Mark Armstrong is following in his daddy and grand-daddy's shoes. The world is going to hell in a hand basket and its his duty to wake every one up.
The entire country's falling apart and he's not able to say the things he wants to say.
If you don't despise the authors of our Constitution; hate our national history; root for the eradication of our traditions; support an unlimited and unlawful influx of foreigners from central America, the Middle East and northern Africa; agree with the socialist mandate of Obamacare; believe in man-made global warming and unlimited spending on “green energy”; support the "right" to same-sex homo-mony; and agree with whatever the first black president says or does, then you're a bigot, racist homo-phobe. This stance of "liberal progressivism" has been pretty clear for some years now, and has been one of the subjects covered in numerous monthly letters, weekly updates and articles.Before Mark spouts his nonsense about racism and bigotry, he had better examine his own worthless thoughts and imaginations and especially those of his daddy that he just cannot ever seem to imitate.
This organization was founded by Garner Ted Armstrong to educate, to witness and warn our peoples of the curses for having turned away from God and His laws; if you're waiting for us to hop aboard the anti-American bandwagon and ride down Broadway in the "gay" parade, it may come as a surprise, but you've come to the wrong place.