Friday, August 27, 2021

Why are COG members still falling for the Tithe of the Tithe "Command"?


While the following comment is directed towards LCG members, it is also standard practice in almost all the splinter groups to guilt trip members into sending in this so-called tithe. Besides not being a new covenant command any more than tithing is itself, this con-game is just one more way for the churches to increase their coffers. A lot of this money goes into sending LCG minions and other Feast location scouts in other COG's to search out vacation Feast sites and supposedly paying for convention halls, etc.  Ask Lil'Jimmie Meredith how much fun he had "researching" Feast site locations.

Since the church itself requires that its members attend these "convocations" then the church itself should be paying for all the halls, sound rentals, video hookups, and satellite feeds, NOT the members. Each of these groups hauls in millions of dollars annually and certainly has the means to pay for these sites instead of coning members into double paying for everything they do at the Feast.

Tithe of the Festival Tithe—Repeat Announcement
For many decades, the Church of God has practiced what is called the “tithe of the Festival tithe.” What this means is that brethren who can afford it are asked to send a tenth of their Festival tithe to the Church in advance of the Feast, to help pay for meeting halls and other Feast expenses, as well as to help brethren around the world with limited resources to attend the Feast (Deuteronomy 14:27; 16:14). If you are able and you have not already done so, please send in your tithe of the Festival tithe for this year. This contribution is greatly appreciated.

LCG: Hurtling Toward Oblivion! Ohhhhhhhh Noesssssssssss!


Well, crap!  That ruined my day!

On the other hand, Mr. Weston takes a dig at Sheldon Monson by claiming the all-powerful God of LCG has replaced all of the malcontents who left the only true church to go with Monson with new true believers. Isn't God awesome!

Oh, and LCG's Tomorrow's World magazine has finally reached 500,000 subscribers. Its taken them how many years to get to this point?

Despite the rapid spread of the Delta Variant, LCG is planning on its Feast sites. After all, its god will protect everyone, just like it did with Mr. Weston when he caught COVID. In the meantime, they are scrambling to make all kinds of alternative plans. I am just surprised he did not blame this on Satan as a means of stopping members from attending one of LCG's prime money-maker events.


Greetings from Charlotte, 
We are now less than two weeks away from the Feast of Trumpets, and while the Trumpets are yet to blow, our world is hurtling toward oblivion, as anyone with eyes to see can see. It should be obvious by now that too many people in government, academia, and the media do not love this country—open borders, this Afghanistan disaster, and the push toward immoral behaviors provide more than enough evidence. This goes beyond politics. What God predicted would happen if we forsook Him is now coming to pass. How we long for that seventh Trumpet to be blown to bring mankind’s foolishness to an end. Meanwhile, I noticed an interesting trend the other day. While we regret that some members left us after the 2020 summer camp, in fact the number the number of Member/Co-worker letters sent out here in the U.S. has not only remained steady but has grown, and income has followed the same trend. One would have expected a dip, but God rapidly replaced those who left and the Work continues—adding four issues of the Tomorrow’s World magazine each year (from six to ten), hiring new ministers, sending out all- time high numbers of Bible Study Course lessons, and approaching half a million Tomorrow’s World subscribers. Brethren, as we approach the Feast this year, let us put our hearts into our prayers for God’s guidance and protection as this Delta variant of COVID continues to spread rapidly and, as a result, is affecting some of the requirements our venues are placing on us for our use of their facilities. Many alternate plans are having to be made all around the world.—Gerald Weston


LCG Takes a Big Hit When Over 500 (?) LCG Members Defect To Sheldon Monson and Church of God Assembly

Did Sheldon Monson Comply To Weston's Rules And Then Have The Script Turned On Him (Like LCG Is So Good At)?

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

It Is An Ungrateful Job Being A COG Prophet


Zerubbabel 11 months ago

It has been a rough road for self-appointed Church of God prophets down through the decades. Widely ignored and mocked, these know-it-alls dispense one idiotic prophecy/predicition after another. Each year that passes the church is filled with more and more of these fools.

Above is Michael Noordhoek, aka Zerbbabel. This walking freak of nature was the same guy who a couple years ago said he was impregnating his daughter with the holy man child to come.

Noordhoek is in the same graduating class as Bob Thiel and this is the future look of Bob Thiel a few more years down the line:

Zerubbabel - August 2021

It looks like Zerub has never washed his outfit in the past year. Imagine how he stinks since he lives in the desert!

Apparently, he never raised the 280 million dollars he was looking for when he set up a Gofundme page and therefore is unable to buy new clothes. Of course, the local Walmart probably does not sell prophets clothing like this anymore, especially since the pandemic has hit and supply chains are disrupted.

COG Zerubbabel Starts 280 Million Dollar Go Fund Me Page

Sadly, Michael Noordhoek is not an anomaly. Why is the Church of God filled with so many idiots like what we have today? Can Bob Thiel answer that question?

For a hilarious bit of fun fast forward to the 2:15 mark and watch his clothing malfunction...