Thursday, September 13, 2012

Van Robison on "Have You Been Censored?"

Have You Been Censored?

Every church cult attempts to censor its church members from exposure to criticism, alternative thinking, other beliefs and sources that differ.   Living in fear that to read what others are saying is a sure sign of significant indoctrination and that you are being abused spiritually.    Cults instill paranoia in their members and followers.   Over the years there have been many cult church groups and there are many in existence today, among which are the splinter groups of the WCG and the original WCG itself.

I know this is true because I was once a member of the cult church called the "Worldwide Church of God", with its many strange and weird doctrines and teachings.   Of course at that time I was a young man, with little experience in understanding what religious fraud is.   Herbert W. most definitely lived the life of a human "King", but in the end, took nothing with him but his own rotting flesh, which is the end result of all human beings, including the "Kings", the "Presidents", the "Pastors", the "Senior Pastors", the "Dr. Pastors" and all others.

Virtually 100% of all "heads" and "pastors" of all churches on earth want followers, for no other reason than your $cash.   Take away the $cash and there would be no "heads" of churches.   It is that simple folks.  They may preach from the man-made Bible, but the bottom line is that they are NOT speaking for God/Jesus Christ, THEY ARE PREACHING FOR YOUR $MONEY!!!  Naturally they don't want you be be a "church hopper" and they will condemn "church hopping" from the pulpit?   Oh my, I wonder why?   They lose your financial support of course.

That there are ulterior and hidden motives behind the censorship of you being exposed to different opinions, thoughts, beliefs and so forth is more than obvious.  It is a weak attempt at keeping you under their control. 

Well poo!

Van Robison

Ex-UCG Prophetess Val Says "I do not want any more spankings. "

Prophetess Val, who tried to take her message to United Church of God, was mocked and made fun of and then kicked out of the church.  Now she has written a "book" on legitimizing her end time legacy as a prophet, high priestess, or what ever the craziness she thinks she is.  Woe to those that mock her!

The prophetess writes:
In 2003 I was directed by God to the United Church of God. Because God gave me a full time job and a car of my own I was finally able to attend regularly. In 2005 I was baptized again and I renewed my vows to give God my life for his use. Pay close attention to what the Holy Spirit inspires you to say to God. We truly are not our own.

*Hebrews 5:14 “But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil”.

It would be wise to rightly divide (divide means separate) the word of love from the words of hate to find the true word of God that is in the Bible…

* 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Satan is counting on you not to hear a woman.
This is still his world and in his world he has pushed mankind to believe that women are inferior and not to be trusted, listened to or believed.

God has a different test for the world (Acts 3:23) he commands every soul to hear his true word delivered by a woman or that soul will be destroyed. The soul that sinneth it shall die, once, but how we die is directed by God. Moses and Elijah are together in scripture. They are both in one prophet (Luke 1:17) at the heel of time. Elijah told the people that he was God's prophet (1 Kings 18:22) as do I, to prove the power of God by the true word (Jer 23:29) that turns the hearts of the Fathers to the children to stop the curse that was on the earth (Mal 4:5-6). Since April 2010 when this true word first went out to the world God has removed the curse on the earth. This evil world began with a battle of wits between the devil and a woman and this evil world will come to a close after a battle of wits between the devil and a woman, God is just. "And thou shalt bruise his heel" (Gen 3:15), (Jer 31:22). Eve did exactly what God raised her to do, as now do I.

I was so very heart broken and deeply pained (Rev 12:2) when my church family shunned me as crazy because of the true word that was growing inside me. I could not understand how others professing the Holy Spirit could treat me so unkind, especially when what I was telling them was of God (love). I asked God why? He told me, it is because they are lukewarm. He said, "they have a form of godliness but they deny my power" (2 Tim 3:5). All prophecies will be fulfilled. I too now say "not my will but thine be done". I write all that he inspires; I do not want any more spankings.

Some preachers have taught that the two wings of a great eagle is an airplane that they think will fly this church worth of people into the wilderness. This is not true; when Satan tries to destroy me (Rev 12:17) there will be no time for anyone to board a plane let alone a whole congregation to then take off into the air. The fact is his attack will be so swift that the earth has to open up to help me (Rev 12:16). As Elijah was taken into the air (2 Kings 2:1) so will happen for me (Rev 12:13-14). This website does turn the hearts of the fathers to the children by the word and will of God to prepare a people with his everlasting love for the coming millennial rule of Christ.

The last church before the return of Christ is lukewarm. The United Church of God is the church I was raised up from (Acts 3:22). They are now in the process of being spewed out because they would not hear me (Acts 3:23). They rejected hearing the way to become hot from a woman. *Rev 3:16-18 “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see”. As God’s prophet I am commanded to speak boldly with the fire of his word, as he would (Heb 4:12). What you do with his word will determine your placement in his world. If you will not read all the posts on this website to see whether what I tell you is true or not then… *Acts 3:23 “And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.” … you will not be among the people that will be allowed to enter into the coming city of God (Rev 21:10-27) in his coming New Heavens and New Earth. I have bruised Satan by exposing his lies by the power of the word of God (John 1:1). *Gen 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” The Good Tale

Van Robison on "Splinter Group Heads Are Very Confused"


Splinter Group Heads Are Very Confused

It seems there are lots of men in WCG [Armstrongism] splinter groups, who want to be King.  No wonder because when you are King, you get all the goodies.  The $cash flows like a river into your bank account and you get to spend it on whatever you want.   I have been to churches where the preacher or pastor says that "the tithe is not your money, it is God's money."    Of course that is a total farce, because God cannot be purchased with money, nor can the forgiveness of sins, salvation, eternal life or the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus Christ cannot be bought with a debit card, a visa, mastercharge or even $cash.   Therefore the whole tithing scheme is a total fraud.

If one splinter group church head is the "right" and "true" church, then where does that leave all the other WCG splinter group churches?   Of course what about all the endless thousands of church groups that have never ever been associated with the WCG?   That WCG splinter group heads are very confused is so apparent, that even a cave man can see through the deceit.   Every church head wants followers, even if the head is a group of men. It is sheer and utter vanity on the part of these self-appointed men, who assume the posture of being "God" to all the childish adults who submit their lives to these very insecure men, who want your worship of their person.

Presumption to speak for God and at the same time DEMAND $CASH is a guarantee of a religious racket. The only reason these splinter group heads call you "brethren" is because they want your $money.   Smart people will give these religious frauds the boot.   The salvation of no human being hinges upon or revolves around the "head" or "heads" of any WCG splinter group.    In fact salvation has nothing to do with churches or pastors.

Confused?  If so, it is only because you are going to church and rejecting Jesus Christ, to follow self-appointed men.

Van Robison

Apostle Malm: Successful Civic Minded People Have Sold Their Soul To Satan

More from the pen of apostle James.

Beware all of you civic minded folk out there that serve in civic capacities, who might have some money or are successful.  Apparently you have sold your soul to Satan.

Satan is in authority over all nations and provinces and cities and peoples in the world today.  One CANNOT become a national or civic leader, or achieve wealth fame and success in this world without either unwittingly obeying Satan in rebellion against God; or by knowingly making a deal with Satan; or by the direct intervention of God to over-rule Satan.

The example he uses to "prove" this is Bob Dylan's interview with 60 Minutes.

Totally Demolished

 from south side of Mayfair
 taken from the curved flower beds on the east side of the library
the picture above is of the front entrance to the library where the checkout desk was and the card files.