Friday, October 30, 2020

Dave Pack: What is he hiding from the world?


From a reader:

A special thanks to the courageous ones who have been providing this information. Standing up to the Wadsworth bully has provided enough information these last few years to severely weaken Mr. Pack's grandiose ambitions for years in the future.

One of the most asked questions from the early concerned membership sent to headquarters addressing Mr. Pack's departure from Herbert Armstrong's teachings and the great additions to Herbert Armstrong's teachings was: "if this is all all true, how come HWA didn't see it or understand it"?


So what is Mr. Pack hiding from the world? If his truth and understanding is so special that Herbert Armstrong would have thundered it to the whole world had he known it, what is holding him back from doing the same?

We just heard in one of the released sermons where Mr. Pack said his church is doing very well financially and is in very good shape and poised to do a great work. So presumably money is not an issue.

Now we have the RCG chasing ghosts real and imagined who my be pirating out of Wadsworth the supposed thunderous truth that the whole world needs to hear. 

That's alright Dave, keep your special message locked in a vault and plaster it into the walls of headquarters. For there is Dee Bunker, Ex RCG, NO2HWA, your son-in-law, Jeff, the three evil shepherds (sorry Kaidanneks), strong women and men whose marriages you have tried to destroy, many anonymouses, people that care and many others who have in their possession or in their minds the complete truth about you and all of them are glad to freely share it.


Unknown said...

I hate Mr.Pack.

Anonymous said...

Well apparently he is lying about what he tells others or he would stand behind what he says. When I say something to someone and get asked about it later by someone else I tell them Yes, I did say that. One usually hides something if they know they are lying about it, whatever it may be.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Why hide these so-called “wonderful truths” from everyone? Freely you have received, so freely give (Matt 10:8). Let's share it with the world! People have the right to know about their impending doom, or is it glad tidings and the acceptable year of the Lord, or no... wait... it is impending doom, right? Who knows, we can't keep it straight.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you all know that you guys have hit a raw nerve with Mr. Pack. There are some mighty angry people here.

anonymous said...

Thankyou to everyone who passes on information about RCG and Pack himself to this blog. I appreciate you doing this.

My mother is one of Packs fools.
She constantly lies, she's secretive, refuses to have anything to do with her family and lives like a pauper.
What money she had is now gone. Of course we know where and who too.
This blog is the only way I can get some idea of what is going on in her life.

Anonymous said...

Perfect Anon10:57. Because Dave Pack has been going on a lot of peoples nerves!

Anonymous said...

HWA thundering into the world? What is with the HWA worship? I grew up in Worldwide. He basically preached the same old sermon about the 2 trees in the garden of eden the last 15 years of his life. When he went to foreign dignataries, don't kid yourself, he didn't speak the same gospel as Peter or Paul did about Christ. He may have said something about some " unseen hand from someplace" but for the most part it was all big waste of time and tithes. Church Government, primacy of peter, yeah that was really great stuff. Funny, you don't see those things mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount.

Anonymous said...

What if David Pack's saga ends with cool-aid? That's what I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Throughout the prophecy series, Dave always used to tell us that he couldn't explain his message to the world because it would "Ruin God's coming surprise punishment, or some derivative of that..." And that "we didn't want to warn the world before Good was interested in doing that." Let that sink in for a few minutes... The obviously real reason is that we couldn't talk about it because it was bat**** crazy and offensive to most people who heard it. The series was more violent and dark than anything I have experienced or seen in Hollywood.

I have heard the kool-aid fear before, I really don't think that's his game...Jim Jones has been practicing for that for most of his life.

Dave really just craves attention, money and power, without those, religion is useless to him. It's just a means to an end. First he sucked his family dry, when they rejected him, he moved on to other families.

Anonymous said...

In the end, pack will be nothing special, no long lasting effects from his life. His family will probably be relieved that his insanity is gone, they have already fled from him because he is intolerable. Kind of pathetic. He is sick.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:09, I've been thinking the same thing for a long time now. My husband and I have legally separated due to this group and the behavior they encourage such as the post above about hiding things, lying to spouses and others apparently. It so easily could end up another Jim Jones. Maybe they are getting the nectar of the gods when they get the weekly fix of whatever garbage Pack is feeding them from week to week.

Anonymous said...

What we have learned from watching recent American politics is instructive concerning what happens in these little Apocalyptic Millerite denominations. One of our leading politicians lies incessantly. He makes up conspiracies and borrows conspiracies from other sources and seeks to normalize them - all the while referring to data supported events as "fake" or as a "hoax." His believers, whom he keeps sequestered in his hip pocket, even though most must at least be high school grads, are ardent in their believing and animatedly defensive about his blatant pathologies. This conduces to that flagrant state of "no accountability" that malevolent leaders find so delicious - it is the sauce for every dubious action. And some Apocalyptic Millerite leaders, the ones covertly enamored of "the World", have seen the efficacy of this approach exemplified in American politics and have shrewdly adopted this methodology in running their little isolated theocracies. This is the heyday of this form of political pragmatism. Expect to see more of it.

Tonto said...

ANON ABOVE WROTE : "I just wanted to let you all know that you guys have hit a raw nerve with Mr. Pack"

Id love to "hit a raw nerve on Pack" with a quick kick to the groin!

Anonymous said...

The problem with psychopaths like David Pack is, that the more followers he will lose, the crazier he will get. He is dangerous.


So what is Mr. Pack hiding from the world?

I would say he is hiding himself from any form of criticism or evidentiary discovery that would convict his self perceived great aplomb and self believed squeaky clean image.

One of the widely used defensive strategies in sports is to pack your defense players back tightly to what you are protecting when you are feeling the heat and are unable to control the situation. This is a workable strategy except for when the offense is able to accurately reach your goal or what you are protecting from the fringes and afar.

In the movie The Untouchables starring Sean Connery who passed away today at 90 years old, he said this: "when they pull a knife on you, you pull a gun. If he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue... and that is how you get Capone."

So Dave Pack is "touchable". And the righteous pirates that have taken his already "paid for" words recently are proof of that.

In the theological sense, Dave's retreat to protect his utmost self importance has lead him to bottle up his grand gospel message to the world and to severely restrict access to this same message by his membership who need to hear each message 3,4 or 5 times to "get it", is easily mocked as; that is some true church you have there Dave, you don't even feed the flock let alone take the gospel to the world.

In the practical sense, we should be rejoicing. Dave Pack and his message is all bottled up and imprisoned behind a gate so the world doesn't have to hear some mentally ill crazy Ohio theologian grow more deranged by the day and his brain dead membership now only has to hear and see him once or twice a week, which hopefully will give them time to think about just what in the world they have got themselves into.

Anonymous said...

Id love to "hit a raw nerve on Pack" with a quick kick to the groin!

If his love of tight shorts is any guide, the nerves in Pack's groin are anything but raw.

Anonymous said...

FBI is aware of the Pack clan. Nothing will happen.

Anonymous said...

Secretive? You can say the same with Flurry and PCG. Dangerous knowledge, they say, so they don't want the world to know unless you're already in the cult. They just dont want to be found out howmoronic some of their messages are and how they put HWA on a pedestal.

Unknown said...

Maybe Pack is hiding the msg because he believes it is too amazing and doesn't want anyone copying him.

Anonymous said...

He wants his own secret society, when are they going to start the secret rituals? I was always under the belief that one was supposed to let the light shine for other's to see.

Anonymous said...

NEO, I love it! The Trumpster is wrecking the MSM the same way The Ambassador Report wrecked Arstrongism!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read about NEO's crying spree when he finds out Trump will be in the White House four more years!