Showing posts with label Miller Jones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miller Jones. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Church of God International Internal War Over COVID Continues

"This is what a luke warm church sounds like...sad to see a Church of God promoting the end time pharmakiea that deceives the nation's and makes the merchants of the world rich. 
Revelation is being fulfilled befor your eyes and you praise the beast that is rising. 
GOD help you when the False prophet and Lawless one arise."

CGI’s Civil War Continues!

The Church of God International recently posted another article by Jeff Reed about his personal experiences with Covid-19 on their website and on their Facebook homepage. In the article, Mr. Reed wrote: “I’ve been in isolation since testing positive for Covid last week. I am blessed to be vaccinated, so my symptoms were very mild. My God-given immune system had a blueprint for defeating this pathogen quickly. It felt like a head cold except less of an inconvenience. Head colds usually stay with me for up to two weeks, and this infection was gone in a day and a half. I continually praise God for His guidance and protection in my life. Understanding His Word can help us avoid and mitigate a lot of problems we face in life.”

He went on to share his reasoning for self-isolating: “I’m in isolation because it has been confirmed that a small percentage of vaccinated individuals can get mildly infected with the Delta variant and be contagious to others. I am one of those individuals, and I want to do all I can to protect those vulnerable to sickness and death. In the past few weeks, Covid has hit many hard in the Church of God. Many CGI congregations have also been affected.”

Readers will recall that Pastor Bill Watson’s Medina, Ohio congregation was hit particularly hard by the virus and has been at the center of the storm over Covid-19 within the church. In fact, the reaction to Mr. Reed’s last article was so negative from that direction (Ohio) that the elder decided to take a much softer and more humorous stance in this post.

He continued: “As an elder in the Church, I have no expertise or business giving anyone medical advice. We believe the choice to receive medical care or vaccination is solely left up to the individual. I did speak to a Church elder who is a medical professional, and his warning to the Church of God is to take this Delta variant seriously. It is very contagious and is spreading quickly among the unvaccinated population of our country.” This comment was followed by a retelling of the joke about the man in the house in the midst of a flood who refused the help of a jeep, boat and helicopter that God had sent to rescue him (all the time professing his faith that God would save him).

However, even with this softer voice and a touch of humor, the rancor from the other side was not restrained. The most virulent comments appeared on Facebook. One commentator wrote: “I am out, I have been following the Church of God International for over 25 years … God I pray for the Christ followers all over the world, to See what is happening. God bless” Another wrote: “Amen, I am not taking their shot!! I am almost 65 years old, praise God, If more would trust in god and put their faith and trust in him and his hands!! There would be no sicknesses or diseases!! Praise the Lord, he is the only truth, way and light in this dark world! He is the true life, unto man!! We are only passing through. With his blood covering us!! I praise you JESUS!! And I thank you for your protection!! Amen!!”

And, if those comments weren’t bad enough, there were many more in the thread that were even more egregious! One man wrote: “This is what a lukewarm church sounds like...sad to see a Church of God promoting the end time pharmakiea that deceives the nation's and makes the merchants of the world rich. Revelation is being fulfilled before your eyes and you praise the beast that is rising. GOD help you when the False prophet and Lawless one arise.” Another lady observed: “Read Psalm 91. God is our healer. One has no idea how they would have dealt with covid without the vaccine. Doctors have told me all my life there is nothing you can do for a virus but let it run its course. The vaccine is NOT stopping people from getting covid any more than mask wearing is.” And this one was priceless: “I THOUGHT THE SABBATH KEEPING CHURCHS OF GOD WERE INSTRUCTING BREATHEREN NOT TO TAKE MURDERED, WEE ABORTED BABYS TISSUES, /// VACINES INTO THERE BODYS.......” (Many of the spelling and grammatical errors were retained to demonstrate the level of the discourse on the topic).

Poor Jeff! My own thoughts and comments were a little different from the ones quoted above. The comments which I posted on CGI’s website were as follows:

“May God speed your complete recovery from the infection, and may He bless you for your care and concern for those around you. I very much enjoyed that joke you related - it has been around in various forms for many years, and the spiritual lesson is sound. Our faith must allow for whatever means God chooses to address our needs, and we must be willing to admit that God's help may not always arrive in the way that we expected it to appear. God's thinking is superior to ours, and we must not fall into the trap of trying to make/imagine Him in our own image (we are a reflection of Him, not vice versa).

Opinions are great - everybody has them, but truth is supreme! God expects Christians to be humble and care for each other. Moreover, as long as the laws and demands of human government do not contradict God's laws and will, the New Testament makes plain (Christ and Paul) that God expects His people to respect and follow those dictates. God also makes clear in Scripture that He expects His people to take care of themselves and exhibit proper care and concern for those around them.

Public health measures (vaccines, masks, distancing, cleaning) are designed to mitigate the impact of disease - not to curtail rights or freedoms. Moreover, our failure to follow that guidance may be symptomatic of attitudes that are inappropriate in a Christian (willfulness, rebellion, haughtiness). There are numerous things that governments do to protect their citizens from harm (like requiring them to stop, yield or wear seat belts when riding in a car). We can refuse to follow those directives, but a number of very negative consequences may follow (like citations, crashes, injury, or death).

You are to be commended for the good example which you have set in this matter - an example that is consistent with sound Christian theology and teachings. Likewise, Mr. Vance Stinson is to be commended for giving voice to your perspective. I hope and pray that ALL of our brothers and sisters in Christ will take note of these examples and follow them. May God continue to bless us and help us through this current scourge.”

At any rate, let’s hope that the common sense and Christian love exhibited by Mr. Reed and Mr. Stinson prevails in CGI. The physical and spiritual lives of their membership may depend on it!

Lonnie Hendrix

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Letter to Bill Watson: "Can’t Say He Didn’t Try!"

BANNED COMMENT: The above picture is by us snarky jerks here at Banned, not Lonnie. That being said, what you will read below in the comments by Bill Watson is the most appalling mess of lofty elitist points of view which are filled with a condescending demeanor that drips with self-righteousness. This is exactly why so many church members refuse to counsel with ministers in the church. Never once does Watson exemplify a Christlike attitude or even mention the guy. It's all about himself and his lofty words. No COG minister is preaching with as much gusto and truth than Watson is doing. CGI wonders why they loose members, this is why! The Jamaica CGI should count their blessings they are so far away from Watson! Ian Boyne would be appalled at what is happening!

Can’t Say He Didn’t Try!

As an outgrowth of the recent skirmish in CGI over what constitutes an appropriate Christian response to Covid-19, I decided to reach out to Bill Watson in an attempt to reach some kind of understanding or accommodation regarding some of his more extreme messaging of the last few years. And, while that effort was sincere and intended to be private, the response which I received has prompted me to share part of that correspondence with a wider audience. I do so to graphically demonstrate what appears to be a common reaction of Armstrong Church of God leaders to anyone who disagrees with them or has the audacity to challenge them on some point. In the interest of full disclosure, the quotations which follow are accurate and complete representations of everything in that correspondence; but I have reserved the right to keep private anything which specifically referenced or involved my own family.

My letter to Pastor Watson opened with this paragraph:

“For several years now, I have chosen to confront your messaging from a distance. Recent events, however, have compelled me to reach out to you personally. I have a number of fond memories of my acquaintance with you and <wife> from thirty-five years ago, but I have watched with some dismay now for a number of years as you have drifted into what I consider to be some very extreme views. In particular, I'm referring to your very vocal stances on political and cultural issues. I remember a time when you preached the gospel and liked to discuss spiritual topics, but it seems that for these past ten years or so you have become increasingly focused on political and cultural themes.”

Likewise, the final paragraph from my letter to him reads as follows:

“In short, I'm asking you directly to be more cognizant of the fact that not everyone will agree with you. Moreover, that disagreement does not automatically make them bad or evil. My support for masks and vaccines does not make me a socialist … I am hoping that we will be able to reach some kind of understanding and equilibrium going forward. Contrary to what you may think, I derive no joy from publicly opposing you ... I'm not suggesting that you change your opinions or beliefs - I'm wondering, however, if you would be willing to acknowledge that the pulpit may not be the best forum for all of them? If so, you would never have to worry about another public challenge from me.”

What follows are some excerpts from Pastor Watson’s reply to my outreach to him:

“I too, have some "fond" memories of you out at Gargus Hall with Greg Sargent and Robly Evans and so many others. You were quite the ‘ideal teen example’ back then––a lot of people had high hopes for you. But, to my dismay as well, over the years the ‘unfortunate truth’ of your dysfunction, struggles, and confusion caused you to drift into some dysphoria that sadly, messed with your sexual orientation. The disappointment of those that mentored you when you were young––would today, be devastating to them if they only knew how far you have drifted and abandoned the God you once knew so well.

I'm not sure as to just what recent events compelled you to reach out to me as you claim, but I'm stunned as to how ‘myopic’ you perceive my subject material to be. I'm…probably one of the more prolific topical presenters, comparably speaking within the C. of G. culture…and if you can lay your bias down about things you're at odds with me, you will see the variety of subject materials I cover are just exactly what you said I use to preach on, which you said was about the gospel and spiritual subjects––and I submit to you, I haven't Changed a bit on the varieties of topics I address! This is why it is hard to reason with you because you are in such a ‘closed minded, mind set’––a very stubborn man––and you're not honest with me, yourself, or your family…

Lonnie you speak from a lofty elitist point of view with a condescending demeanor that drips with self-righteousness. I am stunned that regardless of whether you accept the God of the Bible anymore or not…”

In most of the next two paragraphs, Pastor Watson tells me that I should be “happy” that my family members are still involved in Armstrongism,

Continuing with Mr. Watson’s reply:

“But sadly, those that don't see the hand of God in the lives of their loved ones are still entangled in the aberrant dysfunction of the generational curses of the family they're in––and Lonnie that is clearly and sadly pointing right at you!” 

More of the same

“So, getting back to your ‘conversation’ about your apprehensions and concerns––and the bias described in your second-last paragraph and the appeal outlined in your last paragraph–– all I can say Lonnie is shame on you for using me to deflect from your own ‘personal intimacy issues and ‘emotional dysfunctions’ in your own life. My positions on the ‘policies’ of the day within the geopolitical realm we operate in means nothing in this grand scheme of the Hendrix family curse. And Lonnie, it's up to you––that's right––you are accountable to determine what your going to do about your family issues…not to mention your own family challenges that continue, due to patterns that repeat so cycles ‘stay in play.’

Lonnie, stop the foolishness. Chasing me and attempting to undermine my ministry will only serve to embarrass and insult yourself and reveal who you really are. You have no moral ground to stand on predicated on the Bible (Rom. 1:24-25 & 26-32). My positions within the political arena, though they deal with ‘policy,’ not party politics––never-the-less, remains only a distraction between us. It helps you to cope with the Hendrix family curses by obfuscation. The real issues you need to face are the confused and aberrant intimacy dysfunctions within your own tabernacle Lonnie––that is where the demons lie––deep in those insecurities. The question is do you have the courage to face them in all their rotten, smelly, and perverted forms, taking them on to break the family curses these demons have plague your families for centuries––do you have the courage to change the patterns and break into new cycles?” 
After some more familial advice, he concluded his letter by telling me to

“get on with your life and do some good, as opposed to being an accuser of the brethren and your family, which you are doing every time you make an effort to spin me in some Satanic way that makes you feel good. Lonnie, you'll only continue to play into the hands of the devil and that is a dangerous game to play! I pray for you Lonnie. But, you really need to stop deflecting and grow up and face the dysfunction, anger, and disappointment in your life; only then will you be set free from the bonds you refuse to let go of.”

Other than affirming my continued belief in the God of the Bible and my undiminished love for my family, I will not offer any assessments of my own with respect to the relative merits of my original outreach or Mr. Watson’s reply. I am content to let our readers evaluate our messages and reach their own conclusions about them. However, whatever conclusions you reach about this correspondence, I think that this is a classic example of how Armstrongites have responded to their critics for the last eighty years. What do you think?

--Miller Jones or Lonnie Hendrix

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Church of God International's Civil War Over Covid-19


CGI’s Civil War Over Covid-19

Heretofore, the loudest voices in the Church of God International have minimized the pandemic, disputed the numbers and the science, hinted at hoaxes and conspiracy theories and ridiculed public health measures instituted by local, state and federal governments across the United States. In The International News (Summer 2020 edition), Mike James wrote an article entitled “No Need to Panic Over This Pandemic.” And, after going through the numbers from other historical plagues, he declared “this present virus is not as significant.” Another article by James in the same paper decried the fact that humans themselves are causing these pandemics and warned that bigger plagues are on the way.

In the next edition of their paper (Fall 2020), Pastor Bill Watson wrote: “thousands of convicted felons are being released from prison under the guise of ‘jeopardy to their health,’ due to the Chinese Communist Party’s virus (CCP virus). And California Governor Gavin Newsome has recently reversed his opening of the state and began to close down bars, gyms, restaurants, and churches across California again! All of this is an effort to continue keeping the state and, by extension, the nation, from restarting its economies.” And, in open defiance of the folks in Tyler, Mr. Watson hosted his own Feast of Tabernacles in Medina (mask-wearing was optional).

In a May 2020 “Coronavirus Special Report,” Mr. Watson attributed the virus to a decision by the Obama Administration to give a grant to a virology lab in Wuhan China (the clear implication being that the virus originated in that lab). Indeed, a large part of Mr. Watson’s presentation was concerned with blaming the virus on China (what that contributed to our fight against the virus was never explained). As usual, Mr. Watson’s sources were the standard right-wing outlets like Fox News and Breitbart. Like James, Watson went on to compare the current pandemic to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. He even questioned whether or not Covid-19 was responsible for all of the deaths attributed to it, and then said that the chances of dying from the virus were minimal and did not justify the measures taken to fight its spread. He went on to suggest that the impact of the virus was being exaggerated to hurt Donald Trump’s chances for reelection. In other remarks on the pandemic, Mr. Watson openly ridiculed mask-wearing and fumed about how it was infringing upon his freedom.

Finally, however, someone in CGI had the intestinal fortitude to push back against Mr. Watson’s war on the science related to the pandemic. In a May 25, 2021 post entitled “Pandemic Lies,” Mr. Jeff Reed wrote: “In the past year, we have seen many new lies originate and spread regarding the coronavirus pandemic. In my life, I have never witnessed this amount of widespread deception spread so quickly. The pandemic was a unique situation in that none of us were prepared for it, and many became so easily deceived. The danger in believing these new lies is that they could lead to your immediate death or the death of someone close to you. For many thousands, they unfortunately have. Satan is a deceiver, and he loves death.”

Mr. Reed went on to cite the horrible statistics associated with the virus and pushed back on the narrative that those death tolls had been “overly inflated.” In fact, he went on to make a compelling case that the death toll from Covid-19 has actually been underreported. And, on a note of optimism about the future, Mr. Reed remarked: 

“As I write this, there is hope that things will soon return to normal. God allowed one of the most outstanding scientific achievements in modern history. Humanity developed several highly effective coronavirus vaccines in the last year using new technologies. Two prominent mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna distributed in the United States have proven safe after hundreds of millions of doses.” 
Even so, there was immediate push back from the Bill Watson camp within the church. One commentator even pushed the now thoroughly discredited hydroxychloroquine as a potentially effective treatment for the virus. Indeed, my own nephew (who attends Bill’s congregation) suggested that the Pfizer vaccine had caused his father-in-law’s recent stroke! This, despite the fact that his father (my brother) and his fiancée (who also attend with Bill Watson’s congregation) are currently battling Covid-19! He went on to write: “Jeff, this article is only going to serve to divide the church even more. I received no edification from it but had what I know to my core attacked by it. I disagree with what you have said whole heartedly. Do you think Satan can’t influence information put on a government website? He can, he does, and he will. As your brother, I am offended completely by what you’ve said.”

Unfortunately, if past remarks and the present commentary on Mr. Reed’s post are any indication of what’s to come, my nephew is probably right about the division within the church. It appears that members of CGI currently have two options relative to the pandemic: Support Bill Watson’s narrative or keep your mouth shut! Hope springs eternal though, someone in Tyler did have the intestinal fortitude to post Mr. Reed’s remarks on their website!

For those who are interested in viewing Mr. Reed’s post in its entirety, you may do so here: Pandemic Lies

Miller Jones


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

COG Groups Love To Dish It Out But Scream Like Hell When The Tables Are Turned

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Herbert Armstrong and his successors have decried the "persecution" which they have suffered at the hands of critics. In fact, critics within and without the ACOGs have been characterized as tools of Satan deployed by him to attack/destroy "God's Church." They say that former members have allowed a root of bitterness to well up within them and make them disgruntled and vengeful. Critics outside of the Church have been characterized as deceived and/or wicked proponents of lies and distortions. In short, anyone who makes negative comments relative to the ACOGs or challenges their work, teachings or behavior is said to be attacking and persecuting the Church (and are, consequently, enemies of God).

However, if criticizing the doctrines and teachings of an organization constitutes persecuting God's Church, then Armstrong and his successors were/are master persecutors. They have always been fond of pointing out what they considered to be the erroneous teachings of Mainstream or Traditional Christianity. Armstrong said that the vast majority of Christians worshipped on the wrong day (Sunday), had adopted pagan notions and practices, preached a false gospel and were drunk with the blood of the real saints (the folks who believed as they did). Armstrong and his followers have ridiculed Mainstream/Traditional Christian teachings about the trinity, afterlife, Christmas and Easter observances, grace, religious music, symbols, and prophecy (among other things).

Now, as far as the New Testament is concerned, the modus operandi of Jesus, Peter, Paul, John, and the other saints was to call out false teachings. Indeed, throughout those writings, Christians are constantly encouraged to ignore or dismiss teachings that contradict or twist what the founders of the religion have taught. Christ warned his followers that false messiahs and prophets would arise and attempt to deceive people. Paul warned the saints of Corinth about false apostles and deceitful workmen. He also chided the saints of Galatia for abandoning the Gospel of Christ and embracing a false gospel. John told his followers not to believe everything they heard and warned them that "many false prophets have gone out into the world." Peter warned the saints that there would be false prophets and teachers among them who would introduce "destructive heresies."

Hence, if we are following the example of Scripture, it would be reasonable for us to conclude that calling out false teachers and false teachings is the appropriate way to deal with this problem. Moreover, if it was appropriate for Herbie and his successors to call out the "false" teachings/doctrines of Mainstream/Traditional Christianity, how can they claim that anyone who does the same thing to them is persecuting them? My grandmother used to say, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander!" And, when an ACOG member alleges that my criticisms of their leadership and teachings amounts to persecution, I'm thinking of another grand old axiom: That sounds an awful lot like the pot calling the kettle black!

Miller Jones

Thursday, April 8, 2021

The Church of God International and Herbert W Armstrong’s Legacy


Please note: 

 "Miller Jones requests that you direct all commentary on this piece to him and that you leave his father alone."

The Church of God International and Herbert W Armstrong’s Legacy

The late Ian Boyne once wrote: “I am happy for the CGI, to which I belong, which retains the finest teachings of Herbert Armstrong without the dross and the excesses. I am NOT saying it is the only true church! For all GTA’s moral weaknesses and reprehensible personal behavior, he reformed a system without throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  Ron Dart’s work in the CGI has also been invaluable in preserving an intellectually respectable brand of Armstrongism.”

This sentiment (that CGI has gotten rid of all of Herbie’s errors and kept the good stuff) is/was NOT peculiar to Ian Boyne. Indeed, similar comments have been posted here in relation to many of the things which I’ve posted over the years relative to that group. In fact, some commentators have even suggested that my refusal to acknowledge this “fact” is proof that I was never actually affiliated with the group (never mind the numerous articles written by me for The International News over the years). Hence, I thought that it would be instructive to take another look at this claim and see how it measures up to the reality on the ground.

First, I have always been willing to acknowledge that CGI made significant changes to Herbie’s teachings about church government. CGI should be applauded for its more enlightened views on the meaning of servant leadership, but it should also be noted that the group still occasionally practices censorship and disfellowshipping within its ranks. And, while folks like Ian Boyne rejected Anglo-Israelism, Pastor Bill Watson continues to incorporate it into his messages and insist that it is an integral part of the church’s teachings. Also, to be fair, CGI has abandoned some of Herbie’s bizarre notions about things like divorce, make-up, healing, and personal finances.

Nevertheless, I must dispute in the strongest terms available to me that CGI has retained “the finest teachings of Herbert Armstrong.” For instance, the group continues to maintain that Christians are obligated to keep many of the tenets of the Old Covenant (Sabbath, Holy Days, Tithing, Clean/Unclean Meats). Likewise, they have retained many of Herbie’s twisted notions about prophecy, the “incredible human potential,” the “world tomorrow,” angels, Binitarianism, the meaning of Holy Day symbolism, the “truth” as the marker of a real Christian, the “true” gospel and the rejection of all things “pagan.”

I can hear it now, “Well, what’s wrong with those things?” Unfortunately, the plain truth is that the Church of God International has retained MOST of the core doctrines/teachings of Herbert W Armstrong. Yes, a search of their website may not turn up any mention of the man, but his fingerprints are all over the teachings and traditions of the Church of God International – whether or not they’re willing to acknowledge it!


--Miller Jones

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Dave Pack, the Church of God and Willful Ignorance


Banned by HWA recently posted some commentary on a video produced by Dave Pack which purports to definitively answer the question: Does God Exist? In fact, Mr. Pack's video is only one of many offerings from the ACOG's on this topic - The founder of the movement, Herbert W Armstrong was the first of this tribe to discourse on the subject.

The problem with these offerings is that they almost always rely on false science - bits and pieces of real science which ignore anything that might contradict the point they are trying to make. This is often called confirmation bias in the real world. What is confirmation bias? According to Psychology Today, "Once we have formed a view, we embrace information that confirms that view while ignoring, or rejecting, information that casts doubt on it. Confirmation bias suggests that we don’t perceive circumstances objectively. We pick out those bits of data that make us feel good because they confirm our prejudices. Thus, we may become prisoners of our assumptions."

This phenomenon is closely related to the concept of willful ignorance. In defining the term, Urban Dictionary tells us: "The practice or act of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard or disagreement with facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguments because they oppose or contradict your own existing personal beliefs. This practice is most commonly found in the political or religious ideologies of 'conservative' Americans. Many times it is practiced due to laziness--people not wanting to have to do the work to rethink their opinions, the fear of the unknown, the fear of being wrong, or sometimes simply close-mindedness." In this connection, it is interesting to note that the author of the Second Epistle of Peter denigrated those who are "willingly" ignorant (see II Peter 3:5).

However, this kind of ignorance is not the exclusive property of Armstrongites or Christians in general. Unfortunately, it also very often afflicts the atheists and intellectuals who are fond of pointing out the cognitive dissonance and outright hypocrisy of their religious counterparts! Very often, these folks ridicule or dismiss the concept of FAITH (which should be the real basis of the true Christian's belief in things Divine).

And most students of the Bible know that the best definition of faith is found in the eleventh chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. As with many things biblical, however, the flowery old King James English sometimes gets in the way of comprehending the real import of what is being said. Please allow me to paraphrase those critical first three verses of the chapter: "Faith demonstrates the reality which underscores our hope - it is our EVIDENCE for the things that we cannot perceive or evaluate by the exercising of our human senses. Our forbearers shined through the expression of their faith (and we should not devalue their contributions to our understanding of these things). Faith is our tool for understanding that God created everything out of things which are also not readily perceived through our five human senses - it allows us to conclude that God is the source of all things without having all of the physical evidence at our disposal to reach that conclusion based entirely on our own observations." (see Hebrews 11:1-3)

It makes me sad when folks attempt to negate or dismiss things which they don't understand (and don't demonstrate any inclination/desire/willingness to understand). Unfortunately, most of us reach conclusions about things based on varying degrees of research and consideration (often little to none), and then we are finished with it. We have proven our belief(s) to our satisfaction, and everyone else be damned! The problem with this should be obvious to everyone. When we are no longer willing to explore and learn, when we close ourselves off to the possibility that others may be right (and we may be wrong), we have taken the path of willful ignorance. Is it really so terrifying to admit that we don't know something? Is God finite or infinite? Is God contained? Is God finished? What is the origin of our ability to learn? Can God learn? Can God grow? Is ignorance bliss? What do you think?

Lonnie Hendrix/Miller Jones

Monday, November 16, 2020

What does it mean to be persecuted? Certain COG Leaders Love To Proclaim They Are Being Persecuted When They Get Called Out

What does it mean to be persecuted?

The leadership in many of the Armstrong Churches of God frequently claim that they are being persecuted because of the message they preach. They are in good company among U.S. Evangelicals in this regard. In short, they don't like the fact that some folks have characterized their messages as racist, homophobic or contrary to the spirit of Christ; and they call this persecution. In other words, any effort to denigrate or limit the appeal of their message is regarded by them as persecution. But is it really fair to characterize that as persecution?

Jesus Christ is reported to have said: "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." - Matthew 5:10-12, NIV Notice that Christ differentiated between those who were to be persecuted "for righteousness' sake" and suffer as a consequence of false accusations, and those who would suffer for the sake of genuine wrongdoing. Moreover, this differentiation is reaffirmed in the First Epistle of Peter where the apostle is discussing the treatment of slaves. We read there: "For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God." - I Peter 2:19-20, NIV

Now my ACOG and Evangelical friends would say that they are standing up for righteousness when they advocate for the harsh treatment, imprisonment or death of homosexuals, abortionists and protestors; and they claim God's sanction for their persecution of these people. And, they have the audacity to claim persecution when someone dares to criticize them for doing it!

From a scriptural perspective, the kind of persecution that Christ and his followers experienced is not even comparable to what these ACOG and Evangelical leaders are claiming. Jesus wasn't simply criticized and insulted because of his message - HE WAS BEATEN AND PUT TO DEATH! Stephen was stoned to death! Paul was imprisoned for years and eventually executed! Indeed, when past persecutions of God's saints were discussed by the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, we read: "Some were jeered at, and their backs were cut open with whips. Others were chained in prisons. Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword. Some went about wearing skins of sheep and goats, destitute and oppressed and mistreated. They were too good for this world, wandering over deserts and mountains, hiding in caves and holes in the ground." - Hebrews 11:36-38 How many of these ACOG and Evangelical leaders have experienced these things?

Indeed, the way that the Greek word translated into English as "persecuted" is used in the writings known to us as the New Testament suggests people pursuing someone to the death! In other words, real persecution is indicative of an existential threat to the one being persecuted. And, as far as I can tell, none of these ACOG or Evangelical leaders have been imprisoned or put to death yet (at least, not for the sake of the messages they are preaching). On the other hand, the Yazidi people or Chinese Christians would certainly be justified in claiming persecution. However, a little criticism for what many folks would consider the persecution of others, does not even approach the level of real persecution. Even if we consider the targets of these folks to be "evil," we are hard-pressed to find any scriptural justification for persecuting them. In fact, isn't the proper role of a minister of Jesus Christ to seek that which was lost and to bind up the brokenhearted?

Hence, as long as these folks continue to peddle their hate-filled messages about "sinners", they should expect to be challenged by others. My advice to them: Stop whining about persecution and put on your big boy pants and get ready for some tough talk!

Miller Jones/Lonnie Hendrix

Saturday, October 31, 2020

CGI Is Competing With Pack, Flurry & Theil For Most Crazy!


The obsession of two of the leading pastors of the Church of God International with right-wing politics and conspiracy theories is clearly pushing that group into the “Bat Shit Crazy” category (Gary may soon be forced to add them to his poll). Recent sermons by Adrian Davis and Bill Watson have been literally chocked-full of warnings about folks on the left as socialists, communists, globalists, homosexuals, Jewish elites, Black Lives Matter supporters and pedophiles. In fact, listening to some of their most recent sermons one might conclude that the fall of the United States is imminent if Joe Biden and the Democrats are swept into power in the rapidly approaching U.S. election!

In his most recent sermon, Pastor Davis declared that no matter who wins the election “America is gone…It’s just a matter of time – It’s just how quickly America will collapse.” He went on to say that America is already gone as an idea, and that the communist takeover is almost complete! He goes on to suggest that anyone who supports those wicked globalists and communists is in reality worshipping Satan! Pastor Davis proceeds to decry the “beautiful rhetoric” of the Left about coming together to solve problems and helping the disadvantaged. He then goes on to attack those who have advocated for a more serious and sober approach to handling the Covid19 pandemic. Pastor Davis believes that those who are advocating for global cooperation in instituting scientific health measures to protect folks are pushing fear. He says the coronavirus is contagious, but not very lethal. He points to Donald Trump’s quick recovery from the virus as proof of his point. Davis then proceeds to denigrate anyone who would deign to find fault with what happened to George Floyd. After that rant, the good pastor returns to his attack on those nasty advocates of social distancing and mask wearing – even injecting a right-wing video to buttress his attack! And, if you think I’m making up stuff about poor Pastor Davis, then just listen to the sermon for yourself (if you have the stomach)...Mask and You Shall Receive

In his most recent sermon, Pastor Watson calls out those “self-proclaimed” socialist Democrats: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Like his preferred president (Trump), the fact that none of these individuals is the current standard bearer of the Democratic Party makes no difference to him! He proceeds to decry just how much America has changed in his lifetime – things like two homosexuals being able to marry each other! Pastor Watson also spends a great deal of time defending his obsession with politics - often pointing to the moral implications of issues like abortion and transgender rights. He says that folks on the left want to replace the U.S. Constitution with a socialist platform. Watson proceeds to decry professional athletes taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem at sporting events. And, if that isn’t bad enough, Mr. Watson is outraged by the fact that Ohio has recently instituted a mask wearing mandate because of Covid19. The gall of these folks to interfere with his rights! For Pastor Watson, masks don’t make sense, and he glories in the fact that the mandate exempts him as a pastor. “America!” he declares, “Freedom to travel…freedom to breathe fresh air!” Mr. Watson is paranoid about the collection of data. He sees dark conspiracies at work everywhere. He decries the fact that we are “quarantining the healthy.” Watson says he has no problem with folks wearing masks, just don’t force him to wear one! Later, he launches into a diatribe about a socialist platform and suggests that these folks are coming for your guns and are going to take away your right to vote. Once again, you don’t have to take my word for it – If you can stomach the message, you can view it in its entirety here:  The Black Robe Regiment

Now, while I’m confident that these rants will appeal to a great many of the supporters of Donald Trump, I do not think that they have much to with proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, if one is truly trying to reach the broadest possible audience with that message, how do you think an extremely partisan message will accomplish that? I have no idea how much of the leadership and membership of the Church of God International actually subscribes to these extreme views – hopefully not many of them. However, by providing a platform for these views, we are forced to conclude that that organization has clearly gone off the rails!

Miller Jones / Lonnie Hendrix