Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Narcissistic Leader: Not as Good as He (Or You) May Think

We have all seen first hand the narcissistic leadership that has dominated the COG's over the last 70 some years.  Today it is  blatantly brought to the forefront by COG leaders such as Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith, Ron Weinland and others.  These men run their respective cults like tyrants, spitting and shouting to get their points across all the while claiming to be the most sinless, humble,  loyal servants of god on earth.

Studies have shown that people look upon narcissistic leaders as "good leaders" in the leadership department while disagreeing with their methods.

Here is an interesting article discussing a test that was done and three individuals and their groups to see how people perceived them as leaders.  Narcissistic leaders who withheld information tended to be lifted higher as leaders while those leaders who shared information, had empathy, listened and valued the opinions of the lone wolf,  had more dramatic results but were considered poor leaders.

What is discussed below is a good indicator on how we looked at leadership in the COG.  Strong dynamic leaders always withheld information from the lower masses, they were forceful in their management skills, walked all over people and tended to treat most people like pond scum, yet were looked upon as  effective leaders.

We tended to look down upon those men who were empathetic, had deep concern for others, allowed questions, and who tended to get down and get their hands dirty right along side the rest of the membership.  While we might have liked those qualities, we actually looked upon these men as ineffective as strong leaders.  Rod Meredith certainly would not have liked them!

Becoming god's? Living in a Post Human World

Yesterday I had a post about the myth of COG members become god's and ruling over worlds and galaxies.  Today Prophet Thiel is attempting to justify that belief using COG proof-texting.

So here is an interesting different take on the matter from Big Think, Living in a Post Human World

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ruling Your Own Galaxy

One of the myths of Armstrongism was that members would become God's and would be given galaxies to rule over in the millennium.  Has anyone ever stopped to think that even with all the billions of people who have existed on earth that there are more planets, stars and galaxies out there than there ever have been humans?  So what are you really going to be able to do?  Rule yourself?

There are enough stars in our galaxy for each one with multiple planets filled with life to be ruled and managed by one person born into God's family in the Millennium or White Throne Judgment. And after this, there are enough galaxies for each son of God to rule and manage an entire galaxy. God will see to it that we have the powers of mind and Spirit to fulfill our responsibilities. Our minds and our powers will be vastly increased beyond what we have today. http://ptgbook.blogspot.com/