Monday, April 12, 2021

The Saga of Apostle David C Pack Just Gets Sadder and Sadder

 Here We Go Again!

"Prophecy Update" TODAY

(April 12, 2021)

A brief note is in order: We are all expecting events to unfold by the end of Abib, which is hours away. True to God’s pattern, we have continued to learn through to the end—and at a seemingly ever-faster pace.

Of course, the starting position for every discussion about timing is that we cannot have another year. The news alone screams this remains more true than ever! Every indication (and there is a vast amount of evidence) is that our wait is still almost over. But it will enter the month of Iyar, which begins tonight. While it looked for a long time that Christ would have to come in Abib, eventually it became clear for many reasons that He absolutely could not come in Abib—but in fact would come the next month—in Iyar. This note could take a left turn at this point and add 6-10 pages, but that is what sermons are for. About two more would be needed.

The expectation has been that we would see an antichrist first (and many more with him), with Christ arriving soon after. This is also still true, but in a slightly different way than first believed. In fact, Elijah and the faithful living saints receive absolutely massive power for a brief period, during which all living saints are united. What happens over the next several days (the last days) before Christ returns on “that day” is a story so staggering no email could begin to do it justice. Since our wait appears to be for a very brief additional period, there is not time to inform the Church of even a fraction of the evidence. If this brief period comes and goes, then everything would need to be explained—and the story is truly incredible! Mr. Pack would lay it out in detail if we were to enter a wait for another year. Let’s hope that we soon live the story rather than merely hear it.

This much can be said now. All of what happens appears to require exactly one month after all! First comes the empowering of God’s Church with great gifts and exousia through the antichrist period when Elijah rises and that the living saints must endure. This is followed shortly by Christ’s coming to the Great Supper to build the “Seed” Kingdom of God before the second brief period involving the Man of Sin. Finally, the Father arrives in glory to close the month, brings paradise, the Mountain/City, the Old Testament saints, the resurrection of all Israel, the Wedding Dinner and to expand the Kingdom beyond Israel to the whole world. (Of course God’s Spirit stands here present in a Temple after Christ arrives.)

Let’s leave you with a question to ponder: Might the one month be Iyar itself after having fully observed (guarded/hedged about) Abib? This would mean our wait is essentially over. How wonderful that the Work of God ends simply booming in every regard! Whatever the wait, may it be brief. God speed the time!"

"...these men expose themselves as an emperor with no clothes. They are poor. They are blind. They are miserable. And they are naked. "

It would be refreshing for a change if one of these guys actually pointed to Jesus Christ as our leader, rather than constantly pointing to themselves and pointing fingers at others, within their own movement. Frankly, I am tired as others are of the whole everyone else is Laodicean so therefore you should follow me mantra. It smacks of the very attitude God criticizes in that passage. "I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing."(Revelation 3:17) In other words, "I" alone am righteous." "I" alone have complete understanding, the purest doctrines, the most godly "church government" etc. Fill in the blank. The truth is these men expose themselves as an emperor with no clothes. They are poor. They are blind. They are miserable. And they are naked. 

Their focus is on promoting their own name, their own imagined ecclesiastical authority, their own church, in an effort to attract or control their own "members." There is no love for one another in their writings. There is no humility of spirit. There is no thought process that perhaps they don't know as much as they think they might, and maybe they could learn a thing or two from someone else. There is no effort among any to work to come to any unity of the faith, but instead to cast blame, point fingers, and justify one's own position, or church group. 
Even efforts to preach a gospel are done almost solely as a "warning" and with the idea of self-promotion or preservation, rather than compassion or care for those who might be reached with such a message. If the motivation is skewed, the message won't be effective. You can scream all day about how you are the best, greatest, most mistreated, most persecuted, most favored by God, whatever. You might even attract a few people with grandiose statements of righteousness, claimed unique prophetic knowledge, etc. but if you aren't truly motivated by a love for God and a love for your fellow humans, your efforts will ultimately come to nothing, because God won't honor them, and unless God is building the house, your efforts are useless. (Psalm 127:1)

Concerned Sister

UPDATED: PCG Claims they do not do this kind of "repugnant" behavior: PCG Now Sending People To Protest Women and LGBT People?


UPDATE:Iradophilly corrected the name of the church group with the Westboro Baptist style protest. The protest was actually done by members of Key of David Christian Center. Apparently they have done several protests at colleges for the past few years typically around Pride Week.

This is the statement that PCG sent to them:

Correction* 04/12/21 - This group was previously identified as the identified as the Philadelphia Church of God based in Edmond, OK. In a statement sent to iradiophilly, "The Edmond, Oklahoma-based Philadelphia Church of God, Inc. is in NO WAY associated with this group... The Philadelphia Church of God condemns the repugnant behavior ascribed to us. Our members, located in over 60 countries worldwide, have never engaged in such behavior." 

That has to be the most hypocritical nonsense that the Philadelphia Church of God has published considering how antigay they are. Almost every single week there is some antigay comment from them. They constantly claim that LGBT people are responsible for floods, tornadoes, forest fires, droughts, and much much more, their behavior IS REPUGNANT and totally deceptive!

This strange news story came across my newsfeed this morning. Apparently, the Philadelphia Church of God is expanding its preaching of the gospel to now harass women and LGBT people.

Part of me wants to say they got their church ID mixed up with another group, but there is nothing that the PCG does anymore that surprises me

A Ursinus College student was arrested on Friday night, 4/9, supposedly after confronting Collegeville Police about the officers' lack of wearing masks in public. The exact details leading up to his arrest are not clear. The contentious arrest was caught on video by another student and posted on Instagram (see below). It showed the male student struggling with two officers on the ground as they tried to handcuff him. He is yelling profanities and makes numerous requests of the officers to make sure his mask is kept on. Ursinus College officials say they are working with police to determine what happened. "Our focus is on his well-being, and we are working hard to support a quick resolution to this matter that is least disruptive to our student and his future," said a statement from the college. 
This happened just off-campus around 7 p.m. on Main Street. Students had gathered to counter-protest an anti-LGBT 'church' hate group that was protesting outside campus. The group, identified as the Philadelphia Church of God based in Edmond, OK, was yelling disparaging remarks at women as well as LGBT slurs. This past week was Pride Week at Ursinus. Students say that this group demonstrates at the school once or twice a year. iradiophilly: Ursinus Student Arrested During Anti-Hate Protest

Women have never been a high priority in the PCG so I can see them disparaging women, but considering the number of gay men on the Edmond Campus I am surprised to hear them protesting LGBT people. In light of that, PCG needs to be protesting figs.