Saturday, October 31, 2020

CGI Is Competing With Pack, Flurry & Theil For Most Crazy!


The obsession of two of the leading pastors of the Church of God International with right-wing politics and conspiracy theories is clearly pushing that group into the “Bat Shit Crazy” category (Gary may soon be forced to add them to his poll). Recent sermons by Adrian Davis and Bill Watson have been literally chocked-full of warnings about folks on the left as socialists, communists, globalists, homosexuals, Jewish elites, Black Lives Matter supporters and pedophiles. In fact, listening to some of their most recent sermons one might conclude that the fall of the United States is imminent if Joe Biden and the Democrats are swept into power in the rapidly approaching U.S. election!

In his most recent sermon, Pastor Davis declared that no matter who wins the election “America is gone…It’s just a matter of time – It’s just how quickly America will collapse.” He went on to say that America is already gone as an idea, and that the communist takeover is almost complete! He goes on to suggest that anyone who supports those wicked globalists and communists is in reality worshipping Satan! Pastor Davis proceeds to decry the “beautiful rhetoric” of the Left about coming together to solve problems and helping the disadvantaged. He then goes on to attack those who have advocated for a more serious and sober approach to handling the Covid19 pandemic. Pastor Davis believes that those who are advocating for global cooperation in instituting scientific health measures to protect folks are pushing fear. He says the coronavirus is contagious, but not very lethal. He points to Donald Trump’s quick recovery from the virus as proof of his point. Davis then proceeds to denigrate anyone who would deign to find fault with what happened to George Floyd. After that rant, the good pastor returns to his attack on those nasty advocates of social distancing and mask wearing – even injecting a right-wing video to buttress his attack! And, if you think I’m making up stuff about poor Pastor Davis, then just listen to the sermon for yourself (if you have the stomach)...Mask and You Shall Receive

In his most recent sermon, Pastor Watson calls out those “self-proclaimed” socialist Democrats: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Like his preferred president (Trump), the fact that none of these individuals is the current standard bearer of the Democratic Party makes no difference to him! He proceeds to decry just how much America has changed in his lifetime – things like two homosexuals being able to marry each other! Pastor Watson also spends a great deal of time defending his obsession with politics - often pointing to the moral implications of issues like abortion and transgender rights. He says that folks on the left want to replace the U.S. Constitution with a socialist platform. Watson proceeds to decry professional athletes taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem at sporting events. And, if that isn’t bad enough, Mr. Watson is outraged by the fact that Ohio has recently instituted a mask wearing mandate because of Covid19. The gall of these folks to interfere with his rights! For Pastor Watson, masks don’t make sense, and he glories in the fact that the mandate exempts him as a pastor. “America!” he declares, “Freedom to travel…freedom to breathe fresh air!” Mr. Watson is paranoid about the collection of data. He sees dark conspiracies at work everywhere. He decries the fact that we are “quarantining the healthy.” Watson says he has no problem with folks wearing masks, just don’t force him to wear one! Later, he launches into a diatribe about a socialist platform and suggests that these folks are coming for your guns and are going to take away your right to vote. Once again, you don’t have to take my word for it – If you can stomach the message, you can view it in its entirety here:  The Black Robe Regiment

Now, while I’m confident that these rants will appeal to a great many of the supporters of Donald Trump, I do not think that they have much to with proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, if one is truly trying to reach the broadest possible audience with that message, how do you think an extremely partisan message will accomplish that? I have no idea how much of the leadership and membership of the Church of God International actually subscribes to these extreme views – hopefully not many of them. However, by providing a platform for these views, we are forced to conclude that that organization has clearly gone off the rails!

Miller Jones / Lonnie Hendrix


Anonymous said...

Ted Armstrong would have loved Trump and all that bullshit.

Anonymous said...

These crazy pastors might want to read Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli, an agreement between the new USA and Ottoman Tripolitania, which states:

As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen, and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Yes, before 1800, American leaders already knew and did not hesitate to state that the USA was NOT "a Christian nation." CGI seems to have been a little slow catching on to this.

Anonymous said...

well, Davis & Watson are not wrong...they are noticing trends which will result in the end of the USA.

CGI has long had a problem recognizing the line between watching, and actually getting into politics.

yes, the whole mask thing is a sham, playing on fear in order to control the people...they've tried the same thing with "global warming/climate change" and before that, the whole "ozone hole" farce (they got away with that one).

the mask thing is just another in a long list of tactics to bring down the current administration....keep people afraid so the economy will crash, ushering in a communistic government and all that goes with it (such as persecution of The Church).

socialism/communism has to keep it destroys one nation it must move to the next, else it will die out.

after the war the communists scored a great victory in Britain, and we see how that culture has descended into the mess that it is today.

on 9/11/01 God allowed Satan to strike us in our & military....but He did not allow the symbol of our government to be hit..he preserved the country....the problem is, we did not heed His warning, and effectively doubled down on our sin....(and yes, the acceptance of homosexuality plays a big part in that)

Britain has pretty much fallen, and America isn't very far behind....this once great nation will collapse...God has foretold it.

wes white said...

Lonnie closes his post with the observation that “…by providing a platform for (Bill Watson’s) views, we are forced to conclude that that organization (CGI) has clearly gone off the rails!”

And I wish I could argue with Lonnie’s conclusion, but I wouldn’t know where to begin because I just don’t get it.

In fact, I am further perplexed because, on the latest BOTS, Jeff Reed explained the problem of Christians who suffer from the Dunning-Kruger Effect. This is where studies have shown that, the more ignorant a person is, the more confident he is in his opinions.

Bill Watson is a walking epitome of the Dunning-Kruger Effect! The man is ignorant, but has no awareness that he is ignorant. As a GTA wannabe, for years he has displayed the confidence of a strutting peacock.

So, when Lonnie closes with his conclusion, my question is then: “Why do the leaders in CGI not see what so many others see?“ When it comes to Bill Watson (the face of CGI’s Armor of God program), the leaders of CGI seem to have no idea that the emperor has no clothes.

I wish someone wiser than I would tell me what’s going on because I just don’t understand it. I admit my ignorance in this seeming dichotomy.

Wes White
Big Sandy TX

Anonymous said...

My wife and I will no longer attend any service Davis and Watson preach at. We are sick of their conspiracy theories and hate-filled comments. We take a widow out to lunch on those days instead. When they have alienated the elderly members they should stop and take a look at their messages.

Anonymous said...

Wes wrote: Bill Watson - As a GTA wannabe, for years he has displayed the confidence of a strutting peacock.

Those words are so true. The miserable man thinks he is a GTA and is anything but! He is s strutting peacock but without the glamorous feathers.

Anonymous said...

Well politics can be ugly but I don't care for Miller Jones hypocrisy regarding politics either. Joe Biden has dementia even though the media won't cover it. Biden actively recruited millions of dollars from foreign governments for his useless son. If one of Trump's son did that, the media would be screaming non stop about it.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 10/31 @ 9:26 AM,

The prophetic perspective of these two ministers (and, apparently, you) is flawed because of their acceptance of British Israelism. However, I do agree with you that they have blurred the line (that's being charitable) between politics and religion.

And I share Wes' confusion at the apparent dichotomy that exists within CGI. I understand the desire for unity, but Tyler either supports and endorses this stuff or they don't! Which is it? Has the Church of God International endorsed Donald Trump for President? Does CGI subscribe to QAnon? Does CGI believe that Globalists and Democrats worship Satan? Since I still have family in that Church, my questions are NOT purely academic - I'd really like to know!


The W.A. said...

UCG seems to be leaning in a similar direction.

The November-December 2020 Beyond Today (mailed right on time for the U.S. election) may be the most politically slanted issue UCG's ever published. Scott Ashley practically admits it in one of his articles.

The issue isn't really pro-Trump (he's barely mentioned), but anti-Democrat - all the way down to opposing statehood for Puerto Rico and restrictions on Second Amendment rights (even though an article calls "dangerous" the stat that the U.S. now has "more firearms than people").

Could this be because Dr. Ward isn't heading the Council of Elders anymore?

Anonymous said...

After reading the article, I concluded that it's Miller Jones who is bat crazy. The article is one big gas lighting job, similar to Peter denying Christ three times.

The effect of 9/11/01 was America removing Iraq as an obstacle to Iran's rise to power and hence fulfilling it's role as the prophesied king of the south.

This vote for Biden (who was arrested as a student for stealing street signs) article is purely political, and I don't believe it belongs on Banned.

Tonto said...

Bill Watson's hair is just not as good as Garner Ted Armstong's!

Anonymous said...

I listened to Adrian's recent sermon. Many points in it were excellent.

nck said...

No Lonnie.

Exactly BECAUSE of their embracing of BI, these ministers serve as THE LITMUS test or CANARY in the Coalmine regarding CULTURAL SHIFTS.

They are therefore EXACTLY right about the CHANGE or transformation to ANOTHER america from the past.

This also exactly the significance of the Amy Barett choice for the Supreme Court as a vestige for the doctrine of ORIGINALISM.

Of course on religious topics we might disagree with cog or cgi. But on Cultural topics 1920 fundamentalist radio church of god, 1960's railing against youth culture the beatles, communism and today the last stronghold of the OLD America of 1950 at its, zenith of political power transitioning into one among many nations not being exceptional anymore under Trump having lost ALL of its moral soft power amongst its allies.

And cgi ministers are the canary in the mine.


Anonymous said...

9:24 AM
That conveniently oft-quoted statement in the treaty by anti-Christian secularists as if the American nation, its people, culture and religion isn't rooted in Christianity is soundly refuted by history itself besides various American Christian historians like Eidsmoe's Christianity and the Constitution and Wallbuilders.

2:08 PM
Iran is not the king of the south. It's not even south of Jerusalem. Historically the king of the south was Egypt while the king of the north was Syria--both south and north respectively of Jerusalem! How then can Iran fulfill the king of the south, when it's not even south of Jerusalem, but east!

And 9:26 AM is essentially correct. America is on the decline and will fall soon. The 2020 presidential election with demented old Joe on one side and troublemaking old Trump on the other is evidence of this. Whoever wins American Christians will be the loser.

"Thy Kingdom Come!"

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...


The Church is commissioned to preach Christ's message and to advocate for the culture of the Kingdom of God. Imagine Christians trying to protect Roman culture, preserve the Empire or defend Western Civilization against Islam (Oh, wait, they did do that - and we see how those ventures turned out). The point is that Christian soldiers are NOT supposed to become entangled in civilian affairs. The ministers of Jesus Christ have a commission to advance Christ's message and Kingdom and protect his flock. They have NO commission to protect the white culture of 1950's America!

Moreover, the very thing that they think they are trying to protect is an illusion. Yes, the 1950's were great for white, heterosexual Americans - not so much for other folks. The truth of America's history is that the achievement of the ideals expressed in our founding documents has been a slow and tortuous process (like ending slavery and extending the rights of citizenship to black Americans and women). Yes, that element of rugged individualism has existed from the beginning, but the element of cooperative effort toward shared goals has also been there from the beginning - competing with that other impulse. In other words, the so called Culture War that you reference is an ongoing feature of Americana. America is changing - it has been changing since the beginning (and trying to stop that is like pissing in the wind).

The United States is supposed to be a democratic republic. Hence, for Christians, we are faced with a different situation than the one which faced First Century Christians vis-à-vis their relationship with human government. Since the people have a voice in the government, we can see how Christians could come to the conclusion that they have dual citizenship. Nevertheless, even for those of us who have adopted that perspective, it is imperative that we not lose sight of the fact that our primary citizenship is kept in Heaven! I don't have any problem with the saints discussing the moral implications of policy and voting - I do have a problem with ministers telling their flocks who and what to vote for! Personally, I'd rather not be discussing this subject in this forum. However, as long as we have ministers who are willing to get down in the mud, they had better be prepared to be challenged!


Anonymous said...

Well said Anon 2:08

Anonymous said...

I find it revealing that Lonnie doesn't mention his dad in his list of demented ministers. His dad believes in everything that Watson and Davis teach and he also preaches it.

Lonnie is most definitely demented himself and Lonnie and Wes have both shown their own actions being the Dunning-Kruger Effect. They think they know it all and are too ignorant to admit it.

I also find it hilarious that Wes was taken from the CGI speaking list because of his political rhetoric. Being anti-political and condemning those who are political is political in itself!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 11/1 @ 7:14,

You find it revealing that a son who loves his father wouldn't mention his father in this connection. I finding it revealing that you would draw attention to such a thing. And how do you know what that my father believes in everything Watson and Davis teach? Moreover, even if he did, I fail to see how that boosts their credibility!

As for myself, I am acutely aware of the fact that I may be wrong. My own life experiences (as a former member of Worldwide and associate of CGI) underscore that fact. Indeed, over the years, I have acknowledged numerous errors and have changed/modified my perspective on a number of issues (both political and spiritual).

Wes can certainly speak for himself, but I believe his own history testifies to the same thing (the ability to admit error, change and move on). What about you? I would say that anyone who becomes more certain of their own perspective as life goes on and less amenable to the perspective of others is the personification of ignorance. And immunity to the influence of evidence is the definition of ignorance!

Anonymous ` said...


I did not watch the videos you provided so I may not have the full scope of the issue that you presented. I was just not in the mood for more of that kind of unbridled cyncism. I am oversubscribed as it is due to just listening to the evening news.

For the National Socialists in Germany back in the 1930s what was really destroying their nation was The International Jew - an odious and xenophobic fabrication that history now invalidates. I quote Adolf from Mein Kampf on the political use of information:

"The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses."


"The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one."


"The greatness of every mighty organization embodying an idea in this world lies in the religious fanaticism and intolerance with which, fanatically convinced of its own right, it intolerantly imposes its will against all others."

And, finally and very oddly:

"As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice."

I am not suggesting that these Armstrongists that you refer to are Nazis. I am asserting that effective patterns of information control tend to be repeated in many different venues. The challenge is to determine what the purpose behind information manipulation really is. For Hitler it was to march armies off to conquer the World. But what is it for a tiny forgettable Apocalyptic Millerite sect in East Texas? Are they just channeling Trump? Riding on his energizing, albeit chaotic, coattails? Is this just opportunistic or is there something new on the horizon?

Anonymous said...

The writer behind the name Lonnie is not who you think they are. It's all an elaborate illusion.

wes white said...

Anon 7:14 is mistaken when he says I was taken off the CGI speaking list because of my political rhetoric.

First of all, I REMOVED MYSELF from the speaking list because of the hassle I was getting from Bill Watson and his minions for my hair length and for preaching against things like headline theology.

Second, I prided myself (perhaps too much) for being apolitical in the pulpit. No sermon giver in CGI back then preached against politics in the pulpit more than I did.

If anyone in CGI is telling Anon 7:14 differently than what I have stated above, I would like to know that person's name so I can contact him directly to set the record straight. So, Anon 7:14, what is the source of your information?

Finally, while I hope I am not suffering from Dunning-Kruger, that may indeed be the case. That being said, please go back and read my comments where I admitted my ignorance in the matter that Lonnie wrote about. Further, I constantly question my beliefs. HWA once said that, if you can prove something once, you can prove it over and over again. I think he was absolutely right on that point. I don't mind re-proving the things I believe because I admit that I see thru a glass darkly. I admit that. In a sermon I gave in CG7 yesterday, I told the congregation that, if you're ever in a church where they tell you to stop questioning things, you are in the wrong church. And I have no problem admitting that I have made mistakes and continue to do so. Banned and the Painful Truth are replete with my mea culpas regarding my past actions.

--Wes White

(Sorry if this shows up twice. I sometimes have problems posting to Banned.)

nck said...


I do agree that some ministers are tryi ng to protect "mythical america" which once was the "common accepted narrative" holding an individualistic (I mean common Hollywood, in the rest of the world police waits for back up instead of going alone into the empty building and shoot the villain in the face) society.

If the shared narrative breaks down, the nation breaks down.

The dumbest thing I ever encountered as a student was MTV for black persons, MTV for hispanics, MTV for wasps, or other divisive connotations like "afro american, common american or nothing...


Anonymous said...

Responding to Lonnie, November 1, 2020 at 4:47 AM

Equality and fraternity. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values. Yes, they are difficult to implement, but they are very attractive, nevertheless. In other words, this can be seen as an ideological basis for developing contacts with the Democratic representative.

It is a fact that African Americans constitute a stable electorate, one of the electorates of the Democratic Party. It is a well-known fact, and there is nothing new about this. The Soviet Union also supported the African Americans’ movement for their legitimate rights. Back in the 1930s, Communist International leaders wrote that both black and white workers had a common enemy – imperialism and capitalism. They also wrote that these people could become the most effective group in the future revolutionary battle.

So, this is something that can be seen, to a degree, as common values, if not a unifying agent for us. I am not afraid to say so. This is true.

Vlad P.

Tonto said...

Wes White has better hair than either Garner Ted Armstrong or Bill Watson!

Anonymous said...

"I would say that anyone who becomes more certain of their own perspective as life goes on and less amenable to the perspective of others is the personification of ignorance."

That is precisely what you have been doing on this blog for quite a while. Who is the one who wrote the article condemning Watson and Davis? It wasn't me!

Hi pot...

Anonymous said...

"Second, I prided myself (perhaps too much) for being apolitical in the pulpit. No sermon giver in CGI back then preached against politics in the pulpit more than I did."

That was your problem Wes, you condemned anyone that was political. As I said in my last response, that's being political too!

Removed yourself, what a hoot. Keep telling yourself that.

Just like you didn't take advantage of Allie Dart. Of course you'll deny that too. But the truth is you were never a part of CEM until after Ron died and you knew Allie's time was short.

Anonymous said...

In case someone here doesn't know Adrian Davis is black. He's free to give his opinion of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Anonymous said...

"But what is it for a tiny forgettable Apocalyptic Millerite sect in East Texas?"

For something so "forgettable" you sure bring Millerites up enough!

Anonymous said...

3.40 AM
Read your bible. It says "king OF the the south" ie, king of the southern region. It does NOT say as you imply, that it's the king IN the south.

Vlad P
The problem with "equality" as Napoleon and others used/use it, is that it means different things to different people. Which was why it's popular. However it typically does not conform to the 'equality' defined in the parable of the talents, ie, people given different amounts of talents with differing levels or achievement.
Equality in the biblical sense is that everyone is under the law, with equal penalties applied for the same crimes committed.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...


You saved yourself some pain and horror by not listening to their messages. Unfortunately, Watson and Davis believe that anyone who isn't on their side is an enemy of God and the truth and is worshipping Satan. In short, the other side can't be just wrong - they have to be evil. This is certainly what the NAZIs did in relation to demonizing the Jews, homosexuals and people that were considered defective. I don't believe Adrian and Bill are NAZIs or evil people, and I accept their confessions of faith as Christians. However, I do question their judgment as ministers in this matter in the strongest terms possible.

"Thy Kingdom Come" Anonymous,

One of the reasons these Armstrong COG folks get prophecy so wrong when it comes to things like talking about the "identity" of the kings of the North and South is the fact that they are so ignorant of the history associated with the Middle East and the book which they're attempting to interpret. Frankly, I don't see how anyone expresses anything approaching a rational and coherent take on these prophecies without being thoroughly familiar with the books of I and II Maccabees and the writings of Josephus. Moreover, your point about the geography of the region is spot on - Once again, attribute that to ignorance of where these countries are in relation to the land of Israel. This is what happens when folks say things like "I don't need any other book but the Bible!"

wes white said...

Anon 1:11. I know who you are! You and I have had these conversations about politics before! And, as I said to you the last time we talked on the phone, “Calm down! You are seriously overweight and have real health problems. You are going to have a heart attack! None of this is worth dying over.”

1) Your last post said I condemned anyone that (sic) was political. I NEVER condemn anyone. This is a big part of my ministry that I say we should never condemn people. I only condemn a person’s teachings, actions, and doctrines. But I do not “condemn anyone.”

2) If you feel I did not remove myself from the CGI’s preaching schedule, then get someone at CGI to back up your claim that they removed me. That should be easy if your statement is true. You are good buddies with the Tyler leadership. But your statement is incorrect.

3) You said I was never a part of CEM. You are absolutely correct. I was never part of CEM. After Ron got sick, he was abandoned by so many of his fair-weather friends. There were many guys who used to suck up to Ron and compete for his attention when he was doing well. But then Ron had his accident and so many of them deserted Ron. Never called him. Never came by to visit him. I know this was true because I was in the CEM offices regularly. I saw who came to see Ron. It was during this time (when Ron was recovering and almost completely alone) that Allie CONTACTED ME and ASKED ME to come over and help out. I did so gladly. It is interesting that you bring up CEM. RLDEA and CEM have made peace between our two organizations. All animosity between CEM and RLDEA has been totally removed. So I have no idea why you would say these things at this late stage. As a supporter of CEM, you are certainly going against the agreement that we have to promote peace between us.

4) Finally, you said I took advantage of Allie. It is so nice of you defend Allie’s honor – especially since you couldn’t stand Allie and never had anything nice to say about the poor old widow during her last years of grief and suffering.

--Wes White

Anonymous said...

Miller Jones
I don't need to read Josephus (though I have read some of his writings) or the books of the Maccabees to identity the king of the North or king of the South. In the same way that I don't need detailed weather information and a high powered computer to tell me what the weather will be in the next few minutes. All I have to do is look out the window. Simple. So all I need to do is observe the Middle East and it's mistreatment of Europe to know who the players are. I can also look at social indicators such as the national/global debt to see that we are close to the end.
Just because others previously got it wrong, does not mean everyone has it wrong, or that ancient books are needed to see the near obvious.

Anonymous said...

2:50 PM said:
Read your bible. It says "king OF the the south" ie, king of the southern region. It does NOT say as you imply, that it's the king IN the south."

Oh brother! Well with that same twisted logic the "kings of the east" in Revelation 16:12 could be misinterpreted as Egypt and Saudi Arabia then! SMH!

Miller Jones said:
One of the reasons these Armstrong COG folks get prophecy so wrong when it comes to things like talking about the "identity" of the kings of the North and South is the fact that they are so ignorant of the history associated with the Middle East and the book which they're attempting to interpret. Frankly, I don't see how anyone expresses anything approaching a rational and coherent take on these prophecies without being thoroughly familiar with the books of I and II Maccabees and the writings of Josephus. Moreover, your point about the geography of the region is spot on - Once again, attribute that to ignorance of where these countries are in relation to the land of Israel. This is what happens when folks say things like "I don't need any other book but the Bible!"

Right you are MJ! ;-) Is it no wonder then so many Americans fail dismally at geography and history?! As Trump would say, "It's sad, so sad!" LOL!

Anonymous said...

7.44 PM
Looks like attack-guy, Kevin something-a-rather is back. Attack, attack, attack.

Anonymous said...

Lonnie said: "The Church is commissioned to preach Christ's message and to advocate for the culture of the Kingdom of God...The point is that Christian soldiers are NOT supposed to become entangled in civilian affairs. The ministers of Jesus Christ have a commission to advance Christ's message and Kingdom and protect his flock. They have NO commission to protect the white culture of 1950's America!"

I gotta say I'm guilty of idealizing 1950s America like so many others and would've loved to have lived during the era of Kennedy's "Camelot" and the "Rat Pack" being born in New England, going to some preppy school, studying at some Ivy League college and working or holidaying all over the US like Maine, Rhode Island, Cape Cod, Long Island, Vermont, Palm Springs, Miami, etc. and live a wealthy and influential life with my adoring wife and kids just like in the movies!

And like a lot of the Hollywood movies we watch they don't help in dispelling this Americana mythos as the excellent documentary "Hollywoodism" (see proves. A good quote from the film: "Their's was a mythical America. A world of boundless optimism, happy endings and homespun truths. This was a world of clapboard houses with broad verandahs and white picket fences, gleaming streets and shops with friendly picture windows. Hollywood's America was made up of citizens who were industrious, religious, wholesome and decent. And although they were of different classes and ethnicities they were knitted together by a larger almost spiritual sense of family. The moguls created the images, the icons and the visual forms that we identify with the American way of life...They created their own America. An America, which is not the real America. It's their own version of the real America, but ultimately this shadow America becomes so popular and so widely disseminated, that its images and its values come to devour the real America. And so the grand irony of all of Hollywood is that Americans come to define themselves by the shadow America that was created by eastern European Jewish immigrants who weren't admitted to the precincts of the real America."

Hence, the Jewish movie moguls idealized the WASPish America of the 1950s era and that's why so many films and TV shows even today are embedded with this nostalgia even though in truth there's no era that has ever been ideal since for Christians the golden age isn't to be found in the past, but in the future for it's yet to come under Christ as King.

Kenneth said...

Political hit piece. Should not be posted on banned.

All societies ether continue to change or they stagnate and die.
All societies rise and fall as the natural course of events. Nothing lasts forever.