Tuesday, October 13, 2020

October 19, 2020 - The Day of Christ!


Woo Hoo!  Dave Pack's creature he calls "christ" will be returning on October 19, the last day of Tishri! I could not have asked for a better birthday present! What a birthday this will be! Imagine eating birthday cake with Jesus Christ!

In spite of Dave's recent spate of failed prophesies with the non-appearance of his creature he calls "christ" appearing at his cult compound in Wadsworth, Dave is still sticking to his October 18/19 date for the return of his creature. Apparently, this creature cannot decide which side of the international dateline to return on, so he may come on the 18th or 19th. Such hard decisions for "christ" to figure out.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Feast of Tabernacles Observations This Year: "A sobering realization fell upon the whole crowd for one long deafening embarrassing moment"


Every year, the members are inevitably asked to give a show of hands on how many feasts they have attended. This year, it was even asked what generation folks were. My, how the pride oozes from each raised hand. People who have attended 60 feasts. Impressive. And here is a child that is 5th generation. Wow. But here is the most important statistic from the whole feast. It was the first time I have seen this happen in 3 decades. I was at a very large feast site. The question was asked, "How many are here observing your very first Feast of Tabernacles?" Not a single hand was raised. You could have heard a pin drop. A sobering realization fell upon the whole crowd for one long deafening embarrassing moment. The minister moved on, wishing he had never asked. We all knew in that moment...the church of God is dead.

Dave Pack: "Remember, most of Nostradamus’ prophecies failed. And again, this could not occur with a prophet of God."


From a reader:

I know that this year's Feast in RCG has gotten a lot of press on this blog (due to all the leaked sermons) as it should. If anything, it highlights how crazy the prophetic teachings (and other teachings) are in RCG, so that's a good thing. Perhaps it can stimulate some of those who are there to wake up to the insanity.

However, for those who don't know, this is the same exact thing that happened last year. There were multiple streamed/distributed messages from the "Pastor General" all covering Christ's supposed return by the end of the Feast. This is literally a repeat of what happened last year. When Christ failed to materialized on the LGD, then Dave proclaimed he would come throughout November. With a new date Every...Single...Saturday... Then when that didn't happen, he claimed Christ would come in the Christmas season and on and on. So we are still going here. It is insane but honestly not a lot more insane than last year. We all bought it up to a point but hey, there is no better time to leave...it's just so obviously wrong.

In order to stay with Dave's group, you either need to be a hireling or invent a new portion of HWA's theology to allow for false prophecies. From talking to members there, it is clear there is a mix of both.

Perhaps after the Feast, the membership could review the following RCG article. I will provide a few helpful quotes for those who don't want to read it.

Did God Send Nostradamus?

"These events clearly did not happen. Based on number and size of failures, Nostradamus is a particularly poor prophet. Among false prophets, he falls into extra false.

Now ask: Could the God of the Bible inspire prophecies that did not come to pass? What about even one? No. If so, He becomes a liar. Read what He says: “...I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure” (Isa. 46:9-10).

Only God can declare the future. And Hebrews 6:18 says it is impossible for Him to lie. His Word is certain. What He foretells—God does not predict—will come to pass. Even one failed prophecy means one was not sent by God."

"Remember, most of Nostradamus’ prophecies failed. And again, this could not occur with a prophet of God. Let’s see: “We [Christians] have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shines in a dark place...” (II Pet. 1:19). God’s prophecies are sure. They never miss. Not one! And they do shed light in dark places.

Here is God’s command regarding prophets: “And if you [ask] in your heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? [God’s answer] When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him” (Deut. 18:21-22). This states that men can presume to speak for God. This is very serious to God. It should also be serious to you. You must know if God sent a man—or if the man sent himself." 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Story of Dave Pack and the Restored Church of God Just Gets Sadder and Sadder

Gary has asked me to listen to Dave Pack's last sermon of the Feast because he is out having fun at the beach.  I will find a way to return the favor.  

If Dave was to build you a house the same way he wanders around the Bible seeking to make himself correct on this issue of Jesus returning on the last day of the Feast and then, oops, that didn't happen, so now it's the Last Great Day....oops again,  your windows would be firmly set in the crawl space, your walls would be made of roofing and the kitchen would be on the roof with the toilet where the stove should be. 

Dave is a foolish shepherd and master in all the wrong ways of making scriptures mean what they never meant and putting them together in ways that were never intended, ever.  He sees what is not there and hears the voices of scripture that weren't really talking to him. 

Since the entire mess cannot be posted due to be copyright protected , let me summarize the issue.

Dave is/was convinced that Jesus was going to return on the last day of the Feast this year, which was Friday last. That did not happen.  Then , with meandering and cobbling of scripture, Dave got it to mean on the Last Great Day. That did not happen as that was yesterday, Saturday.  Bummer but predictable of course.  Now the round Earth where all the brethren, some still in services and some on the way home troubles him and his scenarios.  

But, with sleep and having passed deadlines....

"I went to bed last night absolutely knowing nothing was going to happen....suddenly all these verses lined up for late in the day (End of last great day instead)  

Dave plays the same game of "Why would God reveal the time when it wasn't the time?" ....

"Would God suspend the watch for a whole year?  .....watch watch watch...suspended...I don't believe that at all"  

"For all I know, Christ could come during the afternoon service. And I just thought that incase that happened, ...it doesn't mean we're late at all."

Then Dave struggles with reality....

 "I know that if Christ does not come this year, they would be crushed"

"They could say my Lord delays his coming"  

"Maybe they could rightly say humanly speaking..."

"The mockers and scoffers would sorta be right"

"Our enemies would hear ....and unnecessary  reproach would come on the church with me saying things too early or God saying things too early." (NOTE:  It would actually be necessary reproach)

So fear not!  Dave cannot yet let this failure go yet.  I imagine he is having a bad Sunday today, But a few tweeks are in order.

"So back to the dynamic learning process I go through I wanted to share them with you"

A few simple thoughts...I could give you 30 points....

"I absolutely believe Jesus Christ will return today...."

"Those are points that suggest we are right on track'

"This may go longer than we think. Even longer than Mr. Pack thought"  Speaking of himself

'Well I'm anticipating him  today and I have a general idea of the hour"

But still....

"We have to roll with things..."

But some things are sure! And I'm pretty sure Dave will come up with some reason He had to be back in Wadsworth for Jesus to come to his Temple at Wadsworth in the next week.  

"October 18th, 19th is the the day of Christ." 

Are we talking Sunday night, Monday night?  I don't know..."

But Dave is still sure...

It's over...the days of my voice now echo away...  I could be wrong,...watch...I doubt it. You'll know in a few hours anyway..."  

And now we do. 

I have known Dave both in college and from 1973 on in the ministry. I have pastored around him and my parents both babysat his children and my Dad spent hours in the car with him visiting.  He is very competitive both in sports and in ministry always having done the most, pastored the most, known the most, baptized the most raised up the most churches blah blah. I have seen him redraw church boundaries such that he could have more people attend his church than the ones next door. 

Dave Pack is no theologian. He's not really intelligent or if he is or could be, his gross misunderstanding and self centered view of the Bible erodes it. Dave Pack is not a credible source for anything either Biblical or scientific. 

I feel for those who have to sit during his Feast and listen to his drivel. Yet they do so by their own choice. Sometimes I feel sorry for Dave, but then again, he should know better but doesn't or won't. Ignorance is not just what you don't know, it is also what you won't know.  And ignore-ance is what one ignores. Dave ignores a lot and seems to learn NOTHING from his numerous mistaken views of scripture. 

I don't personally believe any of this will end well for Dave or those who put their trust in him as Shepherd. It's pretty much going to be a mess in time. 

Dave may not get out of this without a great falling away from his Post Feast Church. Of course, it will all be predicted in scripture and "WE never fully understood, but I do now, what God is so obviously doing, So get back here, let me rock and gyrate you in your seats over the next year and send it in....."


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Stephen Allwine, United Church of God Elder Who Killed His Wife Is Back In The News


In 2016, United Church of God Elder Stephen Allwine shot and killed his wife after growing impatient for his hired assassin that he found on the dark web to do the dirty deed. Allwine, convicted and sent to prison where he brags about being able to teach fellow prisoners about UCG's god, is back in the news.

48 Hours, the news show featured on the ID Network has spent 2 years researching the dark web where Allwine sought to find a person to kill his wife.

Murder-for-hire on the dark web, Besa Mafia and the shadowy Yura: 48 Hours on ID uncovers international plot 

48 Hours on ID with investigative reporter Peter Van Sant spent two years prying into the activities of a shady organization in the dark reaches of the internet that appeared to offer murder-for-hire services.

An individual known only as Yura and operating on the so-called dark web has been offering to murder people all around the world for a few thousand dollars. Yura claims to be the head of an international criminal organization that specializes in murder called Besa Mafia.

CBS came across a video diary created by Yura, where he states, “A hitman marketplace is like any other auction site. It brings customers and vendors together.” The FBI first learned about Besa Mafia and Yura in 2016 when investigating the death of Amy Allwine from Minnesota.

In the spring of 2016, investigators learned that someone using the user name Dogdaygod had ordered a hit on Amy through the dark web. Dogdaygod reportedly paid Besa Mafia $12,000 to kill Amy and stated that she had ruined his life and his business. Amy was unable to think who might want her dead.

Tragically in November, her husband, Stephen Allwine, shot her dead. He tried to tell the police that it was suicide, but they learned he was the killer after an extensive investigation.

The cops believe that Stephen was Dogdaygod but had gotten fed up waiting for Yura to kill his wife, so he took matters into his own hands. 

Read the entire story here

The following video is unrelated to the above story but will fill in readers unfamiliar with Allwine's story.

Also, see:


A church elder’s Ashley Madison affairs led him to the dark Web — and murder, police say

Preacher's wife found dead in staged suicide - who pulled the trigger?