Monday, June 6, 2022

Mark your Calendars! You won't be disappointed!!!!!


Remember this? 

This is why NO ONE believes the current liars masquerading as prophets in the 

Church of God

Submitted by a reader...

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Gerald Flurry: PCG Members Required To Submit To More Asinine Rules - Bans Gender Reveal Parties

Just when you think Armstrngism can't get any crazier, along comes Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, and Gerald Flurry. This time it is Gerald Flurry and his deep-seated hatred of "gender reveal parties". Nothing is more disgusting than a family celebrating the upcoming birth of their child. 

Remember, this is coming from a church that has damaged more children mentally and physically than most COG's out there. From legalistic doctrines and policies to forcing children to exercise in the heat and humidity in Oklahoma in the summer all because it is a test of the spiritual worthiness to follow governance.

Exit and Support Network reports:

PCG Bans Gender Reveal Parties: 
June 3, 2022 
The PCG has now banned gender reveal parties for expectant families. While Herbert Armstrong “approved” baby showers. Gender reveal parties are not allowed as they put the attention on the parents. (Yes, you read that correctly) Also stated, was that they originated in the 2000’s by social media and Hollywood and by putting the emphasis on the parents it is too much like a birthday party. Hmmmm. I don’t think so, but that’s besides the point. 
For those scratching their heads in bewilderment at the news of this recent stupidity, this is done because it is another means of control. They like to flex their control muscle, show people who’s boss and also they don’t like get-togethers. While they always preach that the brethren should fellowship often, they want it done in controlled, supervised environments. They actually require a minister or a deacon to be at get-togethers over a certain number. Most members are actually oblivious to this rule. This is because they don’t want people having a party where people can celebrate–possibly with family and friends in the world–the exciting event of finding out if you will be welcoming a baby boy or girl into your family. –Former PCG member [name withheld]