Showing posts with label Church of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church of God. Show all posts

Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Roots of Armstrongism in the First Century Jerusalem Church


The Roots of Armstrongism in the First Century Jerusalem Church

By Neo

Christianity at its inception was a form of Late Second Temple Judaism. Jesus was a Jew who preached a form of Judaism to Jews. Jewish factions worshipped together in the Temple and in synagogues. The Jews in one faction of Judaism followed a man named Jesus and believed him to be the Messiah.  Only years later would the name “Christian” be applied to this faction. The times were filled with expectations of the apocalypse. Judaists, in general, were waiting for the first coming of the Messiah to overthrow the world regime. And the Jews who were followers of Jesus were waiting for the second coming of the Messiah to overthrow the world regime. Everyone seemed to understand that something revolutionary was going to happen.

Within the Jesus faction, a man named James, the brother of Jesus, became the leader of the Jesus Movement. James was a Jew and held Jewish practice in high regard. Two other men who were also leaders, Paul and Peter, did not have the same commitment to Jewish practice. Paul was concerned that these practices would develop into a wall of division between Jews and Gentiles. Peter seemed to vacillate between the Jewish pole and the Gentile pole. At one point, Paul said to Peter “I said to Cephas (Peter) before them all, “If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews? (Galatians 2:14).” Peter who accompanied Jesus throughout his ministry and was very close to Jesus had set aside Jewish practice in his personal life. There was a tension between James on one side and Peter and Paul on the other with Peter functioning as a kind of liaison, purposely or by accident, between the two sides.

This tension culminated in a controversy over circumcision, the archetypical requirement in Jewish theology and practice. Circumcision represented the outward symbol of salvation as understood in Judaism. It symbolized the covenant made with Abraham. It was the indispensable sign that Yahweh was Israel’s God and Israel was Yahweh’s people. So it is easy to understand that some Jews would regard this as a necessary condition, exceeding in significance such conditions as the Sabbath or dietary restrictions, for belonging to the Jesus Movement. Within the Jerusalem Church led by James, a faction that has been called by some historians “the Circumcision Party,” came into sharp conflict with Paul. There is no definitive indication in the New Testament that James supported these people. But neither is there any indication that he tried to oppose this faction while it was incipient.   

Paul opposed the circumcision faction with Peter’s sometimes wavering support (Acts 15:8-9). (Jesus had pointed out to Peter his wavering tendency.) Paul understood the profound meaning of what the Circumcision Party was asserting. They were saying that salvation within the Jesus Movement could not be appropriated without circumcision. They stated explicitly, “Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.” The Circumcision Party added an Old Testament requirement to the salvation that was in Jesus, a physical requirement that had now become only a cultural tradition in the teaching of Jesus. Paul was not anti-Jewish. He wrote that everyone who followed Jesus was a spiritual Jew but he did not concede to modifying soteriology as it was understood in the Jesus Movement. Paul also stated that circumcision was of the heart and had a continuing spiritual meaning for spiritual Jews – but the physical requirement was no longer a part of the theology. Of the followers of the Circumcision Party, Paul stated, “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.”  Paul expanded the principle beyond circumcision to include justification by the law to the exclusion of Jesus.

I would have speculated that Paul’s attitude towards the body of Old Testament litigation would be relatively mild and accepting. He was, after all, “an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee.” The litigation was now no longer the pathway to salvation but a colorful collection of ethics, customs, and traditions. But there is a passage, Colossians 2:8-19, that reflects a much more intense and negative attitude on the part of Paul.  (New Revised Standard Version throughout the remainder of this paragraph.)  Paul starts in Colossians 2:8 by saying: “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe . . .” He is speaking of human traditions and pagan philosophies. But later he includes the Old Testament litigation in this category.  He says first, “. . . He forgave us all our trespasses, erasing the record that stood against us with its legal demands.  He set this aside, nailing it to the cross.” This seems to be a reference to the litigation of the Old Testament.  How else could past sins be defined among the Jews? Sin is the transgression of the law. If there is any doubt about the reference he writes the following statement: “Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink or of observing festivals, new moons, or Sabbaths. These are only a shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.”  Only the Old Testament could contain foreshadows of Christ. Paul, by interweaving the Old Testament litigation into this passage that also refers to human traditions and pagan philosophies, places the now superseded Old Testament litigation, such as circumcision, in the same category as these worldly traditions and philosophies. 

Herman Hoeh stated years back that he had met an important person in Israel and explained to him the theology of the Worldwide Church of God.  I regret to say that I do not remember the Israeli’s name. But after hearing Hoeh’s description, the Israeli said, as I recall Hoeh’s account, “If your description is accurate, then the WCG is heir to the Jerusalem Church.” Hoeh indicated that he was gratified by that observation.  I believe the observation to be true. I would add a refinement. Armstrongism is heir, not to the Jerusalem Church proper, but to the faction of the Jerusalem Church known as the Circumcision Party.  

The Jerusalem Church seemed to fade out after the calamity of 70 AD.  Christianity expanded enormously in the Gentile sphere. The fervid conflict over circumcision is now long forgotten. But here and there, the principle behind salvific circumcision still finds traction. And those who sustain this ideology can rightfully claim ancient provenance and even invoke the name of the Jerusalem Church. But this claim to a high-born heritage must be understood in its theological context. 

Note:  It is worth mentioning that Paul and Peter were not antinomian. Christianity, correspondingly, is not antinomian.  In some quarters, that is a persistent calumny against the Christian Church. Both men believed in the law given in the Sermon on the Mount. Paul, in particular, was highly moralistic and explicit about moral rectitude in the opening chapters of Romans. Neither is the theme of this opinion piece antinomian. Those who are advocates of viewing the New Testament as just a patina on the Old Testament have a personal obligation to understand this issue if they claim to be Christian. The replacement of the Old Testament litigation does not equate to antinomianism no matter how often repeated.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Dave Pack, the Church of God and Willful Ignorance


Banned by HWA recently posted some commentary on a video produced by Dave Pack which purports to definitively answer the question: Does God Exist? In fact, Mr. Pack's video is only one of many offerings from the ACOG's on this topic - The founder of the movement, Herbert W Armstrong was the first of this tribe to discourse on the subject.

The problem with these offerings is that they almost always rely on false science - bits and pieces of real science which ignore anything that might contradict the point they are trying to make. This is often called confirmation bias in the real world. What is confirmation bias? According to Psychology Today, "Once we have formed a view, we embrace information that confirms that view while ignoring, or rejecting, information that casts doubt on it. Confirmation bias suggests that we don’t perceive circumstances objectively. We pick out those bits of data that make us feel good because they confirm our prejudices. Thus, we may become prisoners of our assumptions."

This phenomenon is closely related to the concept of willful ignorance. In defining the term, Urban Dictionary tells us: "The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguments because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs. This practice is most commonly found in the political or religious ideologies of 'conservative' Americans. Many times it is practiced due to laziness--people not wanting to have to do the work to rethink their opinions, the fear of the unknown, the fear of being wrong, or sometimes simply close-mindedness." In this connection, it is interesting to note that the author of the Second Epistle of Peter denigrated those who are "willingly" ignorant (see II Peter 3:5).

However, this kind of ignorance is not the exclusive property of Armstrongites or Christians in general. Unfortunately, it also very often afflicts the atheists and intellectuals who are fond of pointing out the cognitive dissonance and outright hypocrisy of their religious counterparts! Very often, these folks ridicule or dismiss the concept of FAITH (which should be the real basis of the true Christian's belief in things Divine).

And most students of the Bible know that the best definition of faith is found in the eleventh chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. As with many things biblical, however, the flowery old King James English sometimes gets in the way of comprehending the real import of what is being said. Please allow me to paraphrase those critical first three verses of the chapter: "Faith demonstrates the reality which underscores our hope - it is our EVIDENCE for the things that we cannot perceive or evaluate by the exercising of our human senses. Our forbearers shined through the expression of their faith (and we should not devalue their contributions to our understanding of these things). Faith is our tool for understanding that God created everything out of things which are also not readily perceived through our five human senses - it allows us to conclude that God is the source of all things without having all of the physical evidence at our disposal to reach that conclusion based entirely on our own observations." (see Hebrews 11:1-3)

It makes me sad when folks attempt to negate or dismiss things which they don't understand (and don't demonstrate any inclination/desire/willingness to understand). Unfortunately, most of us reach conclusions about things based on varying degrees of research and consideration (often little to none), and then we are finished with it. We have proven our belief(s) to our satisfaction, and everyone else be damned! The problem with this should be obvious to everyone. When we are no longer willing to explore and learn, when we close ourselves off to the possibility that others may be right (and we may be wrong), we have taken the path of willful ignorance. Is it really so terrifying to admit that we don't know something? Is God finite or infinite? Is God contained? Is God finished? What is the origin of our ability to learn? Can God learn? Can God grow? Is ignorance bliss? What do you think?

Lonnie Hendrix/Miller Jones

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

COG's Filled With "Wishy-washy Mental Goo and Slobber"

Reading COG related blogs are always fun.  Get a load of this back slapping for Apostle Malm:

To all who sneer and think that James Malm is a nut-case, I would like you to consider that James has stated with specificity as to who will do what and around when those things he believes scripture shows are going to take place will do so.

Now go and look at the rest of the entire corporate COG phalanx of prophecy teachings. ylou will find a big bunch of equivocating and wishy-washy mental goo and slobber, filled with all kinds of caveats and escape hatches enabling those who say them to say later either, “I never exactly said that” or “only God knows for sure and all we can do is wait till it happens in order to understand”.

By this time next year, James will either be proven correct or will be noted as one more sincere and well-intentioned zealot who got it wrong. If such an outcome takes place, I fully expect James (based on his willingness to do so in the past) to admit when and where he got things wrong and sincerely, appologize
to those he (unintentionally) misled and be the wiser for any mistake(s) he made.

Notice how they are already giving the Apostle a way out.  "Oh, he was sincere, but wrong, don't fault him for that."  ""His predictions were ahead of the times."  "Don't judge him because he was really sincere."

It is idiotic comments like this that allow other false prophets to get a toehold in Armstrongism.  That is what allowed McNair, Waterhouse, Blackwell, Pack, Flurry, Hulme, Meredith and others to get by when their predictions all failed. So far we have over 650 of them and still counting.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Van Robison On "Censorship in the Worldwide Church of God"

Censorship in the Worldwide Church of God

As a former member of the Worldwide Church of God, during the lifetime of Herbert W. Armstrong, I can well remember that reading the literature or material of anyone outside of the "true church of God", was forbidden or discouraged.  Herbert W. Armstrong would say "don't believe me, believe your Bible", but then the cult would tell its members not to listen to anyone other than their own church leaders.  What motive would any religious leader or group have to censor alternative opinions, books, reading material or vocal lectures, unless there was FEAR that they might lose members to alternative possibilities?  Living in a cult cocoon stifles the ability of anyone to learn that there is a vast world outside of the cocoon.

Many religious leaders, religious organizations and political groups hate FREEDOM of thought.  Cult religious groups insist that they and they alone are the bearers of "truth."  Even human governments live in perpetual FEAR of losing their power and control over the common people.  Propaganda, disinformation and distortion, suppression, silence and twisting of facts and truth are common in the world in which we live.  The Worldwide Church of God, was NOT the "Church of God", but was the brainchild of Herbert W. Armstrong.  Herbert was a master deceiver.  Herbert was a wolf in sheep's clothing.  The religious and even the political world have always from the beginning of human existence, been potential deceivers.

How many members of Worldwide Church of God splinter groups, cower in fear that they might be found out, but who secretly read websites such as "Banned by HWA?"  If any such reader is reading on these types of websites, let me encourage you that the world is vastly bigger and greater than any splinter group of the Worldwide Church of God can imagine.  It is only when a human being steps outside of their comfort zone, that they come face to face with the FACT that there are possibilities about God, the Bible, life on earth and existence that are light-years beyond the confines of cult mentality.  There are dimensions of thinking that will
leave a human being speechless, when anyone with a little courage "risks" learning beyond the censorship of the confines of self-appointed "ministers" of Worldwide Church of God splinter groups.

Life on earth DOES NOT revolve around Herbert W. Armstrong, anymore than it does any splinter group of the WWCG, or its self-appointed mediators who think they stand between God and their members.  Censorship of views and perspectives that differ with "accepted" views is a tool of tyranny.  I wonder if Herbert W. could come back from the grave, if he would admit that he was an abysmal failure as a "teacher" of what real truth is concerning God/Jesus Christ?  Just think people, every single leader of every splinter group of the WWCG will eventually kiss the grave and return to dirt.  If dead men could talk, I wonder if they would change their tune about their activities while they had their being?

Censorship is common in human life among the religious rulers, as much as it is common in the world of politics and other matters in human life.  Anyone who differs with the status quo is naturally and automatically
demonized by those who do not want alternative views expressed.  The primary tool used by those who censor, is to demonize, terrorize, ridicule, assassinate the character of opposition, cause fear, cause guilt, make people think that truth is evil, and belittle opposing views.

History is rife with examples of those who were burned at the stake, tortured and put to death for no other reason than that their expression of their own thoughts about issues engendered animosity from the "elite"
rulers who hated opposition.  We all know that Jesus Christ was the greatest Whistleblower the world has ever known, and He exposed the religious frauds for what they were and are---WOLVES!  BEWARE!!!

Van Robison

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dennis On: "It is Appointed Unto All Men Once to Die...."

It is Appointed Unto All Men Once to Die....
Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorOne of the hallmark traits of the COGs is that somehow "we" are unique to the history of humans dying.  When I was a pastor, I taught the "we who are alive and remain," concept.  It was very nice knowing that of all the times in history where humans have come and gone by dying, I was NOT going to have to experience that.  Of course, that was bullshit.
EVERY COG minister teaches and inspires by telling the faithful that they are unique in the history of mankind and will not have to die.  We live in "awesome" times.  We are the special, the chosen  those who will not have to die as billions have before us.  We will be changed, and "in the moment, a twinkling of an eye," shall be changed. 
Of course, Paul was very very wrong.  The Apostle Paul, 2000 years ago, 2000 YEARS!, was wrong.  He finally had to give in to , "I have fought a good fight..." etc, but he was toast.  He had told others to think "time was short," but had to finally admit it wasn't. 
Much of the motivation behind the COG "time is short," is the absolute fear of death.  Everyone dies.  If you agree to show up, you agree to leave.  I would love to think that somehow I was living in a time and in touch in such a way as to never die.  I'd love to think that , "we shall not all die, but we all shall change, in a moment, in a twinking of the eye.."  but, alas, we do all die.
The idea that humans  can know the future is terribly flawed.  Prophecy makes us feel as if we are special and not subject to the common fate of all those before us.  The COG guru's teach as if they will not die and will live over into some kind of amazing change not common to men.  But they are wrong. 
Roderick C Meredith will die before Jesus returns.  David C Pack, will die before Jesus return.  Gerald Flurry will die before Jesus returns.  Joseph Tkach will die before Jesus returns.  Ron Weinland will die before Jesus returns.  We ALL will die as it is the nature of agreeing to show up! 
In hindsite, I realize I wanted to be special.  I wanted to be excluded from the common experience of all human beings before me.  I wanted to feel special as to being called of God.  I wanted to feel that I was among those that would not die but would be "changed."   The reality is that no one is special and that all of us will die.
How motivational is the idea that "you won't die as others,"  But it is a lie.  The Apostle Paul spent a few years thinking he was special in this regard.  He said, "we who are alive shall be changed," yet ultimately had to admit he was wrong.  He finally had to admit he had fought a good fight, finished his course and was going to die. 
Dying sucks.  But it is what ALL humans experience.  There is no way out of this biological demise.  Cells can only replicate so many times and old age is a function of the failure of cells to do this efficiently.  All life form get about the the same number or breaths.  A mouse lives about 3 years and breathes about the same number of times as a human does in 70 years.  An elephant that live 125 years breathes about the same number of times as a human at 70 years.  Life and cells last only so long.
So give up the idea that some COG minister can get you out of this experience.  Dying is good for our soul.  We are not, then we are, then we are not.  That's how it works.  Fighting it is futile.  Thinking that some church or religious view can free us from this reality is vain. 
Jesus died.  The Apostles died.  The Apostle Paul, who thought he'd not die, died. All gurus died.  HWA died.  GTA died.  Gerald Waterhouse died. Raymond McNair died.  All will die is just how it is. 
Learn to live now as now is all you have.  Don't give in to the "just around the corner," or "soon" types.  Reject them. Live your life in the now. Enjoy and learn as you go. 
The whole idea that those in the COG "know" how it all will be are wrong.  They are afraid of dying just like everyone before them and misuse the Bible to get them off the hook. 
NO ONE gets off the hook.  Live in the now.  Forget the past and do not speculate into the future for you will probably be wrong. 
Dennis C. Diehl

Friday, October 28, 2011

Melting Glaciers and Rampaging Chinese Hoards

I continue to be amazed at the things COG members speculate about. You never hear them speculating or talking about Jesus, what he did while he was on earth, what grace is, what it means to be a disruptive Christian upsetting the order of things, reaching down to help the homeless or sick, or anything of that sort.  It's is either all about the law and more law, and more law or end time speculations.  If you thought Art Bell was out there with his silliness, these COGers are no different. Armstrongism has always had an undercurrent of members who dwelled in conspiracy theories and speculations.

Last night it was about what is going to happen when the glaciers all melt causing the Euphrates to dry up allowing the Chinese and Indian hoards to start conquering Europe.

What is WRONG with these people?

Just be warned that if you click on the link below you will be exposed to some of the stupidest conspiracy theories I have seen yet.  I am surprised that an Armstrongite would allow themselves to be tainted by this crap. No cheating, read the whole thing.
 This helps explain why I suggest that it could be 10 yrs before Jesus comes, minimum. You can see how slowly, slowly things appear to be moving now. Then I was thinking, that Germany etc don't really have capacity or materials to create the army they will need for Armageddon... tack on a few more years to collect it. But now India has joined China in killing off so many girl babies that there is a preponderance of single men in both countries. With the melting glaciers vanishing, which supply many cities with water, can it be long before the Euphrates dries up so they can cross over?? I donno where its water is sourced.

Joining the rampaging Chinese and Indians will be the Swiss.

Long time ago we were told about the secret bases in Switzerland and Germany.
Whole fields and sides of "mountains" roll away to reveal bases. 
Switzerland is an armed camp really as all males are in the army.
They have weapons they need as they are in NATO and simply need to confiscate them including nukes.
There are foreign troops and planes already here in the US from both Germany and China.
Germany has bought up millions of acres in the US also.
They are probably far more prepared than we know. They certainly were before WW2 when we did not think they were.

They will soon then be crossing the Atlantic to join up with the Germans and Chinese who own property here in the United States.  Will those millions acres be used to build the concentration camps that the COG loves to talk about?  But at that point when those of us who have not been killed off by famines and disease we will e too weak to fight the invading armies and will almost welcome being imprisoned.

At one point in time a few years ago the UK was the biggest property owner here in Los Angeles.  It still may be, but do not know for sure.  Does this mean that the British people will be imprisoning and torturing us also?  Is Ephraim going to get his payback for Joseph's deceit.  The stupid speculations are endless.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"FOR SHAME: This is a DISGRACE and a blot on your garments."

The Apostle is ticked, and I mean REALLY ticked right now about the sinful nature of COG members around the world who start their travel home ON The Last Great Day. 

He is ticked that ministers have early services so people can get out and on the road that afternoon. 

He is ticked that people pay their hotel bills on that day.

He is ticked they cleaned their hotel room and packed their bags.

He is ticked they stop and buy food before sundown.

Oh, did I say he was ticked?

He is really, really, really ticked!

But I guess it is NOT a problem for him to post to his blog on the LCG or Friday nights or Saturdays?

To the Groups making up the Church of God

The Eighth Day of the Feast:  Is a High Holy Day,  Lev 23:36.   It is a Holy Convocation. You shall do no servile work (work of any kind)  therein.

For generations now, The Church of God has made it a practice to hold services early, on the Eighth Day;  to facilitate the travel plans of their members.  People claiming to be converted Godly people:  have paid bills, packed belongings, cleaned their temporary dwellings and traveled on this High Holy Day.  And their ministers have encouraged this in word and deed.

FOR SHAME:  This is a DISGRACE and a blot on your garments.  The Eternal will not hold you guiltless for defiling His Holy Time.  Repent quickly and turn from this wickedness;  lest ye be corrected.

Church people even purchase goods and services on Sabbath and Holy Days, especially in restaurants.  

I think someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's Still "Us vs. Them" At COG Feast Sites

It is that time of year again when families in the COG travel all over the world for family reunions at different Festival sites.  New friends are made and old acquaintances rekindled.  That is of course unless you are part of these two COG splinter groups who carry on with their same old exclusivity on determining who is in and who is out.

The first is from Dennis in a comment on another thread concerning Living Church of God's treatment of people:

Just sharing a current FOT family experience: Sister, whose husband now deceased, was full time WCG minister, and nephew were going to spend half a feast this year with LCG in Cobbleskill NY. My nephew, formerly of UCG was sent a message that he could not attend until he talked to the Minister in charge of the site Mr.______ _______. Sooooo he and my widowed COG sister decided to screw it and go see family. Nice going LCG!!! Go ye therefore.....

Ans this one is from a report by person who visited Glendora on their way up to another COG site here in CA.  WCG?GCI has allowed for a regular Feast site to be held in Monrovia this year. 

We stopped by to visit with some old friends before heading up to Monterrey for the COGWA Feast.  We also wanted to see what WCG was up to these days.  The WCG site had around 40-50 in attendance.  I was shocked at how small the attendance was.  As far as I know the WCG no longer even does the cruises because I could not find anything online about their sites this year.  The Monrovia site is headed up by Carlton Smith.  Most of the people in attendance believe the Feast still should be kept on the regular days.

Smith was railing against adulterers, gays, abortionists, fornicators and other types of people that obviously irritate him. The godless people are destroying this world.  Smith also said that the Holy Spirit was present only for those people in the room.  I guess all other COG members not there are without hope. 
We had a sermon by the former Auditorium manager talking about pure religion and how a local industry made up of ex-gang members exemplifies that.   Kind of weird considering how Smith thinks no one outside the COG has God working through them.

What I found disturbing was the same old exclusive attitude that has always permeated Armstrongism was still present in the "new and improved" WCG.   It was "us vs them." Those that were in the know and those who were not.  Those called of God and those who are not. Those in and those out.  I would have thought WCG had progressed a little farther than this tired worn out mentality!  That exclusivity that Herbert Armstrong taught still has not been eradicated.  Both LCG and WCG have practiced this past week. 

Why doesn't Smith to the right thing and take all 50 members out for a work day and serve in a homeless shelter during the Feast.  That might actually be something considered Christian for once!

  I am sure there are other horror stories from the groups.  Lets see how many are reported.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dennis On: The Lurkers Church of God--The Fall (Out) of Our Discontent

The Lurkers Church of God--The Fall (Out) of Our Discontent

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Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorThere is evidently no comparison between the number of good folk who take the time to comment or invest in the thought processes necessary to comment on the various postings with regards to the WCG experience and all the abiding fall out, and those that quietly lurk.

As far as I can tell, there may be a total of 20 or so regular responders to any or all of the topics presented here, which despite the discomfort level some provoke, are here to help those sincerely wanting to break the ties and live in a bigger box than the one provided by the splinters and slivers in the COG remnants.  As you can see, many hundred more just "lurk."

I understand lurking.  We want to believe something is true and yet we have a niggly feeling in our souls that all might not be as presented. We dismiss the feeling and yet sometimes we just have to keep up with the other points of view that sometimes seem more right.  Perhaps they must make us think. 

I understand very well how "loyalty" can keep you from being more honest or speaking up in one's church.  I also understand sitting in an audience that I am supposed to have everything in common with, listening to everything from announcements to sermonettes and sermons and quietly telling myself, "this is such bullshit, but maybe next week will be something that inspires me."   I've listened to the big plans of the bigger church for preaching their gospel and thought, "that won't work," or "Jeez, if Jesus is about to return soon, what's with building a college with a spiffy multimillions dollar price, coming out of my pocket not theirs?  Is that not holding two opposing views in one sentence?"

How many times were you assured that when people see our new headquarters, they will come to the truth because they will see how God himself plants trees and flowers, plays sports, dresses and honors the guru!  I bet not one person ever came into any church because of the quality of the cover.  Unfortunately they do come because of the seeming truth of the contents, if they don't ever do any further homework on the matter.

So why do people "Lurk"?  These are just my opinions, but judging from the numbers, I would bet every COG minister, Prophet, Priest, Apostle and Witness stops in from time to time.  It's just too hard not to.  I imagine a good number of FOT goers are reading this right now :)

IMHO COGers lurk because:

They are not quite sure they are getting the whole story at Church
They have the same doubts and fears about trusting just one guy to tell them how it all is.
As a teen in the "Church my parents go to,"  I 'd like to know if there is something I am needing to consider before i give my life resources to such ideas.
As a minister, I ignored the problems I saw in the Armstrong's, the Tkaches and whoever to my harm and I won't ignore this guy and the unease he sometimes causes me.
I am a true believer and hate this blog and sometimes just can't help but let them know how wrong they are.
I find it difficult to let go of the experience without at least learning what went wrong and why I allowed myself to live in such a small theological world.  (This is ME)
I'm mad as hell and I'm not takin' it any more!
I find comfort in knowing others think as I do as I reflect on this whole experience
I want to know what's being said but I don't want to know what's being said, but i do want to know what's being said, but I will act like I don't know what's being said because what's being said is disturbing to my status quo.
I used to be able to say whatever I wanted as a minister or member and never got called out on it but NOW I have to see what's being said about me.
I didn't know there were so many interesting other ways to see the Bible, its origins or politics and I like this place.
I don't feel so cut off from my experience even though I have lost all church friends and feel depressed when don't stay in touch
I'd like to say something or comment, but it might get back to my church.
If I do say something its not going to be anonymous, but if I do otherwise, it might get back to my church.
Lurking is my hobby
Lurking is safer than speaking up
I'm afraid of my minister, friends, Jesus, God or even Satan finding out I lurk.
I don't know why I lurk. It's a bad habit but I just can't stop doing it.
Lurking rocks!  I lurk at church, work and at Wal-mart, so why not here?
I love lurking to see what the jerks, fools, buttheads and reprobates are saying now!
I feel more true and holy lurking with those that will be fuel for the Lake of Fire

Well I think we get the point.  On top of that we might ask why do most who speak up do so without letting others know who they really are?  See above I guess.  Some like to snipe but never want it known where the shot came from.  Others have to have the last word I'm sure.  It's all very interesting.

I think lurking is also a sign of the struggle most have with being authentically themselves, no matter the belief or experience, and belonging to an organization where they all have to speak the same thing, which of course, has never truly happened nor is possible in reality in the history of church.  It's an illusion and of course no one ever would believe that members 'all THINK the same thing."  Sooner or later one is confronted with "I'm sitting down on the outside Mr. Minister, but I am standing up on the inside."

So, for all who lurk...

Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet - thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing - consistently. This builds trust, and followers love leaders they can trust.

That inner voice has both gentleness and clarity. So to get to authenticity, you really keep going down to the bone, to the honesty, and the inevitability of something.
The accusation that we've lost our soul resonates with a very modern concern about authenticity.
We need to find the courage to say NO to the things and people that are not serving us if we want to rediscover ourselves and live our lives with authenticity.

I've always told people who are at crossroads or have to make a choice or decision about something of consequence to ask, "How does this serve me?"  I realize in the WCG/COG experience, and perhaps even as one reads the Bible, "Me" never counts and we are all to love other's better than ourselves.  I always wondered if that is true...what are the others who are loved supposed to do!

It always pays to ask "How does this serve me?"   If the answer is helpful to your growth and understanding then good on ya!   If it helps move you along the path a little further or give you the courage to be yourself and finding that just fine and ok, then good on ya!   I suppose even if it makes you feel superior to the fools who comment on this blog,  good on you for now I suppose. 

The Karma Fairy also has a habit of lurking...  :)

Can I get an "Amen"?

Dennis C. Diehl

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Why Is The COG Blinded To It's Own False Prophets?

Prophet Thiel has up a post mocking the followers of Harold Camping again.  Camping has predicted again, the the end is coming on October 21st of this year.  We all got to witness the failure of his previous announcement earlier this year.  We saw the lives destroyed by it.  Thiel is at least right that we will see him fail again on October 21.

Thiel rightly points out the obvious failures and how we should not support such false prophets:

But Jesus cannot return on October 21, 2011 and it was not God who led Harold Camping to that false May 21, 2011 date.

This will be at least the third time that Harold Camping will be proven wrong.   Back in May 2011, both the Washington Post and MSNBC linked to my article Harold Camping’s Teachings About the End of the World Do Not Agree with the Bible to provide documented biblical reasons for his errors.  Of course, he is likely to get less publicity this month than he did last May.

Basically, because he seemingly prefers his own imaginations to the truth of the Bible, Harold Camping seems to me to load one misleading calculation onto other misleading information to get to the wrong answer. He should not be listened to by those that actually believe the Bible.

How conveniently Thiel ignores the hundreds of failed false prophecies that Herbert Armstrong, Rod Meredith, Herman Hoeh, Dean Blackwell, Gerald Waterhouse and others have uttered in the past.  These do not even include the mind numbingly STUPID current predictions by Weinland, Pack and Steven's!

Thiel continues:

The iniquity of false prophets such as Harold Camping and others (like some with the Mayan 2012 date) will turn various people off about prophecy (Ronald Weinland also comes to mind). More will feel comfortable being scoffers (Harold Camping has caused atheists to rejoice and mock). And this rise of scoffers who will not believe in prophecy is also foretold in the Bible by the Apostle Peter:
So what about  the iniquities of false prophet Rod Meredith which have turned people off and destroyed lives?  People mock Meredith today because of his lies.  If Thiel really took his Bible seriously and did as his scriptures tell him, then he would reject Rod Meredith for the false prophet he is.  Scriptures states that if a man utters even ONE false prophecy then he is a liar and not to be followed.  So why is Thiel still following a liar?

For a great list of over 209 documented failed prophecies of Armstrongism check this out: The Most Comprehensive Listing of Herbert Armstrong's 52 year record of False Prophesies ever made.

or this:  End of the world prophecies 26 failed predictions between 1921 and 1990 CE

or this:  False Prophecy - Enough Is Enough

or this:  A History of Failed Prophecies and Doomsdays

or this:  Did Herbert Armstrong Set Dates?


or this:  The Danger of False Prophets How to recognize a false prophet.