Thursday, February 9, 2017

Have You Been Snookered? Dave Pack Says So!

It really must be amazing to be God's right hand man on this earth and know everything about everything.  No man on this earth (other than Bob Thiel) is able to understand the mind of God like Dave Pack.  Dave just cannot face the fact that he and his group may actually be the ones being "snookered."
God would never tell the splinter brethren “Well done, you good and faithful servant.” If He did, He is lying to them, or He has lied to us about what it means to be a good and faithful servant. If He’s telling them that what they did is good and faithful, then we got snookered. If He told us the truth, He could never tell them the same thing—the difference is too vast. No, they are not Catholic, but I think you understand the point. The potential—that I could dwell on—just on what we get to do, is not the subject here, but the chasm is……

The Journal, Issue 191

The latest issue of The Journal, News of the Churches of God is out.

This issue has an article about the Amy Allwine murder by UCG minister Stephen Allwine.
United Church of God president Victor Kubik released a statement after police charged a UCG elder with murder in the death of the elder’s wife.
President Kubik, who works out of the church’s headquarters in Milford, Ohio,
expressed “profound shock and sadness” upon learning about the arrest of Stephen Allwine, 43, of Cottage Grove, Minn., on Jan. 17, 2017, on charges of second-degree
murder of his wife, Amy Louise Zutz Allwine, two months earlier on Nov. 13, 2016. 

There is also an excellent article by David Antion about the 1974 "rebellion."
Another minister who was there tells about the so-called rebellion in the WCG in 1974 
I present here the memories I have of the experiences I went through during those times.
I am dealing here with one phase of the complex and many-faceted interactions that took place from 1972 through 1974 in the Worldwide Church of God. This represents only the dealings of my talks with the leaders of the 1974 crisis and a little of what led up to it. Here’s some background that led up to 1974. 
At last Helen Stiles told me I could go in. I thought this was strange because Mr. Armstrong usually came out to greet anyone who had an appointment. Nevertheless I went in.
When I opened the main door to his office, to my surprise there was Herbert Armstrong flanked by Garner Ted Armstrong and Stan Rader. Behind them were the head- quarters evangelists—Dibar Apartian, Norman Smith, Wayne Cole, David Jon Hill, Ronald Dart, Roderick Meredith (as I remember)—and Robert Kuhn.
(Robert was trying hard to keep a lid on the explosion that was about to happen. He was understanding and sympathetic because he knew the need for changes in doctrine. Later he was the primary force in changing many of the church’s teachings on healing and D&R. To this day Robert and I are still close friends.)
I felt alone, like I was standing before the Sanhedrin. 
There are also the usual advertisements by several of the extreme COG splinter groups with each one proclaiming they alone have the truth.

Don Billingsley is back with his off the wall comments and predictions...all of which have been failures.  This time he is predicting that because of Donald Trump being elected President this will allow the building of the end time temple in Jerusalem.
The Third TempleAnother major reason for his presidency will be to make possible the building of the third Temple in Jerusalem (more about this in a future article in our magazine). This will lead to the count- down of Jesus Christ’s coming back to this earth (Daniel 12:11-12). 

You can red the latest issue here.

Dave Pack: The Splinter COG's Are Practically Death Camps

Overly dramatic Dave.  What would we do without him?  He is correct that they are all dying though.

The splinters are awaiting someone with miraculous power. Now they, commonly, would describe that man as Elijah; but, they are set up for someone to come and do awesome miracles. They’re desperate for miracles. One reason is they have none over there. There are no healings. They’re dying; they’re dropping like flies. Most of the big splinters are practically death camps. Nobody’s healed. Nobody is delivered. You just don’t hear about it. People get over the sniffles, and they declare it a healing, they’re so desperate for miracles.

The Number One Need Of All True Christians Is To Have One's Heart Set Firmly On....

Herbert Armstrong made the following comment about the greatest need church members must have.  If there is any proof that the church knows not the man they claim to follow it is this.  If you are a Christian, you heart is geared to one person and one person only, not some human man or his organization parked in Pasadena, Arroyo Grande, Edmond, Cincinnati or Wadsworth. Everyone of these places have been cesspools of degeneracy, abuse and spiritual malfeasance.
“In my over fifty years’ intensive, rich, active experience, since God changed MY direction into HIS WAY, I have observed that the very first need of every Christian, who is to GROW and develop…spiritual character, is to have his heart completely in THE WORK OF GOD, which the living Christ has called His servants to do.”
The focus in the all of the Church of God's has always been upon human leaders, not on that most inconvenient dude who always remains unnamed.
“The very Work which is THE REASON God has called you NOW—before He undertakes to SAVE THE WHOLE WORLD!” 
Dave Pack is using Herb's comments to prove to his members that the focus should always be upon HQ.  It is government, after all.
In 1980…
“We must sacrifice now as never before for this Work that we may FINISH the Work.”
Another time in 74…
“Unless we fulfill God’s SPECIAL PURPOSE for our calling now, [we’ll] never go into [the] Kingdom. THIS FACT MUST NOT BE TAKEN CARELESSLY!”
“You are…admonished to ‘make your calling and election SURE!’”
And that includes… 
“…how much we have CONTRIBUTED to His Work – the PURPOSE for which He put us in His Church NOW!”
That is a tiny smattering of what Mr. Armstrong said. Whenever I want to feel zeal, I just go read what Mr. Armstrong said. Pretty energetic fellow, but still you understand. So, Point 7: Do vast numbers really enter the kingdom of God having never done God’s Work, or not for decades? Absolutely not. It would repudiate everything Mr. Armstrong believed for all the years and decades he did the Work. 
It is hard to imagine that we once believed that one's salvation was dependent upon how much money, labor or obedience one had to headquarters.  The lies we swallowed are appalling. Sadly, thousands of COG members still believe this malarky.  Herbert Armstrong (or Dave Pack) is your key to the kingdom.  Utter bullshit.
