While the following comment is directed towards LCG members, it is also standard practice in almost all the splinter groups to guilt trip members into sending in this so-called tithe. Besides not being a new covenant command any more than tithing is itself, this con-game is just one more way for the churches to increase their coffers. A lot of this money goes into sending LCG minions and other Feast location scouts in other COG's to search out vacation Feast sites and supposedly paying for convention halls, etc. Ask Lil'Jimmie Meredith how much fun he had "researching" Feast site locations.
Since the church itself requires that its members attend these "convocations" then the church itself should be paying for all the halls, sound rentals, video hookups, and satellite feeds, NOT the members. Each of these groups hauls in millions of dollars annually and certainly has the means to pay for these sites instead of coning members into double paying for everything they do at the Feast.
Tithe of the Festival Tithe—Repeat Announcement
For many decades, the Church of God has practiced what is called the “tithe of the Festival tithe.” What this means is that brethren who can afford it are asked to send a tenth of their Festival tithe to the Church in advance of the Feast, to help pay for meeting halls and other Feast expenses, as well as to help brethren around the world with limited resources to attend the Feast (Deuteronomy 14:27; 16:14
). If you are able and you have not already done so, please send in your tithe of the Festival tithe for this year. This contribution is greatly appreciated.
I don't remember paying a tithe of a tithe for the FOT, but I remember the registration fee, and the repeated announcements to please register.
The con game goes on. Please send in your tithe of the tithe prior to the feast to help pay for festival expenses. Then after the feast, please send in your excess second tithe. If you were not able to attend the feast please send in your holy day offerings. Never waste an opportunity to gouge the members.
I have always refused to send in my tithe of tithe, even when in WCG. Also never sent in excess second tithe. We always save it for the following year to help out needy members. No one at LCG HQ's deserves this money.
If you have "excess second tithe" you aren't doing it right. You should be able to find needy brethren to help, and not-needy brethren to whom you can give special gifts. If you can't, you're one of the needy brethren who should be RECEIVING gifts and kindnesses from other brethren.
"Tithe of the tithe" is HQ's way of saying that it's more important for you to make Rod McNair's FOT comfortable than to help the widows at the Feast. It's an outrage.
Does Bob Thiel lie to his members and tell them to send in their tithe of the tithe? Imagine his 3,000+ poor African members sending in the tithe of the tithe to a rich privledged white man parked on his ass in a rich area of central CA banging on his keyboard as he channels messages from his god.
I stopped putting in large offerings at the feast and instead use that money to help widows and families that need assistance. The church does not need it. When I see the top leadership, ministers and Feast coordinators contribute 50% of their Feast income to help the widows then I will. As it stands now ministers and leaders get huge Feast allotments since none of them save second tithe. Yet, they dare lecture us on this.
Many members have stopped tithing never mind doing a tithe of a tithe. Which split of a split of a ACOG splinter group should members tithe to.
There is a question I’ve never seen tackled by either side, i.e. the Inquisitors side, or the “true” CoG side. Although it may have been discussed somewhere, I have never seen lt.
Basis for the question: Today we have radio, tv, internet, rapid transportation, telecommunications, etc., etc.
In the Apostles day they had, walking, animal powered transportation, sail boats/ships, carrier pigeon mail, etc., etc.
Today, we “must” still reach the world with our message, so many have never heard it.
In the Apostles’ day they “reached the known world.”
The question: (See if you can fill it in.)
As it stands now ministers and leaders get huge Feast allotments since none of them save second tithe. Yet, they dare lecture us on this.
Most ACOGs deduct s 10 percent second tithe from paid ministers' paychecks, then pay those men a 9 percent Festival allotment. As ministers are forced to "pay" tithe of the tithe, they naturally want to force the same on the membership.
Tithing laws were added to support the Levites and the Levitical Priesthood including Levites at the feasts. But now the Melchisedec Priesthood has replaced the Levitical Priesthood and the COGs teach the "change of the law" - Heb 7:12
- was a transfer to the original tithing law as it was "at the beginning". BIG PROBLEM. There was no law to transfer to. There was no law at the beginning. If you find it, post it. There has never been a command to tithe to the Melchisedec Priesthood. The COGs and Herbie only assume there was such a command, encouraged by the historical tithing accounts of Jacob and Abraham, which do not indicate a law was being followed.
is translated "removing" in Heb 12:27
. Exodus 21-23 never mentions tithing. Reportedly the JWs don't teach tithing because of Hebrews 7.
The Greek word for "change" in Heb 7:12
You rebel!
Stay home from the Feast. Save 10-20-30% and more!
Some years ago Dave decided to have members send in the tithe of tithe each time you got a paycheck, weekly if possible! I didn't. As for excess 2nd tithe...we either didn't have any or saved it for the following year. It's hard to stretch a 2nd tithe for a family from a one-income paycheck. We also couldn't afford to stay at the pricey hotels, so would find an affordable accommodation with a kitchen...and then we would invite brethren to breakfast, lunch and dinner and have wonderful times. On the weekly Sabbath and the two Holy Days, between the two services, we would invite as many as would fit into the rooms...no rush to get to a restaurant, everything was prepared and good times were had by all. Over the years, ministers were invited to our table, and they were grateful to be there! Dave, though invited, never attended.
There was a time in the 90s when WCG did away with the TOTT (Tithe of Two-Tithe) and had a set registration fee for the Feast of Tabernacles, based on single or families.
At least for this single person, that approach saved several hundred dollars.
But it left me wondering: how much ARE those hall rentals, anyway - especially to meet at an airport hotel? Someone should investigate this.
2.02 PM
That sounds very fishy. Tax wise, are the ministers taxed for the 10% deducted for second tithe? Are employers legally permitted to do this? Or could this just be a paper position to cover up that the church pays the ministers second? It was pointed out on this site that one of the major ACOGs has
changed their policy last year, so that their ministers will now have to pay for their own second tithe.
4.52 OM
Of course Dave never attended. He risked being confronted or beaten up for robbing widows of their homes.
@2:11 PM, you stated the priesthood changed to the Melchisedec Priesthood, which I agree with, but it's not clear if you believe ministers are that priesthood, as COG ministers teach, or if it is speking only of Jesus as our High Priest.
Not a scripture to be found throughout the Bible that says people have to give a "tithe of the tithe" of the Festival funds. This is purely a corporate burden added to the brethren.
Back in the day, the line was that this was to pay for hall rentals and FOT expenses the church was incurring. What was not told to the brethren, was that halls and much more were often paid for by local Chamber of Commerces that "ponied up" big, in order to have 10,000 people show up to spend money in their little towns.
The teaching is completely unbiblical to begin with. There is only one place you find mention of 'tithe of the tithe', and that is in Numbers 18:26
. The instruction is given to the Levites only, and they were to give it from what they received from the rest of Israel. It wasn't for the Feast, but so they too could give a tenth to God, since they had no other source of increase in crops.
If the COGs want to teach this, and claim that the ministers are the modern day Levites, then it should be the ministers paying it, not the average member.
However, if they insist that the members are to pay, then by implication they are saying that members are Levites, if they are being honest with Numbers.
But...it logically follows that if members are Levites, then they should not have to pay any other tithes but should instead be receiving them.
It is a logical fallacy and breaks down pretty quickly when examined closely.
Which of course is why they never examine it closely!!
I discovered at my last LCG FOT, that the hotel group rates were about 20% higher than I could get booking directly.
So in addition to tithe of the tithe, you have profiteering from members hotel reservations.
With Covid infections picking up - do the safe thing and stay at home. Remember the Proverb - the prudent man foresees the evil and hides himself.
do the safe thing and stay at home.
Anon 8:07 AM. You are not alone in thinking that way. Remember the High Priests did not forsee danger and had of thousands Israelites pouring into Jerusalem for Passover 70AD and look how that turned out.
When I hear this, that I should send in another 10% I always respond under my breath "blow me."
The “Tithe of the Tithe” is to ensure that the SO CALLED Leaders, Ministers, and Grand Masters ( you WISH) can stay at the VERY *BEST* hotels and accommodations for the Feasts, etc., etc.!! After all, isn’t that how Jesus Christ acted??? All of the apostles rented Cadillacs for the Feast days!! It makes you wonder WHAT BOOK some of these people are reading!! Or what PLANET they are living on!!
Feastgoer said...
There was a time in the 90s when WCG did away with the TOTT (Tithe of Two-Tithe) and had a set registration fee for the Feast of Tabernacles, based on single or families.
At least for this single person, that approach saved several hundred dollars.
But it left me wondering: how much ARE those hall rentals, anyway - especially to meet at an airport hotel? Someone should investigate this.
In many cases, the meeting rooms are actually provided at no cost to the church - provided the hotel is guaranteed a certain (negotiated) number of sleeping room bookings from the membership. This is a common practice - as I've coordinated many corporate events in this way.
Stay at home isn't just good temporary advice for during the pandemic. In the case of Armstrongism, it is good advice for the rest of your life!
It will be interesting to see what members will be told this year down in Australia and other parts of the world. Parts of the country are in lockdown so can’t have a FOT, will they be asked to give up anyway? Send it all to HQ?
@2:11 PM, you stated the priesthood changed to the Melchisedec Priesthood, which I agree with, but it's not clear if you believe ministers are that priesthood, as COG ministers teach, or if it is speking only of Jesus as our High Priest. August 28, 2021 at 6:48 AM
To anon 6:48 AM: Presently believe only Jesus as our High Priest. The COG ministers should begin teaching there is no command to pay tithes to them.
Did anyone ever notice the big lavish meals and really expensive bottles of wine the COG ministers treat themselves to at the FOT?
I did. For several years.. That’s why I stopped paying tithes and stopped giving big offerings. The hypocrisy is endless
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