Sunday, September 18, 2016

Joel Hilliker Does Not Want Little Boys Playing With Cars When He Is Preaching

The Gestapo at the Philadelphia Church of God extends its reach further into the lives of families.  This time it concerns the period of time BEFORE, DURING and AFTER church services.  Lil'Joel Hilliker is highly offended that little boys roll little cars around on the floor while he is speaking.

Lil'Joel then drags up a letter by Richard Armstrong, who early on was proving himself to be even more legalistic than his daddy was, where he railed on bad children in church.

Emphasizing that the Sabbath commandment includes “thy son” and “thy daughter” (Exodus 20:10), Dick Armstrong wrote, “The Sabbath is holy time, sacred to God, and as such our children should not be allowed to run loose like so many wild animals. … Your children must be in Church, and they must keep the Sabbath holy the same as you do.”
That is the overarching principle we must remember when we monitor and regulate our children’s behavior before and after services. This is still holy time. Isaiah 58:13 commands that we all—including our children—refrain from doing our own pleasure to ensure the Sabbath is “holy of the Lord, honorable.”
That means no running or horseplay. The children should not be throwing things, or noisily rolling cars around, or being overly loud. Boys seem especially prone to such behavior. We must direct them toward appropriate alternatives.
At the same time, that verse in Isaiah shows that God wants the Sabbath to be a “delight” for the whole family. We must train our children to uphold the standard—while we provide suitable activities and opportunities that they will enjoy.
Little kids, bored to death by idiotic 2 hour services, MUST learn what "holy time" is.  In other words, any time a PCG minister opens its mouth, that MUST be regarded as "holy" time.   Even when it's the likes of Lil'Joel Hilliker speaking.
“Of course your children can play with the other children when services are over,” said the August 1965 Good News. “They should look forward to and enjoy the Sabbath when they see all their friends again. But this is not license to sail airplanes out of restroom windows, wrestle on the floor, or bang chairs around ….”
Our children should be quiet and orderly throughout the Sabbath. They should respect the property at services—including songbooks and other children’s toys—and have a sense of decorum befitting the occasion.
By upholding God’s standards, we are teaching them what holy means. 
After sitting there for two hours listening to Gerald Flurry slur his words and ramble aimlessly and mindlessly about, little kids, especially boys, need to let off some pent up energy.  But NO, that is not permissible!
We all want to fully enjoy fellowship with the other brethren before and after services. But we must not succumb to the temptation to turn our children loose and forget about them until it’s time to “round them up” for the trip home. The congregation is not a giant day-care staff that will look after them so we can take a break from being parents. As Proverbs 29:15 warns, “[A] child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.”
Armstrongism has always been about shame.  There unworthy and unloved they could make members feel the more control the church had over them.

The best thing parents in the Philadelphia Church of God could do for their kids is the leave the church and find freedom!

Dingy Wade Cox Says We Are In The 30 Year Time Period Of The Two Witless Witnesses

The craziness of self-appointed COG leaders knows no end to the stupidity that comes from their mouths and pens.

Wade Cox, of the Christian Churches of God cult, claims that we are now in a 30 year period of the two witless witnesses.   30 years, instead of 3 1/2 half years.  Of course when the two witless witnesses never materialize in these 30 years, the false prophet will say God has delayed his coming because the "brethren" were not ready.  The millennium will end in 2026 instead of 1,000 years from now.  All of this is going on during the "times of the demons."   Of course we should all believe that these two witless witnesses will arise from the Coxites. They are the "true church" after all and have converted hundreds of thousands of people in Africa over to the dark side.

It is sad to think that people actually believe this absurd nonsense.

We will commence the thirty years’ countdown which will then finish off this Jubilee and finish off the 2,000 years of the forty Jubilees of the Last Days (see the paper The Last Thirty Years: the Final Struggle (No. 219)). The year 1996 was the 3,000th anniversary of David’s entry into Jerusalem. There are all sorts of significant points that arise from 1996. It will take thirty years through to 2026 to finish off the Millennium and the times of the demons, and prepare all of the nations to put them back for the treble-harvest year prior to the Jubilee of 2027-28. 
The Two Witnesses will take up within that period. It appears quite certain that the Two Witnesses will commence their prophecy over the next thirty years. 
The modern US view is to say they are two prophets and living on the planet today. They must be alive at the moment, given the time-frames and the requirements of the Law. In order to be prepared, they have to be over thirty years of age to commence to preach – otherwise they have broken the Law. Therefore, they have to be over thirty before they teach and it’s thirty years from 1996 to 2026, and they have to take up their ministry three years before 2026. At the very latest they will be on the planet by 2023. That means they have to be alive now and had to have been, at the very least, one year old in 1995.
This is the end of the Times of the Gentiles. The last phase of the thirty years thus commenced in 1996/7. This period leads up to the coming of Messiah. The Witnesses are an important part of that activity. 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Exclusive...New Blog Site: Rod Meredith Crimes

I received this from the owner of a new blog that is documenting the "inappropriate behavior" of Roderick C Meredith down though the decades.

The purpose of this paper is to document the inappropriate and even criminal behavior of Roderick C. Meredith and the succession of church corporations he has founded (primarily Global Church of God [GCG] and Living Church of God [LCG], but stretching back into Worldwide Church of God [WCG] days as his behavior was problematic at that time as well).  The impetus to collect this evidence came from the discovery of the Scarborough defamation lawsuit against LCG and Mr. Meredith.  Subsequent investigation revealed a pattern of troublesome behavior, for which I wanted to verify and collect clear evidence.  The evidence shows behavior reported by several people across a diversity of circumstances and time which completely invalidate any ministerial or leadership credentials Mr. Meredith might claim, barring complete repentance (i.e. a clear change in behavior and disposition). 
Documenting the crimes and inappropriate behavior of Rod Meredith would be daunting task considering the path of destruction he has left in his wake over the decades.

The blog states:
Though there seem to many problematic behaviors demonstrated by Mr. Meredith, this narrative will primarily revolve around the lawsuits for defamation and slander directed at Mr. Meredith, and the very public dispute between Mr. Meredith and the board of directors at GCG that launched LCG.
The blog covers:

First lawsuit -- McNair v. Worldwide Church of God (WCG) 
Meredith v. GCG Dispute 
and the 
Current lawsuit -- Scarborough v. Living Church of God (LCG) 

Follow the blog here:  RCM Crimes

Wes White (Church of God International) On Critical Blogs and Web Sites

Gavin posted this on his blog today.  This is a Church of God International web cast with Wes White.
Go to minute 17:00 and listen to his comments about the dissident blogs and web sites.

The views of Wes compared to Rod Meredith's rant about this blog several months ago is light years apart in understanding.   What Meredith did was actually drive more LCG members to this site than we had ever had, where they found they had a voice that could be heard.

Wes is correct in his view that if the Internet had been around in the early years of the church we would not have had the abuse that we went through.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sacred Names Group Trying To Attract COG Members

Those entrenched in Armstrongism always seem to be attracted to every aberrant group that appears on the horizon.  Many in the church jumped off into various sacred names groups over the years when all of the changes started hitting the fan.  This one seems to be the most aggressive in trying to recruit COG members.

This group feels it is so important that it is now suffering persecution from various COG's that are telling members to stay away from it.
A sleeping giant has awakened. The Name of our Heavenly Father Yahweh is under ramped-up attacks from various WWCG “Worldwide Church of God” breakaway groups. Because of its unquestionable proof and rock-solid, historical fact, their members in large numbers are questioning why their leaders refuse to honor and teach the personal Name of their Creator Yahweh.
Unquestionable "proof?"    There is no proof that people are to call God by some sacred magical name.

They claim that Herbert Armstrong used the name Yahweh in the early years of the church.
Herbert Armstrong himself used the Name Yahweh for about six months in his early Radio Church of God (before it became the Worldwide Church of God) broadcasts, according to an elderly former member.
If HWA had used pink toilet paper in his bathroom many would think they too need to use pink toilet paper.   Do any of these groups ever have an original idea in their heads?

They claim that nervous COG leaders are doing all they can to discredit them.
In attempts to stop the bleeding, nervous leaders are amping up their efforts to discount their Creator’s Name Yahweh.  Regardless, His revealed Name is going out in power and in unprecedented ways. Any attempts to squelch it will prove futile, according  to Yahweh Himself.
As one ex-COG member noted:
There is absolutely nothing new in this latest splinter except the demand of calling deity by a certain name, which is just silly. The rest is textbook Armstrongism. 
Yahweh's Restoration Ministry