Proper Church Government Is Necessary!
It has been well publicized over the decades just how vengeful Rod Meredith can be when it comes to people he thinks are being disloyal to him or the church. In almost every sermon, article and letter he has to reenforce the "proper place" of government in the church. The whole idea is to get across to the lowly members that he and he alone is the man in charge and that they are at the bottom of the equation.
When issues in the church start boiling over Meredith immediately sets up a team of loyalists who start the internal inquisitions, where they question and challenge all people they deem to be disloyal. When theses people are found, the inquisition team them makes a public spectacle out of them. They start spreading rumors and lies in order to discredit them. Sermons are given publicly smearing reputations and family names. Disfellowshipments soon follow ripping families and friendships apart. All done to keep Meredith happy and in control.
Notice the reason Meredith holds these inquisitions: "We’re trying to keep God’s church clean."
In the quote below he claims that people are put out because they "lie and lie." The biggest liars I have seen over the decades have been the men in charge of these inquisitions. These men have no integrity. That is glaringly obvious on how they will do any thing and say any thing in order to please their master. Rod McNair is a great example of this.
Church of God News had this up about a sermon Meredith preached on church government in 2014. This "must play" sermon on authority and love" has been wiped clean from the servers. Its potentially devastating to the LCG now that they are facing a lawsuit because that "love" part has been sorely missing over the decades.
In October 2014 we reported about Roderick Meredith’s audio sermon, God’s Government Is Vital, in which he said, “I’ve asked Mr McNair and Mr League, they’ve been working as a team to get all the information on many of these things, and I’m working with them and other leaders ... We’re trying to keep God’s church clean.”
“We found that some of these people we’ve had to put out ... they often lie and lie, and they’ll twist and turn, and turn things around ...”
This was a ‘must play’ sermon for the Day of Atonement, together with a sermonette by Rod McNair, Ministerial Authority is Based on Love, in which he set out three measures for disciplining members who cause division within the church by refusing to submit fully to the authority of ministers: Suspension, Disfellowshipping and Marking. This is all done in love, he says, as “love will cover a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).
Unfortunately, you can no longer listen to either of these messages, as:‘The item is not available due to issues with the item’s content.’(Bob League, who was named in the legal action, alongside Meredith and McNair, died in January 2015.)
They pulled the videos because that was the sermon that Meredith slandered the Scarborough's. Which is funny since LCG is obviously claiming that they DID NOT slander the Scarborough's since they have hired those fancy lawyers to defend them.
Why would you remove a video if it wasn't slanderous? You wouldn't. Obviously.
And yet, instead of making peace (free) the men at LCG keep paying lawyers because they are so prideful and arrogant that they can't admit they were wrong even though it is blaringly obvious to the rest of us that they were.