Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Familiar Experience: The High Price of Letting Others Determine Who You Must Be

Why I Left an Evangelical Cult | Dawn Smith

"Even the hardest day of freedom is better than the best day in a cult"

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Skill Lost on the Leadership of the Never Wrong Churches of God

For all the times the self-appointed leaders of the Churches of God have been wrong about everything from their ideas about how everyone in their spheres of influence ought to think, pray, stay and obey to their prophetic mutterings that come up short and mistaken every time, you'd think just once one might hear  "Please forgive me, I was wrong."

Being mistaken is not something, evidently, a Church of God splinter can admit to. Or at least to date, with much now behind them that was mistaken, they can't.  Herbert Armstrong was never wrong. Joe Tkach was never wrong.  They can ignore it. They can revise it to be wrong again later because God now has mercifully given them even more time to be wrong. But they can never admit they actually were mistaken.  Dave Pack is good at this.  They can blame the people, as Ron Weinland did, for not understanding that it was "spiritual!".  But they can never admit that they simply were wrong.

For better or worse, the Bible itself gives some plenty of reasons to never admit they were wrong. For all the Apostle Paul's sureness that time was short and that he who was still alive and remains would be changed , while admittedly some would die and John's sureness that he wrote of things that must shortly come to pass and that Jesus was coming "quickly" low these two millennia ago, ending up badly mistaken and admitting it never seems to have crossed their minds either. Paul did have time to write that he fought a good fight and he gets his crown, gotta go, but never seems to understand the heartache he may have left behind in his mistaken ideas. As far as I can see, that is simply the norm in the Churches of God to this day..

Later, Second Century apologists came along and simply covered the mistaken idea with blaming those who noticed Jesus was long in coming soon and labeling them scoffers with all the associated threats and put-downs. God does not see time as we mere humans do they noted as if all should have known that from the start and not scoffed at the longness of "shortly". Blame the notice is always more easy and face-saving than the one who was simply mistaken with the inability to say "I was wrong"

Cudos to Ex Pastor Joshua Harris for the guts to admit his sincere mistakes, in his sphere of influence,  and leaving a lesson for the Church of God leadership to ponder which they probably won't.

Joshua Harris: When a Leader Has the Courage to Say ‘I Was Wrong’

“A lot of [my classmates] shared stories of the effect my book had, and a lot of them were negative,” Harris remembers. “I couldn’t just write them off as angry trolls, because these were my friends, and so I listened. And then one day, on Twitter of all places, this woman wrote me and said ‘your book was used against me like a weapon.’ I answered and said ‘I’m so sorry.’

“It was such a simple, human interaction, but that interaction led to a conversation which led to a friendship, and that friendship changed me. She said something I”ll never forget – that her conversation with me on twitter was the first time a religious leader had ever acknowledged getting something wrong and apologized to her.”
From these experiences Harris opened up his website for people to share their unedited experiences—positive or negative—with his book, which led both Harris and a fellow grad student who had also been hurt by Harris’s book to begin work on a documentary that explores the impact Harris’s book had on dozens of people. As Harris has leaned into the fear of saying “I’m wrong,” he says there are three main lessons he’s learned."

"“We talk about wanting to evolve – become a smarter or loving or compassionate version of ourselves. But think about what that requires – there’s a lot of death that takes place,” Harris says. “Evolution is never a painless process. It’s a dying to old ways of thinking and old habits. Maybe old relationships. Evolving personally involves admitting you got things wrong and letting those things die."

“You can’t rush through the pain of being wrong. Often we want to get through it as quick as possible and go back to being right. Or we give these lame apologies: ‘to anyone who was offended …’ as though being offended was their fault. We want to get past it, deal with the tension and messiness of it, and get back to being right. But if you rush past that you won’t grow. It sucks, it really does. But in that tension and facing up to it, that’s the sign that I’m growing.” 

“I wish I could say people will come by and pat you on the back for being humble, but expect resistance. There are people who want you to stay the same … because if you admit you’re wrong and they agreed with you before, then that by implication makes them wrong too.”
Harris doesn’t address it in the TEDx talk, but his decision to step down as pastor of Covenant Life Church was heavily influenced by an in-church sexual abuse scandal the pastoral leadership team decided to deal with internally, rather than contacting the police. According to the Washington Post’s reporting, a former Covenant Life youth group leader was convicted of molesting three boys in the 1980s. Trial testimony showed that the victims or their families had gone to church leaders for help and that the church officials did not call police. Harris said the thinking of the church was that such allegations should be handled as an internal, spiritual issue.
Reflecting on this incident, Harris said he wanted “to get a broader perspective. I want to learn other ways of how pastors and other leaders deal with all these things. We need to learn from the historic church about ways that there is better accountability and responsibility.”
What Harris learned is that when church leaders become too convinced of what they think they know, it inevitably damages their communities, sometimes in life-altering ways. And while this can just produce more sleepless nights for some pastors, Harris believes that when leaders are able to willingly admit their mistakes and choose humility, it actually makes them the safest sort of leader to be around.

The truth, hidden from HWA, was saved for me to reveal at the end time

Did you know that there is currently a "famine of the gospel" going on in the world?  Our official Chief Pharisee of the Church of God claims there is.  He has been working at his kitchen table for the last few weeks cranking out a new storyline to prove that he and he alone is the ONLY one preaching a restored gospel message.  How many more decades do we need to hear this crap from self-appointed Church of God gurus?
The word famine means “scarcity” and today the true Gospel of Salvation is very scarce, only available at TheShiningLight as the corporate church groups teach an inoffensive business model and utterly refuse to: 
Isaiah 58:1 Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.  
or to fulfill the duty of a watchman (Ezekiel 33).
And here we go again, ANOTHER watchman.  Oh lordy! How many of these fools have we seen over the decades say this kind of crap?  That makes no difference to the many COG fools saying it today. James Malm is NO watchman and that is a fact!

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Was Herbert Armstrong intentionally scamming his followers - or did he honestly, truly believe he was who he said he was?

In my research questioning Herbert Armstrong, I had been left with one nagging question in my head: Was Herbert Armstrong intentionally scamming his followers - or did he honestly, truly believe he was who he said he was?

There are certain things that stick out strongly to me. There was his absolute narcissism fully admitted - that he viewed himself as "the most important person on the face of the Earth" - even well before his religious ideas kicked in. He fully admits he was "cocky", "conceited" - fully invested in himself in nearly every angle. His arrogance even as a young man was off the charts. His most desperate life goal - the thing he wanted more than anything - was to "make something of himself". This was the prime goal of Herbert Armstrong - that, due in part to the Great Depression - and due to another part by Herb himself - became deeply frustrated. 

It's true he learned a lot from rich and successful people in his early adulthood. He learned techniques about advertising and took what he considered invaluable advice from multimillionaires. He spent an abundance of time with "important people" from every walk. He had the tools to be successful, but he did not have the product. That's where the religious part came into gigantic play. 

When that religious "part" became a part of who he was, there were certain aspects of himself that history proves were exactly the same. First was the idea that he was the most important person on Earth. When Loma had that dream about Herbert, and Herbert heard it, it fed directly into the belief that he was the epicenter of the Universe. Within years, he began to conclude that he - and he alone - was the only person on the face of the earth with the "mission to warn" the nations of what was just a few years down the road. When radio - and television - became the normal means of mass communication along with print - Herbert found what had to be God's direct answer to him alone of how this was to be. 

After all, in Herbert's world, he alone was right. He alone was God's mouthpiece. He alone was being taught by God. He alone was the only one who could revive the dead churches who weren't growing, or prosperous. Everything he viewed in his worldview was based on himself being absolutely distinct from everyone else, with a mission from God himself that he was chosen to warn the world. The Church's secondary explosion of growth was secondary to him warning the world - and was necessary as the financial arm so he could do what he felt God called him to do. Everything revolved around this - that he alone was "the voice crying out in the wilderness" and that the sure doom of the world was literally a heartbeat away. 

This is why he felt the purpose of the Church was to "back him up". Because he already knew he was "the most important person on Earth" who had a mission from God. In order for the Church to "back him up", Herbert had to make sure they were fully in agreement with financially backing him up, but also "backing him up" in regards to what he viewed as his rulership, his authority, and of course, his government over the financial backing arm - the Church. 

When the idea of the College came into fruition - everything from his past that he wanted but didn't get in his rich young years suddenly came right back. When he read the Northwestern Banker and hung out with the rich and famous, he read about all those Bankers Conventions. He saw those images of the offices of the powerful with marble and mahogany. He read about the lifestyle of the rich served on the finest gold. All of these things in the past he wanted. Suddenly, because of the "backing up" of his supporters - Church members, and co-workers who agreed with and bought into his ideas of religion - he had the way - not through being a banker - but as a religious preacher - to fulfill his heart's desires as a young person - through a College. 

Of course, he rationalized away the fact that those were his "heart's desires" with words such as "God's College", "Quality", and you know the rest. Since it was a "God thing", "God's College" had to be the very best thing the world had ever seen. Consciously, or unconsciously, he had a way to get exactly what he wanted all of his life - power, prestige, and material wealth. And nothing was going to stand in his way now - through this path, he could "warn the world of what was to come" and fulfill his dreams as a rich, powerful, and successful person. And he could RULE like he never could rule in a worldly business - with full control over those in his kingdom. 

The problem came when he began forming his "inner circle". When the in-crowd of elites saw that Herbert came upon an elusive, winning, financial formula of success that revolved around religion - the "in-crowd" we now know as pioneer evangelists of the Worldwide Church of God was established. One by one, the McNair clan from Arkansas bought in. Herman Hoeh bought in. This "enterprise" seemed to have God's blessing - and they began to realize the power that they had. Of course, in their minds, this was all a God thing - they were reviving the faith once delivered in the nearly dead Church. The true Gospel hadn't been taught for 1,900 years. They internally endorsed everything they began to do and believe as blessed by God. More saw the "blessings" and bought into it, the public started to see the "blessings" and bought into it, and in time, they established a doctrinal dogma that had a huge financial windfall with extreme wealth - and a theory of world change in just 3 to 5 years to cause people to become citizens of their own little kingdom. But there were no checks and balances on Herbert, and Herbert's extreme trust on his ministry's ethics caused very little true checks and balances on the ministry - so long as they fully and completely agreed with Herbert. 

It was Herbert's - and the inner circle's - perceptions - combined with Herbert's salesmanship on who he was - that caused the religion to boom and grow to such large proportions. But the question still remains and hasn't been answered - did Herbert truly and fully believe he was who he said he was? Or was he intentionally conning his followers? 

I tend to believe, of myself, based on everything I have researched and studied - that, because of his extreme, full-fledged narcissism, his beliefs that everything that happened was seemingly God-ordained to him, and of how he viewed himself and all of the instances - that he really believed he was who he said he was. One man - the most important person on the Earth - with a warning message of impending doom and destruction. 

What I also believe is that he was never "converted". He thought he was, yes. But his fruits, and actions, demeanor, behavior, and admissions tell me otherwise. He was Herbert before religion, and he was Herbert after religion. He started out with a kind of religious piety - but when money and power became his for the yielding - any sense of religious piety went out the window, and "Business Herbert" - the "Business Herbert" of the 10's and 20's - was right back for the '50s and '60s and beyond. The only conversion he had was what he needed to have to keep his followers and achieve his goals and fulfill his mission. The rage, temper, impatience - those things never left. And in my view, the fruits of the Spirit - never came. 

Was Herbert intentionally scamming his followers? I don't believe, now, that it was an intentional "I'm going to scam as many people as I can" philosophy. . This is not to say that those of his inner circle were not intentional, however. Herbert was an advertising genius - but as his organization grew, and grew - and became massive - he was outnumbered by thieves, wolves, and power hungry people who I think were intentionally scamming his followers. And by the 70s, the absolute carnality of worldly business politics had completely infiltrated the system while he was "warning the world" of "a strong hand from someplace" on his many self-promoting trips around the world. It was the thieves and the wolves - the inner circle - that hired the notorious infamous ministers that would end up on Herbert's desk for approval. Herbert's attempt at setting everything "back on track" in the late 70s and 80s was too late - too much scandal, damage, and harm had already damaged the Church - and it's members - and permanently etched it's destructive culture in stone. 

All of this proves one thing. The Worldwide Church of God was the result of one man's greedy, self-centered, narcissistic idea that he was God's Warning Man - and the Apostle for the end-time Church of God - gone wild by the infusion of less than honorable and power-hungry men who fed his narcissism, helped him fulfill his worldly dreams under religious delusion, and took advantage of the windfall ministry to lead it to it's downfall. And somehow, you and I became enveloped into all of it and shared into that common religious delusion. 

At least, this is how I have come to see it as of this moment. I didn't say I was done researching. ;)

submitted by SHT

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fake COG Prophet Publishes 8 Points On Why He Is The Best COG Ever To Exist

One thing the Church of God lacked in so many of its leaders were ministers with a sense of humor.  Many were so tightly wound up that you wonder how they ever went to the bathroom.  Occasionally we heard sermons injected with humor which was a fresh twist over the constipated Debbie-downer sermons we were subjected to most times.

Those days are now over!  Praise God and pass the offering plate, Bwana Bob Thiel is here to entertain us with the best list of proofs on why he has the most superfantabulous church in the 21st century. Dave Pack was seen whimpering, yet again, in his formal gardens over this humiliating situation.

God's most favorite end-time church leader is so superfantabulous that God had to doubly bless him and send him into several dream states where his mind regurgitated one of the silliest COG claims ever!

The Great Bwana has published a hilarious list of pointa as to why his personality cult is different than all of the other COG's.

Apparently, one of his potential converts had been church hopping through various Churches of God due to the fact she cannot make a decision on her own as to who might be doing what is right.  As usual, she needs someone to tell her how to believe.

Bwana Bob writes:
  • Someone who attended with RCG, then CGG, and also LCG telephoned me and asked me how CCOG differed from the other COGs.
Bwana Bob then drew up a list, and then was so insecure in what he wrote that he had to consult with his 2 ministers in Europe and a few of those in Africa.
  • After telling her several reasons, I put together a list and had it reviewed by CCOG ministers in Europe and Africa. Here is a partial list:
Get your popcorn ready and a beer for the entertainment that is to come.
  • We are more biblically-focused. Our sermons tend to contain more scriptures than others–enough so that our English online sermons have truly helped fulfill Matthew 28:19-20–we have taught all that the New Testament records that Jesus taught (proof can be seen in a sermon listing of the Gospels, etc. with links at COGWriter.com).
Seriously?  Just because someone spouts hundreds of scriptures in a sermon that covers 30-40 different topics does NOT prove Bwana is more biblically focused!  Nor, does have a huge list of sermons on the Gospels instead of what they actually profess, still does not make one's cult as biblically focused.
  • We also read the entire ‘book of the law’ every seven years at the Feast of Tabernacles as instructed in Deuteronomy 31:10-13We also read the entire ‘book of the law’ every seven years at the Feast of Tabernacles.
Well, whoop-dee-do! During Herbert Armstong's reign, we had to hand-write out the entire book.  Other COG splinter groups, like the legalistic Pharisee James Malm do the exact same thing.

Those that seem to have turned their backs on Jesus feel the need to place the emphasis on the law nowadays.
  • We have more information in more languages in order to fulfill the commissions of Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20 to reach the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and other teachings.
Bwana Bob, like most of the other self-appointed COG guru's, has no gospel message that humanity needs to hear.  When the crap that he fosters off as gospel is so totally devoid of anything that centers upon Jesus, there is no gospel message worthwhile.
  • Many teachings are restored in more detail. 
Considering NOTHING was ever lost, to begin with, there are no teachings than have been revealed other than extra-biblical crap that no one needs to worry about.
  • We were the first group in the 21st century to boldly, and more accurately, teach why God made anything including humans. Which is: God made what He did so that eternity would be better and that God made humans so each who ultimately accept Him, in their own way, will help make eternity better (it is not clear if the other COG’s teach this yet).
Well of course none of them teach this because it is not true.

  • We post more accurate information online on prophecy and world events (for example, which shows we are serious about Jesus’ admonition to watch (Mark 13:37) and warn.
Never has the Church of God seen a bigger liar than we have in Bwana Bob.  Form his self-appointment and the lies about his double blessing to how moronic prophecy predictions, it has been a train wreck from the start.

Bwana Bob is so in tune with his god that he is INCAPABLE of having prophetic errors!  That statement alone makes him a liar.

  • We do not have the prophetic errors that many teach, which (unless they change) will prevent them from knowing when the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) will start until it is basically too late.
Bwana Bob claims to be the fastest growing COG out there.  He has less than a hundred followers in all the English speaking countries of the entire world, while most of his "converts" are professional Sabbatarian church hoppers who are constantly searching for the next convenient white savior to give them more laptops and money.  Besides, there is another Church of God who claims to add way more African members that Bwana Bob does.  Sadly, this is another idiotic splinter cult of Armstrongism run by deranged Wade Cox.
  • We are the fastest growing xWCG church in the 21st century.
Bwana Bob still is trying to "prove" he is legitimate because had some dreams after a night of eating bad sushi.  He believes that just because some mentally disturbed woman in the Southern Hemisphere dreamed a dream about Bwana Bob that this also legitimizes him.  Of course, he tries to lend credibility to the dreams by claiming Loma did the same thing when she dreamed up the Church of God.

Because of that, Bwana Bob's personalty cult is the ONLY true Philadelphia splinter group out there today.
  • Like the start of the Philadelphian era was preceded by a dream from God given to a woman, the official 21st century start of the remnant of that era was also preceded by a dream from God given to a woman–furthermore several associated with CCOG have had confirmed dreams. We are not just one of scores of COG groups, but the only international Philadelphian organization and the leader of the Philadelphian remnant that God is using to go through doors He opens (Revelation 3:7-8) for the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, Romans 11:25, etc. in the final phase of the work.
If Herbert Armstrong were alive today, Bwana Bob's ass would be kicked out the door so fast that his head would spin.  The boot imprint would be permanent!