He told me people would quit keeping the Sabbath and quit tithing. He knew there would be men who would seek power and start their own churches if they couldn't be in charge. He knew many things would stop, but he didn't want us to be the cause of stopping it. The spiritual body should go on. Christ is still alive.  We are still judged by what we do with what we have. That doesn't change.

I attend with UCG because God hasn't named a replacement for HWA. We are not to forsake fellowship and I do believe many of God's children are here. Christ is the head of the church and always had been - HWA taught me that in no uncertain terms.  Sadly we have had men who thought they should be in charge to the point that they started their own churches to be in charge. God hates division, and I pray for those who have done this, especially since they lied and caused great damage to the brethren of God on their way out and since. They have taught others to follow them, not Christ.  The splintering has also hurt the power of the Holy people-the spiritual body. I wonder if this is what God fortold through Daniel.  I am happy in UCG, because for the 1st time I feel we have men who are yielding to God for direction and not to themselves. We have few assets and little strength, but we do have a respect for HWA that was often missing by some who have left. I know, because past men asked me not to speak about HWA. They wanted to build their own names. We also try to respect others of like belief who do not attend with us. God knows his sheep.

It was obvious God used HWA, and following him was to follow Christ as he taught us. I pray the 2 witnesses appear on the scene soon. This country has so forsaken God in every way. We all need each other for encouragement and hope. HWA wanted the members to stay together, as only with a common cause can we provide local churches for fellowship, and feast sites with which to worship God together.  While this HWA film evokes so many fond memories, I pray it doesn't make anyone complacent that they can sit on their talents and expect God to be happy with that. HWA would never condone sitting at home alone if there were members to fellowship with. He even sent the young men on baptizing tours to fellowship with Sardis. It will be a sad day when everyone sits at home by themselves with no one to fellowship and no greater work going on to help educate the world as to God's way of life.

I pray for all of you.  HWA did finish his work God had for him to do, but 26 years later, if all we have done is hold on to our talent, then what will Christ have to say to us. HWA would be mad at me if I stopped trying to do the work of God. I will talk about the Kingdom of God till my last breath, and serve God's people as I am able. It is often discouraging, as I am sure it was for a young John Mark or Timothy, in watching Paul's death, or Policratees and Polycarp who tried to uphold the Apostle John's teaching as apostacy jumped in.  May we all hold to the truth of God and be using what talents and tithes we have, and be judged worthy to escape what his soon to come.  I wish I could fellowship with you all.

With Deepest Respect for all,
Aaron Dean