Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Commercial Break: Now It Can Be Revealed! Native Americans Accomplished the Impossible!

Native Americans Found to Have Lived 23,000 Years Ago on a 6000 Year Old Earth

"How long have humans been living in the Tularosa Basin? The latest research from White Sands confirms for the first time that humans have been living in North America for at least 23,000 years - many thousands of years older than previously thought. This research also confirms that people were living with the ice age megafauna much longer than previously known.

The new dates of the human presence were discovered by digging a trench in the gypsum soil on the park's western playa. Human footprints were found at different depths below the surface. Above and below these nearly discovered human footprints were ancient grass seeds (Ruppia cirrhosa). These seeds were analyzed using radiocarbon dating, and calibrated dates of 22,860 (∓320) and 21,130 (∓250) years ago were revealed."


Monday, September 27, 2021

Dave Pack: Why He Cannot Be Right On The Return Of Jesus


I'm not sure if this is three or four years IN A ROW that Christ/The Father are supposed to come during the Feast/Last Great Day. As a former member and employee at Headquarters, I remember feeling so bad for the brethren who had to sit and listen to the endless sermons during the Feast. I felt even worse for those who were truly EXCITED that "this was finally it" and Christ was coming inside hours. The days preached about will often move during each message the Feast. Tonight. No, tomorrow. No, the Last Great Day. No, just after the Feast.

In 2020, Mr. Pack told brethren on the first day that they were not going home. I sat at the back of the room and mused to myself (but lacked the courage to actually say it to his face), "If you're not coming back from the Feast, Mr. Pack...may I please have the keys to your house and your security code since you won't need it anymore?" It was a private thought. I know I would have been walked to the door instantly. I wasn’t ready to leave. Yet.

I left RCG in March of this year and I have watched from afar (and heard from brethren still attending) that the roller coaster I got off of is still rolling around in an endless circle. It won’t stop. Only God can stop this machine that must keep going.

To those who are reading this and say, “They deserve it” – I would ask, “Where is your compassion?” There are a lot of really wonderful, kind, intelligent, and just plain ‘good’ people in RCG. They were sold a bill of goods by a man who has drifted from the truth he once proclaimed to uphold.

The greatest critic of David C. Pack on the face of the earth…is David C. Pack. Just go back and re-read some of the literature from years ago with his name on it and you would clearly see he convicts himself. That’s why brethren today cannot find that literature on the website or in print. The man has already accused himself.

The brethren are not stupid. The ministers are not stupid. The ministers are not wicked. They know something is wrong…the Bible tells them it’s wrong. “But where else am I supposed to go?” These poor people don’t know what to do but sit tight and wait it out.

When you are fully convicted that you are in the right place, following the right people…and things drift off course and you begin to realize, “maybe this isn’t the place” – that is a hard, hard thing to see. (I’m still struggling with it.) I invested so much in RCG for the almost 9 years I was there…that is a difficult thing to say, “Wow, I was wrong. And I don’t know what to do now.” The basis of all your beliefs are shaken to the ground.

To any harsh critics out there: Let me know what fundamental belief you held in your life for years and then realized it was wrong and were able to just shrug it off as no big deal…and say to yourself, "I should have known better."

But for those still in RCG...don't worry. After the Feast, there will be some silence by Mr. Pack while he confers with his inner circle for a while...then will have an exciting message to let you know, "everything is still right on track" and "nothing has changed." – The two most insulting phrases the man can utter…and he does after every failure…which means he has much opportunity to say those words.

But what do I know? After all, I’m just an antichrist.

M. Cebrian

PS – Jesus Christ will not be returning tomorrow. Why not?

Because it is impossible for David C. Pack to be right.

Apostle Pack Declares: Christ Simply Can't Delay His Coming Beyond the Last Great Day! (Tomorrow)



Dave's Feast sermons have been an instruction in demonic delusion.

He started off on the first day very sheepish. He looked like a very broken man. He suggested a few prophetic "possibilities" and prefaced it all by saying that regardless of how things go we will all "wait in peace" with the correct picture. 

However, as the days went on, the mental illness worsened and Dave once again reached the level of immanency hysteria that we have become used to. He described the delusional process by saying in the fourth message that he "had no intentions of giving this message", but the material "instantly hit" him on the plane from the previous feast site he had been visiting. 

Gesticulating wildly throughout, he declared the impossibility that Christ would delay his coming beyond the Last Great Day this year. He told the RCG "faithful" that they had done the will of God and only had need of "a little more patience" to see the Lord this Tuesday.

This comes on the heals of declaring that the two witnesses won't be human beings, but actually they will be God-beings who only appear to die in the streets of Jerusalem. And that the 8th head of the beast will deceive the whole world by giving life to an inanimate puppet fashioned in the image of the 7th beast. These glorious revelations came in the third feast sermon.

All told, it is an insane picture that has been built. A manipulation of peoples' conscience before God is the only thing keeping them in this trap, held back from living and growing to the fullest. Cult mantras define such followers reality and world view, half truths and bold faced lies cloud the minds making for an artificial environment of fellowship. What a sad wreckage."

Name withheld