Friday, October 16, 2020

Bob Thiel Getting Played By His African Leaders


This just in from Africa...

What we all have known for several years now is that Bob Thiel, the Great Bwana to Africa, has been a useful tool for some of his African leaders who have been using him along with other COG groups. They have a long history of doing this in addition to getting what they can from the Seventh Day Adventists.

Ochieng is supposedly Thiel's top "evangelist". If he is Thiel's official evangelist, does that make him an evangelist for the other COG groups too? But, since Thiel claims his group is the ONLY true church doing a work today, how does he justify Ochieng spending his valuable evangelistic time with the other groups?

Thought you would find this of interest. Bob Thiel's man in Africa, Evans Ochieng, works for any church he can. Currently, he works for these:

1. Midnight Ministries- Malcolm B Heap
2. Church of God In Truth and Peace- James Russel
3. A Voice In The Wilderness Church of God- Bill Goff
4. Continuing Church of God- Bob Thiel

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Gerald Flurry: You are not supposed to enjoy the physical things


On Exit and Support Network

Most of our time, in the last hour, when we are not sleeping, working, or at church functions, should be spent with God. Family is secondary. He said that you need Godly balance in your life, and if you are spending time watching movies on TV, surfing the net, sports, or talking to friends, this is not Godly balance. He said “we are to pray three times a day, at morning noon and evening, and evening means sunset, we are not supposed to pray at night (he quoted Psalms 55:16-17). He said the book of Ecclesiastes was put in the bible to teach us we weren’t supposed to enjoy physical things. He also said we are not allowed to waste time; we need to spend our time in services, and the singles and older people should spend even more of their time in there. 
Then he said people who murmur will end up dead and he gave example of Korah’s rebellion. I can’t begin to tell you how relieved I was when I left that demonic place. None of these so called “churches of God” will ever let go of Herbert Armstrong and grasp that he is not who we should be looking to.

For someone who says people are not to enjoy the physical things, Gerald Flurry and his henchmen sure live a life of luxury and excess. From living in church-owned homes that are maintained by the church, both inside and out,  church owned cars, to extravagant offices, and a multimillion-dollar concert hall trophy wife. Add to that a luxury jet used to whisk Flurry family members around the world to England, Israel, and  Irish dance competitions.

While Flurry, his son, and the privileged elite in Edmond, OK and in Edstone, England live lives of luxury and excess, everyday church members are expected to send in all their money and live frugal lives. After all, there is always that end time push that needs to be done. Though they have been pushing that time back for 20 some years now. they should be spending all their free time in prayer and doing godly things and not pursuing earthly things, especially if they are fun and joyful. It is no wonder so many people in PCG and the Restored Church of God are such miserable grumpy people. What joy do they have?

EXCLUSIVE: Dave Pack is back paddling again. This was the "Propehtic Update" that RCG members just received

Prophetic Update  
Greetings brethren worldwide!

What a wonderful Feast we just kept together. In light of all that we learned, this was TRULY the most unified we have ever been!

By now all or certainly most of you will have heard the last message and returned home. To say we are all excited about events soon to unfold would be an all-time understatement! The main intent of this short message is simply to say that everything is on track. Keep watching!

We certainly don’t need to tell you that the conditions Christ described in Matthew, Mark and Luke have been happening, and for many months now. It seems just as impossible today as it did at the Feast that we could go another year.

Many scriptures suggest that the first restitution leading up to the Day of Christ is very short—a matter of days. Whether you call this period the days of the Son of Man—the last days—last space of time—last hour—hour of trial—evil days—time of the end—the fire—or a perilous time, every one of these indicates a short space of time. Its purpose is to tee up the Wedding Supper and the Kingdom of God in power, while at the same time completing the character of saints who do the right thing in the fire. There is also the need to herald the arrival of the Father, the resurrection of the Old Testament saints and all Israel, paradise, and all the wonderful things that come with the acceptable year of the Lord.

Mr. Pack has said that if time were to go on for a little while, it would only be because the devour month starts at the Feast of Tabernacles instead of the Feast of Trumpets next year. This would of course only mean a relatively brief additional wait. But all of us who have studied the relevant scriptures don’t see any way this could happen. The verses seem open and shut. Of course, things have seemed open and shut before, but clarified with time. If a few days pass, the question presented at the Feast would re-emerge: Do we go a few days or another year?

Interesting details continue to present themselves, which leads to an exercise you may wish to test yourself with as this announcement comes to a close. See how many Bible terms exist that describe the Day of Christ. We have made a list of over 50. Then try to find all the different terms for Christ’s initial coming. We found over 25. Just pursuing these and trying to sort them out will help you appreciate the complexity of the task that is now essentially behind us. If there were time for Mr. Pack to give another message, he would probably list these for you. But don’t look for that message, keep looking for Christ instead! It is highly unlikely we will get out of this week.

We close by remembering we do not know the day or hour of Christ’s Return. Keep waiting—and watching!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020