Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Living Church of God To All Ministers - Satan Is Using Sheldon Monson And Others To Disrupt The Work of God!!!!!!


Sheldon Monson's Church of God Assembly is having a bigger impact upon LCG than they publicly admit. Their continual lashing out at Monson only raises red flags for LCG members.

Dear Fellow Ministers,

I want to write to you concerning a matter that has been stirred up by some individuals who have chosen to leave the LCG for a new group started by Sheldon Monson. They have lifted a phrase out of one of our online documents that they say shows that the LCG condones abortions—which we simply do not, and never have. 
The phrase is taken from the “Statement of Faith” on our MyLCG website. This document does not replace or supersede the Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs. The “Statement of Faith” is a targeted explanatory document intended to support the Church’s position on specific moral issues in the increasingly litigious environment that exists today. Recent court cases involving religious organizations and aggressive secular government regulation point to the need for ensuring that the Church is prepared for such challenges, even as it relies on God’s protection. 
The phrase in the “Statement of Faith” simply acknowledges that there are rare and tragic situations where, without intervention—either divine or medical—both mother and child are at serious risk of dying. These rare situations are to be addressed by the individuals involved (mother and father) in conjunction with their pastor if he is involved. These are individual decisions. The phrase that is quoted from the “Statement of Faith,” does not, in any way, suggest or indicate that the LCG endorses or gives support to the modern practice of elective abortions. 
The public position of the Church since at least the 1970s under Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong has been that accepting medical treatment in rare circumstances is not to be equated with elective abortions of convenience that the world presses for today. The Church has never taught that a mother must refuse life-saving treatment in these circumstances. Many of you who have counseled heartbroken families in such tragic circumstances are aware of the distinction. 
Our detractors seem intent on seizing whatever issues they feel they can use to misrepresent the LCG in an attempt to justify their rebellion and the creation of yet another organization. This is not the first time this kind of divisive action has been attempted. 
A more detailed clarification will be posted on the MyLCG website. If you have any questions about this issue, please contact CAD. 
We are certainly living in interesting times as Satan continues his efforts to disrupt the Work of God—especially in light of the very positive developments in the Work in recent months. We need to be praying for each other and for our brethren who are at risk of being caught up in these manufactured and misguided controversies. Your faithful service in this way is very much appreciated, both by the brethren and by all of us here. 
Warm Regards,
Douglas S. Winnail