Friday, June 7, 2013

Dave Pack: Returning COG Members Will Be Astounded That I Have Recorded 450 Sermons

Dave seems to think that when the tens of thousands of COG members all return to his cult in the next few months that they will be astounded that Dave has recorded 45o sermons!  Shocking I know!  I think what they will be shocked at is that he will FORCE them to listen to all 450 sermons all in one sitting!  His words are so incredibly super-fantastic that the brethren will stand in awe at his awesome dudeness.

Most important, God’s people will be fed a strong, balanced and spiritually rich diet EVERY WEEK. They will also have a great many more magazines, books, booklets and articles to study that reflect the same quality of content. Brethren will be excited to learn about our vast library of sermons—just I have given over 450—available to members.

Dave Pack: The Days Will Soon Be Over When 4 Different COG Congregations Meet In The Same City

Dave wants you to know that it is an INCREDIBLE waste of HIS money when various COG's have Sabbath services in the same town but in different locations.  Soon he will be paying for the largest and best hall available in towns where one of HIS ministers will be preaching HIS understanding and collecting HIS tithe money.

Dave says that he and his League of 16 have been working for months planning this out.  That statement alone shows how delusional this man is. He is planning on this great reunification, spending tens of thousands of dollars in tithe money doing it, for something that will NEVER happen.

Of course for this miraculous thing to happen the ministers flocking in from the 700 some splinter groups will all have to reeducation in Davey Speak.

Let’s start with the Sabbath. Four or more services (all requiring rental payment) in the same city under four or more pastors (most on salary)—the height of inefficiency, particularly for small groups—will be replaced with just one service and one pastor. The best hall will be retained (only if the congregation can fit), and so will the funds that were wasted on rental payments for the unneeded ones. Some pastors will continue serving where they are, while many others will be reassigned. Our Church Administration staff has been carefully working on maps for months to plan for this. Of course, we do not know how many ministers will return, and how many will not, but projections are underway to have MANY pastors, and in all the key areas. This will be possible no matter the number who refuse to return to God’s Church, Work, Government and Truth when He signals them. There will also be a Ministerial “Unity Conference” within a few weeks of the remnant’s return. More on this at the end.
 Areas where there is currently no congregation will in many cases now HAVE ONE. This is because the size of God’s Church will soon be much larger than the largest splinter—probably many thousands more. No matter the number of ministers who choose to be faithful when God presents their last opportunity, there will be more ministers and congregations, and almost certainly BY FAR, than any group is experiencing now. A great many additional, qualified men will go into immediate training so the ministry can soon be expanded, meaning (many?) more congregations can begin each year as they always did in a regular rhythm in the Worldwide Church of God. This will also be in part because the Work of God will be so large (recall last week’s announcement) that great numbers of additional brethren—vast thousands—will pour into the Church just as they once did. With all competition eliminated (again recall last week), the number coming into the Church each of the few remaining years left will be much greater than all the splinters, as well as God’s Church, which has been growing the fastest for a long time, put together. Growth will simply explode, probably into the thousands each year—as it did in the late 1950s, ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s when the Church was on track. In fact, expect this!

Dave Pack Says: "We will again enjoy the same socials, activities, sporting events and tournaments, Spokesman and Graduate Clubs, Youth Camps, Sabbath services, pastors, meeting sites for the Feast of Tabernacles, college and Ministerial Conferences."

Davey wants you to be lamenting right now that all the brethren no longer gather together for socials, tournaments and Spokesman Club. The glory days of the 1950's and 1960's were a perfect time in Armstrongism. Everyone was unified and in the same spirit.  Yeah right, when jack-asses fly. 

First we must think for a moment about weddings and funerals taking place today. When brethren temporarily come together for these kinds of events, it reminds them of the divided state of God’s people. Many friends and family members attending in separate groups who have not spoken with each other sometimes for years are excited to see each other at these occasions. They often talk of wishing they were all back together—lamenting that this is impossible due to the multiple groups. They reminisce over the “good old days,” and the “way things used to be” in the WCG. These are common topics of conversation. Thousands deeply desire to be in one organization again, and are saddened that they are not. This situation is sad. And it has been the leaders who have made it impossible to be together.

Think of all that will happen when reunification occurs. Begin to make the following summary real in your mind’s eye: We will again enjoy the same socials, activities, sporting events and tournaments, Spokesman and Graduate Clubs, Youth Camps, Sabbath services, pastors, meeting sites for the Feast of Tabernacles, college and Ministerial Conferences.

This will NEVER happen.  That's a guaranteed fact that Dave is lying about.