Sunday, November 8, 2020

PCG Munchkin So Excited About King Flurry's Wedding He Wakes Up In The Middle Of The Night With Excitement!

Sooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Philadelphia Church of God is not known for having men of integrity in its leadership positions. Even worse are the children of these men who rise up in importance and are given leadership positions. The men that Gerald Flurry has selected to help run his empire have tended to be as abusive or worse than Gerald himself. The one thing that Flurryism despises the most is familial relationships if its members have to come into contact with family members who are not part of the PCG.

Parents have been told to turn their backs on their children if they are not part of the PCG and especially if they were once Church of God members and now are not. Children who are students, employees, or church members have disowned their parents if they too have left the fold. This only applies to the lowly members though as the elite carry on relationships with those in their wayward families.

Below is a letter that was sent to Exit and Support Network detailing how ecstatic munchkin Grant Turgeon (son of Wayne Turgeon) is with the announcement that King Gerald Flurry is getting married to a  woman who came to him for counseling.  That counseling apparently taught the woman to submit to church government and when King Flurry wanted to marry her she could not refuse! It is proper church government, after all! Lil'Turgeon is almost on the verge of wetting his pants with excitement at the glorious announcement that Gerald is continuing the God Family with his marriage. He is so excited that he is waking up in the middle of the night about it.


The links in the letter lead to further information on the abuses in the Philadelphia Church of God.

On November 2, Grant Turgeon (son of Wayne Turgeon), aired on his Behind the Work program “A Big Announcement,” which was about Gerald Flurry getting remarried on Nov 16. Grant gushed as he said he knew about this two weeks in advance. During that time he admitted he could hardly contain himself until he could tell about this “joyful news” that he said is “a good thing.” 

Referring to GF, he said, “Sixteen years of being single has been completely devoted to doing God’s Work.” [Translation: completely devoted to exploiting, controlling and lording it over as many families and children as possible, as he deceives them about the gospel of grace.] 

Grant said it is “challenging to be single and to not have that help at home.” The question is: how is GF going to treat this new wife who will be his “help at home?” Will it be differently than how most PCG husbands have treated their wives? (Read: Are You Being Abused By Your Husband?) What is she expecting to receive from this marriage to King Flurry? Or is she merely going to take care of him and cater to his every need in his old age? I think it’s obvious that one of the things she will receive is the honored prestige of “being married to God’s Apostle and That Prophet.” (Read: Biblical Titles Gerald Flurry Has Appropriated For Himself.) 

“Some people [in PCG] end up not getting married” Grant tells us. Would this be because of how extremely difficult GF has made it for them to find a mate–someone who must be in PCG? We have posted many testimonies and letters about this. 

Grant carried on about how all of us must be obeying somebody, if not multiple somebodies, because “there is a government structure in everything God does.” (Read: Why do members emphasize the government of God?) He said “Everyone is submitting to someone” and mentioned God, Christ, a boss, a supervisor; a certain role within the home. But it seems he intentionally left out “obeying GF” which members know they are to do since they have been told he “speaks for God” and that every word that comes out of his mouth is truth! 

Grant told about the “joy and beauty in proper submission.” This is an atrocious statement given the testimonies on this site of those who have been abused and had their lives destroyed by this so-called “submission” and the horror that lies behind many closed doors in PCG marriages. He used words such as “unselfish and unloving,” “moving as one unit,” and “character building” family roles. What dream world has Grant been living in?? He either does not have any inkling of the abuse going on beneath his nose in PCG (which is very hard to believe)–or else he is choosing to ignore it. 

He mulled over what Gerald Flurry’s marriage could do for God’s Work as we follow GF “as he follows Christ.” What a crock of B. S. Is it Christ-like to lean back in your easy padded throne while you divide and destroy families? Where is Grant living?? On Mars? Or close to the feet of King Flurry? 

This marriage of GF’s is supposed to have “such an impact on God’s Work.” Like Loma‘s did on Herbert Armstrong? Until she died without medical care? It is supposed to “push the Work forward for this final surge.” “The final transitional phase of God’s Work.” Haven’t we heard those words a thousand times before? How many more times do we have to hear them? 

Grant went on to quote several words by HWA from his marriage booklet which says, “Man’s stupendous potential is to enter divine family life.” (the God family) “Marriage was given to us by God to prepare us for the God family.” In like manner, GF must keep that false goal of a “God Family” (which HWA copied from the Mormons) in front of the members’ eyes constantly, even though it is absolute blasphemy to consider such a thing! 

He finished by telling us that he “wakes up in the middle of the night excited about this marriage announcement.”

Here is Lil'Turgeon sharing his excitement. This has to be the most pathetic thing I have heard in a while.

Living Church of God: Our wicks may be burnng out, but we are persevering through difficulties and trials!

Never has a Church of God persevered more than the Living Church of God. As one splinter group splits off from it after another, it perseveres on! They need to hold fast so no one can take their crown even as intense persecution is swiftly coming their way.  

Living Church of God always seems to be a bridesmaid and never the bride as their record is still stuck on the same grove for 20 some years now. Someone get them some oil for their candles so they can be a light to the world!

Perseverance—A Vital Quality: Perseverance is an important law of success. The word “perseverance” is defined as tenacity, remaining steadfast under pressure, and determined continuation along a chosen course in spite of difficulties and opposition. The Scriptures emphasize the importance of this vital quality. Solomon wrote, “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small” (Proverbs 24:10). Jesus stressed, “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:2224:13). The Parable of the Sower explains the consequences of compromising when we face temptations or become distracted or discouraged or buckle under when we encounter difficulties and trials (Matthew 13:18–23). The Apostle Paul warned, “let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9). The Apostle John offers the same advice to the Philadelphia Era of the Church: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world…. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown” (Revelation 3:10–11). When trials and difficulties come our way, let’s remember this important advice and be determined to persevere!

Have a profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

Saturday, November 7, 2020

God's Most Accurate Prophet And Second Witless Witness Tests Positive For COVID!

Things are rough in paradise as Ronnie Weinland tests positive for COVID-19 and was placed under quarantine by the Health Department. 
 How can God's most accurate prophet in human history and one of the witless witnesses be allowed to be infected like this?
This is appalling! 
Now his wife Laura Weinland, the second witless witness is under quarantine! 
How could God let this happen?

What if the call goes out that it is time for the witless witnesses to head off to Jerusalem 
to preach for 3 1/2 days? 

Who will replace Laura? Bob Thiel?

Dave Pack and how he manipulates his people

 From a reader:

While working on a transcript of a DP sermon, I get a better idea of his manipulative technique. Primarily he's presenting himself as clueless to God's intent for him, then pretending to discover it, and being surprised by the revelation. He knows that his true fans are already brainwashed into seeing him as an apostle/prophet/savior/all of the above, so he's playing on this by pretending to realize what his followers already believe about him. So in their minds, Dave is working out what they are already convinced of. They really believe he's like Moses or Jeremiah who did not want to be God's prime man, and so they are even more convinced when Dave plays this whole thing up about getting it wrong. They see him as just trying to figure all this stuff out, and God is holding his hand walking him through everything. So in the minds of his true fans, it's because of his humility that he gets things wrong. They are then primed to accept whatever conclusion he makes about the office he sits in. The reality is that he wants the power, but he has duped his followers that he really doesn't, that he's just in a process of discovering that he happens to be the one God has chosen. It's like Palpatine who humbly accepted the office of dictator, because it was the right thing to do.

Living Church of God To All Ministers - Satan Is Using Sheldon Monson And Others To Disrupt The Work of God!!!!!!


Sheldon Monson's Church of God Assembly is having a bigger impact upon LCG than they publicly admit. Their continual lashing out at Monson only raises red flags for LCG members.

Dear Fellow Ministers,

I want to write to you concerning a matter that has been stirred up by some individuals who have chosen to leave the LCG for a new group started by Sheldon Monson. They have lifted a phrase out of one of our online documents that they say shows that the LCG condones abortions—which we simply do not, and never have. 
The phrase is taken from the “Statement of Faith” on our MyLCG website. This document does not replace or supersede the Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs. The “Statement of Faith” is a targeted explanatory document intended to support the Church’s position on specific moral issues in the increasingly litigious environment that exists today. Recent court cases involving religious organizations and aggressive secular government regulation point to the need for ensuring that the Church is prepared for such challenges, even as it relies on God’s protection. 
The phrase in the “Statement of Faith” simply acknowledges that there are rare and tragic situations where, without intervention—either divine or medical—both mother and child are at serious risk of dying. These rare situations are to be addressed by the individuals involved (mother and father) in conjunction with their pastor if he is involved. These are individual decisions. The phrase that is quoted from the “Statement of Faith,” does not, in any way, suggest or indicate that the LCG endorses or gives support to the modern practice of elective abortions. 
The public position of the Church since at least the 1970s under Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has been that accepting medical treatment in rare circumstances is not to be equated with elective abortions of convenience that the world presses for today. The Church has never taught that a mother must refuse life-saving treatment in these circumstances. Many of you who have counseled heartbroken families in such tragic circumstances are aware of the distinction. 
Our detractors seem intent on seizing whatever issues they feel they can use to misrepresent the LCG in an attempt to justify their rebellion and the creation of yet another organization. This is not the first time this kind of divisive action has been attempted. 
A more detailed clarification will be posted on the MyLCG website. If you have any questions about this issue, please contact CAD. 
We are certainly living in interesting times as Satan continues his efforts to disrupt the Work of God—especially in light of the very positive developments in the Work in recent months. We need to be praying for each other and for our brethren who are at risk of being caught up in these manufactured and misguided controversies. Your faithful service in this way is very much appreciated, both by the brethren and by all of us here. 
Warm Regards,
Douglas S. Winnail