Friday, August 30, 2024

Dr. Kyriakos Stavrinides Has Died



Dr. Kyriakos Stavrinides

12/22/1934 - 8/24/2024

His obituary:

In Memory of
Today, we gather to honor and celebrate the life of Father Alexander Stavrinides, who touched the hearts of everyone he encountered with his kindness, humor, and his unwavering dedication to our parish. 
We are truly going to miss you. We have learned so many things from him. He has taught us to love and respect each other.You were God sent to us as a church. Not only we got the best priest, we also got a very educated priest who just loved to teach and guide us in the right way. He never gave up on us. He always remained committed to the church, even having to endure a two-hour drive plus traffic from Glendora to Saint George Orthodox Church Hesperia. We are extremely grateful to meet you and spend lots of time with him. 
No matter how busy things got, he always made time for the people he cared about, and showed us that family always comes first no matter what. Everyone who knew him knew how proud he was of the people he loved, 
He stressed the significance of attending church and emphasized the need to prioritize it. He used to say, (We always should put God first before anything) 
Father Alexander had the Bible memorized. Any question you ask, he would say go to this verse and chapter. 
Father Alexander had many hidden talents as well. He not only was a priest, he was a musician. He knew how to play any instrument he did magic on the piano, but his favorite was his violin. Don’t let me forget about his singing. He had a beautiful voice when he sang and did Divine Liturgy. 
Dr. K. J. Stavrinides holds graduate and postgraduate degrees from British and European universities in Theology, Philosophy, Classical Greek, and Latin. 
He was Chairman of the Classics and Philosophy Department at Ambassador University in Texas, has lectured around the world on Modern Trinitarian Problems, given lectures at Pasadena City College and Citrus College, and, in the past twenty years, in the Graduate Department of Theology at Azusa Pacific University. 
He had philosophy classes at the Geleris Education Center, in Glendora, and served as the host of the Christian Symposium.

As we say our goodbyes to Father Alexander, let us remember the love, laughter, and precious moments we shared together. May their memory live on in our hearts forever, and may we find solace in knowing that they are now at peace and may his Memory be Eternal forever. Saint George The Great Martyr Orthodox Church


What his students said about him on Rate My Professor when he taught at Azusa Pacific University:

One of the books he has written:


IN HONOR OF THE MOTHER OF GOD: An Assessment of Mary B. Cunningham's Gateway of Life – Orthodox Thinking on the Mother of God



The Gospel of Dogs


Let's see who gets offended over this...

UCG Wants You To Keep Your Spiritual Garments Clean


In a fear-laden article about North Korea, China, Russia, and demons getting ready to start WWIII (see: Armageddon: The Hordes Out of the North and East), UCG members are exhorted to continue working and doing all they can to preserve their lives.

UCG's Jim Tuck ends his article with this:

Watch and keep your spiritual garments clean

The spirits of demons go forth and stir up nations of the world to come together to fight: “For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. ‘Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.’ And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon” (Revelation 16:14-16).

When Jesus Christ returns, He will find the world engaged in all-out war, and unless He intervenes, this world will be totally obliterated (Matthew 24:22). When He comes, the armies of the world will turn on Him to fight and make war against Him (Revelation11:18, 17:14).

Why is this important? Our Lord Jesus fully answers the question: “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”

The knowledge of what is ahead motivates us now to prepare spiritually while there is time. “The night is far spent; the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12).

This is my Perspective!