Friday, June 12, 2020

Gerald Weston Delivers Another Uplifting Message To The Faithful

Various Churches of God are over-stimulated right now with all the different news stories going on in the United States and the world. From COVID-19,  locusts, mayflies, riots, people on lockdown around the world, and many more events, COG leaders see world unraveling before their eyes. They see prophecy coming alive in their time, even though every single prediction they all made in the past as been 100% wrong. This time it will be different!  They will be vindicated!

Gerald Weston, continues the Living Church of God tradition of dwelling on all the wrong going on the world as proof they are right. LCG has always loved giving encouraging messages to the faithful.

Apparently, Satan and God are both ticked off at the world.

Greetings from Charlotte,
How swiftly a nation can be brought down! The whole world is aware of what happened in Minneapolis a little over a week ago. We see a house divided and we know what Jesus said about that. We must remember that we in the Church are, above all else, followers of Christ and brothers and sisters begotten of the same Spirit. Rather than saying any more on this subject at this time, I have written a letter to all members addressing the bigger picture.   
We are not even halfway through 2020 and the world is reeling from one blow after another. COVID-19 has killed hundreds of thousands and destroyed economies around the world. Riots are tearing apart city after city in the United States. Desert locusts continue to eat their way across East Africa, the Middle East, and into Pakistan and India, threatening apocalyptic starvation. Who knows what else “the prince of the power of the air” will throw at us.   
Opening in-person services is going slowly, as many halls are not yet open for our use, and where they are open, there are restrictions limiting occupancy to 25 or 50 percent of capacity, and many halls are not large enough for social distancing at any percent. I encourage our ministry to think creatively, but prudently, not jeopardizing safety. And if members have ideas or suggestions, please work through your local minister.—Gerald Weston 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

" please do yourself a favor and stop trying to break up the church! "

This was a comment just left on the Lily White Church of God Leadership post. 

Your thoughts?

Unknown said...
I am a black man, did any one notice God tells us in the Bible who his chosen people are, oh did I mention my name? Well it’s William f Butler, I was baptized in 1981, we know that what Jacob who’s name God Changed to Israel blessed his two grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, one would be a League of Nations, England, one a great Nation America, they are the only people that fit the description! Controlling the enemies sea gates And having the best farmlands which means having the most food, I go to living and have never been treated unfairly, Please show me in the Bible where the Other nations were in charge in the Church, how many of Jesus disciples were Black, Noticed how many nationalities in living! Because each has that same minister’s leading them, so you need to stop trying tear us apart God places in His Church whom He wants to, so please do yourself a favor and stop trying to break up the church! The Israelites are in Charge of Most of this earth in one way or another, God bless America,

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

James Malm has died

James Malm, of the Shining Light blog, has died.  His son David posted this:
Hello Dear readers with a very heavy heart, I tell  you I found my father and best friend James Malm passed away this morning, James for those who don’t know had been struggling with diabetes, High blood pressure, And failing  eyesight for years. He was trying very hard to get better eating less and trying to control his BP      he wanted to see me happy one day in the refuge I just cannot believe this nightmare im in, he cared for me so much and tirelessly tried to warn the church of the state of pure idolatry that its in today. My father James had a vision once in a hotel room his troubles almost overwhelming and an angel said to him [ This is the time my son this is the time be strong and persevere ] Well this is still the time! his struggle may be over but he fought like a soldier for me and for all of you and I pray for him this beloved teacher and mentor my good friend and teacher in the faith who did persevere and was strong! The Shining Light