Monday, January 1, 2018

Ask, Seek, Knock Carefully in the Churches of God

If you wish to see the good, the bad and the ugly side of people of faith, just question what you can plainly read on the Bible or how churches arrive at the conclusions they do about how you ought to live and how much to give.
As a pastor soaking in Christianity and the Bible for three decades. I heard, read and studied all the plain and simple truth in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. I can tell you the truth is neither plain nor simple and I rather liked Paul's description of it all as being "the present truth." At least calling truth something that is currently understood gives some wiggle room for those times which shall come to grow a bit in the grace and knowledge that most Christians think they are open minded enough to really do.
Most I know grow neither in grace, unless they attach a few dozen laws that you must keep to be one of the good people, nor knowledge which seems to scare the bejesus out of them when they really run up against it.
For example:
The story of Annias and Sapphira in Acts 5 is not a story about Peter killing two church members for not coughing up all the money they had "pledged" to the church. The Romans would not miss that crime.  It is a spoof that the readers of Luke and Paul's community would understand of the buffoon Peter who, like the two church members who said they would give something to the church and didn't, said he'd never leave Jesus and fled. Peter who said he'd do one thing and did another is now punishing a couple who said they'd do one thing and did another. It was hilarious and a poke at Peter the Pathetic according to Luke and Paul. It was a message to just not follow Peter from Paul and Luke.
John mentions Peter three times in his Gospel and each time sandwiches (technically called "Intercalation") Peter stories between two comments about Judas. The point is not missed on the original audience.  Judas betrayed, Peter denied. No difference.  Don't follow Peter.
 (Side note: A really fascinating possibility is that the 21st chapter of John is the Missing ending of the pro-Peter Gospel of Mark. Someone needed to damp down John's actual dislike for Peter, in John,  so added Mark's real ending (John 21) to show Peter was forgiven.  Original John ended with Chapter 20. It was noticed that Mark has no good ending, no Jesus, no Resurrection, just scared women running and telling no one anything...well except "Mark" evidently, and John had two endings.  So they asked about that.  
Some wonder if Bar-Abbas  (Son of the Father) was really a person being given freedom when in reality the Romans never did this at Passover, or was it a Title for Jesus , just as "King of the Jews" was.  Was Pilate testing the to their loyalty to Rome?  Was he simply asking if this Jesus is their King or their religious leader?  "King of the Jews" or "Son of the Father", which Barabbas means.  In older versions of Mark Barabbas has the first name of "Jesus" thus being "Jesus, Son of the Father"  These are titles not two men.  The fate of the crowd depended on the answer evidently as this one man Jesus was toast no matter and was crucified as "King of the Jews" with the crowd assuring Pilate they had no King but Caesar.  Good answer .....  Or just an amazing coincidence that these were two literal men.  One named Jesus King of the Jews and one named Jesus Son of God.  Uh huh....
At any rate, to question the story is to run great risk of abuse at the hands of the faithful who need the stories to be literally true as they learned in Sunday School and that all the characters of the New Testament Church loved each other in Jesus and got along famously in the faith. That is very far from reality, but don't question it.

I can't tell you how many, while not near as many as those who appreciate the inquiry, take the time to write and remind me I will change my mind when I am frying in the fires of Hell in the judgment. No one has bothered to answer one question posed, but they just know I should go to hell for asking it. Some who write are subtle in their warnings to me. Some sound like a human form of God who will warn me to "gird up my loins" (my loins are just fine) and get ready to answer, but that's where it ends. I guess they feel God himself is about to break out upon me for asking questions about the faith. So far so good. Some talk to me like I imagine Moses talked to the Children of Israel when he was really angry at them in God's name. Some are not so subtle as one reminded me that "Dennis, words can get you killed." Well the history of religion that does not appreciate questions proves that!
Is it wrong to notice the inconsistencies, errors, goofs, bad science, poor examples, contradictions, animosities, politic and real history of the Bible? Depends who you ask. Those who believe that none of those things exist in the Holy Book would shout "yes!" In my view, the answer is "no it is not."
Why is it OK and even something one should demand of their honest selves? Because ideas have consequences. Because the stories and ideas expressed in the texts are used to control people in various life circumstances. Because some use the mythologies of the Bible to make up literally real laws that effect women and children, and generally not in a good way. Because many are kept in fear, guilt and life long shame being reminded way too often that they, as a human, are worthless without divine intervention. Being born right the first time, as I have said in the past, is a truth that is kept far from their consciousness.
It is always right to ask questions about that which seems like it deserves to have a question asked. If you can't imagine Joshua raising his hands and stopping the earth from rotating (which is what stopping the sun actually is)  without planet wide consequences...just ask your Pastor how can that be. Of course be ready to hear, "with God all things are possible," which is not what you asked.

If you can't picture penguins and polar bears ambling down to the middle east to get on the Ark, just ask your Pastor about that. If you wonder where dinosaurs or Homo Erectus fit in, just ask your Pastor. The answer might be ill informed, but it's OK to ask.
If you notice that Paul never quotes Jesus, yet gets to write most of the NT heavy meaning of Jesus, just ask. If you notice that Paul thinks Peter, James and John, the disciples of Jesus don't seem to have anything Paul needs (Galatians 1-2) to learn from them and he learns nothing from them, and think that's kinda strange...just ask. If you notice the Birth or Resurrection of stories as written in the Gospels don't match very well and seem contradictory, just ask. If you say "they seem to be contradictory," be prepared to have the word "seem" jumped upon, but you still have the right to ask. I'm not saying you'll get a good or correct answer. You might, but probably not. But you have the right to ask. And you certainly have the right to notice the many problems in the Bible if you know the Bible well enough to notice in the first place.
One thing is for sure. If you are a genuine seeker and you truly notice that the Bible has some real problems with what we truly know today about many topics and even within itself in the form of many contradictions and editing done by one to correct the problems of the other, it's OK to ask. A real seeker cannot not notice what they notice. You can't go back to the lame apologetics that many offer to explain away the problem as if there is no problem. You can't unsee what you do see. You can't unring a bell. also have the right to expect not to be penalized for asking in the first place. Just don't count on it.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

2018 Promises to be Another Crazy Year for the Church of God

It is hard to believe that we are entering year 8 with this blog dealing with the craziness of the One True Church.  Has there ever been a church that is filled with some of the absolutely craziest leaders we could ever imagine?  From self-appointed upstarts like Thiel and Malm who twist the bible to fit their perverted mindsets, to some of the most narcissistic leaders like Pack and Flurry.  The lies flowing forth from these men get more astounding every day.  2018 promises to be even crazier as the days go by.  Join us for the ride!

Is Fred Coulter's Christian Biblical Church of God Imploding?

Word is leaking out of England that Fred Coulter's group is having huge issues there.  It has been reported on Church of God News that it has imploded:
In the early years of CBCG Fred Coulter referred to his then small group as “the no hassle, recycle, last resort, Church of God.” It still can be - but not if you have a disagreement with Fred Coulter over doctrine or policy. 
David Obey, the UK ‘Office Manager’ (there was never an actual ‘office’) for the past decade has been described by someone who knew him well as “abrasive” and “easily offended”.  
A parting of the ways at some point seemed inevitable. He resigned earlier this year, warning subscribers of ‘dangers’ of keeping their names and contact details on the mailing list.  
His reluctant replacement found the situation so difficult that he soon resigned in frustration - much to the fury of Fred Coulter. 
There was no Festival of Tabernacles site this year (and no prospect of one any time soon). The remaining subscribers to CBCG’s material are now receiving their regular mailings from Australia.

Fred Coulter was disfellowshipped by the Worldwide Church of God in 1980 along with several other Pasadena leaders:  

Editor's note: The following list, provided by Ministerial Services, is in addition to previously published lists of disfellowshipped ministers. 
Charles Barrett, David Bierer, Bobby Boyce, Henry Buck, Rod Carnes, Lor Chamberlain, Fred Coulter, Hollis Crotts, Brent Curtis, Richard Gipe, John Hammer, Robert Hoops, Joe Horchak, Bronson James, Charles Oehlman, John Ouvrier, George Panteleeff', Ted Phillips, Bill Porter. Jack Pyle, V. Ray PyleDavid Robinson and Doug Taylor. 

Fred Coulter is also know for his voluminous reorganization of the Bible into its "correct" order.

The New Testament In Its Original Order—A Faithful Version with Commentary is the only English New Testament in which the books are arranged in their correct, original order. It retains the grace and grandeur of the King James Version while clarifying many of its problematic passages. Included are commentaries that answer such questions as: What is the New Testament? Who wrote it? When was it written? Who canonized it? Other commentaries thoroughly explain the history and preservation of the Bible. Various appendices cover numerous controversial New Testament teachings in detail. It is no longer in print. The New Testament Text, Commentaries and Appendices have now been incorporated in The Holy Bible In Its Original Order.
Fred is also known for hsi interst in phrenology where he claimed he could read peoples problems by feeling the bumps on peoples heads.

Fred has always been known for his weird beliefs and teachings.  His god was speaking to him in 2011 and revealed a new species that was to evolve in the world, "transhumans."

Transhumanism: Becoming Gods—Satan’s Way: The recent messages I have given on Transhumanism (TH) actually show that God’s timetable is going to be much longer than we may have anticipated. TH is a widespread philosophical, scientific, and religious movement that will bring about man’s greatest achievements under the direct influence of Satan the Devil. TH combines advancements in nanotechnology with the sophisticated genetic mixing of the human and animal genome in order to create super humans. Ultimately, this is Satan’s perverted plan to convince men that they can become gods and obtain immortality without God.  Fred Coulter: Transhumans To Rule Earth Before Tribulation
Why is it that Armstrongism is filled with such extremely spiritually degenerate men? Are there any real spiritually grounded men in the church?  Has there ever been any in the last 80 some years? There certainly are none in the 21st century!

Which COG leader " guilty of a shocking display of dishonesty and sophistry"

The Painful Truth has an excellent article about Bob Thiel.  A few choice morsels are here:

The Year Ahead. Bob Thiel and the ACOG’s.

One of the PT editors recently made this statement to me: “Bob Thiel is guilty of a shocking display of dishonesty and sophistry.” I confess to a similar sentiment, but as it is, Thiel, who is a peddler of Herbert Armstrong’s fictional and failed prophecies, is generally considered by the ACOG community as  a huckster and poses little threat if he is constantly challenged and kept in check. He certainly does not display the honesty or character of Ian Boyne, who allowed people to challenge his thoughts and his writings.

"With this short article, we want to share with you our view about Bob Thiel’s malignant beliefs and what damage we can expect in the coming year. We would not have to do so if Thiel allowed comments at his website where we could challenge him and refute his writings."

"Keep in mind that opinions are like sphincters: we all have them. As we know, Bob’s opinions are certainly not filled with gumdrops and happiness or even pink unicorns. His opinions on religion, or world politics, mostly everything are grossly mistaken, and the conclusions from what he wrongly takes to be evidence that supports his views are dreadfully distorted. He sees the world through false prophet Herbert W. Armstrong’s eyes instead of implementing objective thought." 

"As we march forward into the future this following year, it remains to be seen whether Bob’s sick racialism will be capable of self-critique. Can he, will he acknowledge his own insularity and excesses, or will he continue down the path of smug self-congratulation and vanity, never passing up an opportunity to destroy, debauch, devalue, and dehumanize a wide assortment of innocent people?" 
Read the story here:  The Year Ahead. Bob Thiel and the ACOG’s

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Happy 5th Birthday To One Of The Biggest Excuse Making COG's in 80 Some Years.

Today is the 5th birthday anniversary of the truest Church of God to exist in human history.  No other COG has ever been like this one.  No other COG has had to make as many excuses for its existence as this one. No other COG has had a leader that has suffered as much butthurt as this one. No other COG has so few American/Canadian/European members as this one. No other COG leader has ever been such a HUGE disappointment to Rod Meredith as this one. No other COG has been mocked as much as this one.

It is birthday time for the Continuing Church of God, the one true holy catholic church that God is only using in the 21st century.

Even on this joyous occasion, Not Arrested, but almost arrested Bob Thiel is letting his bitterness shine through yet again.  That ornery Living Church of God had to go and ignore his demands and then turned their backs on him, FORCING him to start a new church.

Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:
Greetings again from the Five Cities region of California.
Today, on the Roman calendar, marks the fifth anniversary of the official start of the ContinuingChurch of God as a separate entity.
Without going into all the details, suffice it to say that my prior Church of God organization made it clear on December 28, 2012 that it would not keep promises to correct errors, while then putting out more false information about me personally (see also Why Bob Thiel Left the Living Church of God). After concluding that their words and actions demonstrated further attempts towards reconciliation were futile, I informed that group I would not be part of them. Later that day, my wife, I, and some witnesses then notarized paperwork for the start of the Continuing Church of God.
Delicate Bob had a tummy ache and made sure to let his African followers how ill he was feeling, which I am sure was a major disappointment that the Apostle could actually get sick!
The sermon recommended for this Sabbath goes over some of what has been happening in the Continuing Church of God over the past five years. Perhaps I should mention that I got ill and was not feeling well when giving the sermon (and am not quite back to normal yet). It is not an excuse, but when mentioning areas with financial supporters, I forgot to mention that we get financial support from a couple of supporters in Australia and one from Trinidad & Tobago. Anyway, the sermon was still made, despite how I physically felt.
The great deluded one still believes his personality cult is the fastest growing COG ever to exist in the 21st century. No other human leader has been as successful in drawing in members as he has, even though most are money mooching Africans looking for a quick handout from another rich American "evangelist."
The Continuing Church of God started out actually smaller than what became the old Radio Church of God–but became much larger than it did after five years. The Continuing Church of God has averaged more than the 30% growth per year that Herbert Armstrong thought reflected God’s blessings. This has been unmatched by any Church of God group this century.
No other COG in human history has never compromised its church governance as has this one. Every single other COG has failed in church governance and are apostates. Only Elijah Thiel is the one true human.  Jesus Christ Thiel!

The self-appointed apostate apostle then makes the claim that his group is supported not only by some nightmares and double blessings but also by the entire Bible, Peter, Paul, John, Polycarp, good old Herbert and dismissive daddy Rod Meredith.  What a list of names to toss out in support for starting a COG!
We also have not compromised on church governance as other Church of God groups have (see also The Bible, Peter, Paul, John, Polycarp, Herbert W. Armstrong, Roderick C. Meredith, and Bob Thiel on Church Government), taught the truth, and strove to have the priorities that Philadelphian Christians should have. The fruits of the work have confirmed this.
You can read the rest of the most astounding letter ever written to COG members here:

Letter to the Brethren: December 28, 2017

Thursday, December 28, 2017

What if what Ron Weinland says does not come to pass?

Is it possible to have a true friendship with another in the Church of God?

Everyone longs for true friendship with another.  A close friend you can confide in with your deepest thoughts and concerns.  A friend who will stand by you and support you in the best of times and when struggling through the worst of times.

Those in the Church of God claim to have the truest friendships that the word can ever exemplify.  Friendships in the COG are deeply true because friends are united in a single core of belief.  The "truth" binds hearts to one another. But, does it really?

Friendships in the COG tend to be more "acquaintances" than ever being deep and loyal.  Acquaintances will slap you on the back and have a beer with you, but will in the next moment vilify you if you ever dare to question doctrine or the church.  Just look at what happened to the Scarborough family in Living Church of God.  They were publicly vilified, lied about and smeared with one accusation after another.  When church leadership lowers the boom, friends scatter like cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on.

We have all heard the stories in various blogs, newsgroups, and websites on how when a person decides to leave the church because they have proven it wrong that their friends immediately turn their backs on them. They will see their friend at the store, or in the park, or walking down the sidewalk and the so-called friend will ignore them and look away.  Facebook is filled with numerous secret or hidden groups where hundreds, if not thousands of former church members share horror stories on how they were treated, with some of the vilest things coming from the ministry, who are supposed to know better.

Is it truly possible to have a Proverbs 17:17 friendship in the Church of God?

The Dynamics of Friendship:  
God has given us vital keys in the Bible to help us meet our most important needs as human beings—including how to cultivate friendships. The Scriptures reveal that if we want to have friends, we must learn how to be friendly and remember that true friends are supportive during difficult times (Proverbs 17:1718:24). A friend is someone we can confide in and share important thoughts and concerns with (John 15:15). Real friends may not always agree with us, and sometimes they will tell us things about ourselves and our plans and actions that we may need to hear, but might not want to hear (Proverbs 27:6, 17). The Bible also cautions that we should choose our friends carefully because we will be influenced by the company we keep (Proverbs 12:26). Abraham chose to be a friend of God by obeying His instructions to leave a former way of life (Genesis 12:1-4; James 2:23) instead of being a “friend” of this world and its ways (James 4:4). Jesus told His disciples, “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:14). Let’s seek to be a “friend” of God by following His instructions, and a true friend to those who will not influence us in the wrong direction.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Gerald Weston: How Dare People Give Presents! They Should Give That Money To Us!

Gerald Weston dares to criticize Christians who keep Christmas claiming they all "give presents  to everyone except the One they think they are honoring." Well if that is not calling the kettle black I don't know what is!

Here is a church that ignores almost everything about Christ and yet dares to question others. Here is a church that worships the law more than the Christ they have forgotten.

Weston makes it clear where the money being spent on presents should be going...into LCG's pockets.

Is it not interesting that at this time of year, people will give​ presents to just about everyone except the One they​ think they are honoring? Christ is forgotten! We should not give to Christ for the purpose of​ celebrating Christmas, but neither should we neglect Him. Because many are deceived and still observe Christmas customs, their donations drop off at this time of year. 
Dear Brethren and Co-workers, we still have a great Work to do. God​ is not calling everyone today (John 6:44; Matthew 13:10-17),​ and I often ask the question, “If God is not calling everyone, why is He calling anyone?”​ The clear answer is He has called us to do a Work! We must preach the good news of the Kingdom of God and warn our peoples of the consequence for rejecting God and His commandments. We must do what we can do, but in the end, it will be God doing it through us. As our predecessor Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong used to tell us, “We must work as though it all depended on us, but pray as though it all depends on God.” In the end, God will do through us far more than we can ever imagine, and He will reward us far more than we can imagine. 
Thank you again for your faithfulness. May God truly bless you!
Sincerely, in Christ’s service,
Gerald E. Weston 
P.S. Please remember that any contributions dated in December that are postmarked on​ or before 12/31/2017 will be counted as 2017 donations,​ and may be tax-deductible in 2017, even if we receive them in January 2018. So be sure​ any December donation is dated and postmarked no later than December 31. If you prefer to use our online donation system found at, the cutoff for 2017 donations will be 11:59 p.m.December 31.

Here is a Quick Way To Earn $10,000 By Proving The Sabbath Is A Weekly Command

We will give $10,000 dollars to anyone who can:
  1. Give us a single Bible verse where the weekly Sabbath commandment is quoted in the New Testament. (Almost all the 10 commandments are listed in the New Testament, find the 4th commandment quoted in the New Testament.)
  2. Give us a single Bible verse after the resurrection of Christ, that says Christians should keep the Sabbath day. (Heb 4:9 is not the weekly Sabbath, but the eternal Sabbath rest in heaven. Looking carefully at the text, you will see four rests in Hebrews 4: 1. Eternal rest in heaven. 2. The creation rest of God in Gen 2:2. 3. Canaan rest in the promised land for the Jews that Joshua gave: Deut. 12:9-10. 4. 7th day Sabbath rest. Hebrews 4 shows that the weekly Sabbath was merely one of three anti-types of our eternal Sabbath rest in heaven! It certainly cannot be a command to keep the weekly Sabbath!)
  3. Give us a single Bible verse where exclusively Christians came together on the Sabbath day as a church or prayer meeting after the resurrection of Christ. (We have an example of a church meeting with exclusively Christians were in the audience who came together for the purpose of partaking of the Lord's supper and preaching on the first day of the week, Sunday, in Acts 20:7. Paul preaching to Jews on the Sabbath to convert them, is not an example of the church meeting on the Sabbath day, but is an example of Paul going into a Jewish worship service.) 
  4. Give us a single Bible verse where the Hebrew word for the weekly Sabbath found in the ten commandments, is found in the book of Genesis. (Sabbatarian preachers always say that Adam and Abraham kept the Sabbath, yet offer no proof! Sabbatarians will find the common word for "rest" in Genesis, but never the special word for the weekly Sabbath!)
Collect your money here. Imagine how great your next Feast vacation will be with this!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Delicate, But Not Bitter, COG Leader Continues His Crybaby Matinee Series

And the show continues!

A former follower of Not Almost-arrested and Not Bitter Bob Theil sent me Thiel's list of "proofs" he is a martyr because this blog, Ambassador Watch, The Painful Truth and other blogs and websites have been picking on him.

It is actually quit funny reading his list while realizing that REAL prophets, apostles, church leaders, etc., could care less what people thought about them, nor have they ever found the need to publish detailed lists defending themselves from vicious attacks by perceived persecutors.

Here is the detailed list of "profs" that Improperly Named But Actually True Almost-arrested Not Bitter Bob Thiel writes about himself:

  1. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a chiropractor.
  2. I did not attend, nor graduate from, the old Ambassador College.
  3. As far as being repeatedly called 'almost arrested Thiel' by a critic online who seemingly wants to imply I was some type of criminal, it is true I faced possible arrest for keeping the Day of Atonement when I was still part of the US military. I was told by the military leaders that I had no legal ground to stand on, and I knew would be arrested after I failed to show up at on the Day of Atonement. However, after I prayed, got an answer to prayer, and gave that answer (cf. Luke 21:14-15; Nehemiah 2:1-6) the military backed down, and I was not arrested, but was able to properly keep the Day of Atonement that year (1979). I also left the military with an honorable discharge when my enlistment ended 6 months later (I was not part of the COG when I initially enlisted).
  4. My Ph.D. degree is real and the Union Institute and University is not a diploma mill. (FWIW, former UCG, and now COGWA minister, Dr. Ralph Levy attended Union Institute & University when I did and that is also where he got his doctorate.)
  5. My M.S. degree is real and I really did attend, and graduate from, the University of Southern California.
  6. The fact that I have pursued other education beyond my M.S. and Ph.D. degrees should not be considered a negative as some of my critics imply. As I already had an accredited doctorate, an international school that would allow me to study aspects of church history was later chosen for cost, convenience, and the fact that I would not be forced to accept doctrines I disagreed with, but instead could rebut them was a logical choice, irrespective of what others may think of it. The fact that a foreign school I studied theology from changed its name (and some people online have tended to make a big deal about this), does not change the fact that I wrote a 589 page, single-spaced, doctoral dissertation with 1302 end-note references plus hundreds and hundreds of scriptures for my Th.D. which may or may not have 'accreditation.' The work done there and in my doctoral dissertation helped restore much that many have lost related to the true history of the Church of God. Information from that work is included in the booklet. Perhaps I should mention that when I was in the Living Church of God, after reviewing my degree, I was told I would be given the title of 'Adjunct Professor for Theology' at Living University--shortly before I left that church.
  7. I have never knowingly posted incorrect information about anyone in any of my articles, etc. And I do correct factual errors that are properly brought to my attention. Those who claim I am a liar and do not fix factual errors are bearing false witness as I have always corrected factual errors and do so after such errors are learned.
  8. Most of my articles are documented with references to news articles, books, and the Bible. Yet, for some reason, many critics seem to overlook the facts when they make a variety of odd (and sometimes false) statements about me and/or my writings.
  9. The overall cost of production, distribution, and promotion of theological books that I have written exceeds the revenues and royalties that they generate, hence I have no overall net profit from the sale of theological books--so no, I am not making a living off of them.
  10. I have made no false prophecies about Karl-Theodor Guttenberg nor anyone else. Actually, seven-nine of my speculative predictions about Baron Guttenberg have been confirmed (Might German Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg become the King of the North?) and world events have confirmed at least thirty-three predictions in my book about 2012 (see End of Mayan Calendar 2012--Might 2012 Mean Something?).
  11. I have never personally claimed to be an apostle.
  12. In order to try to separate aspects of my life from my COGwriter site, as well as to minimize certain potential criticisms, I do not list every possible piece of information about myself, my education, or my job. I suspect that if I did, I would also receive additional false criticism that I do COGwriter/CCOG to make money for a business I own, etc. I believe that there is enough factual information here and at and that those interested in the truth should be able to recognize it.
  13. I took no salary from the Living Church of God despite the articles and work I did for it for over a decade (and turned down two offers from its then presiding evangelist to pay me). I am not, no ever have been, a 'hireling' like some liars have posted. A 'hireling' is a minister who is in the ministry for a paycheck, and I have never taken a paycheck from the Global, Living, or Continuing Church of God.
  14. I still take no salary from the Continuing Church of God nor does my wife. Nor was the Continuing Church of God began as some type of personal revenue generator like several have falsely indicated on the internet.
  15. I am not a religious 'profit.' Critics who falsely call me a 'profit' to imply that I run CCOG and/or am working on the final phase of the work as some type of a personal fund raiser are extremely wrong. Doing the work I have done associated with COGwriter/LCG/CCOG these past two decades has cost my business and family more money than they would believe. This fact alone should get any who see this false accusation to realize that I am serious about doing the work that I believe God wants done.
  16. Despite insults and other names, I am not bitter, but am disappointed that certain COG leaders I worked with for years broke their words and espouse improper doctrines. It seems mainly to be bitter people who falsely ascribe that 'bitter' word to me. And yes, I do regularly, "pray for those who spitefully use ... and persecute" (Matthew 5:44) me.
  17. Although mainly because of lighting, the late Herbert W. Armstrong did wear makeup when being filmed, I do not. Nor have I ever had a spray-on tan like some critics have alleged online. The fact that I have worked in the hot sun doing church videos/research in some parts of the world, and have gotten tanned sometimes through the process, is not a negative.
  18. As a Church of God leader I have never 'destroyed peoples lives' nor attempted to profit from their tithes & offerings as some who libel/slander me on the internet have asserted without proof. I have repeatedly worked to keep marriages and families intact.
  19. Hands were laid upon me as I was privately anointed with oil and prayed over to receive a 'double-portion of God's Spirit' on December 15, 2011. Since King David ended up getting anointed in private and in public, I, too, was also publicly anointed--that was on February 9, 2017 by Evangelist Evans Ochieng (formerly of GCG) and Overseer/Pastor Samuel Ofosu Gyeabour (formerly of CG7). I am not a self-anointed nor false prophet, but do meet the New Testament criteria (see also How To Determine If Someone is a True Prophet of God). Sadly, most people have their own prejudices and will not believe what the Bible teaches on that subject (see, for example, Bob Thiel addresses some false statements from ‘accusers of the brethren’). The Apostle Paul warned to not to "despise prophecies" (1 Thessalonians 5:20) and explained that there would be prophets in the church (Ephesians 4:11), yet people do not accept the criteria he was inspired to lay out (e.g. 1 Corinthians 14:29-32).
  20. Despite the FACT that God says He speaks to prophets through dreams per Numbers 12:6, some scoff and make fun of how God has said He reveals Himself to prophets. I did have two dreams that were confirmed, and others had dreams related to the CCOG that were also confirmed (see Dreams, the Bible, the Radio Church of God, and the Continuing Church of God).

Not almost-arrested, but really almost arrested,  but not bitter Bob also writes:

Notice something that Jesus said:
11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12)
And many have reviled me and said all kinds of evil against me falsely (to see some false accusations and responses, check out the article Banned by HWA and Ambassador Watch.).

In 2009 I Removed The Curse On Women That Has Existed Since The Beginning

Ron Weinland says:
So when you read (I think it's Act 10) when finally Peter had this vision that he had of this cloth descending three different times with everything that was unclean and so forth and there are those in the world that try to say, "Well, see, God was showing him that everything is clean to eat." You think, "You moron! Just read a little bit farther. It doesn't say that at all. It tells you exactly what it was all about.” But they don't want to read farther. They don't want to read the rest. It was about the gentiles – incredible – not about clean and unclean foods. 
They already have an attitude. You know, sometimes people just have an attitude about what they believe and what they think and certain things they don't agree with anyway and so they use something like that as an "opportunity," if you want to call it that, for them to twist and distort something into something that isn't there. Going on: 

These few simply did not agree and chose to believe instead that “their” God would not require such a thing, and thereby concluded that this must not be of God. 
All I can do is shake my head at that through time. So quickly they forgot how they learned the truth in the first place, through whom they learned it, different ones who had battles here within the Church. Going on: 
This is also like some in the Church after 2009 who rejected the truth of God’s removal of the “curse” from women that has existed since the beginning, or not believing that a woman should ever be ordained into the ministry.
That tried and tested people. It was progressive revelation that God was giving, and had no intention of revealing this or giving any indication of this until the very end of an age before His Son was going to return. Incredible to understand the timing that God chose to reveal certain things as He has. So it puts people to the test. It reveals attitudes. It reveals thinking that's hidden deep down inside of us sometimes. God uses trials and tests to bring things to the surface, like the gold or the silver that's heated up and the dross rises to the surface. It does in our minds so often when God reveals something, and it will reveal things that aren't in agreement with God. That's the dross. That's what has to be removed because it's not in agreement with God! 

The COG minister who touched many lives

It is interesting to see the various news articles and comments by the public in regard to Ian Boyne's untimely death.   Ian touched far more lives that just the COGI culture.  The Jamaican public and other leaders of faith have had many words of praise for Ian's willingness to talk across the many divides in Christianity and society in general. Two things that you will not see in any other Church of God leader, especially the self-appointed ones.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Oh Noes!!!!!!!! God has sent fires to punish California

It was only a matter of time before the self-anointed One made a declaration about God being really pissed at the citizens of California, so much so he sent the fires that have destroyed homes and claimed lives. After all, God is a pyromaniac that takes great pleasure in seeing people suffer.  That is the God of Armstrongism and he likes that kind of stuff.

God has never had a human instrument on earth in 6,000 years who is as knowledgeable on how God speaks and acts as our own illustrious Almost-arrested, self-ordained, doubly-cursed, Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Joshua, Habbakuk, bitter Bob Theil, the marked and disfellowshipped and highly disappointing "son" of Roderick C Meredith.

Elijah Thiel writes:

Fires have hit many places, Significant wildfires have hit California. Shortly after the start of the Thomas Fire, California Governor Jerry Brown warned that US President did not have “the fear of the wrath of God.” Does God use fire to encourage people to change? What are some of the scriptures associated with fire in the Bible? What is sin? What are some of the scriptures associated with the wrath of God in the New Testament? Is Governor Brown being hypocritical here? What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Is this relevant now? What did Jesus teach about the time of Sodom and the coming time of troubles? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

You too can watch this astounding God-breathed message from the anointed One here:

Saturday, December 23, 2017

COG Self-appointed Prophet Claims Germany Is Building Concentration Camps To House Americans

Germany is apparently gearing up to imprison Americans in camps located throughout Germany.  This is according to our resident Church of God lying false prophet Almost-arrested Bitter Bob Thiel.  Of course this fool is making a huge leap with his imagination, much like his belief that his god supposedly spoke to him to start a new COG splinter cult.

Germany has been dealing with its huge influx of Arab refugees over the past several eyes and built several refugee centers to house the refugees.  Some of them are sitting empty and Germany is scrambling to make new uses for them.  If you have had any  time in the COG, you will immediately know where this is going to go.  Apostate Thiel starts off with this:
Germany’s empty refugee shelters: Sensible backup, or waste of money?
Two years ago, German communities were forced to open refugee shelters at breakneck speed to accommodate the new arrivals. Many remain vacant, especially in rural areas. …
In Dusseldorf, temporary shelters are now being converted into permanent housing. This is because the city will have to ensure that 5,000 refugees, who have been granted the right to stay in Germany and cannot afford regular accommodation, will have a home in 2018. Initially, authorities had estimated a demand for merely 3,000 individuals. This has proven to be an underestimation because German asylum law stipulates that such individuals may not freely chose where to live. They cannot, in other words, move to more affordable rural areas.  12/22/17
The Apostate continues with this crap from Herbert Armstrong printed in 1958:
So, while Germany will use many of the refugee shelters in its larger cities, the rural ones are mainly empty. 
What might Germany use some for? 
Notice what the old Radio Church of God taught:
SLAVE LABOR CAMPS are coming back!
History is filled with the accounts of captive peoples, held as slaves in the aftermath of war-bought and sold as laborers, herded and driven as cattle. …
Yes! I know it’s horrifying! It’s difficult to BELIEVE such cruelties and bestial treatment could be perpetrated on help- less women and children, sick, wounded and exhausted prisoners of war! But it happened! And Your Bible foretells IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN-ON A MORE GIGANTIC SCALE THAN EVER BEFORE! …
God has foretold some STAGGERING things for our nations! …
God gave Ezekiel a mysterious duty to perform. He said, “And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber’s razo4 a;nd cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard. Then take thee balances to weigh and divide the hair.” What a strange commission to perform! What did God mean by it? “Thou shalt bum with fire a third pan in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled, and thou shalt take a third part, and smite it about with a knife, and a third, part thou shalt scatter in the wind, and I will draw out a sword after THEM” (Ezek.5:1-2). …
SLAVE TRADE to be Renewed!
God’s prophet said a THIRD would be left alive-but that third would be “scattered” into all the winds, That means they’ll be taken into many different nations as CAPTIVES-used as abject slaves. …
YOU Can Escape All This
God says You don’t need to suffer! There Is something You can do about it! “Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping and with mourning. And rend your HEART, and not your garments, and turn unto the Eternal your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth Him of the evil” (Joel 2:12-13). God now commands all men everywhere to REPENT! (Acts 17:30.) (Armstrong GT. Pain Truth, June 1958)
This sick perversion of scriptures was used as a tool to keep church members in line and compliant. Armstrongism was manipulative in how it used pshycological fear inducement to keep members in line and in the church.

Apostate Thiel ends his silliness with this:
Jacob’s trouble is punishment inflicted on the descendants of Israel. And this includes Ephraim and Manasseh (cf. Genesis 48), which means the United Kingdom and the United States in the 21st century. 
It appears likely that empty ‘refugee camps’ in Germany will one day be used to house British and American slaves.
Apostate Thiel expereinces no guuilt when he sinks to this kind of sick depravity when he promotes these kind of lies on his blog.

God and the Pine Tree